"Pizzagate" Explodes

Exposing Jon Grissom seems to have the seal of approval by Hollywood controllers. The fact Corey released this name on the Dr. Oz show and is the top search subject on Google for at least 6 pages say as much. Here are a few comments that are thought provoking I read on one site. It seems likely Feldman was paid off along time ago with a gag order in place and only the "small fries" will be named. Just speculating.

[–]justcause2016KEK 22 points 19 hours ago
nobody knows this guy. he has 2 credits as an actor on imdb. why the hell hasnt he named this nobody before?
[–]Marksmenright 42 points 19 hours ago
What did I tell you? He'll only name people who are convicted or dead. He's looking to get in on the new hunt for pedophiles, but he isn't going to violate the NDAs that he was paid off to sign regarding the higher up/current predators. The fact that he was making a movie and not a documentary should have tipped everyone off to his bullshit.
[–]-damnittohell 26 points 19 hours ago
Winner winner chicken dinner. It sounds like he's not legally allowed to name any big names. If it's even true, these guys would have covered their own asses well with lawyers and judges.
[–]Dakzekiel 16 points 18 hours ago
You can’t NDA to cover up a crime though, can you? Seems like Feldman should be able to say -flick- off and keep the money.
[–]juan0farc 10 points 17 hours ago
Well, it was probably done through lawyers so it amounts to a settlement agreement, with a gag order attached. If he ever talks then he’s legally on the hook for damages.
I’m not sure what the statute of limitations is on these type of crimes, so it might not be worthwhile to risk getting your ass sued off just to tarnish a few reputations.
That’s also why I don’t pay much attention to this, because that’s all he wants. He’s had thirty years to name names and he instead chose to ride Rose McGowan’s coat tails while fishing for money.

Edit: an added thought. Even though this CF story is likely being controlled it still brings peoples attention to the sexual molestation of child actors which is a good thing. Seeing what Corey is involved with, the videos posted here, one can see the results of his childhood experiences.
Here is another person named by Corey.

Who is Marty Weiss?

Marty Weiss, 54, was a child talent manager in Hollywood who in 2012 was sentenced on child molestation charges.

He spent six months in jail and was made to sign the sex offenders' register.

Separately, Weiss was named by former child star Corey Feldman as one of his alleged abusers.

In an interview with Megyn Kelly in November 2017, Feldman, 46, reportedly said that Weiss molested him when he was a young actor in the 1980s, according to Huffington Post.

“Believe me, I would love the pain to stop today,” Feldman said. “This is about creating a cycle of awareness. This is about opening people’s eyes and minds to the fact that this is a real problem.”

Weiss, who has not commented on the allegations, was named along with paedophile former actor Jon Grissom.

A former portfolio manager for an investment fund founded by financier George Soros sexually abused women at a Manhattan penthouse dungeon, according to a $27 million Brooklyn federal suit.

Portfolio manager accused of raping, beating women in penthouse dungeon

Howie Rubin, 62, whose high-stakes dealing was featured in the best-selling books “Liar’s Poker” and “The Big Short,” rented the lavish Metropolitan Tower pad in Midtown to indulge in brutal sex with women whom he paid between $2,000 and $5,000 per session, according to the suit filed Thursday.

The three unidentified plaintiffs in the case — including two Playboy Playmates — claim the married father raped and beat them to the point that they needed extensive medical attention, court papers say.

At the $8 million penthouse, they were shown to a side room featuring ropes, chains and sex toys along with other BDSM equipment. Rubin gagged, tied up and viciously abused the women — even punching one in the head, the suit filed by civil lawyer John Balestriere said.

“I’m going to rape you like I rape my daughter,” Rubin barked during one of the alleged assaults. In one session, he beat one of the women’s “breasts so badly that her right implant flipped,” the papers state. The former Bear Stearns trader paid her $20,000 to repair the damage.

One plaintiff was tied up, gagged and shocked with a cattle prod in her groin before Rubin allegedly raped her, according to the filing.

