Predictions and Prophecies

And any good resources to find what my chart is?
There is an endless number of free birth chart calculators, eg. You need to know your exact time of birth for some things, but for the planets the date of birth is enough.

Does this refer to the birth chart or the planets right now?
If a planet in your birth chart is located where one of the planets is passing through right now, it is called a transit. You can find out more about these topics by looking up "astrology transits", etc.
Here I leave this for your consideration

● Prediction
A person who is racist, xenophobic, burns down a house of Latinos in Texas. Five persons burned to ashes. Horrible.

● Event: Is this what Andreas saw?

White Nebraska man shoots and wounds 7 Guatemalan immigrant neighbors​

A white Nebraska man described as reclusive and confrontational shot and wounded seven neighbors who are Guatemalan immigrants, and investigators said they are not ruling out racist motives.

About 15 people were at the victims’ home, mostly in the yard, when Billy Booth, 74, opened fire from his house in Crete with a shotgun around 4:30 p.m. Friday, officials said.

Booth killed himself after the shootings. The victims, who are related and include four children ages 3 to 10, are expected to survive.

Police previously received a complaint from the family that Booth had made an obscene gesture and told them to go back to where they came from and “speak English,” Crete Police Chief Gary Young said Saturday. The family did not press charges, he said.

This prediction of violence bacause of racism belongs to the set of predictions where Andreas talks about terrible storms in Americas and the Caribbean and possibly related to hurricane Beryl (see previous post about the hurricane) and a horrible tsunami that would happen in Asia (in the future yet).

The strong waves associated with the passage of Hurricane Beryl through the south of the Dominican Republic reach the power lines on Avenida España in Santo Domingo, causing dangerous electrical discharges.​

As mentioned before, the space-time is not accurate but the event is close to the prediction.

Andreas's Visions new set of predictions July 01, 2024
Earthquake in the Middle East, Turkey or Afghanistan or a little further, Bangladesh M7.1 or M7.7 later this month.

A cargo ship in the Americas, probably Mexico, suffers an accident, collides with the pier or seawall, there are total material losses but no human losses, it is something very strong, very ugly.

Record high temperatures are broken in northern Mexico, exceeding 50⁰ Centigrade.

In the United States, the banking system collapses for hours, even days, a total chaos because there will be no money. A hacker is responsible.

Fire in a prison in northern Mexico, many inmates go to the right of the Lord. Possibly accidental, but it could also be the effect of the high temperatures mentioned. It is something horrible, let's hope not.

Venezuela. Their leader goes to the hospital something serious. Venezuela also suffer an earthquake M5.6 or M6.1 Mexico City next month, earthquake at night of M6.9 or M7.2 no loss of life.

Comments: I'm not quite sure I understand whether the Venezuelan leader (Maduro or Delcy?) is going to the hospital as a result of the earthquake, an attack or illness. In the video both predictions are consecutive.

There is also a controversy, since according to Andreas, he had these visions on July 1st and the video was uploaded on July 2nd and this same day the Vice President of Venezuela had an accident that took her to the hospital.
Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez and the mayor of the Montes municipality, Tomás Bello, were injured after a tree fell on them in Cumanacoa, following the floods left by hurricane Beryl.​

As the U.S. elections approach, terrorist attacks may be the order of the day. The boat accident and financial system hacking may be part of the "terrorization" agenda.

Here is another prediction. Is this what Andreas saw?

● Prediction:
Mexico, on vacation, very soon, accident on a federal highway, a group of cars or caravan of cars and buses are involved in a big crash, it is horrible, I hope it does not happen.

● Event: Big explosion on a highway in Brazil

The dramatic situation took place this Wednesday on route BR 010 between the municipalities of Paragominas and Ulianópolis, in the state of Pará, when the gas transport caught fire for reasons that are being investigated. With the vehicle stopped on the side of the road and the fire out of control, several motorists stopped to wait for the firemen.

Several began to film what was happening up to the moment of the powerful detonation.

This prediction belongs to the set where Andreas talks about the M6+ earthquake in Peru which already happened and another earthquake in Colombia and surrounding regions which happened in Venezuela with M6.0, an earthquake in San Francisco CA that has not happened yet and the eruption of a volcano in Hawaii where in recent days the Kilauea volcano has been restless. Also Andreas talked about a new forced disappearance of young students as happened in the Ayotzinapa case.
Remote viewer Dick Algire did a video with Jean-Claude at "Beyond Mystic" regarding July 16th (starting around 17 minutes); the death of the dollar (around 34 minutes); and politics (around 52 minutes but some throughout).

