Organic Portals: Human variation

hkoehli said:
Leaving out empathy, perhaps my A and A' distinctions can be called "surface sympathy" and "real sympathy". The former relates to subjective surface behaviour, the latter to the true inner reality.
I think your distinctions are on the mark. They are useful in the understanding of the words we use. I believe, however, that we are already conditioned to respond to a word such as empathy regardless of its origins. The words to which are we are conditioned are the ones which evoke the most response when communicated. That is why manipulators go our of their way to use grandiose truisms, to get our attention. Then they proceed to twist the meanings of the words they use, and our understanding is twisted right along.

When we are sure of the meanings of the words we use, and these meanings are firm within us, then it is not as easy for those words to be twisted. That, IMO, is a major advantage when trying to communicate understandings, and also in learning to resist misunderstandings (deliberate or not). In that sense, we can and perhaps should still use the word empathy because most of us resonate with it.

At the same time, we can and should understand that empathy really means "real sympathy", a much more sincere and deeper resonance with the state of another than the more superficial condition of "surface sympathy"
EsoQuest said:
At the same time, we can and should understand that empathy really means "real sympathy", a much more sincere and deeper resonance with the state of another than the more superficial condition of "surface sympathy"
This makes a lot sense on how you have lucidly explained the reasons to come to this current conclusion. Thank you Esoquest.
Passive Organic Portals? & leg/knee Shaking

This will just be a posting on general ideas and observations I have made in the last 4 years since first becomming aware of the OP phenomenom. Will not be in linear order of occurance but just a collection of thoughts and understandings.

Knee/Leg Shaking

Something unusual Ive noticed during these last 4 years is that people I immediately recognise as been OPs, or at least people who have the right FRV, always without fail have a "leg shake" thing. It seems to be linked to "feeding time". This can happen in any situation, basically there seems to be a connection with the etheric draining of someones energy via a cord and this uncounsious shaking or vibrating of the knee or leg. I noticed it in so many situations I dont wana go through them all here. It will be come apparent to anyone once u see it yourself. Also ive noticed that this can happen anywhere anytime. Like on a bus for example, a seemingly random person might start leg shaking and i get the sense that they are feeding off someone in the bus, as soon as I "zoom in on it", ie: focus my attention to the leg shaking.. it stops. This can happen at home too, say someone you suspect is acting as an OP, and they are feeding and their knee is rythmiclly shaking. Focus on the knee in your mind, in your mind say something like "I see this, I want it to stop now" or something like that, what im getting at is that if you "will" it to stop it will invariably stop straight away. I think it may be some kind of involuntary product of been in the FRV state and that this can happen to anyone who is not aware. I partly use this observation now to help me spot OPs. This isnt a definate sign by any means but in conjunction with other signs it certainly helps. If for example u r in a group conversation with friends and its a little emotionally heated, there is some form of compeditiveness in the discussion, observe if there are one or two people nervously shaking their knee or leg, its a sure sign i feel that that person is acting as a feeding portal. It seems to be more common in "souless types" but its just an observation at this time.

Related to this, ive noticed that even if you have a whole host of 'cords' attached to yourself and friends who are OPs, you can temporarily stop the feeding dead in its tracks just by saying to yourself in your mind something like.. "I stop all transmissions NOW!".. "Any and all transmissions comming FROM me from any level or frequency or stop now". Then I mentally imagine a egg of protection expand from inside to maybey a foot surrounding my body and i imagine any freq or transmissions been stopped by this.
After some practice I can now stop someone draining me instantly without having to go through all the words and imaginings by simply quickly focusing on that person (or on their knee) and saying "stop" once with conviction and will and intent and immediately it stops. Ive also managed to stop a psyhic attack by someone once by this method.
I was on the bus and as we drove around the bus stops I was putting up bright neon thought form signs at the bus stops promoting our latest free movie screening (which was Loose change followed by The Illuminati), if u wana know how to create thought form signs read grey wolf on healing thought forms here.. (_ so anyway as I was doing this someone on the bus picked up on it and didnt like it and decided to give me a whooping instant headache... i didnt know who it was but started my stop all frequencies thing and it was harder than usual, i had to state my intention strongly and 3 or 4 times but it worked, the headache melted away in 5 seconds, ususally when a headache like that comes on it can last 2 days, so i was relieved that i was able to will it away by blocking this persons attack, at least thats how i percieved it.