Rubin — who collaborated with two female fixers and a lawyer — had the women sign non-disclosure agreements, the papers state.

The trio sought to “cover up Rubin’s sexual misconduct and criminal abuse of women and to serve as a cover for his wide-ranging human trafficking scheme,” wrote Balestriere.

A lawyer for one of the women blasted Rubin’s alleged conduct.

“While arrogance and self-import may convince certain men otherwise, neither money nor power gives any person the right to victimize a woman,” said Jeremy Saland.

Rubin declined to comment on the suit when reached by phone Thursday.

Following accusations of abuse from several Hollywood players, new appalling allegations against the actor have emerged from a number of men in the wake of other sex scandals in the industry.

UK Police Launch Investigation Into Alleged Kevin Spacey Sexual Assault Claims

Scotland Yard officers are investigating the claims of a man sexually assaulted in London nine years ago while Kevin Spacey was working there, the Guardian reports, saying that the abuser is understood to be the 58-year-old Hollywood actor, despite police not confirming his identity.

"On 1 November, City of London police referred an allegation of sexual assault to the Metropolitan police service," a Scotland Yard spokesman was quoted as saying by the paper. "It is alleged a man assaulted another man in 2008 in Lambeth. Officers from the child abuse and sexual offences command are investigating."

No arrests have been made in connection with the investigation. According to the Sun, the complainant had been interviewed by police. The man, who is now 32, claimed that Spacey abused him after he passed out at the actor's home. When he awoke, he allegedly found Spacey performing a sexual act on him.

Spacey Faces Accusations of Turning 'House of Cards' Set Into 'Toxic' Work Environment

Eight people working on Netflix's "House of Cards" with Kevin Spacey blamed the actor for turning the set of the political drama series into a "toxic" work environment through sexual harassment and "predatory" behavior, CNN reported on Thursday.

New accusations surfaced less than a week after actor Anthony Rapp revealed in an interview with BuzzFeed News about Spacey's unwanted sexual advance toward him more than 30 years ago, when Rapp was just 14 years old.

One former production assistant, who spoke with CNN on the condition of anonymity, said Spacey — the series' lead star and an executive producer —
sexually assaulted him, putting his hands down the assistant's pants. "I was in a state of shock," he said. "He was a man in a very powerful position on the show and I was someone very low on the totem pole and on the food chain there." He also revealed that Spacey cornered him on set making inappropriate non-consensual contact with him.

I have no doubt that this type of predatory behavior was routine for him," the man added. "It was a toxic environment for young men who had to interact with him at all in the crew, cast, [and among] background actors."

Another crew member also said that Spacey routinely harassed and touched him. "He would put his hands on me in weird ways," the man said, adding that "the worst part about this whole thing" was that he was afraid to speak out.

Six other employees from the show talked with CNN about their experiences with the actor, proving that the touching largely occurred in an open space and that "everybody saw."

MRC, the "House of Cards" production company, said on Thursday they were "deeply troubled to learn about new allegations" and that they "will continue to thoroughly investigate all current claims." The company also implemented an anonymous complaint hotline, enlisted crisis counselors, and sexual harassment legal advisers for the crew.

Since Rapp's sexual misconduct accusations surfaced, the International Academy in charge of the Emmy Awards has decided to revoke Spacey's award, which he was meant to receive for contributions to the quality of global TV in November. Netflix, the distributor of the series, announced on Tuesday that the show is coming to an end.

More allegations against the actor emerged on Wednesday from filmmaker Tony Montana, who claimed that Kevin Spacey drunkenly grabbed his groin in 2003, and from actor Roberto Cavazos who admitted to have "a couple of nasty encounters with Spacey" at the Old Vic theater in London.
Disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner has to report to federal prison on Monday.

Anthony Weiner to report to prison on Monday

The 53-year-old was sentenced to 21 to 27 months in prison for sexting a 15-year-old girl.

Weiner will serve his time at the Federal Medical Center, Devens, in Massachusetts.

