Photos and videos of our amazing 2D residents

Le Quokkas l'animal le plus mignon et le plus joyeux de la terre vivant en Australie !!!
The Quokkas the cutest and happiest animal on earth living in Australia!!!

Petit et cocasse : Exilisciurus whiteheadi (écureuil pygmée) Photo : Chien C. Lee
Small and funny: Exilisciurus whiteheadi (pygmy squirrel)

I do love the little creatures at large; This one is a tiny globular springtails (Sminthurus maculatus):


Photo © Tamás Koncz-Bisztricz,
I regularly visit a meadow near my hometown of Csongrád-Bokros, Hungary, observing the site in all seasons. The meadow is grazed by Hungarian grey cattle, which keeps the place in relatively good condition. One frosty winter’s morning I headed out to take some extreme macro shots at the surface of some frozen water that had pooled in the tracks left by a tractor. Crouching down, I spotted some yellow globular springtails (Sminthurus maculatus) which feed in the sunrays reflected from the ice. I used LED torches to illuminate one of them, and came away with a picture that celebrates this tiny creature.
"The psychedelic jelly is one of the most colorful residents of the ocean’s midnight zone. First discovered in 2018, the elusive creature has luminous, spindly tentacles that, when drifting in the water, appear like colorful light trails rather than gelatinous appendages":

And this Halitrephes maasi jellyfish is absolutley gorgeous:

"Dieu a inventé le chat pour que l'homme puisse caresser le tigre." Victor Hugo, inspiré par son chat Chanoine. "Le chat ne nous caresse pas, il se caresse à nous."

"God invented the cat so that man could pet the tiger."
Victor Hugo, inspired by his cat Canon. "The cat does not caress us, it caresses itself to us."

L’Orthétrum réticulé, cette libellile est ni menacé ni protégé en France.

The Orthétrum réticulé, this libellile is neither threatened nor protected in France.
Have you ever wondered what the plumage of a hummingbird looks like up close?
Chris Morgan snapped these great macro shots of hummingbirds in 2011 at Bosque De Paz, a 3,000 acre privately-owned biological reserve in the middle of Costa Rica. The top photo is a Green-Crowned Brilliant, a bird that only grows to a length of 13cm and is not known for its ability to sit for portraits.
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