Passive OPs

What I mean by passive is that these persons can seem to be highly likable and the kind of person that wouldnt hurt a soul, but they seem to be designed as a "status quo" type person, they dont really push peoples buttons in an obvious way but they always strictly stick to a certain modus operandi. For example i have a good friend Kayte who has a boyfriend who I instictively have always felt was holding her back. He is cunning in a subtle way and has slowly over the last 2 years taken away her interest in spiritual matters and the world and the big picture by constanly focusing on minor trivial material things. He whole life is now filled with the small desires for quirky 70s and 80s collectables and so on. Their whole life now revolves around getting that pair of 70s curtains or and filling their house with unusual or nice second hand items from the 70s and so on. Does anyone get what i mean here? Its all about appearances and looking the part. Before she met him she had all thses high ideals about changing the world and helping the planet, now their whole life is just weekly routines and what new bargain they found or can pickup at the next opportunity to make their house complete. I could go on but i wont, u might get the picture if youve seen this kind of passive thing before. Her boyfriend passivley encourages others to be just like him, 'cool' i guess is the best word for it. They fill their lives with endless trivial material trimmings and stuff, so much so that all spare time is consumed.

Obvious vectoring

A quick story: Myself and two guys i met on the net are now good mates and we meet regularily as a loose group who are just doing our bit to wake people up. We have been putting on free documentaries in the city and it certainly attacted some attention.
One time we were having our normal meeting at the local bar, just about to get into the juicy stuff (talk on 4th dimentional influences) and 3 girls just kinda wander up and introduce themselves and attempt to completely distract and halt our meeting. The girls each seemed to have their eye on one of us and they each started their seduction routine. It all happened so predictably and perfectly I was stunned! The girl who tried it on me had met me some years ago and used that vague excuse to approach us and then announce to me that she had leaft her old boyfriend and was available within a few sentences. I got one of my "future flashes" where i saw her as my new girlfriend and as a tomentor and distractor and how it would all easily fall into place without any effort on my part if i just went along with her. So anyway, obviously i didnt go along with her, we made our excuses and went to annother table, but one of the girls who didnt even know what we were about just starts this babble about how conspiracy theories are rubbish and that George Bush is a good guys and all this other stuff, it was amazing to see someone so totally programmed just go into program mode, i think it was deliberately done to provoke a reaction from us so that we would get into a heated debate with her and then she could feed off that frustration. we didnt buy it, we went to annother table, but annother friend who often comes to our meetings and just sits and listens or occasionally agrees with us, we leaft him with the girls at the first table and he nicely distracted them while we had our meeting. This other friend I see as a "monitor". What i mean is he doesnt say much, doesnt push our buttons but likes to come to our meetings so that others can listen in on us through him...

Lastly, a debate with a "switched on OP"...

I used to live in this house with this guy who was so obviously an OP it wasnt funny. I mean usually he was passive and just kept the staus quo and was completlely unspiritual and utterly materialistic in all ways. But when he was "switched on", he would suddenly become quite knowledgable in all kinds of things and even be cunning in his debating about stuff i thought i had never spoken to him about. On this occasion I had managed to beat my cannabis habit for two weeks and was feeling very "connected" with higher/future self. We debated the nature of reality for 4 hours, normally in this situation he would give circular arguments and talk nonsense on purpose to annoy and frustrate me or make me lose my train of thought or make me become compeditive, make me want to prove him wrong etc, this time I had an answer for everything he said, i was clear, precise and i did not give in to emotion or frustration. I remained calm and steady throughout... after 4 hours he suddenly stopped and said something like "well Jason, it seems you have really gotten the big picture and learned the big secret", and then he just turned and walked away to his room. It was really weird!! thats all i can say, firstly I had never mentioned any "big secret" to him as such, and also at the time I was reading David Ickes biggest secret. I felt as though my very thoughts were been monitored, and i have since discovered other strange things related to people knowing things that they shouldnt. For example a phycopathic person somehow reacting to something I wrote about them but they could not have read, as i didnt sent it to anyone, it was a text file on my computer. yet that person suddenly starts acting like they have read it! know what i mean?