The facility houses more than 1,100 male inmates who require medical or mental health care. It offers sex offender treatment.

The sentencing in September completed the sordid downfall of the New York Democrat, whose penchant for exchanging lewd messages and photos with young women online destroyed his career in Congress in 2011, doomed his bid for mayor of New York in 2013, wrecked his marriage to Hillary Clinton's closest aide, Huma Abedin, and became entangled in the 2016 presidential campaign.

Admitting "I have a sickness, but I do not have an excuse," Weiner pleaded guilty in May to transferring obscene material to a minor, punishable by up to 10 years in prison, for illicit contact with a North Carolina teenager.

He sought to be spared from prison, tearfully telling Judge Denise Cote that he was "a very sick man for a very long time." Weiner, weeping as he read from a written statement on a page he held in front of him, called his crime his "rock bottom."

At the beginning of this week, the Polk County, Fl sheriff’s office announced it had arrested 277 people after a week-long undercover sting targeting human trafficking and online prostitution. Those arrested included doctors, pharmacists, and even law enforcement officers- including one of their own from Polk County. Former Sergeant Luis Diaz has now resigned from the force after 17 years.

Doctors and cops among 277 arrested in human trafficking, online prostitution sting in Florida (Video - List)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwqVgJ70hb4 (1:47 min.)

"Operation No Tricks, No Treats’ started last Tuesday, October 10 and ran through Monday, October 16. During that time, undercover detectives posted fake ads or profiles online posing as prostitutes or someone who solicits prostitutes. Other detectives responded to profiles and ads posted by prostitutes.

According to the sheriff’s office, 51 of the arrests were related to those who advertise as prostitutes online and 209 of the arrests were those who solicited undercover detectives posing as prostitutes. Seventeen arrests were made for other offenses."

The investigators say 215 of the suspects drove to Polk County from all over Florida and some drove from other states.

Thank you to NBC 4i for providing the list of those arrested for soliciting a prostitute.

Harvey Weinstein was once at the very top of Hollywood. As accusations of his sexual predation came to light, it didn't just trigger his downfall. It ushered in a tidal wave of exposure of sexual impropriety in the film industry.

Harvey Weinstein scandal: A complete list of the 78 accusers

Since the New York Times and New Yorker published bombshell reports detailing decades of alleged sexual harassment and assault by producer Harvey Weinstein early this month, dozens of women have come forward with similar claims against the movie mogul.

78 women have accused Weinstein of inappropriate to potentially criminal behavior ranging from requests for massages to intimidating sexual advances to rape. Weinstein has denied the allegations.

"Any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied by Mr. Weinstein," Weinstein spokeswoman Holly Baird told USA TODAY in a statement.

Here is a complete (and developing) list of his accusers:

A leaked dossier reveals at least 36 Conservative MPs have been accused of sexual harassment of aides and staff - and similar exposures in Europe suggest the issue of abuse among political elites is not isolated to the UK.

Possible Cover-Up of Westminster Sex Abuse as Names of 36 Accused MPs Leaked

A spreadsheet compiled by Conservative party aides detailing how members of parliament have behaved inappropriately towards colleagues, including allegations of sexual misconduct, has been revealed — and Prime Minister Theresa May is facing allegations of a cover-up after repeatedly failing to confirm when she learned of the allegations.

The dossier, exposed by right-wing blogger Guido Fawkes, notes two current Cabinet ministers have been accused of inappropriate behavior towards women, among 18 serving ministers accused of various forms of inappropriate sexual behaviour. One minister is accused of being "handsy with women at parties" — another is said to be "perpetually intoxicated and very inappropriate with women." (Article continues.)
Very creepy story from the magazine New Yorker about Harvey Weinstein hiring a firm of ex-Mossad/IDF types to go after actor Rose McGowan.

Weinstein was a visitor to Jeffrey Epstein's Pedo Island, which some investigators allege to be a Mossad blackmailing operation. McGowan did say there were dark forces aimed against her. Can't get much darker than the Zionist Mossad Men-Behind-the-Curtain types.
Journalist Liz Crokin reports here that she feels that Hillary Clinton will eventually be indicted in connection with a sex video of herself, her assistant, Huma Abedin and an underage girl.

