Programming is complete

Did the lizard project fail? Are they gone.

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I've been renewing the draft for several weeks now so that my post doesn't get deleted, and I haven't had the time to develop it further, but I think the quotes will be clear on their own.

I hope this wasn't mentioned already, so if I m following correctly, with certain references to the C's. The nazi trial run, which we see perfectly executed in the psyops work of color revolutions of recent coupes; included greenbaum and mk/ultra elements within top circles of mic and corporations, and also via networks of paperclip, mockingbird, hollyweird, and the like: in full spectrum warfare of propaganda to capture the public consensus using the big lie narrative. All the while, the flavor is of Hydra from the marvel universe, as 4th sts forces puppeteer their puppets within the likes of gates, soros, vanguard/blackrock, fed, wef, who, un/nato, bis, imf, and a whole bunch of other cronies, down to your local district attorney's and precincts. 😆 The programming is certainly complete with the masses going along with the clownshow brainwashing program. I do see hope as the corruption s👀's the light of day for the world to witness, and an opposing sto force steps up to equal the balance.

Q: Next question: is there any relationship between the fact that Roger de Mortimer, the carrier of the last of the line of the Welsh kings, was the lover of Isabella of France, who was the daughter of Philip the Fair, the destroyer of the Templars, and the murder of Edward II, the first of the English Prince of Wales?

A: Templars are a setup, insofar as persecution is concerned. Remember your "historical records" can be distorted, in order to throw off future inquiries, such as your own.

Q: I know that. I have already figured that one out! But, it seems that no one else has made this connection. I mean, the bloodlines that converge in the Percys and the Mortimers are incredible!

A: You should know that these bloodlines become parasitically infected, harassed and tinkered with whenever a quantum leap of awareness is imminent.

Q: Whenever a quantum leap...

A: Such as "now."

Q: Did Isabella and Mortimer have a child while they were in hiding in France?

A: No. Here is something for you to digest: Why is it that your scientists have overlooked the obvious when they insist that alien beings cannot travel to earth from a distant system???

Q: And what is this obvious thing?

A: Even if speed of light travel, or "faster," were not possible, and it is, of course, there is no reason why an alien race could not construct a space "ark," living for many generations on it. They could travel great distances through time and space, looking for a suitable world for conquest. Upon finding such, they could then install this ark in a distant orbit, build bases upon various solid planes in that solar system, and proceed to patiently manipulate the chosen civilizations to develop a suitable technological infrastructure. And then, after the instituting of a long, slow, and grand mind programming project, simply step in and take it over once the situation was suitable.

Q: Is this, in fact, what has happened, or is happening?

A: It could well be, and maybe now it is the time for you to learn about the details.

Q: Well, would such a race be 3rd or 4th density in orientation?

A: Why not elements of both?

Q: What is the most likely place that such a race would have originated from?

A: Oh, maybe Orion, for example?

Q: Okay. If such a race did, in fact, travel to this location in space/time, how many generations have come and gone on their space ark during this period of travel, assuming, of course, that such a thing has happened?

A: Maybe 12.

Q: Okay, that implies that they have rather extended life spans...

A: Yes...

Q: Assuming this to be the case, what are their lifespans?

A: 2,000 of your years.

Q: Okay, assuming such a bunch have traveled...

A: When in space, that is...

Q: And what is the span when on terra firma?

A: 800 years.

Q: Well, has it not occurred to them that staying in space might not be better?

A: No. Planets are much more "comfortable."

Q: Okay... imagining that such a group has traveled here...

A: We told you of upcoming conflicts... Maybe we meant the same as your Bible, and other references. Speak of... The "final" battle between "good and evil..." Sounds a bit cosmic, when you think of it, does it not?

Q: Does this mean that there is more than one group that has traveled here in their space arks?

A: Could well be another approaching, as well as "reinforcements" for either/or, as well as non-involved, but interested observers of various types who appreciate history from the sidelines.

Q: Well, SWELL! There goes my peaceful life!

A: You never had one!

Q: Well, I was planning on one! Is this one of those items we should NOT put on the net, or are you addressing it because you want it on the net?

A: We will leave that until a bit later.

Q: Any other comment?

A: You chose to be incarnated now, with some foreknowledge of what was to come. Reference your dreams of space attack.

Q: Okay, what racial types are we talking about relating to these hypothetical aliens?

A: Three basic constructs. Nordic, Reptilian, and Greys. Many variations of type 3, and 3 variations of type 1 and 2.

Q: Well, what racial types are the 'good guys?'

A: Nordics, in affiliation with 6th density "guides."

Q: And that's the only good guys?

A: That's all you need.

Q: Wonderful! So, if it is a Grey or Lizzie, you know they aren't the nice guys. But, if it is tall and blond, you need to ask questions!

A: All is subjective when it comes to nice and not nice. Some on 2nd density would think of you as "not nice," to say the least!!!

Q: That's for sure! Especially the roaches! Maybe we ought to get in touch with some of these good guys...

A: When the "time" is right.

Q: Speaking of time - any further comments?

A: Just pay attention to the signs, please! It is not helpful to place yourself in a vacuum of awareness.

Q: I don't think I am in a vacuum of awareness. Now, this Jason Dunlap is printing a lot of stuff that reminds me of the Hale Bopp incident. There is a lot being said about the sightings out in the South West area. They are saying that this is the 'new' imminent invasion or mass landing. Can you comment on this activity?