Triangle shaped Sunburn

Annother random observation... Last summer I got this big red triangular burn just above my ankle which i assumed was from sunbathing the day before. I dont use sunscreen adn i didnt have burns anywhere else, it took weeks to fade away and it didnt blister or hurt, it was weird... i took photos of it

thats all from me for now... this has been longer than it needed to be cause my transcribing of thoughts is not flowing that well today... anyway nice to be on the forum and a part of this awakeing of awareness... thankyou for your time in reading this, sometime soon i will write about my experiences of future sight... it seems that i have some ability to look down timelines and see possible futures, this has happened enough times now that i know its a real phenomenom...cheers'

Jason (Ifinate Love Beacon in-training)

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Passive Organic Portals? & leg/knee Shaking

coincidently (not)... i was reading this quote below (from adventure series chapt 19) today after i wrote the previous post and it reminded me of the fact that it appears that anything written down, spoken in conversation or possibly even thought about (under certain conditions?) can be known by the matrix and used as bait, which of course makes sense from a cover-all-bases STS mechanical point of view, its just dawnting to realise the full implications of this reality... but if the glove fits? i think it does...

i guess it helps to be spontaneous and unpredictable :>
"I was reminded of Terry's experience with the guy who pulled in his driveway with an overheated engine and started talking about electronic ignitions as tracking devices right at the time that he had been discussing it with a friend. Even though the event was probably "set-up" to scare us, all it really did was make us more acutely aware of the truth of what the C's had said at that time:

Q: (T) Can our movements be tracked through the electronic ignition systems in our cars?
A: Not necessary. You are not yet aware of the extent to which humans have been "aided" in technological advancement.
Q: (T) By whom?
A: This requires long and complicated response.
Q: (T) The object behind using the electronic ignitions, from what I have heard, whether the source is true or not I can't say, but I had a strange confirmation of part of it.
A: Beware of disinformation. It diverts your attention away from reality thus leaving you open to capture and conquest and even possible destruction.
Q: (L) Is the information about the electronic ignition systems correct?
A: Disinformation comes from seemingly reliable sources. It is extremely important for you to not gather false knowledge as it is more damaging than no knowledge at all. Remember knowledge protects, ignorance endangers. The information you speak of, Terry, was given to you deliberately because you and Jan and others have been targeted due to your intense interest in level of density 4 through 7 subject matter. You have already been documented as a "threat."
Q: (L) Can you tell Terry what event occurred (referring to "confirmation" of electronic ignition subject)...
A: Remember, disinformation is very effective when delivered by highly trained sources because hypnotic and transdimensional techniques are used thereby causing electronic anomalies to follow suggestion causing perceived confirmation to occur.
Q: (T) Who was the guy in the Camaro?
A: Diversion.
Q: (T) About two weeks after I saw the video tape where I heard this information, a guy pulled up out of nowhere driving a souped up Camaro... (Jan: No! It was the night we were watching it!) We had watched it before and we were talking about it and decided to watch it again. So, Gary and I had decided to go outside to take the dog around the block and we had just gotten back and put the dog on the porch and we were standing outside smoking a cigarette when the guy in the Camaro pulls into the driveway with steam coming out from under the hood. He asked to use the hose. I told him yes. He gets out wearing jeans, tee shirt and scraggly blond hair. He says: "I overheated. I'm coming back from Gulfport and was going back to Ocala and was on the interstate when his car overheated. Now, 275 is a little ways from my house and he came all the way, passed a gas station and convenience store, turned off the main drag and then onto my street to get water... then he started talking about how the new electronic ignitions are designed to shut down when the car exceeds a certain speed so he had installed a special racing ignition but ever since his car had been overheating... we had just finished watching this movie about electronic ignitions and we were flabbergasted... What I want to know is who has the power and ability to set up these kinds of "confirmations" or synchronicities?
A: Same forces spreading disinformation: Brotherhood/ consortium/ Illuminati/ New World Order/ "Antichrist"/ Lizards.
Q: (T) But I'm just a nobody. Why would they go to all trouble to send somebody in a Camaro to drive up on my lawn...
A: Several answers follow: Number One, Nobody is a "nobody." Number two, it is no trouble at all for aforementioned forces to give seemingly individualized attention to anybody. Number three, Terry has been targeted and so has Jan and others because you are on the right track. Number four, This area is currently a "hot bed" of activity and extremely rapidly expanding awareness.

