Among the very first of the statements in the rules of the forum is the following:
forum rules said:
You also need to understand the philosophy of the owners of this forum and the associated websites.
This is further elucidated:
forum rules said:
to create an environment for the stimulation, development and then the alignment of objective consciousnesses as defined and described by Georges Gurdjieff.
That's pretty clear and simple and defines the parameters of the forum. But, more than that, it is followed by quoted that makes this activity crystal clear. Yet, "OddThings" wrote:
OddThings said:
I'm quite curious as to the members and staff here and what they believe ....
At one point, OddThings wrote:
Different strokes for different folks. I like free speech.
This is written, of course, as though free speech does not exist on this forum. As Ryan pointed out,
The underlying argument boils down to what psychiatrist Andrew Lobaczewski calls a "paramoralism" - the framing of an illogical statement in moral terms so as to render it more acceptable. In this case, the statement is, "It is immoral to exclude people from a public discussion". Like all paramoralisms, it is a "simplistic and doctrinaire" concept that substitutes a recipe or directive for a true moral evalution which always includes the specific situation (context).
The specific situation in this case is the rather lengthy description of what this forum was created for and the ways it operates. It was never intended to be a "free speech food fight" and posts that are noise or insulting are deleted unless there is a good reason to leave them in place for the purpose of using them as an example.
Clearly "Thoth" is completely unfamiliar with the work of G. I. Gurdjieff, P. D. Ouspensky, Boris Mouravieff, and ancient esoteric tradition which was the original form of Christianity before Christianity ever was "invented." If he had been familiar with that tradition and how it works, he would have understood the comments and reactions to what he was writing.
But he didn't.
And the fact that he didn't have a clue - even after reading the statement in the rules (which he quoted part of, quite out of context) simply highlighted the fact that, even though he is claiming to be searching for 'esoteric' answers, there is a huge field of study of which he is ignorant - and it is this material that most people with deep esoteric interests end up studying after they have discovered that all the "popular" and popularized ideas lead nowhere.
Further, his lack of knowledge of the true ways and means of cointelpro, disinformation, even that extending into this reality from other realities, suggests again that he is a naive amateur.
But, more than this, what we find rather curious is that this small forum in a remote corner of the internet, where certainly our discussions and assessments really can't matter that much to anyone, is bugging you two guys so much that you feel that you must come and "set us straight." As Henry pointed out:
Henry said:
There are many sites where people can go to hear all the different points of view. It is not our goal here to either represent all points of view or to permit the expression of all points of view. It can be done elsewhere. [...]
There are certain teachings and ideas that we have, through our many, many years of research, been able to put in the box of disinformation. If someone comes here and starts putting forward those ideas, they will be asked to do the research necessary to understand why we have moved beyond those topics and why we don't talk about them any longer. They need to do the reading and research to understand what we have to say about it. Then, if they have some new data that we are not aware of, they are welcome to contribute, but if they want to rehash old topics that we have already been through, we don't have the time.
Previously, OddThings wrote:
However, one thing that I see people here picking on is the content of the forums and the front page of Book of THoTH. Practically none of that content is from THoTH, as you will notice. It's all member submitted. We don't censor what people want to talk about, unless it's illegal or racist, etc.
We, on the contrary, are extremely careful about what ideas we associate ourselves with and what ideas get posted on our forums and left as "equal evidence" when, in fact, we have researched them and found that the evidence against those ideas is so great that they must be discarded. In short, we are interested in real research and objective truth - as close as we can get to it - and truth isn't democratic - you can't vote on it; it either is or isn't true; it either does or does not "map to reality."
And because of this care we take, we have established a reputation as reliable interpreters and even prognosticators of events in our reality. When we say "you can take that to the bank," you can. And we have proved it time and again. We don't say it often, however, preferring to leave things open, even whether or not Book of Thoth is intentional disinfo or not.
OddThings said:
What the members of the site want to talk about, we allow, within the topics of the forums. Mostly that's paranormal kind of materials, but not exclusively.
That's fine if collecting mountains of speculation, conjecture, and subjective ideas is what you are after. That is not what we are after here, and we make that clear right up front.
OddThings said:
One thing that I notice about many of the sites that you call psy-ops here is that they, very simply, let their members say what they want.
And here is where the problem arises in any group activity that is operating on so-called "democratic" principles. In any group of individuals where the ideas of "free speech" and "democracy" are touted, the same problem that has existed since the beginning of human society begins to emerge: there is a statistically small, but extremely hyperactive minority of pathological deviants that begin to vector the group toward psychologically deviant perspectives. This is, in fact, one of the ways in which the professional cointelpro operations function. A small group of "vectors" are sent in to do a "tag team" routine that very quickly has everyone in the group convinced that one or another idea is true when, in fact, it is not true. A very simple example is the way the current fascist administration, with the help of the media, has convinced literally millions of people that there is a Muslim Terrorist around every corner or under every bed.
A close and careful study of the ways and means of cointelpro and how it uses (and has historically used) grand idealistic phrases such as "democracy" and "free speech" to take over and vector any movement from the inside, covertly and mendaciously will bring up hundreds of examples.