A: Prelude to the biggest "flap" ever.

Q: And where will this flap be located?

A: Earth.

Q: When is it going to begin?

A: Starting already.

Q: Is this biggest flap going to be just a flap, or is it going to be an invasion?

A: Not yet.

Q: Not an invasion?

A: Yes.

Q: So, it will just be inciting people to frenzies of speculation...

A: Invasion happens when programming is complete...

Q: What programming?

A: See Bible, "Lucid" book, Matrix Material, "Bringers of the Dawn," and many other sources, then cross reference...

Q: Well, if something is fairly imminent, we are not gonna have time to do all the things you have suggested that we do!

A: Yes you will, most likely.
Session 9 August 1997

(Pierre) About this recent drop in UFO sightings: Over the past month, sightings dropped drastically. I would like to know why?

A: Programming is complete.

Q: (Artemis) So they don't have to come here anymore, or as often?

(L) I don't think they've gone anywhere. I think their job is done, and they're just sitting back and enjoying the show!

A: Yes

Then, on 5 Aug 2000

Q: ...Okay, last session you brought up the subject of Frequency Resonance Vibration. You suggested that there are certain STS forces who are developing or creating or managing physical bodies that they are trying to increase the frequency in so that they will have bodies that are wired so that they can manifest directly into 3rd density, since that seems to be the real barrier that prevents an all-out invasion, the fact that we are in 3rd density and they are in 4th. Now, I assumed that the same function could be true for STO individuals. It seems that many individuals who have come into this time period from the future, coming back into the past via the incarnational cycle so as not to violate free will, have carefully selected bodies with particular DNA, which they are, little by little, activating so that there 4th density selves, or higher, can manifest in this reality. Is it possible for those energies tomanifest into such bodies which have been awakened or tuned in 3rd density?

A: STO tends to do the process within the natural flow of things. STS seeks to alter creation processes to fit their ends.

(Ze Germans) How many humans/humanoids from the underground civilization are on the surface of the Earth at the moment?

(L) Who asked this question?

(Chu) The Germans.

(L) Germans. They ask weird stuff like that. How many humans/humanoids from the underground? So, how many?

A: Varies with circumstances, but average is about 2 to 2.5 million.

Q: (Andromeda) Walking around up top.

(Joe) And do these people know who they are? I mean...

A: Of course!

Q: (Joe) Okay. And do they have a mission that they're aware of? Do they know why they're walking around?

A: Indeed. Usually acting as "handlers" or agents provocateur.

Q: (Joe) So from our perspective, their mission, it would be nefarious?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are there any of them running that show over there in Ukraine?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are there any of them handling members of the US government?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Handling high-level members of other governments?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Handling leaders of different types of, like, media or whatever, like influencers and such?

A: Yes yes yes

Q: (Joe) Are any of them on YouTube?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) With large-follower channels?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Give us one name. [laughter]

A: No

Q: (Joe) Please. [laughter] Is part of their mission or agenda to prepare the global population for revelation of aliens?

A: Partly, but also involved with depopulation agenda.

Q: (Joe) So these people were born underground?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) And raised underground?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And then appeared as adults on the surface, got a job...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And who made them?

A: Lizards in cahoots with STS Orions.

Q: (Joe) So these are human beings. They're functionally the same, as human as other human beings? Like biologically the same as other human beings, or not?

A: Some genetic tweaks. Most were harvested from human mothers and incubated.

Q: (Gaby) So this is part of the hybridization program that some experiencers or abductees recall?

A: Yes

Q: (Possibility of Being) Do they know good and evil the same way as we would understand it?

A: No

Q: (Joe) Are they - from our perspective - very much like mind-controlled beings in that sense? They don't have much free will?

A: Yes. And much like very efficient psychopaths.

Q: (L) Well.

(Joe) 2.5 million. They pop up and down.

(L) That's friendly.

(Joe) Where do they live normally when they're not on the surface? Where did they grow up and stuff?

A: Underground bases.

Q: (L) And they've described those.

(Ursus Minor) Who or what is making Netanyahu push Israel to the brink?

(L) I think we have that answer! [laughter] Already answered there! Is that something along the line of what these underground handlers would be doing?

A: Yes and also mind manipulation.

Q: (L) Well, some of these people, I swear, you know, I mean, I listen to some of these people, these crazy lefties or these governments, like the Schwab and Trudeau and Al Gore and John Kerry and all of these other people, you know, talking... And if they believe what they're saying, then they don't have enough intelligence to come in out of the rain. If they know that what they're saying is bullshit, then they are super, super evil.

(Andromeda) They're either super evil and lying, or super stupid and mind controlled.

(Joe) How long have these underground psychos been interfering with human affairs in this way?

A: Thousands of years.

Q: (L) That reminds me, remember when I asked the question about Sargon of Akkad? And they called him a deep level punctuator. Is that what a deep level punctuator is? Somebody who comes up and does stuff?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, I mean, 'does stuff' is pretty vague, but you... [laughter]

(Joe) Makes an impact.

(L) Yeah. Makes an impact on human society stuff.

(Niall) Did someone like him, Sargon of Akkad, thousands of years ago, emerge from a high-tech base and play a consciously evil role on the surface where he pretended to be an ancient?

A: They would be educated and trained in congruence with the society of the time. Memory wipe before implantation of mission. However, in earlier times the tech was not adequate so that the outcome was not always certain.

