The Living Force
Il est très fréquent de voir des papillons et des abeilles boire les nutriments et le sel contenus dans les larmes des caïmans. Ceci n'est donc pas une photo photoshoppée Ce comportement "lacryphage" est lié au fait que l'environnement terrestre manque de sel. En effet, à part dans l'océan, le sel est souvent rare sur terre, en particulier pour les espèces végétariennes qui trouvent ainsi une source de minéraux et de protéines.Ce caïman ne semble nullement importuné par ses visiteurs multicolores.
It is very common to see butterflies and bees drinking the nutrients and salt contained in the tears of caimans. This is therefore not a photoshopped photo. This “tear-eating” behavior is linked to the fact that the terrestrial environment lacks salt. Indeed, apart from in the ocean, salt is often rare on land, in particular for vegetarian species which thus find a source of minerals and proteins. This caiman does not seem at all bothered by its multicolored visitors.
It is very common to see butterflies and bees drinking the nutrients and salt contained in the tears of caimans. This is therefore not a photoshopped photo. This “tear-eating” behavior is linked to the fact that the terrestrial environment lacks salt. Indeed, apart from in the ocean, salt is often rare on land, in particular for vegetarian species which thus find a source of minerals and proteins. This caiman does not seem at all bothered by its multicolored visitors.