Organic Portals: Human variation

questions on organic portals and souls

further more i would like anyone reading this form/blog with any idea's based on my questions to feel free to post them here for me
questions on organic portals and souls

Hi immortalphoenix,

We try to avoid 'one liner' posts here on the forum, so, in the future, if you could fully investigate a link or topic before remarking on it, that would be greatly appreciated.
questions on organic portals and souls


Nevertheless, the basic idea is that pre-Adamic human types basically have no "soul," nor any possibility of growing one.
Would this relate to 'golem' http:(double slash)


A golem (sometimes pronounced Goilem), in medieval folklore and from Hebrew mythology is an animated being crafted from clay or stone. The name appears to derive from the word gelem, which means 'raw material'.

The Golem is inscribed with magic or religious words that keep it animated. Writing the name of God on its forehead, (or on a clay tablet under its tongue) or writing the word Emet ('truth' in the Hebrew language) on its forehead are examples of such words. By erasing the first letter in 'Emet' to form 'Met' ('death' in Hebrew) the golem can be destroyed.

The existence of a golem is a mixed blessing. Although not overly intelligent, a golem can be made to perform simple tasks over and over. The problem is one of control or getting it to stop.

Golems are used primarily in metaphor either as brainless lunks or as entities serving man under controlled conditions but enemies in others. Similarly, it is a Yiddish slang insult for someone who is clumsy or slow.

The most famous tale involves the golem created by the 16th century rabbi Judah Low ben Bezalel of Prague, and was the basis for Gustav Meyrink's 1915 novel Der Golem, as well as classic set of expressionistic silent movies, Paul Wegener's Golem series, of which especially Golem: How He Came Into the World (also released as The Golem, 1920, USA 1921) is famous.

The word golem is used in the Bible (Psalms 139:16) and in Talmudic literature to refer to an embryonic or incomplete substance.

The Golem is considered by some to be the an early android.

Some modern uses of The Golem

* Feet of Clay, a Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett features golems. One specific golem named Dorfl is adopted into regular chronology and appears in later works.
* The play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) by Karel Capek features a modern version of the old legend.
* Golems have been heavily referenced by role-playing games, and have expanded the definition from clay and stone, to iron, wood, rope, straw, and flesh amongst other substances.
* Golem has been chosen as the name of an ambitious project on robot evolution.
* A famous story about a type of golem is Avram Davidson's "The Golem".
* Trevor Pinch and Harry Collins published a critical science book called "The Golem: what you should know about science" and later one called "The Golem at large: what you should know about technology".

A common miss-association

Gollum is additionally the name of a deformed, wretched creature in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional Middle-earth; the name however is derived not from Golem, but rather from the throaty sound the character makes.

External Links

* http://www(dot)
* http://www(dot)
questions on organic portals and souls

IM wrote:

sorry mudrabbit the infomation on the webpage you linked to did not answer the questions i asked at all
although it was of some interest

Hi IM,

From your response, it doesn't look like you read the links I posted. The questions you asked are all covered in those pages, as well as explanations.
questions on organic portals and souls

sorry mudrabbit i read those two pages and i could only find the answer to one of my question but you could be write it took awhile to get through due to the jargon (a.k.a technical slang) that was use maybe if you please could be so kind to answer questions 2 to 4 in simply one to three line sentences without the use of the jargon.
thanks for everything anyway
questions on organic portals and souls

I think the answer is actually kinda simple - since we don't know what a soul is, we cannot know if we have it or not! Until we know what a soul is, asking anything else about it is just silly, osit :P
questions on organic portals and souls

IM wrote:
i have some question on the podcast about organic portals and i would like you to address the following questions

1-How does one know they have a soul

2-How does one achive gaining a soul

3-If someone loses thier soul can they get it back and how they would do that

4-And finally is it possiable for someone to lose pieces of their soul and how would someone get these missing pieces of their soul back if it was possiable to get the pieces back.

1- You don't.
2- By learning and discerning.
3- First you have to know what one is, and you don't. (Neither do I)
4- See answer to question 1 and 3.