Q: (L) So you're saying that when they would take people and they would have them in underground bases or whatever, they would behave and dress and converse and everything, and the environment was matched to the environment on the surface more or less?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And before they would send somebody out and in some situations they would wipe their memories or, I mean... Are we talking about something that they would do when they were children and then send them to be raised in some way?

A: Some

Q: (L) And then you say that the outcome wasn't always certain because the tech wasn't adequate. You mean the manipulation tech, the hybridization tech?

A: Yes

Q: (L) The controlling of them kind of tech?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Why was that tech not adequate? I suppose maybe you had to have a certain infrastructure on the planet of technology in order to control them on the planet...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. And then there's the other thing... Was it also partly because the bloodline had not been purified enough?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And you say the outcome wasn't certain. What do you mean by the outcome of their plan? What do you mean that it wasn't always certain?

A: Some of the subjects were not sufficiently "evil".

Q: (L) So in other words, they would maybe turn good and turn on their creators and masters?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Influenced by normal human society.

(L) Maybe they fell in love. [laughter] Romance novel!

(Niall) The vampire really was saved! [laughter]

(L) Oh, it could have happened, right?

(Joe) "Seven nights in a humanoid's bed." [laughter]

(Niall) So you're saying there's a chance... [laughter]
Q: (Pecha) Do these undergrounders have more advanced psychic powers compared to the surface population?

A: Usually, yes.

Q: (thorbiorn) What languages do the undergrounders speak?

A: Different based on where they are assigned.

Q: (Aiming) Are there individuals in the underground race who have the potential to wake up and follow their own free will?

A: At this point, hardly at all.

Q: (Joe) On that topic, how many are there in total? Two point up to 2.5 million are on the surface at any time. How many are there in total?
Josi) What did the woman see, who made a scene while getting off a plane in Dallas by saying "That MFer is not real"?

A: Flipped out from the energy of one of the hybrids.

Q: (thorbiorn) Is there a way of discovering these types of undergrounders from studying their biographies if they are public people?

A: Not likely, but tiny details might give clues, but never enough to make a convincing case.

Q: (Joe) Would it be true to say that none of them, these hybrids/underground people, are notable public figures?

A: No

Q: (Possibility of Being) Do they span the different races?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So some of them we would know if they were to tell us that one of them was such a hybrid person.

A: Yes
Q: (Possibility of Being) I have a question. I'm not going to ask what it is, but if there is anything specific about them that is possible to recognize?

A: They are "human" in appearance, but the energy is different to those who are sensitive.

Q: (Joe) They're just weirdos.

(Possibility of Being) Do they recognize each other?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is Mark Zuckerberg one of them?

[Planchette moves towards "yes", then moves away.]

(L) Oh!

(Andromeda) He should be one of those cyborgs, actually!

(L) They stopped. [laughter]

(Andromeda) They were moving toward the "Yes"!

(Niall) Okay, say no more!

(Joe) Alright. We're not gonna ask about that anymore. See how confidential we are? I'm not going to ask, I'm just gonna take it as a "Yes". [laughter]

(Niall) Everyone knows there's something...

(L) There's something really wrong with that guy. Yeah.

(Caesarea) Were the underground mountain structures remote viewed by Pat Price and Joe McMoneagle for Stargate associated with the underground people being discussed?

A: Partly but distorted.
(Ze Germans) Are Rothschilds undergrounders as well?

A: Not at present.

Q: (L) Was the original...

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Are there some of them who don't know who they are? Like their memories have been wiped and new ones implanted?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) They are just useful idiots, for some point...

(L) I guess it depends on the kind of mission they're assigned to, what their parameters are. Every situation is probably different.

Q: (Neema) How much control do these underground "handlers" have in Russia?

A: Much less.

Q: (Neema) Is Vladimir Putin aware of them?

A: No
(L) I guess it depends on the kind of mission they're assigned to, what their parameters are. Every situation is probably different.

Q: (Neema) How much control do these underground "handlers" have in Russia?

A: Much less.

Q: (Neema) Is Vladimir Putin aware of them?

A: No
(Bo) I am actually curious if there is any of the underground people that have managed to join the FOTCM group? [laughter]

(Chu) Confess!

A: No

Q: (Bo) Have they tried?

A: Yes

Q: (Bo) I would assume they would try, to cause chaos maybe, or for some other purpose.

A: Yes
Q: (thorbiorn) These Nephalim on the way, will they use some of these portals like in Ukraine, Middle East, et cetera, as their preferred landing spots?

A: Yes

Q: [Laura senses something.] There's something about that. What is it?

A: But not necessary.

Q: (L) So it's not necessary for them to use those portals?

A: Yes

Q: (L) They come in anyways, in other ways.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Alright.

(Ze Germans) Who is the STS Overlord on the top of the hierarchy who is "in charge" of the Earth?

(Chu) They said we wouldn't want to know.

(L) Altair, didn't you hear them when they said they're not gonna answer that? But they DID say something about who the Lizzies worship. What did they say?

(Joe) Ormethion?

(Andromeda) Yeah. And the one who's in charge of the Earth might not necessarily be the one at the very top, right?

(L) Right.

(Gaby) There are many worlds.