Dick sees like Clif Hi some kind of potential space event with an impact that may be man-made around the 16th of July (Operation Blue Beam?). He also reveals that Mr. Trump is now on board with Bitcoin as a "strategic reserve", so he will back cryptocurrencies. And he sees Biden being removed, with Gavin Newsom possibly taking his place.
The July 15/16 event is just one possible future, and the more people talk about it the more likely nothing will happen on those days, I think. Though Clif High was accurate to the day before a couple times, for example the start of the Ukraine war.

As to Dick Algire, I would take all his opinions with a grain of salt. He and his group are in contact with an alleged "cabal insider" who has been giving them "privileged information". The main disinformation vector from this source (which Dick completely believes) is that the cabal is too poweful and that resistance is futile.
Dick sees like Clif Hi some kind of potential space event with an impact that may be man-made around the 16th of July (Operation Blue Beam?). He also reveals that Mr. Trump is now on board with Bitcoin as a "strategic reserve", so he will back cryptocurrencies. And he sees Biden being removed, with Gavin Newsom possibly taking his place.
You beat me to posting this but that happens here ALOT. The Future Forecasting Group was given Clif Highs July 16th event as a target. From what Dick said from his viewing, the event seems to have an unreal quality to it like a projection, possibly similar to the 911 planes flying into the towers which I thought interesting. He also shows the drawings from a few of the other viewer on the subject. It was good to get more details on this since I've only seen a few short clips. An impact event and a huge explosion basically. He says Clif High gave him the info to buy cryptos years ago and now he's very well off. Some of Clifs successes from his data collections are given.

Here's Clif description for July 16 with a leeway of several days.

On March 22, I posted a Beyond Mystic show here where an astrologer spoke of July 16 and I made a point of remembering that date.

The Demon Fixed Star conjunct Uranus, July 15 and 16 very intense (week before and after), feed off peoples fear and chaos. Fear porn. Neptune R in 29 degrees of Pisces until end of 2025, not out of the lies and illusions until then. Clif High web bot data speculates Elohim attack (4dSTS?) at this time, near end of summer.
I recall the astrologer saying the "cabal" has their own astrologers and they may be looking at this date as well to set off something. Fear porn on the day of the Demon Star.

As to Dick Algire, I would take all his opinions with a grain of salt. He and his group are in contact with an alleged "cabal insider" who has been giving them "privileged information". The main disinformation vector from this source (which Dick completely believes) is that the cabal is too poweful and that resistance is futile
Yes, I saw this in this interview and my ears pricked up. Whenever someone speaks of their insider info the "be wary" signal goes off. Someone who has the ear of the public would be a target for disinfo. Here he says the recent Chevron decision by the Supreme Court was in favor of the Globalists, international exploiters, hopefully not true and a real gut punch since this is being seen as a great win to rid corporations and other unelected groups from making up and enforcing their own unlawful rules and regulations.

So with Dick Algire I need to use my weeding skills but there is also value there so worth the listen. This is the same with probably everyone I find, no one has the whole story and makes false statements unknowingly. Weed, weed, weed all you organic farmers out there! :-D

Resistance is futile is a psy-op.
Edward Riordon and Dick Algire go deeper into the RV session they did for the July 16 event. Explanations are given for the problems associated with specific dates in remote viewing sessions. A few highlights :

Objects seen then not seen in the sky, like an unseen battle in the sky.
Are they seeing actual events that will happen or are they part of the collective conscious that produced the web bot data in Clifs reading. Edward describes some type of energy, EMF?, thats focused on people to change their perceptions and it affects their nervous system. This happens as they're watching the emotional event which is described in the bot data as a sharp spike in release language.
More about weird stuff happening with the moon and a group thats controlling it.

It's an interesting experiment.

The group are also blind hemispherists. Hemispherism, a just invented term to name people that think life happens only in the Northern hemisphere. Not even remote viewers or psychics, gurus or even higher densities address the Southern hemisphere.