But more than anything we marveled at the machinations of the Matrix. "
Passive Organic Portals? & leg/knee Shaking

I personally don't bother with "spot the OP". I just see what affect people have. I think using leg shaking to spot OPs is not good enough, considering that leg shaking can have numerous causes. As far as I know, leg shaking is harmless, in itself.

I think there can be warning signs of someones "nature", but these shouldn't be taken as concrete proof of who or what someone is. The best thing to do, I think, is to see how someone acts, what they do, what affect they have.
Passive Organic Portals? & leg/knee Shaking

yeah, I agree: "by their fruits you shall know them".
Passive Organic Portals? & leg/knee Shaking

i agree also with above remarks, as i stated in the first post, these are just observations, thoughts and reflections, which dont suggest a method of identification of anyone. It is only after carefull observation over a period of years that I have come to know with some certainty of some aquaintances that are likely OP, and certainly tyrants of a kind. I simply put these observations out in the open just incase they trigger something with someone else. The knee-shake thing could have been something used to distract me or steer me in the wrong direction. However I do feel there is something to it, it may not suggest a person is this or that, but I am sure it is a effect, an artifact of something, if u know what i mean? It is indicative of some underlying 'thing' be that feeding or simply a state of nervousness in the person, in indicator that the person who might appear relaxed on the outside has some pressing 'need' on the inside that causes this physical action. There is something to this, however it may be minor, but I thought it worth mentioning for the reason that I have noticed it in particular situations with the same people on many many occasions that there is a pattern that I havnt quite got my finger on yet but it is part of a revealing of subtle body language and so on... also it is the fruits of these knee-shakers that lead me to make the connection in the first place.

> "I think using leg shaking to spot OPs is not good enough..."
Firstly, using any single thing to spot an op is going to lead you astray for sure...

> "...considering that leg shaking can have numerous causes..."
hhhmmm, dont know what to think of that, why would it nessessarily have numerous causes?

> "As far as I know, leg shaking is harmless, in itself."
Thats just an assumption, a prefer to keep that very much open, it could be a product of feeding, nevousness about the content of a conversation, it could be an indicator of some underlying thing, i dont think people just shake there legs unconsiously for no reason, i feel there is an underlying reason for all manifestations, but its tru that it may be essentially "harmless", but i guess it depends how you define harmless in this context. If it is just the byproduct of something else then in itself it may be harmless, but what caused it to manifest may not be entirely harmless from a vibrational perspective (there may be emanations, freq projections from that person effecting surrounding auras), this is all speculation of course, but for my part, worth further consideration and observation, cheers guys..
Passive Organic Portals? & leg/knee Shaking

I always thought of the leg shacking thing as being nervous energy. I seem to remember that when I was from ages 14 - 22 I did it often, of course I was full of nervous energy at that point, lol - what teen-age boy isn't. On the other hand I've seen people who I suspect of being OP's never do it ...

My feeling's about OP's is that they are not as dangerous as some other forces in this reality particularly if you are aware that such critters exist. I dislike the term OP in that people seem to take a this either/or point of view which IMO is wrong, If I understand the concept correctly they are the humans who are on the lowest levels of individuating their souls and that is why they are so easily used by things like the 4d-sts and tpb. But I am of the opinion that it is only a term that expresses a concept in such a way as to make it easier to understand the phenomena of 4d-feeding through those that only have soul inutero so to speak, once that idea is understood then it seems that it makes far more sence to see the development of souls as a spectrum with everyone a bit different ... such a spectrum would explain why it is near to impossible to be able to play the spot the OP game. And even the "switching on" that you describe could also describe someone who has been greenbaumed ... just a thought.

I should admit though that the OP concept is in a lot of ways the one that confused me the most and it could easily be that I misinterpreted something crucial about it, but I wouldn't even describe them as the "other race" - the other race are the psychopaths - but that's just my take on it now ... I find myself constantly redefining my concepts from reading the material here - hence I keep coming back ... I never got to think this much in school ...
Passive Organic Portals? & leg/knee Shaking

elevate said:
> "...considering that leg shaking can have numerous causes..."
hhhmmm, dont know what to think of that, why would it nessessarily have numerous causes?
What I mean is, the cause can be different depending on the person and the situation.
Passive Organic Portals? & leg/knee Shaking