(L) Right. And they named a couple, if I remember correctly. At one point we were asking about the flood in Poland, and they named them.
(Caesarea) Are some of the hybrids re-inserted into women on the surface, so they are born "normally"?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, that's pleasant...
Regarding the underground population, many channelers have also referred to it. Here is the Cassiopaeans’ main early revelation (from Session 960504) of a race of humans seeded underground by the 4D STS beings and agents of such.
Q: ... (L) ‘Replacement of key personnel according to frequency vibration pre-readings…’ Okay: do you mean to say that war…
A: Creates “environment” for unnoticed genetic modifications because of greatly heightened exchange of
both physical and ethereal factors.
Q: (L) What do you mean by “replacement of key personnel?” Key personnel according to whose definition?
A: 4th density STS.
Q: (L) Are these key personnel human?
3.17. MAY 4, 1996 CHAPTER 3. 1996
A: Yes.
Q: (L) When you say replacement, do you mean something as simple as someone dying, such as a head of
state, and being replaced by another person who comes to power? That would be the simplest scenario
that would fit this explanation.
A: Your scenario is not simple.
Q: (L) I mean simple in terms of the machinations…
A: Both.
Q: (L) Would it also be that key personnel could also be replaced as in duplication?
A: Yes. And removing to secret activity realm. Enough wars have taken place to effectively create entire
new “underground race” of humans, both from direct capture followed by “reeducation,” and spawning
activity using these persons and others.
Q: (L) What do you mean by spawning activity?
A: Those captured have reproduced offspring, these never having seen your world.
Q: (L) Are you saying… (TK) They have given birth and these children have never seen our world… (L) How
can an entire race of people, or groups of people, live under the surface of this planet, without the whole 6
billion of the rest of us on top, or at least a large number, realizing that there is anything going on? This is
so wild an idea…
A: No. How much space exists underground, as opposed to that on the surface?
Q: (L) A lot, I suppose. You aren’t saying that the earth is hollow, are you?
A: No, not exactly.
Q: (L) Well, how deep is the deepest of these underground cities?
A: 3,108 miles.
Q: (L) That’s pretty deep! But wouldn’t it be too hot at that depth?
A: No. Temperature averages 68 degrees F.
Q: (TK) That’s pretty comfortable! (L) How do they have light?
A: Magnetic resonance.
Q: (L) Well, aren’t they subject to being crushed by earthquakes?
A: No, earthquakes are not felt deep underground!!
Q: (L) Does any of this underground civilization activity have any relation to this massive underground base
the Russians are building?
A: No.
Q: (TK) Is any of this under the ocean?
A: Yes.
Q: (TK) Well, we’ll never explore all of what is under the ocean. (L) It just staggers the mind to think about
it. What do they want these people for?
A: To replace you.
Q: (TK) And why? Because they can control them better. Right?
A: Completely.
Q: (L) Do these people being bred and raised in these underground cities have souls?
A: Yes, most.
Q: (TK) Are they just like us only raised differently?
A: More complicated than that.
Q: (L) How long have they been doing this?
A: 14,000 years, approximately.
Q: (L) If they have been doing it that long, obviously the ones they have taken at the beginning have croaked
and are of no use to replace anybody on the earth unless they have been replacing people from time to time
for various reasons…
A: No, their technology makes yours look like Neanderthal by comparison! Hibernation tubes… One heartbeat per hour, for example.
Q: (TH) That means that for every year we live, they would live 4200 years… (L) Does any of this have
anything to do with that crazy pit at Oak Island?
A: In an offhand way.
Q: (L) How do we fit into all of this? (TK) We don’t!
A: You have been the “preparation committee.”
Q: (L) What have we been doing? Is it part of the plan for us to destroy the planet, destroy the ozone layer,
pollute the seas and so forth to make it more habitable for them?
A: Those things are inconsequential and easily repaired.
Q: (TK) With their technology, they can fix all of that. (L) This is really horrible, you know! To think of all
this… (TK) Apparently, from what I am understanding, they can’t just come in and wipe us out and replace
us, because the ‘rules’ won’t allow it.
A: Yet the natural cycles within the framework of the natural order of things will allow all these things to
fall into place.
Q: (L) Is there some law within the realm of these beings, sort of like the law of gravity, that prevents them
from just coming in and taking over?
A: No.

There is much more, but according to the Cassiopaeans, inner-Earth folk are well under the control of 4D STS and it is highly doubtful that we would want to meet them, should they come, en masse, to greet us.

Sheldan Nidle (debunked as a real channeler by The Cs) and Mike Quinsey (Galactic Federation channeler) both talk about the underground race and claim they are friendly. Suzanne Ward channeling Matthew agrees that the underground race is there but is under control of dark forces and could be used against us during a desperate campaign to retain control above ground. 06/09/2003

So the time may come when they are motivated to unveil the underground "extraterrestrials" as a last resort to their own intent to enslave the world by fear, and I'd like to get a jump on this possibility... and they are becoming desperate to strengthen their ebbing control through greater fear-filled measures. The ultimate is sending the underground population of "aliens" up to the surface.
During my recent vacation into reading romantic fiction which, as most of you know, is set mostly in the English Regency period, I did take a look at some romances set in modern times to see if any fit the criteria. For the most part, no they did not. Either they were too leftist/libtard or too BDSM or worse (yes, there is worse!), which is a bizarre situation in and of itself.

However, during my scanning of titles and book descriptions, one caught my eye: "The Russian Billionaire" by Georgia Le Carre.

Now what, I wondered, would that be about in this climate of anti-Russian propaganda? Is it more of that???

