Pierre?? So profoundly sad to see this! Pierre Lescaudron has passed away.

What profoundly sad news. I always looked forward to Pierre’s contributions on anything, his wisdom and the gentleness and kindness that came through his words. Silly, I know, but I would feel honored when he “liked” one of my few posts. My sincere condolences to his family and dear friends. I thank him for carrying the torch along with all of you, and know the heavens are welcoming home a beloved son with banners of a job well done.
Typing through tears. Shocked and saddened at this news. Though those of you at the Chateau had fore-knowledge of Pierre's condition, one can never be prepared, it seems, for the loss of a loved one. It's as if we climb the stairs to find one missing. We all here are enriched by his contributions.. Cheers to his Life. Deepest condolences and hugs to all. May his transition be 'passer doucement.'
As I said in the sott.net announcement:
"Farewell And rest in peace, Pierre. Keep it going in the other side, I hope to be able to see you in that other side!.

As we used to say in Portuguese / Spanish: ISTO NÃO É UM ADEUS, MAIS SIM UM ATÉ LOGO!! PIERRE.
Silly, I know, but I would feel honored when he “liked” one of my few posts.

That's not so silly, I have to say I've felt the same emotion when it's happened to me re- the elders of the forum. At least it clarifies that you're making some sense. We're all on the ladder, slowly stepping up. At times like this, I feel honoured to be an active participant on this forum, We're among the few 7k people actually engaging with the data/info, Yes we've been marginalised, but we're here for the long game, not cherry-picking our values and subjects.

I had no idea that Pierre had been struggling with this illness for so long. I'd noticed in recent times that Pierre had been noting the beauty and the splendour of the natural world. He was clearly well aware of his situation, and to the end was grateful for his place in the great cosmic play. It's really sad this; I didn't know him personally, but I feel like I've lost a distant friend.
Typing through tears. Shocked and saddened at this news. Though those of you at the Chateau had fore-knowledge of Pierre's condition, one can never be prepared, it seems, for the loss of a loved one.

Indeed. We had gotten so accustomed to overcoming obstacles and impossibles that we just thought it would continue forever, I think. But I see now that Pierre was finally physically exhausted by it all. He stayed mentally stalwart, but the chemo took a terrible toll on him. It DID stop the growth of the tumor and stabilized it, but then his own body reacted and his brain started taking on water and nothing we tried would reduce it or make it stop. It was the swelling that was the final straw. And it happened so fast we were stunned. Thankfully, our system just ramped up and palliative care immediately started and he was able to remain at home surrounded by those who love him. He was autonomous to the end.
Indeed. We had gotten so accustomed to overcoming obstacles and impossibles that we just thought it would continue forever, I think. But I see now that Pierre was finally physically exhausted by it all. He stayed mentally stalwart, but the chemo took a terrible toll on him. It DID stop the growth of the tumor and stabilized it, but then his own body reacted and his brain started taking on water and nothing we tried would reduce it or make it stop. It was the swelling that was the final straw. And it happened so fast we were stunned. Thankfully, our system just ramped up and palliative care immediately started and he was able to remain at home surrounded by those who love him. He was autonomous to the end.
So terribly sorry, Laura. Chemo must be the hardest decision, considering the vast alternative possibilities, that I'm sure he naturally explored. He must have decided it was time to let go. Certainly he will continue his works on a spiritual level. Take comfort in knowing that he is there with you all in spirit, and does not wish you sorrow.
It seemed strange to me not to see it on the forum these last few days and today through the Sott Radio Network in Spanish program I found out about this sad event.

My thanks to this man for his joy, brilliance and research that have been very useful on the path of growth; both from me and from the rest here.

My condolences to the people closest to him in the group... it comforts me to think that he is in a better place, but I still know that it must be difficult for all of you; You must feel like a part of yourself has been ripped away from you, after all it is obvious that the bonds you had with him were very strong because of the type of people you are... I will keep him and the rest of you in my prayers.
I remember laughing at one of Pierre's humorous posts and I thought he had a good sense of humor, and I saw the Infrabed thread - how active he was to remedy ailments and share with others his ideas... So, it sounds tragic to be afflicted with brain cancer so long, but he was positive and proactive throughout, that it wasn't so much tragedy as inspiration, because during his time, he searched for ways to improve, and willing to share them, and with a positive outlook.
My deepest and sincerest condolences to all of you at the Chateau, Cass Farm and here on the forum. I met Pierre in 2012 when I visited the Chateau. I remember him being a busy bee. Always having a project. My first memory of him is from the SOTT podcast on the Cathars. Dunno why, but I was tickled to hear him read The Lord's Prayer in Latin with a French accent. I am going to listen to it again this weekend in honor of him. Much love to you all!
Heartwarming to read how Pierre touched so many people here, and in a way, and albeit a metaphor, many of us might feel with Pierre that we were standing on the shoulders of a giant, as he was so passionate on subjects and worked with such depth and humility.

In such a small way, just look at his thread Mass extinction, evolutionary leap and the virus-information connection of his dedication to the work of knowing. You can see in the thread how deeply he could go and many would provided help, right down to the editing of dotting i's and crossing t's. Pierre was like that, he received and gave so much.

Bless you Pierre, may you fly like an eagle.

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