Liz Crokin on Weiner’s ‘Life Insurance’ Files (Video)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QODs234yvK4 (2:37 min.)

The video was allegedly discovered on the computer of Human Abedin’s husband, Anthony Weiner. Crokin here tells of a folder on Weiner’s computer titled “Life Insurance,” containing several sex videos.

Weiner’s computer was seized by the NYPD as evidence in his own sexting case involving a 15-year old minor. Weiner’s computer was also found to contain 2,800 back-ups of Huma’s correspondence with Hillary Clinton, which became evidence in the FBI’s investigation of Hillary’s use of a private server to conduct Government business with classified materials.

I’d heard rumors of a horrific pedophile video featuring Hillary and Huma for weeks leading up to the 2016 US Presidential Election. All of us who heard about it wanted to see justice served but a year has passed with nary a peep on the subject till Liz Crokin made this video post on November 3rd.

For his part, Anthony Weiner was convicted in his case and he must report to prison by tomorrow, November 6 to begin serving his 21-month sentence.

In 2016, WikiLeaks published emails from Hillary Clinton’s server, from the DNC and from Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta. This latter cache of emails contained several instances of the use of code words that the FBI has identified as being used in child pornography and with child sex trafficking.

There are allegedly many videos on Anthony Weiner’s computer implicating many powerful politicians in pedophilia. The videos are so graphic and horrific that multiple sources have told Crokin that when NYPD reviewed these files, it made these grown men cry. NYPD in possession of these files, as is the FBI and WikiLeaks, according to Crokin’s sources.

Crokin says, “These files, I believe will be released. It’s only a matter of time. NYPD officers have threatened to release them on their own if FBI doesn’t do the right thing, if the good people in the Justice Department don’t do the right thing.

“Julian Assange has been taunting Hillary Clinton very actively on Twitter and he released a key that most likely is a key to another data dump which could possibly include this ‘Life Insurance’ file that was on Anthony Weiner’s laptop.

“That would include all the videos of this child sex trafficking, the Hillary Clinton sex tape, the child sex abuse, you name it and if and when this happens, let me tell you no one will be able to deny that Pizza Gate is real, nobody will be able to deny that the likes of the Clintons and John Podesta and many, many politicians and many members of Congress are involved in the child rape and torture of – I should say, this Satanic rape and torture of kids. Because the pedophilia actually revolves around their beliefs in the occult and their worship of Lucifer, Satan, Moloch – whatever the Hell you want to call their evil god that they worship…”
Corey Feldman has filed a formal report with LAPD about the 'pedophile ring', see: Link

Also, he retweeted this tweet that includes a link to this SOTT article, which is good to see, as the word is spreading about the normalization of pedophilia.
‘Army of spies’: Weinstein hired ex-Mossad agents to silence abuse allegations – report
Published time: 7 Nov, 2017 09:36
It turned out that “Diana Filip” and “Anna” were creations of a former Israeli Defense Force officer employed by Black Cube, according to three informed sources. When shown photos of the Black Cube operative, McGowan recalled her vividly. “Oh my God,” she replied. “Reuben Capital. Diana Filip. No f***ing way.”

Security agencies hired by Weinstein also dug up information on dozens of people, including personal and sexual histories. Notably, a report compiled on McGowan by a separate private security firm included the sub-heading “Past lovers.”

In other instances, the information-gathering effort was spearheaded by Weinstein’s lawyers. One of them was David Boies, a renowned attorney who represented Al Gore during the presidential election dispute back in 2000; he also argued for marriage equality before the US Supreme Court.