So, I got the kindle version and began to read. Oh boy, talk about a Regency romance type character on steroids with an initial scene designed to shock and tittilate! Hoo boy!

What really piqued my curiosity was that the hero, one Konstantin Tsarnov, is palsy with Putin. WaPo is mentioned as the enemy, and the political anti-Russian climate is mentioned specifically.

Okay... so, despite the raunchy beginning, I wonder just what is up here? Is this some kind of propaganda?

So, I read on. I'm not going to spend time here talking about the plot, dynamics, etc, just be warned that it is racy as all get-out. But then, comes the surprise: a very serious purpose reveals itself.

A character in the book who is a friend of Konstantin, a guy named Blake, is thinking to himself here following a quote at the beginning of the chapter:
“What good fortune it is for governments that people do not think.” -Adolf Hitler

I put the phone down after speaking to Konstantin and swivel my chair around to stare out of the window. Things are starting to happen, but I can’t help feeling worried. There is a tight ball of anxiety in my gut. It is all too easy. I alone, from everyone in our group, understands our enemy.

I know because I am their spawn.

Only I know how utterly ruthless and powerful they are.

The others are full of hope, zeal, and innocence. They have never met the enemy. Only I have seen their faces and known their dastardly deeds. Only I know how depraved they are. It is almost impossible to tell the others about them. They will wither away in shock. The human mind cannot conceive of the pure evil that lurks in the true psychopath. He is actually insane. He looks totally normal, he functions perfectly, and can blend into society seamlessly, he may even be considered charming, but he is criminally and irreparably insane.

And it is his kind that rules our world.

There is a quick knock on my door and my oldest son, Sorab, comes into the room. I swivel around and smile at him. Every time I see him my heart swells with pride. He is seven now, and it is almost impossible for me to think of him as humanity’s hope, but if I do this right, he will be. One day, he will battle the dark forces that seek to destroy life as we know it and win.

“Hi, Dad,” he says, as he uses his palms to hoist himself onto my desk next to me.

“Hi,” I reply. Just by looking at his face I can tell something is troubling him.



“Why can’t I have a smartphone? All the other kids do,” he complains.

“Because smartphones are bad for kids.”

“But if smartphones are so bad how come all the other parents allow their kids to have them?”

“What does it matter what other people do?” I ask gently. “If something is wrong, it is wrong, and you shouldn’t do it.”

“I don’t understand what is so wrong about it. I just want to play some games, talk to my friends.”

“Tomorrow when you go to school, I want you to watch your friends while they are on the phone. I want you to watch their faces. You see them staring at their screen with a vacant expression in their faces. Do you know why that is?”

He stares at me, his eyes as blue as mine. Only they have not seen the horrors I have.

“No,” he replies sulkily.

“Because they are in a literal state of hypnosis as they automatically and mindlessly browse and scroll while losing track of time and the world around them. Each additional daily hour of screen time increases the child’s risk of becoming addicted, or even affecting his or her long term mental health.”

“But, Dad. I only want to use it for short periods. I promise I won’t use it for ages and ages like the other kids. I don’t want to be the only one who doesn’t have one.”

“Okay. So you’ll only use it for a short time. During that short time you are in a state of hypnosis, who and what is going to have a direct line into your head?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you think what you have on the net comes out of nowhere? It is produced by corporations that are only interested in profit. They do not care for you. In fact, they want you to become addicted so you will keep on browsing mindlessly for the rest of your life.”

“Don’t the other parents know that?” he asks.

I shrug. “Some do and don’t care because they want a bit of peace, others have no idea they are not only giving amoral corporations direct access to their children, but also allowing them to shape their young minds into whatever they want.”“Yeah, but I’m the only one who doesn’t have one,” he mutters, looking gloomily at his feet.

“I know it’s hard for you, but you know, you’re not like all the other kids, right? You have to be ready for when they come for you.”

He lifts his head and looks at me. I feel my heart break at the expression on his face. He just wants to be a kid, but he can’t because we are one of the hidden thirteen bloodlines of intergenerational wealth families the conspiracy theorists talk about. For hundreds of years we have ruled from the shadows until I stepped out. Said no. They still want my son. They will come for him and he must be ready to stand up to them or they will destroy him.

“Yeah, I know,” my son says sadly.

“Good. I love you, my dear, dear son and I will give up my life to protect you. Always remember that.”

He smiles. “Smartphones are stupid anyway.”

I ruffle his silky hair. He gets that from his mother. “That’s my boy. Shall we go practice some Jiu Jitsu?”

He jumps off the desk eagerly. “Okay, Dad.”

Okay, that really grabbed my attention.

Later in the book, Konstantin is talking to Raine, the heroine of the story, about his participation in a secret project and the following exchange takes place beginning with Konstantin:
“What do you know about singularity?”

“Absolutely nothing,” I confess.

“The definition of singularity is a hypothetical point in time when technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization. Now, it may seem to the ordinary person that moment is far away in the future, but he would be very wrong to think that. Our civilization is actually moving at breakneck speed towards humanity+.”

I gaze into his eyes. “Humanity+?”

“It’s another way of describing transhumanism.”

“Ah, the merging of humans with machines and the rise of the superhuman.”

