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PERLOU, I took the freedom of translating the french text via DeepL into English for better understanding :-[
It says

Bullfighting is
the scurrilous and venal art
of torturing and killing
animals to death...
It is a celebration
of pain
and death.
In this respect, bullfighting
constitutes a major challenge
to morality, to education,
science and culture.

"I adopted your dog today.
The one you left behind.
The one you had for ten years.
And that you didn't want to keep anymore.

I adopted your dog today.
Did you know that he had lost weight?
Did you know that he is terrified and depressed?
And that he seems to have lost all confidence!

I adopted your dog today.
And he will be loved.
I have found his final family.
He has a basket to rest in.

I adopted your dog today,
And I will give him everything:
Patience, love and security.
So that he can forget your cowardice"
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