Day 18 Warmup 8 ACG - Five Limited Partnerships For Senate Armed Self Service Committee / 5:23
Nov 7, 2017

JW Pres. Tom Fitton on Sanctuary Cities, Voter Fraud by Illegal Aliens, & Enforcing Immigration Laws /11:52
Nov 6, 2017
Interesting video:


The guy being interviewed sounds legit. He provides some email screenshots and documents to back up his story, but in general he just sounds like he's telling the truth - comes across as rational, not nutty. So here's his story in a nutshell: Back when the Comet Ping Pong thing was all over the place, and people found the hidden part of the website with password-protected files, this guy apparently "hacked" in and gained access to the files. He says it was what everyone thought it would be: child pornography. Because viewing or storing such things is an offense, he followed recommended procedure and notified police. While inside the protected part of the website, he found there were connections with multiple servers in other countries, all sharing this stuff. Also a store using bitcoin as currency (he couldn't tell what was being sold, however). He gathered all this info and sent it to the DCMP (also told what he knew to DHS, FBI, NYPD).

The DC detective he was put in touch with was initially interested, confirmed getting the info, then stopped replying to messages around middle of December, 2016. There's more, but that's the gist of it. Basically, this guy claims that Comet Ping Pong WAS hosting child porn on their network.
NormaRegula said:
Very creepy story from the magazine New Yorker about Harvey Weinstein hiring a firm of ex-Mossad/IDF types to go after actor Rose McGowan.

Weinstein was a visitor to Jeffrey Epstein's Pedo Island, which some investigators allege to be a Mossad blackmailing operation. McGowan did say there were dark forces aimed against her. Can't get much darker than the Zionist Mossad Men-Behind-the-Curtain types.

Thank you for the article.

snips said:
The firms that Weinstein hired included Kroll, which is one of the world’s largest corporate-intelligence companies, and Black Cube, an enterprise run largely by former officers of Mossad and other Israeli intelligence agencies.
In fact, “Diana Filip” was an alias for a former officer in the Israeli Defense Forces who originally hailed from Eastern Europe and was working for Black Cube, according to three individuals with knowledge of the situation. When I sent McGowan photos of the Black Cube agent, she recognized her instantly. “Oh my God,” she wrote back. “Reuben Capital. Diana Filip. No fucking way.”
The U.K. cell-phone numbers that Filip provided to Wallace and McGowan have been disconnected. Calls to Reuben Capital Partners’ number in London went unanswered. As recently as Friday, the firm had a bare-bones Web site, with stock photos and generic text passages about asset management and an initiative called Women in Focus. The site, which has now been taken down, listed an address near Piccadilly Circus, operated by a company specializing in shared office space. That company said that it had never heard of Reuben Capital Partners. Two sources with knowledge of Weinstein’s work with Black Cube said that the firm creates fictional companies to provide cover for its operatives, and that Filip’s firm was one of them.

No surprise, a shell (hidden).

As for Black Cube, literally in religion, this is the name Tefillin whereby prayers or scrolls are hidden beneath the box.

[...]Black Cube declined to comment on the specifics of any work it did for Weinstein. The agency said in a statement, “It is Black Cube’s policy to never discuss its clients with any third party, and to never confirm or deny any speculation made with regard to the company’s work. Black Cube supports the work of many leading law firms around the world, especially in the US, gathering evidence for complex legal processes, involving commercial disputes, among them uncovering negative campaigns. . . . It should be highlighted that Black Cube applies high moral standards to its work, and operates in full compliance with the law of any jurisdiction in which it operates—strictly following the guidance and legal opinions provided by leading law firms from around the world.” The contract with the firm also specified that all of its work would be obtained “by legal means and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.”