He strokes my hair. “That’s the Hollywood movie version, and how transhumanist proponents sell the idea to the public. Humans accessing the internet without having to plug something into their bodies must mean the interface with the machines can better serve humans. But if you study the scientific papers they publish, you will quickly find that what they tell you is a barefaced lie. In fact, it is about giving the machine better access and control of the human body. It is about monitoring what goes on inside the human body: synthetic telepathy and reading our emotions. It goes without saying that if you can read it out, then you can also play it in using the same channel. Transhumanism it turns out is the perfect method of control. It is the wet dream of every government and every control crazed sociopath. They will be able to decide how you feel and what you think.”

“Jesus!” I exclaim, shocked. “That’s what transhumanism is truly about?”

“Yes. Without going into the complicated scientific explanations of encapsulated quantum dots, DNA absorbing light photons, and nanotubes and fibres, that is the simplest way I can explain it to you.”

I lean away from him. “That sounds terrible. Why would anyone want to do that to themselves?”

“The problem is most people will not understand what they are getting into. They will not do their own research. They are too busy putting food on the table and paying their bills. They will simply Google it, and since Google is one of the major players in the push towards transhumanism, it is unlikely they find the truth anywhere on Google’s search results. Once they have Googled it they will feel they have done their due diligence, Next step is to go ahead and sign up to become a superhuman. The effect will only become apparent when the machine has taken over, when it is too late.”

I shake my head in wonder. “Would governments really do that to their own people? I mean, I can hardly believe it.”

“Governments have poisoned and killed their own citizens since time immemorial. As I said before, the research and implementation is going at breakneck speed. They are almost at the cusp of rolling it out. All they need is an excuse which they will create at their pleasure. There is only a small window of opportunity left to warn people not to fall for the trick.

“Is that what you are doing, warning people?”

“No. That’s not my expertise. I am building an alternative internet platform.”

“An alternative internet? Why?”

“The time will come when anyone who is not part of the AI hive mind will be prohibited from utilizing the internet. That is when our system will come alive. It will be separate from their centralized internet and exist completely outside their control. Which means they can never shut it down.”

“There are people trying to stop you, aren’t there?”

“Yes, there are very powerful people trying very hard to stop us, but our alliance is very strong and we have a secret advantage they do not know about.”
______ Konstantin and Raine go through some real trials and then, finally, marry. At this point, an even more astonishing exchange takes place.
We honeymoon at the beautiful island of the Seychelles. Ah, what a happy time. We are indescribably happy. I almost dread coming back to the States. Coming back would mean facing up to all the problems, and sure enough our return is hard for me. Konstantin would lock himself in his coding room for hours at a time while he slowly built his alternative internet, one string of zeros and ones at a time, all in his mind. And all that time I would sit around and start to worry about what would happen if the alliance doesn’t win. I keep thinking of Helena’s cautionary tale of the rat with the venom in his body. Running, thinking it’s wounded but it has escaped, but in fact, it is already more dead than alive.

The more I think and imagine scenarios in my head, the more convinced I become that the cabal will win. To the extent, I become paranoid about it. Sometimes I will lie awake after Konstantin is sleeping. I’ll listen to his deep even breathing, put my hand on my belly, and be afraid for the future.

Until one day I can bear it no more and I confront him while we are sitting together outside on the terrace. There is a full moon and it’s a beautiful night, but my mind is chaotic with ugly thoughts.

“What happens if they force us all to take the chip, or the injection, or whatever it is that will turn us into AI integrated cyborgs?”

He shakes his head firmly. “They won’t do that.”

“Why not? If they are as evil as you say, what’s to stop them?”

“Because Blake was once one of them, before he met Lana, and turned away from that life. So he knows how they think, how they operate, and what rules they are bound by. And they are very firmly bound by the rules of their religion.

He makes air quotes around the word religion.

“Even though it may seem to us as if transhumanism is merely an exercise in turning humanity into slaves or batteries that they can use to mine for energy, there is an unseen but very important spiritual element to all of it. Just like the Aztec’s tore out still beating hearts and sacrificed them to their serpent God, these people believe they are harvesting souls for their God. But they can only harvest willing souls. Their rules say they are allowed to trick someone into saying yes, or make them so fearful that they say yes, but they must agree to their own enslavement.”

I frown. “How can they trick us into accepting something so horrendous? Who’s going to fall for something like that?”

“The same way they tricked you into agreeing to go to war with Iraq based on a lie about WMDs. Because you allowed them to fill your with unthinking fear, and because you didn’t care enough to do your own research, you blindly believed the propaganda and gave your power to them. As long as humankind is not vigilant, they will tricked into giving their consent. Once they have that they can harvest your soul with no repercussions.”

“Okay,” I say slowly. “I get it. Like Dracula. You have to invite him in or he cannot enter your home.”


I take a deep breath. “It seems so impossible though, that governments, the media, and other international bodies that have been set up to protect humankind have been so captured by these ghouls.”

“No, it is not as impossible as you think. Thorne once told me that he’d used his AI to map all the blue-chip companies in the world. And what he found was that no matter what industry, be it oil, pharmaceutical, food, air transport, weapons, utilities, tech, or media the majority shares of those firms are held by about ten different companies. The shares of those ten companies are mostly held by five or so companies. And the shares of those five entities are mainly owned by two companies, Blackrock and Vanguard. Then he found out the really interesting nugget of info. The biggest holder of Blackrock is Vanguard. And who owns Vanguard? We will never know, because it is privately held. Do you understand now how concentrated wealth is in our world? They own everything and everyone in power is beholden to them.”

