Organic Portals: Human variation

I think most of the people feel love as need, souled or otherwise. It's our basic ego thing. For me it takes a conscious effort to separate a need from a more pure feeling and I still can't say that it's love. Going this direction, yes. There is so much to learn yet.
Yes, I second that. To observe the difference of a need and a more pure feeling, I think that's one basic lesson to master for learning to graduate towards STO. We start from confusing what we assume as "love" with self serving.needs. The more we search our intentions behind, the more self serving needs we will find. And I think, might be wrong, positive feelings just are. As you say, so much to learn ahead.
Another thing, I don't know if there is an answer or not, but HOW does the process of becoming souled individuals go? Like from being an OP to an individual soul? Is it a group phenomena, like once they hit critical mass or do they sort of percolate up on a case by case basis?

I guess what Im imagining is all those stories/myths where a character learns empathy, learns to love, or does a selfless act and is rewarded in a spiritual way. Like in Faust, or the Velveteen Rabbit, Beauty and the Beast, etc.
Is it a group phenomena, like once they hit critical mass or do they sort of percolate up on a case by case basis?
I tend to think it's the latter. If it's a soul pool, then I get the idea that each soul gets "dissolved" back into the pool in 5D. And when one reincarnates, a certain mixture of that pool goes into the next person. Some mixtures will have different traits and level of knowledge. At a certain point that part of the pool can break off and individualize. This of course wouldn't work if the soul fragment gets completely dispersed among the rest of the pool in 5D. Just how I tend to visualize it, FWIW.
Another thing, I don't know if there is an answer or not, but HOW does the process of becoming souled individuals go? Like from being an OP to an individual soul? Is it a group phenomena, like once they hit critical mass or do they sort of percolate up on a case by case basis?

I believe this is covered in the Wave Series, but as I understand there are apparently 2 ways, the first one is because the Wave, which happened around 306k YA, and apparently it’s already coming again. The second way, is through the interaction with individualized souled beings through lots of reincarnations, since they imitate and reproduce the emotions by interacting with them/us, so much so that they could be able to cristalice emotional centers at one point, which is the beginning to individualice a proper soul.

Granted, we still don’t know the whole concept of what a soul is, but as I understand, is the link between one consciousness with our higher self’s through all developed energy centers or chakras, whatever the name of that is. OPs doesn’t have all energy centers developed, so they depend of fully souled beings to generate their temporary centers but can’t connect with higher selfs still, which would be the difference.
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Another thing, I don't know if there is an answer or not, but HOW does the process of becoming souled individuals go? Like from being an OP to an individual soul? Is it a group phenomena, like once they hit critical mass or do they sort of percolate up on a case by case basis?

I guess what Im imagining is all those stories/myths where a character learns empathy, learns to love, or does a selfless act and is rewarded in a spiritual way. Like in Faust, or the Velveteen Rabbit, Beauty and the Beast, etc.
I have the intuition that viruses have something to do with it.

A person with an individualized soul interacts with an organic portal and eventually facilitates a viral process, which modifies something in the body.

Being an approximate copy of the person with an individualized soul with whom it interacts and the physical changes provided by the virus occur, which transfers the necessary information from the person with a soul to the organic portal..., suddenly an individualized soul can connect..
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