i agree with your thoughts too. I find its easy to get misinterpreted when referring to OPs. I struggle to find the right combination of words to describe what im getting at with regard to clear definitions of these 'others' sometimes but its all part of the learning. Maybey it would be better if i just used the term portal on its own as a general term refering to a person who can be easily utilized by STS 4th density. I also see it as a spectrum. That there is no black or white, but many shades of being... and that a psycopath is something else, more like a completely robotic being ie: with no soul, or at least not a 'soul' with a higher density matrix/component. I feel that a psycopath can be completely remote controlled from 4th density but can also act on its own within its programming boundaries.
As far as i can see, practically anyone can act as a portal if they are unaware and undiciplined spirtually. In fact ive seen it in myself in the past, before I started to really observe and work on ego and the nature of material desires. I look back now and am amazed at how far I have come, but see there is much more to do...
psycopaths really are something else, they cant be changed, they are what they are! cunning manipulative and resourcefull efficent machines. .. there certainly are likely a number of variations im sure of portals, like entirely robotic clones used to replace annother person for example...
Heres an interesting thought i had. I feel it maybey possible to train oneself to pickup on a certain FRV (freq resonance vibration) that someone who is easily influenced might project. What i mean is perhaps certain 'souless' or robotic beings have this vibration hardwired so to speak and that others also can have this vibration if they are at a certain level of un-awares/ignorance or if their buttons are pushed and their emotional freqency is lowered to an easily manipulated level. So perhaps it is possible to be able to 'know' that a person is suseptible to influence or control by sensing or 'feeling' that FRV that they are giving off in their aura for example.
The reason I say this is that in my observations there has been certain people that i have met for the first time and I have had some kind of an instant recognition that the person is 'faking it' emotionally or that they seem 'flat', know what i mean? I honesty dont want to go around pointing the finger and saying ..oh he or she is this or that, but for my own awareness i feel it maybey important to take note of this. It appears that certain people give off this 'flat' vibration all the time and that it can be picked up, but its just speculation.... perhaps its related to the purple aura of the so called indigo...
Passive Organic Portals? & leg/knee Shaking

elevate said:
The reason I say this is that in my observations there has been certain people that i have met for the first time and I have had some kind of an instant recognition that the person is 'faking it' emotionally or that they seem 'flat', know what i mean?
Yeah, I know what you mean. I think it can serve as a good warning - to make us more alert around people who cause this feeling. But I think that really, we should always be alert, and we shouldn't need this feeling. The problem with it is, that its not proof, it could be wrong. So, I think that although it does help, eventually we shouldn't need it, it will become redundant. But it is possible that it could get stronger, and can eventually be relied on as proof. But at the moment, I'm not sure, so I rely on more reliable methods.
Passive Organic Portals? & leg/knee Shaking

I agree with the dangers of playing "spot the OP", as for a while I was extremely paranoid regarding some friends of mine. Their entire mindset was fixated upon consumption; be it food, drugs, alcohol, women, and in the case of the latter a little predatory. But...these are symptoms of historical social conditioning, and to assume that all who exhibit these traits are OP's would be rather counter-productive.

Seeing if their words and acts equate would be a better form of observation of this type, but for the record, I decided quite some time ago not to keep "dancing with the devil", regarding this social group. FRV's were certainly not in sync in this group, and there was a clearly discernible pecking order:- very hierachical! On occasions where I felt most conscious in this group, I also felt most ill at ease. A couple of them also considered me a little "weird", but from their mass-cultural perspective, that would certainly be the case. I bear them no grudges, but I reserve the right to not participate in their mode of living. If I ever see them I can diplomatically maintain a "peripheral conversation", but no plumbing the depths of thought.
questions on organic portals and souls

i have some question on the podcast about organic portals and i would like you to address the following questions

1-How does one know they have a soul

2-How does one achive gaining a soul

3-If someone loses thier soul can they get it back and how they would do that

4-And finally is it possiable for someone to lose pieces of their soul and how would someone get these missing pieces of their soul back if it was possiable to get the pieces back.
questions on organic portals and souls


In response to your questions, I believe they can be easily answered here:

Other info you may be interested in is on the main page, here:

I hope this helps you understand it a bit more.

questions on organic portals and souls

sorry mudrabbit the infomation on the webpage you linked to did not answer the questions i asked at all
although it was of some interest

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