I scoot closer to him, because I feel fear in my heart for my unborn child, and I don’t want to feel that.

“If they own everything, how can we possibly win?”

“They want us to think there’s no use fighting. They want us to give up in defeat, but the outcome is not set in stone. We are born with freedom in our bones, and that is our divine right. In this war against tyranny we have three things in our favor. First, we are many and they are few. Second, we do not extract from them, they extract from us, so they need us more than we need them. Third, they are secretly terrified of us, because they exist in a strict hierarchy of order and control, and we stand for freewill and freedom for all of humanity.”

Feeling slightly more reassured, I nod. “Okay. What would be the worst-case scenario? Will we end up with a two-tier society?”

He looks sad, really sad. “If humanity doesn’t come together as one and fight as one, it won’t be two classes of people anymore. We will split into species. Two entirely different species.”

He holds me tightly and gazes deep into my eyes. His eyes are full of sincerity. “But they won’t win, Raine. I know, just as I know without any doubt in my body that our child will never be anyone’s slave. Yes, they will harvest the souls of those who are not vigilant, but they won’t get us, or all the people we are slowly reaching. Day by day more and more people are joining us. It is like a flame that is being passed from one heart to another. Every heart we reach, then goes out into the world, and finds more hearts to light up. That is why they are have doubled their efforts. At a certain point, the tipping point will be reached, and it will be too late for then them to do reach their goals… and we will win.”

I was even more curious and looked into this author and some other books. Most of them are just excuses for a kind of porn, but a few of them carried fascinating messages. "Blackmailed by the Beast" is about the guy, Thorne, mentioned in one of the above extracts.

Then, there is a couple introduced in the book about Konstantin and Raine, Rocco and Autumn Rosetti. Their story is in "The Other Side of Midnight." Get this, Rocco is a vampire who says that his kind were originally "The Shining Ones", fallen angels! He has turned against the evil vampires and is helping humanity. In that book, there is a whole lot about "underground bases" that is quite amazing considering things Cs have said.

So it seems that this author is pulling out the stops trying to get messages across in her particular genre and beginning to tap into other sub-genres. I saw that some of her fans were NOT happy with her turn to "conspiracy theory" and "supernatural" elements.

What really interested me was to note that there were several important dialogs that expose things Cs have explicated. And, of course, after reading the description of "Transhumanism" in "The Russian Billionaire", I could help but think about the Cs saying that what was coming was "amalgamation."

With the above in mind, I think it would be useful to revisit some things the Cs have said that might be related.

Here's the exchange about the underground facilities in "The Other Side of Midnight". Rocco has just told Autumn that he is a vampire. ________
Come in and sit down, Autumn,” I invite softly. My body feels rigid and tense, but it will be a relief to finally get it out.

She walks forward and sits stiffly at the end of the chair opposite my desk. Her back ramrod straight with dread.

I remain standing. “Who… or what am I? I am the descendant of an ancient race of immortal beings who can live for many thousands of years. Our kind have lived on earth alongside humans since the beginning of time. It’s a long story, but human history is not as your rulers have taught you. Anyway, our relationship with mankind was peaceful, and we were viewed as benevolent guardians, and with fear. We were called the Shining Ones, and there were many glowing accounts of us in your most ancient texts and could be found in all great libraries, but they are all buried under the sea now.

“Originally, we were the keepers of knowledge and guardians of humanity. Especially, whenever there are extinction event cataclysms on earth that happen in cycles, every twelve to fourteen thousand years. When one of these catastrophes, which we callEMPOCs, happen, the damage is unimaginable. There is death and destruction everywhere. Everything is obliterated. Huge parts of continents sink into the sea, drowning all its inhabitants and leaving not even a trace of their civilization, while other parts of land full of sea creatures will rise from the ocean. And sometimes the earth burned for days, obliterating everything in its path.

“The bible tells one story of a people who were devastated by a great flood, but there have been many other such cataclysms that have befallen earth. During this time, all technology is lost, and the trauma and shock is so all encompassing the survivors collectively suffer a mind wipe of sorts. They walk around in a daze and it has always been our kind who guided them in the rebuilding of their destroyed cities. We brought seeds that we had saved in underground vaults and taught them agriculture.

“If you’ve ever wondered why archeologists sometimes dig up artifacts that carbon date back to hundreds and thousands of years, but those items show signs of being cut by laser machinery or made by some other historically impossible technology and advances, it is because the real history of the earth has been deliberately hidden from you. Humankind has attained greater heights during other cycles of civilization.”

She stares at me, her face white and incredulous. Her body frozen in shock.

“During the golden age of Egypt, my descendants took a wrong turn. The same way the fall of humankind was caused by Eve being tempted into eating the forbidden fruit, one of us was seduced by the dark magic of the powerful priesthood of that age. She let one drop of human blood fall on her tongue, and all of us lost the ability to fly. We fell into the sin of craving blood above all else. And there we have remained ever since.”

Autumn’s eyes widen with shock as she gasps furiously, “No. This cannot be true.” She shakes her head in disbelief and puts her hands over her ears. “No, this is a sick, sick joke. Vampires do not exist.”

“It’s not a joke,” I say calmly. “In your heart, you know it is true. You saw me lift your car. You just didn’t want to believe your own eyes so you blocked the memory. You wanted to pretend to yourself for a little longer. There is no more pretending, Autumn.”

She closes her eyes, then reopens them. All the light in them is gone. She looks at me dully. “You’re a vampire.”