Now if you had really READ the Cass site, this would be abundantly clear.
questions on organic portals and souls

Maybe a person with a soul or have soul potential wouldn't really be overly concerned of whether they have a soul or not, and those with no soul potential in this cycle would be more likely to be worried about whether they had one or not.
questions on organic portals and souls

thank you mudrabbit for answering my question and for your help

i just had a thought what if organic portals are a means of cosmic stabilizing of the human race
or maybe they could be a means of grow/reproducing souls over along period of time
anyway just a though i have to think about abit more you dont have to answer but i just thought it was a interesting thought.

and Peam thinking what you said along with the podcast on organic portals and infomation i have gathered a person with a soul or have soul potential would (at least in theory) be the most concered about it.
wouldn't an organic portal not really care about it or just forget about such a concept after a very short time (eg: Hours to a day at most)
just my conclusion (so far) anyways like to hear your reply and your thoughts about it
questions on organic portals and souls

I think that the difference between organic portals and non-organic portals is the difference between a person who has an individuated soul and one who belongs to a human soul-group. We all have souls, just some people have more 'souped-up', or 'complicated' souls than others. I won't say 'advanced' because I don't think STS (service to self - which is what we are on this planet) is terribly advanced. Neither is 3rd density - which we are also.

Even my cat has a soul which, for now, belongs to a cat-soul group. This is until he decides he wants to belong to the human-soul group instead and then he moves from 2nd to 3rd density and takes on human form (scary). If and when he decides to become part of the human-soul group in 3rd density, he may or may not then chose to become 'individuated'.... I suppose it could be a matter of choice.

An 'individuated' soul has all chakras functioning or available to it. An op merely 'mirrors' those higher chakras and "produces them for effect". Of course, we can't see chakras.

An 'individuated' soul is 'programed' to react in an emotional manner (the range of emotions is not very clear to me, because it may be some rather than others). An 'individuated' soul can 'feel for' others or feel their anguish or pain, joy ect.

An OP goes out looking for programs in order to adopt them so they know how to 'live' or interact with society. A bit like a computer needs programs to function. They are known for being very mechanical, very focused on physical things and if they are 'into' any great 'spirituality', you can bet that it's a program that they've adopted as part of their 'personality'. They have empathy (unlike psychopaths who have none), but it is more of an intellectual understanding of what a person is going through rather than 'feeling what others are feeling' - they do intellectually comprehend a situation...

This is some ideas I have about Ops so far. I'm not really as concerned about them as I am about being STS in an STS world - far more dangerous as far as I can see.
questions on organic portals and souls

immortalphoenix said:
and Peam thinking what you said along with the podcast on organic portals and infomation i have gathered a person with a soul or have soul potential would (at least in theory) be the most concered about it.
wouldn't an organic portal not really care about it or just forget about such a concept after a very short time (eg: Hours to a day at most)
just my conclusion (so far) anyways like to hear your reply and your thoughts about it
Yes I think a lot of op's and a lot of adamic people would be so engrossed in their lives that they probably wouldn't even think about it. But I also think that some op's can awaken and see what's really going on in the world and so be attracted to 'conspiracy' forums, channeling and alternative news forums and such. Maybe they're at a stage where they are ready to graduate to be 3d fully souled in the next cycle but not quite able to form a magnetic centre yet because they're so engrossed with watching the 'outer' that they don't believe they need to look 'inward'. I think a 4d sto candidate could also 'go under' if they haven't done enough to balance their lower centres and form a single 'I'.

So what reaction would someone take if it was put to them that from long observation they were very likely to be an op?
Well I don't really know for sure but I think an op or adamic who are brainwashed into religion might tend to react with horror and denial, op's starting on the journey can't quite grok the work on themselves might be in denial as well and take offence at the observation, but maybe a person on the way to growing their soul might be more concerned with just getting on with their natural leaning to help others and learn how to be sto, whether they have a soul or not.
questions on organic portals and souls

the point you made out about growing reminded me of a theory i came up with what if organic portals are a means of balancing thing comsically or a way to grow/reproduce souls
but over time taking enough energy from souls to grow enough to be able to sustain themselves(produce soul energy) and then develop on their own a soul
questions on organic portals and souls

Peam said:
Maybe a person with a soul or have soul potential wouldn't really be overly concerned of whether they have a soul or not, and those with no soul potential in this cycle would be more likely to be worried about whether they had one or not.
Or maybe it would be the other way round?

I mean, would you be worried about something, if you didn't know what it was, didn't think you needed to know and worse still - didn't know if you had a use for it in the first place? An OP might think this whole 'soul' business is one big non-event.... and decide not to 'go' there... I mean, what's it to them anyway? It's a 'soul-pool' problem, isn't it?
questions on organic portals and souls

immortalphoenix said:
sorry mudrabbit the infomation on the webpage you linked to did not answer the questions i asked at all
although it was of some interest
The link posted - - is 29 pages of discussion. Please move all questions and comments to that thread so that we don't have duplicate discussions on the same topic. I will wait one day before deleting this thread.
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