Laura said:[..]
So, my question relates more directly to: Okay, we know that we have this need to get relief, let's figure out how BEST to utilize it to undo the damage that is being done.
A movie of ours has to contain, i think, contrasty scenes - in light and form - resembling oil paintings. Like Ostrov or V for Vendetta. Fulcanelli mentioned a lot of pictograms. Put in load of symbols and I-Ching. Our movie has to be density controlled: go mildly first then introduce a lot of symbolic elements. Authentic crop circles in form of spirals, double yin-yangs and so on. Limestone sculptures - explained in Fulcanellis book - possibly shown in artistic lighting? Cathedral windows. Every movie techniques should be tested for best effect searching for possible healing elements. Throw out what doesn't work.
Music, sound effects: high pitched melodic sounds that begin to modulate and conjoin with such a force that causes vibration in the body of the listener. Sound-engineered effects can do that even with stereo earphones. Humming - Gurdjieffs octaves mixed on digital and analog synthesizers or human humming sounds- modulating in intensity. All kinds of drums for rhythm. Choirs - chants, try most things and throw out what does not have an effect on the majority of the listeners. Or put everything into the movie that has an effect on different listener groups.
Gourdjieff mentioned that powerful piano Alla Attapan of the saint brothers to create 'order of succession of the processes of reciprocal blending of vibrations,' to heal or to destroy.
Basically what we may get, i think, will profoundly differ from everything the contemporary entertainment industry can spew out. Even just managing to touch the essence of a real treatment and create only the 'intro', we might bring out from almost everybody the artist, the shaman, the warrior, the essential self. Little soundtracks and movie series from Cassiopaea Movie Company. That could be a total liberation of the masses.
A colossal work.