Photos and videos of our amazing 2D residents

Bastet a aimé
Bravo aux sapeurs-pompiers de Savoie qui ont porté secours à un chien tombé dans un canyon, piégé entre 2 parois rocheuses. L’animal a été remonté - avec un harnais - sain et sauf

Congratulations to the Savoie firefighters who rescued a dog that fell into a canyon, trapped between 2 rock faces. The animal was brought up - with a harness - safe and sound.
Elisabeth-Anne Servais


Les chiens versent des larmes lorsqu’ils retrouvent leur maître, selon une étude japonaise

Dogs shed tears when they find their owners, according to a Japanese study
Humans do not have a monopoly on tears of happiness. Japanese researchers have discovered that dogs can also cry under the influence of emotion.
Les chiens versent des larmes lorsqu’ils retrouvent leur maître, selon une étude japonaise
L’être humain n’a pas le monopole des larmes de bonheur. Des chercheurs japonais ont découvert que les chiens peuvent également pleurer sous le coup de l’émotion.
Thank you Perlou 💞

Ooooooh, that is such a beautiful photo, because it literally freezes the moment when a dog looks deep into the eyes of his daddy. (and the tail tends to wiggle extra much, as if turbo changed). I have seen that with Tekki and Sal too, on occasion - and it is so special and heart warming. (I could look at the photo all the time, because I've always found that very moment, it to be so fascinating to see).

I extracted the above image, so you can see the entire photo and the interaction of them both. I had no idea that dogs can cry with tears. Has anyone ever observed that ?

Mes petits amours n'ont pas l'occasion de pleurer car je fais tellement attention à eux...
Cependant j'ai vu leur grande tristesse quand UGO nous a quitté...
Il est dans mes prières chaque jour et ils entendent son NOM, il fait toujours parmi de notre famille comme tous les autres...

My little loves don't have the opportunity to cry because I pay so much attention to them...
However I saw their great sadness when UGO left us...
He is in my prayers every day and they hear his NAME, he is still part of our family like all the others...

I hope I haven't already posted this, because I often collect a bunch of images though time, thinking of putting it out on the forum, but later; I do not always remember if i did it, or if it stayed at the thought. Anyway; The image was published at dPreview, which is all about photo, video etc.

by Baozhu Wang (China)

Species: Upland Buzzard Buteo hemilasius
Location: Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China

Description: This photograph was taken on the Mandu grasslands of Dongwu Banner in Inner Mongolia. Both Upland Buzzard and Corsac Fox (Vulpes corsac) are top predators in this grassy environment and share a diet that comprises mainly small rodents. Consequently, in terms of feeding they are rivals and are sometimes driven to fight each other over food.
This kind of confrontation is usually for show and a battle of will that never ends up with life-and-death conflict. In this instance, the Upland Buzzard decided to relinquish its food and fly away.

Gear & Specs: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV with Canon 600mm F4 lens. Focal length 600mm; 1/1,600 second; F4, ISO 160
Oui, Scarlett, c'est tout à fait ça, Elle te salue car Elle sait qui tu es et la belle personne que tu es...
C'est un clin d'œil de l'UNIVERS...

Yes, Scarlett, that's exactly it, She greets you because She knows who you are and what a beautiful person you are...
It is a wink of the UNIVERSE...
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