Shame fills my body, but I don’t look away from her. I am what I am and she is what she is. Nothing will change that. “When we fell, we became the exact opposite of what we had once been. Our skin that was illuminated and glowing with white light was taken away from us, and sunlight became deadly to us. Even the weakest ray of sun can seriously burn our skin. Physically, we were still beautiful, but we had become creatures of the night. Predators, who had to hide our true natures from humanity.

“Blood lust is something no human can ever understand. Yes, there are humans who become Satanists and they drink blood at ceremonies, and they probably quite enjoy the wickedness of it all, but it is not like that for us. The only way you can even begin to understand how it feels, is if you try to imagine you are starving.

“You haven’t eaten for days, then someone puts a wonderful, favorite hot meal in front of you. You can see it, and smell it. It is right in front of you, but your hands and feet are tied and your mouth is taped shut. As I stand here now I can hear the blood rushing in your veins and I can smell it. Smoky sweet and seductively innocent. You had onions at lunch. And the adrenaline from your encounter with those intruders is still flowing in your blood. Adrenaline is like a drug. A drug far, far more addictive than the purest heroin.

“Do you want to drink my blood?” she asks, her voice shaking with horror.

“Yes, I want to,” I admit brutally. “And I cannot stop the blood lust, just like you cannot stop your heart from beating, or your kidneys from doing what they are supposed to do. You see, our greatest punishment is not that we lost our light, or we have to slink and slither by night and can never feel the wonderful warmth of the sun again. It is having to endure the curse of this relentless clawing thirst for blood, day and night... for eternity.”

She shakes her head in rejection at my words. “No. No. Oh, my God, no. I cannot believe this. This is just so incredible, so unbelievable. And to think I laughed when I read Interview With A Vampire at the absurdity of vampires going around killing humans every night. As if they wouldn’t be found out. And here you are telling me you and your family are going about doing just that.”

“You were right to laugh, because that is not how it is done. We couldn’t, as you put it, go around killing humans every night, or we would have quickly aroused suspicion, become known to the communities that we blended into, and eventually destroyed. The solution was obvious. We had to have our own supply. Like the Massai tribes who drink the blood of the cattle without killing them.”

She presses the heel of her hand to her head in disbelief. “Oh God, you own humans?”

“I don’t, not anymore, but my family and the others of my kind do.”

She frowns. “How? I mean where are these poor people kept?”

“In underground facilities.”

She covers her gaping mouth, and shoots to her feet. “Jesus, I have to get out of here!”

“You cannot run from this any longer, Autumn. I know you are shocked and horrified, but please sit down and let me finish. I have to tell you everything because you have to know everything, no matter how distasteful. It is the truth.”

Slowly, she lets herself fall back on the chair.

“When I say underground facilities, I don’t mean sordid little prisons dug into the ground. Earth is not a solid ball, it is more like Swiss cheese with many deep tunnels, and massive secret underground caverns, some are humongous with ceiling heights as tall as a New York skyscraper. Some of these spaces are owned by humans and called DUMBs (deep underground military bases), but they are mostly owned by Vampire families who bought up the land above these caverns a long time ago, then built homes with secret elevators that travel into the caverns underneath.

“Some of these settlements are so big they are spread out over areas bigger than Hunter’s Cross. They are powered with electricity, have rail networks, and are fitted with sophisticated aqueduct and filter systems that purify and distribute water and air. There are schools, shops, offices, coffee shops, a bar, a club for the young, a Church, a Police station, and a clinic.

“People live in comfortable units fitted with all mod-cons and have access to beautiful parks with tame birds and animals. Each person is given a hydroponic allotment garden where he/she can grow their own food if it so pleases them. They have no bills to pay, and food is plentiful so they have no need to work or produce anything of value, unless they want extra credits which will allow them to shop at the luxurious stores. They are free to spend their time on leisure activities; painting, sewing, making furniture, distilling whiskey, playing video games. There is no crime. The inhabitants fall in love, marry, bear children, and bury their dead. They have no idea about life on the surface of the earth and yearn for nothing. Once a month they go to the clinic and donate a pint of blood. They don’t know why they do it, but it has always been done that way.”

She tilts her head and looks at me the way someone would if they rescued a stray kitten the night before and have walked into their kitchen and found a fully grown, hungry panther prowling around.

“And your family has one of these... settlements?”

“Yes. It is called The Parallel.”
Session 18 March 2000
Session 9 August 1997
October 01, 2024
An enlightening new study has determined the top cities in the United States for UFO sightings as well as when one is most likely to spot something unusual in the sky. Produced by the website BetUS, the project examined the last decade of cases collected by the esteemed National UFO Reporting Center to develop a ranking of the best American locations for possibly spotting a proverbial flying saucer. Taking the top spot on the list was Phoenix, Arizona with a whopping 323 sightings since 2023. Rounding out the top five cities for UFO spotting were New York City, Las Vegas, Portland, and Tuscon.

Remarkably, the website detailing the findings provides a rather staggering list of 251 cities across the country that found their way into the rankings with York, Nebraska coming in last with a mere 5 sightings in the previous 10 years. Fortunately for folks who might live in less UFO-friendly locales, there is also a feature that allows visitors to drill down on their specific states to find out how they fared. In addition to the top cities for UFO spotting, the study also found that 9 PM during July is the most prevalent period when someone is likely to experience a sighting.
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