Why should I even respond to the ridiculous lies of psychopaths? But, if it will make you feel better:
First of all, "Chandra Battershell" is a pseudonym of Vincent Bridges.
Laura Knight Jadczyk and her husband Ark stole $150,000 in a fake house raffle scam in 2003 and escaped to France.
Is a lie. Doesn't anybody ever stop to think that if I did that, there would be legal repercussions? And since there aren't, can't people figure out that it is a complete falsehood?
The reason that she trashes Weidner and bridges is because she stole all of their work on Fulcanelli and doesn´t want to give them credit.
Is a lie. In fact, I provide documentary evidence in Adventures With Cassiopaea that exactly the opposite is true: Vincent Bridges was pumping me for info like crazy the whole time he was writing their silly book and I was quite shocked, when I read it, to realize that I had been ripped off! Not only that, but it was all twisted.
You should also be aware that Jay Weidner has come out and said that Vincent Bridges ripped him off!
In 2001 she wrote a glowing review of their book on Fulcanelli and the end of the world.
Is a lie. I never wrote a glowing review of their book on Fulcanelli, rather, I wrote a bit about Vincent Bridges based on the lies he told me. See: http://www.cassiopaea.com/archive/most.htm
A few months later she suddenly took the review down and began trashing them relentlessly.
Is a lie. See: http://www.cassiopaea.com/archive/zaca.htm to see who trashed who.
Then see: http://www.cassiopaea.com/archive/most.htm to discover that there is a big difference between "trashing" and reporting the truth which is that Vincent Bridges is a grifter, a thief and likely a psychopath.
Soon after the trash job she then became an expert on Fulcanelli and now has written a book on him where she uses all of weidner and bridges material - again without giving them credit.
Is a lie. 1) I have never written a book on Fulcanelli, but have written an article. 2) That article is based on my own research (which I pointed out above was stolen by Bridges) as well as collaboration with Patrick Riviere, one of the few living students of Eugene Canseliet, a disciple of Fulcanelli.
Laura Knight jadczyk was arrested for attempted murder in 1971 for beating a guy nearly to death.
Is a major twisted perversion of a very traumatic incident in my life: See: http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/tallahassee.htm which includes a link to the following:
Lincoln Lawerence is currently writing a book about the Cassiopaeans and he claims that they are some kind of intelligence operation, that Laura Knight jadczyk is implanted.
Who is "Lincoln Lawrence" and who cares?
I read a short excerpt from the forthcoming book and he speculates that she and her husband are a vacuum cleaner operation. That is they suck up dissidents names and send them off to some intelligence agency. He says that they recieved money from george Soros for this operation. I think Lawernce once wrote a book on Lee Harvey Oswald. Beware of the cassiopaeans - criminals, psychopaths and plagarists! [taken from godlikeproductions.com]
Like I said, "who is Lincoln Lawrence and who cares?" (I suspect he is one of the many pseudonyms Bridges and Stormbear Williams use in their little internet games where they pretend to be different people having conversations with themselves.
Now, I wonder why you didn't also quote one of the recent posts to Godlikeproductions (a REAL vacuum cleaner operation) where someone who seems to know some real inside details posted the following:
Re: Ok, enough about Nancy and the Zetas. What do you all know about Laura and the Cassiopaeans?
VBs comments about Jirka Rysavy are very interesting. Weidner, weidner's wife and their friend Russ have all written to me saying that they heard VB say many many times that Jirka was CIA and had been involved in the Jonbenet murder. Weidner asked VB several times for his evidence and VB came up with zip. To be sure VB was just jealous that Rysavy had not funded VB but had funded Winter, Weidner and others.
Including Laura and Ark that makes five people who have now told me that they actually heard VB say that Rysavy was involved in these things. But go ask weidner or his wife. They will tell you.
You see VB went to Florida and told Laura and Ark many terrible untrue things about his co-writer. He also told them that he had written for many national magazines blah blah blah. You all know the lies.
He did this because VB had no background at all. Weidner had a long resume and VB had to pad his out to equal his rival. He also had to lie to Laura to get her manuscripts and to steal the transcripts. I don't give a hang where Native Alien got his transcripts - VB was given the cd by Ark, he copied it and made it public. He is a thief and a liar.
BTW did you see that he admits that he never paid Weidner anything. He stole his articles and research and rewrote them into the book, never paid weidner and never had a contract. After this he then goes on to say that weidner stole everything from him.
A classic liar. A useless, worn-out piece of trash, that is what VB is.
Hey Stormbear
Have you contacted Montgomery County yet to prove that VB had a business DBA there like you said above?
Hey Stormbear
How come you haven't named the articles, essays or whatever it was that you had copyrighted by Aethyrea books LLc before january 2002?
Hey Stormbear
How come you haven't answered the the questions about whether you asked VB if he ever wrote those articles for Hustles, High Times, Rolling Stones etc.
Oh come on Stormbear - we know why you are not answering these questions. Because you already know the answers.
There was no dba, no business, nothing, just like Darlene told Crocker.
You know there were no articles written by VB. In fact there is no trace of VB doing anything but smoking a lot of dope before he met weidner.
But more importantly Stormbear, mister tough guy - weidner did nothing to you - ever. And neither did laura or ark. You got involved because you are a malicious person. You got involved because you actually enjoy hurting people you do not know.
And when Vincent Bridges pulls on your leash you go into a pavlovian response worthy of your violent past.
Stormbear is the real creep here. He has no reason to be involved at all, he made no attempts to find out the facts and he is completely under the control of Vincent Bridges. He has hurt many people who did absolutely nothing to him.
Hey Stormbear - did you know that VB told Weidner and his wife that you had a violent temper but that they had to all humor you because you were going to fund the fifth way mystery school? Did you know that VB told people that you didn't know jack about esoteric matters but that you had to be told that you were smart so he could get money out of you?
Did you know that?
VB is a liar, a criminal and a con artist. he has been given chance after chance to answer the questions and he refuses, no I take that back - he just piles lie upon lie unti the bullshit floods in all directions.
He depends on you lackies to believe his lies.
But I am not afraid of him or Stormbear. I wake up every day wondering how I can make their lives more miserable. They are the focus of everything I do. And I will not go away until they do.
When they leave I will leave.
I am investigating every aspect of this episode. I have talked to nearly everyone involved. I have given VB and Stormbear ample time to answers my questions.
We now know that VB acted like a psychotherapist in the 1990's. One of his patients was Paul Duffy who told VB all about himself. VB then came on this forum and told us what Duffy had told him in confidence. Now this would be a clear violation of the doctor -patient relationship except for one small detail: VB IS NO DOCTOR.
And there is no point in sueing VB. Ruysavy has thought about it, weidner has thought about, the Jadczyk's have thought about it.
There is no business to sue. Nothing exists. And VB hasn't had a job in 25 years - he lives off of his wife and mommy. So there is no blood in that turnip.
So this forum becomes the only venue left for his trial.
At the end of the day, I can only say that Philip Gardiner and that whole scam they are pulling on "World Mysteries" and the "Paris 4" is totally revealed by this affiliation for Vinnie and his gang of psychopaths. By this association, they have lost any chance of being taken seriously by ANY legitimate researcher. Also, please note that the article you reference says: "On the Forbidden Letters - by Paula Johnson Note: Paula Johnson is a pen name of the author of this article". In other words, it's just another pseudonym of Vinnie or one of his hanger's on. It's not even worth the time it would take to read it.