[...]...But the firm has also faced legal questions about its employees’ use of fake identities and other tactics. Last year, two of its investigators were arrested in Romania on hacking charges. In the end, the company reached an agreement with the Romanian authorities, under which the operatives admitted to hacking and were released. Two sources familiar with the agency defended its decision to work for Weinstein, saying that they originally believed that the assignment focussed on his business rivals. But even the earliest lists of names that Weinstein provided to Black Cube included actresses and journalists.
The contracts also show some of the techniques that Black Cube employs. The agency promised “a dedicated team of expert intelligence officers that will operate in the USA and any other necessary country,” including a project manager, intelligence analysts, linguists, and “Avatar Operators” specifically hired to create fake identities on social media, as well as “operations experts with extensive experience in social engineering.” The agency also said that it would provide “a full time agent by the name of ‘Anna’ (hereinafter ‘the Agent’), who will be based in New York and Los Angeles as per the Client’s instructions and who will be available full time to assist the Client and his attorneys for the next four months.” Four sources with knowledge of Weinstein’s work with Black Cube confirmed that this was the same woman who met with McGowan and Wallace.

This seems to be said name, Diana Filip.

Two sources close to the effort and several documents show that the same freelancer received contact information for actresses, journalists, and business rivals of Weinstein from Black Cube, and that the agency ultimately passed summaries of those interviews to Weinstein’s lawyers. When contacted about his role, the freelancer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that he had been working on his own story about Weinstein, using contact information fed to him by Black Cube. The freelancer said that he reached out to other reporters, one of whom used material from his interviews, in the hopes of helping to expose Weinstein. He denied that he was paid by Black Cube or Weinstein.
For years, Weinstein had used private security agencies to investigate reporters. In the early aughts, as the journalist David Carr, who died in 2015, worked on a report on Weinstein for New York, Weinstein assigned Kroll to dig up unflattering information about him, according to a source close to the matter. Carr’s widow, Jill Rooney Carr, told me that her husband believed that he was being surveilled, though he didn’t know by whom. “He thought he was being followed,” she recalled. In one document, Weinstein’s investigators wrote that Carr had learned of McGowan’s allegation in the course of his reporting. Carr “wrote a number of critical/unflattering articles about HW over the years,” the document says, “none of which touched on the topic of women (due to fear of HW’s retaliation, according to HW).”

There are many gaps here, so read in full. At the end thought, MaGowen states in the article;

After a year of concerted effort, Weinstein’s campaign to track and silence his accusers crumbled. Several of the women targeted, however, said that Weinstein’s use of private security agencies deepened the challenge of speaking out. “It scared me,” Sciorra said, “because I knew what it meant to be threatened by Harvey. I was in fear of him finding me.” McGowan said that the agencies and law firms enabled Weinstein’s behavior. As she was targeted, she felt a growing sense of paranoia. “It was like the movie ‘Gaslight,’ ” she told me. “Everyone lied to me all the time.” For the past year, she said, “I’ve lived inside a mirrored fun house.”

What a racket.
"YouTube is a haven for some of the world's worst child predators. Pedophile rings are targeting our children right under the noses of parents who simply don't know how to recognize the enemy or the dangers of a child's unrestricted access to social media. This documentary will alert and inform you to some of these dangers."

An Anti-LGBT politician resigned after being ‘caught having sex with man in his office’ - his wife is assistant director of an annual anti-abortion rally known as March for Life.

Inappropriate behavior’ with man in his office led to Ohio lawmaker’s ouster

State Rep. Wes Goodman, who consistently touted his faith and conservative values, abruptly resigned late Tuesday after being confronted with evidence of inappropriate conduct with another man inside his Riffe Center office,
the second Ohio lawmaker to fall within a month.

House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger, R-Clarksville, met Tuesday afternoon with the Cardington Republican soon after the speaker became aware of an incident from weeks ago in the lawmaker’s office that, sources said, involved a male in a consensual situation.

No harassment complaint, sexual or otherwise, was filed against Goodman. But someone, reportedly not a staffer, who knew of or witnessed the incident informed House Chief of Staff Mike Dittoe of the situation early Tuesday afternoon.

“I was alerted to details yesterday afternoon regarding his involvement in inappropriate behavior related to his state office,” Rosenberger said in a statement on Wednesday. “I met with him later in the day where he acknowledged and confirmed the allegations. It became clear that his resignation was the most appropriate course of action for him, his family, the constituents of the 87th House District and this institution.”