Guys... you know where you want to move.
The group are also blind hemispherists. Hemispherism, a just invented term to name people that think life happens only in the Northern hemisphere. Not even remote viewers or psychics, gurus or even higher densities address the Southern hemisphere.

Guys... you know where you want to move.
... ism ... that tells you everything you need to know ...
As we have read in the last few posts, it seems that seers, astrologers and remote viewers agree that this month of July will be crucial. On February 20, 2024 Andreas, for example, mentioned that the seventh month would be one that mankind would remember.
Month seven will be remembered long and forever around the world, I hope it is nothing bad.
Here above are marked the months I tell you July, August and September. In all this that is happening there will be a government, how do I explain... with the power over the others for three months.

Remote viewer Dick Algire did a video with Jean-Claude at "Beyond Mystic" regarding July 16th (starting around 17 minutes); the death of the dollar (around 34 minutes); and politics (around 52 minutes but some throughout).
Edward Riordon and Dick Algire go deeper into the RV session they did for the July 16 event.

Now, Vedic astrologer Joni Patry posted a video two weeks ago where she mentions that July 2024 would be a month of explosive events.

The astrologer mentions that July will be one of the most serious months of the year and this will revolve around what happens with Trump:

"On July 12 Mars enters Taurus and when this happens it will conjunct Uranus which will bring explosive events."

"There will be a disruptive event, in which Trump is involved, which will cause an uproar because never in US history has the country been so divided. People are going to be enraged or bewildered because they will no longer know what to believe. The corruption on both sides will be revealed."

"We live in dark times and previously hidden corruption will be exposed. Karma will come for everyone starting with the economic aspect which has serious problems. This will have several consequences and the awakening of the people is one of them. We will see that the more the Democrats attack Trump, the more support he gets from the people. Attacks against Trump will fail and backfire."

"The possibility of a split is very serious. What I see coming is insurmountable hatred and anger and it begins in the month of July when Mars enters Taurus and when Uranus is near. Mars represents war, attacks, anger, violence; Uranus represents sudden events so People will be outraged.
Everything explodes between July 12 and 17."

"All this anger that is being produced is shaking the Earth. Mother Earth feels it and all this negative energy will manifest in earthquakes. According to my calculations this will occur in July in California. Also, the astronomical configuration that occurred during the 1906 California earthquake has many similarities with the one that is about to happen."

Basically this is the main message. Other astronomical considerations mentioned by the astrologer:

● Mars in Aries up to July 12th is reviving things up
●Mars will go retrograde later after the elections which will be major
● Saturn's aspect on Mars is happening now till July 12th- incredible frustrations and setbacks!
● Highly spiritual time and a true awakening
July 21st- Full Moon at 5 degrees Capricorn
with Pluto at 6 degrees Capricorn
● This year is the U.S. Pluto return
● Joni believes the country will return to its original founding principles
● Mars is going to transit Cancer, and will be transitting the U.S. 9th house Rahu, later in October, a turn around will occurr
●Mars in Taurus is going to intensify everything. It will be about greed.
On July 12 Mars enters Taurus and when this happens it will conjunct Uranus which will bring explosive events."

"There will be a disruptive event, in which Trump is involved, which will cause an uproar because never in US history has the country been so divided. People are going to be enraged or bewildered because they will no longer know what to believe. The corruption on both sides will be revealed."

"We live in dark times and previously hidden corruption will be exposed. Karma will come for everyone starting with the economic aspect which has serious problems. This will have several consequences and the awakening of the people is one of them. We will see that the more the Democrats attack Trump, the more support he gets from the people. Attacks against Trump will fail and backfire."

"The possibility of a split is very serious. What I see coming is insurmountable hatred and anger and it begins in the month of July when Mars enters Taurus and when Uranus is near. Mars represents war, attacks, anger, violence; Uranus represents sudden events so People will be outraged.
Everything explodes between July 12 and 17."

"All this anger that is being produced is shaking the Earth. Mother Earth feels it and all this negative energy will manifest in earthquakes. According to my calculations this will occur in July in California. Also, the astronomical configuration that occurred during the 1906 California earthquake has many similarities with the one that is about to happen."

Basically this is the main message. Other astronomical considerations mentioned by the astrologer:

● Mars in Aries up to July 12th is reviving things up
●Mars will go retrograde later after the elections which will be major
● Saturn's aspect on Mars is happening now till July 12th- incredible frustrations and setbacks!
● Highly spiritual time and a true awakening
July 21st- Full Moon at 5 degrees Capricorn
with Pluto at 6 degrees Capricorn
● This year is the U.S. Pluto return
● Joni believes the country will return to its original founding principles
● Mars is going to transit Cancer, and will be transitting the U.S. 9th house Rahu, later in October, a turn around will occurr
●Mars in Taurus is going to intensify everything. It will be about greed.
Whoa.......For the last few days I've been seeing this angry Mars energy bursting out in my area. Normally where I live is peaceful and a smaller town so these instances coming one after another made an impression and because of the information here, I think there is a correlation. Driving slowly threw town I hear a man shouting as loud as possible with the tone of absolute anger and hate. I don't know what happened to cause this and I didn't see the man. As I drove away I felt the level of aggression there was so high that he could pull a gun and shoot someone. The following day an angry argument broke out with the neighbors of my daughter. Screaming very loudly at each other, accusations flying between 2 family members. For 2 days tensions in my work place, irritable employers, angry, irritable and complaining. As I thought of these things I recalled 5G had been activated in the town about 2 months ago so wondered about that. I don't think 5G is where my daughter lives yet as its more rural. I hadn't been wearing my sungite pendant for about a week so back to that.

"Mars in Taurus is going to intensify everything. It will be about greed." People erupting all over because of the loss of money and fortunes? My Sun and Mercury are in Taurus so I thought there may be a resonance happening.

Pay attention to your surroundings everyone, even if your in the southern hemisphere! :-D

p.s. Earthquake in California stops POTUS elections?
The astrologer mentions that July will be one of the most serious months of the year
Another astrologer pointed out that while the extremely rare Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction (last time it happened in 1942) can be explosive, there is also a rare and very favorable Jupiter-Aldebaran conjunction right now (once every 12 years), which may soften the impact of the other one.
As we have read in the last few posts, it seems that seers, astrologers and remote viewers agree that this month of July will be crucial. On February 20, 2024 Andreas, for example, mentioned that the seventh month would be one that mankind would remember.


Now, Vedic astrologer Joni Patry posted a video two weeks ago where she mentions that July 2024 would be a month of explosive events.

The astrologer mentions that July will be one of the most serious months of the year and this will revolve around what happens with Trump:

"On July 12 Mars enters Taurus and when this happens it will conjunct Uranus which will bring explosive events."

"There will be a disruptive event, in which Trump is involved, which will cause an uproar because never in US history has the country been so divided. People are going to be enraged or bewildered because they will no longer know what to believe. The corruption on both sides will be revealed."

"We live in dark times and previously hidden corruption will be exposed. Karma will come for everyone starting with the economic aspect which has serious problems. This will have several consequences and the awakening of the people is one of them. We will see that the more the Democrats attack Trump, the more support he gets from the people. Attacks against Trump will fail and backfire."

"The possibility of a split is very serious. What I see coming is insurmountable hatred and anger and it begins in the month of July when Mars enters Taurus and when Uranus is near. Mars represents war, attacks, anger, violence; Uranus represents sudden events so People will be outraged.
Everything explodes between July 12 and 17."

"All this anger that is being produced is shaking the Earth. Mother Earth feels it and all this negative energy will manifest in earthquakes. According to my calculations this will occur in July in California. Also, the astronomical configuration that occurred during the 1906 California earthquake has many similarities with the one that is about to happen."

Basically this is the main message. Other astronomical considerations mentioned by the astrologer:

● Mars in Aries up to July 12th is reviving things up
●Mars will go retrograde later after the elections which will be major
● Saturn's aspect on Mars is happening now till July 12th- incredible frustrations and setbacks!
● Highly spiritual time and a true awakening
July 21st- Full Moon at 5 degrees Capricorn
with Pluto at 6 degrees Capricorn
● This year is the U.S. Pluto return
● Joni believes the country will return to its original founding principles
● Mars is going to transit Cancer, and will be transitting the U.S. 9th house Rahu, later in October, a turn around will occurr
●Mars in Taurus is going to intensify everything. It will be about greed.

I'm cautiously optimistic. There were lots of signs and portents for the eclipse a while ago and not much happened other than the usual chaos here in 3D.
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