Goodman, 33, who says on his campaign web site that “healthy, vibrant, thriving, values-driven families are the source of Ohio’s proud history,” expressed regret for his actions.

“We all bring our own struggles and our own trials into public life. That has been true for me, and I sincerely regret that my actions and choices have kept me from serving my constituents and our state in a way that reflects the best ideals of public service,” he said in a statement. “For those whom I have let down, I’m sorry. As I move onto the next chapter of my life, I sincerely ask for privacy for myself, my family, and my friends.”

The departure of Goodman, who is married, comes less than a month after the resignation last month of Sen. Cliff Hite, R-Findlay, following a complaint of sexual harassment filed by a staffer who said he asked her repeatedly to have sex with him in his Columbus condo. On Monday, Senate Democratic Chief of Staff Mike Premo resigned following a complaint of inappropriate behavior by a staffer.
FBI Informant Has Video Of Russian Agents With Briefcases Of Bribe Money In Clinton-Uranium Scandal
by Tyler Durden Nov 18, 2017 10:07 AM (Submitted by iBankCoin.com)
An undercover FBI informant in the Russian nuclear industry who was made to sign an “illegal NDA” by former AG Loretta Lynch, claims to have video evidence showing Russian agents with briefcases full of bribe money related to the controversial Uranium One deal – according to The Hill investigative journalist John Solomon and Circa‘s Sara Carter.

The informant, whose identity was revealed by Reuters as William D. Campbell, will testify before congress next week after the NDA which carried the threat of prison time was lifted. Campbell, originally misidentifed by Reuters as a lobbyist is actually a nuclear industry consultant who is currently battling cancer.

As previously reported, Campbell was deeply embedded in the Russian nuclear industry where he gathered extensive evidence of a racketeering scheme involving bribes and kickbacks.

“The Russians were compromising American contractors in the nuclear industry with kickbacks and extortion threats, all of which raised legitimate national security concerns. And none of that evidence got aired before the Obama administration made those decisions,” a person who worked on the case told The Hill, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution by U.S. or Russian officials. –The Hill

Campbell’s attorney, former Regan Justice Department official Victoria Toensing, previously told Fox Business host Lou Dobbs “He can tell what all the Russians were talking about during the time that all these bribery payments were made.”

Sara Carter and John Solomon sat down with Fox News host Sean Hannity to discuss:


Day 29.1. Uranium One - ISIS In Congress (13:38)
Published on Nov 18, 2017


Day 29.2. Rahm Emanuel Added the S To Pak ISI For Me (4:33)
Published on Nov 18, 2017

Weinstein's Weinergate Goes Nuclear
(Sunday November 19 2017)
... Joe, Niall, Elan, Harrison
Tune in to Behind the Headlines at 6-8pm CET (4-6pm UTC / 12-2pm EST), as we discuss the latest breaking news over the last week.
Details coming soon.


On Watch: Politicized Special Counsels & Obama Operatives in the Federal Government (13:38)
Judicial Watch Streamed live on Nov 16, 2017

On this episode of "On Watch," JW Director of Investigations & Research Chris Farrell discusses the dangers of special counsels, particularly those that are politically-charged. Also, Chris explains why Jeff Sessions should step aside as Attorney General.

Besides working in a hostile environment within the DOJ, the media circus surrounding him is a distraction from the important issues facing America. Finally, Chris states that while a number of political appointees in the federal government aren't necessarily bad actors, they may not share the same aspirations as the sitting president does on key issues.

This does not diminish the importance of holdovers from previous presidents, however, as they seek to undermine the current administration.

Mexican traffickers making New York a hub for lucrative — and deadly — fentanyl
November 13

Carlos Ramirez, 25, appears in security camera footage at the Bronx hotel where he was arrested in June. He is accused of having 40 pounds of pure fentanyl in a black duffel bag. Ramirez had stayed at the hotel on previous occasions, telling staff members that he was from the state of Sinaloa, home to Mexico’s most powerful drug cartel. (Office of the Special Narcotics Prosecutor for the City of New York)
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