As Robert McHenry, former editor-in-chief of Encyclopedia Britannica, writes about Wikipedia, which also touts "free speech" and "democratic" ideals:
One simple fact that must be accepted as the basis for any intellectual work is that truth - whatever definition of that word you may subscribe to - is not democratically determined. And another is that talent, whether for soccer or for exposition, is not equally distributed across the population, while a robust confidence is one's own views apparently is. If there is a systemic bias in Wikipedia, it is to have ignored so far these inescapable facts.
All men are NOT created equal, and when you have a majority of ignorant and uneducated people "voting" on what is truth, the only result will be a farce at best, and disinformation at worst.
OddThings said:
Are some of the members on each and every one of those sites, including our own, probably psy-ops? Sure. This is the information age and they certainly want to control the flow of information.
Unless you know how to spot them and counteract their effects, they are like a virulent pathogen in the body: the disease process will destroy the health of the system.
OddThings said:
However, calling Michael Bourne an agent, or suggesting that our site is set up to be spy-ops is really so far off base it's hard to even comment on in a reasonable fashion, frankly.
Please go back and re-read the thread here and try to re-state the above in more objective language. Also, read over what I have written above. An old saying that carries much truth in it is: "lay down with dogs, get up with fleas."
OddThings said:
If you want to pick out some of our members who have submitted content that you feel makes them agents, lets discuss that. I have a few on my own list, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to censor what they have to say.
And this is where YOU have a problem. You are so controlled by the paramoralistic use of "free speech" and "democracy" that you worry more about whether or not someone will think you are not allowing "free speech" than you worry about Truth and objective research. And as a consequence, you are responsible for the propagation of disinformation. Even if you have the courage to really seek truth, you do not have the courage to stand up for it in the face of the kinds of attacks you will certainly be subjected to by those who seek to convert to lies and vector with disinformation.
Pathological deviants know the psychology of the normal human being with a conscience very well. They consciously and deliberately use suggestive "moralistic" phrases to control people to do what THEY want, even to allowing the spreading of lies and disinformation. We are told - with righteous indignation - that we are "intolerant" of free speech, and we cringe with shame because we don't want to be thought "intolerant" or that we don't believe in "free speech." God forbid.
And so, in the guise of "tolerance," we are paralyzed to intervene in the actions and opinions of others, even when these actions and opinions are clearly out of line with truth.
We also weirdly indulge the lies and "spin" of those in power. The end justifies the means. And the means are usually lies and psy-ops games perpetrated by psychopaths and other deviants, with the public as victim. As psychologist Marie-France Hirigoyen writes:
To what degree is this acceptable? Don't we, out of indifference, risk becoming accomplices in this process by losing our principles and sense of limits? Real tolerance means examining and weighing values.
This type of aggression, however, lays traps in the psychic domain of another person and is allowed to develop because of tolerance within our current socio-cultural context. Our era refuses to establish absolute standards of behavior. We automatically set limits on abusive behaviors when we LABEL them as such; but in our society, labeling is likened to intent to censure. We have abandoned the moral constraints that once constituted a code of civility which allowed us to say "That just isn't done!" We only become indignant when facts are made public, worked over and magnified by the media. [...]
Even psychiatrists hesitate to use the term "abuse"'; when they do, it's to express either their powerlessness to intervene or their fascination with the abuser's methods. [...]
[Psychopathy] arises from dispassionate rationality combined with an incapacity to respect others as human beings. Some [psychopaths] commit crimes for which they are judged, but most use charm and their adaptive powers to clear themselves a path in society, leaving behind a trail of wounded souls and devastated lives. ... We have all been fooled by abusive human beings who passed themselves off as victims. They fulfilled our expectations in order the better to seduce us. ...
We subsequently feel betrayed and humiliated when, in their search for power, they show their true colors. This explains the reluctance of some psychiatrists to expose them. Psychiatrists say to each other, "Watch out, he's a [psychopath]", the implication being "This could be dangerous," and also, "There's nothing that can be done." We then give up on helping the victim.
Designating [psychopathy] is certainly a serious matter... whether the subject is serial killing or perverse abusiveness, the matter remains one of predatory behavior: an act consisting in the appropriation of another person's life.
The word "perverse" shocks and unsettles. It corresponds to a value judgment, and psychoanalysts refuse to pronounce value judgments. Is that sufficient reason to accept what goes on? A more serious omission lies in not labeling abuse, because the victim then remains defenseless...
Victims are often not heard when they seek help. Instead, analysts advise them to assess their conscious or unconscious responsibility for the attack upon them. ... Emotional abusers directly endanger their victims; indirectly, they lead those around them to lose sight of their moral guideposts and to believe that freewheeling behaviors at the expense of others are the norm. [Dr. Marie-France Hirigoyen, Stalking the Soul]
OddThings said:
We let people discuss and make up their own minds, because we feel that people are intelligent enough to do that given the chance.
That is clearly not the case. If you want evidence, just go to the SOTT page here:
and type "wikipedia" into the search box and read the archived articles.
OddThings said:
I know that you have banned THoTH, and for what, I obviously don't know. Perhaps he said something worth being banned for.
Quite simply, when attempts to bring up and discuss all of the issues above were made, Thoth thought that the only thing he needed to do was say (in effect) "Wait! I'm a good guy no matter what you read on my site... and you have to take my word for it, and if you don't, you are all a bunch of nutcases." Insulting people who have honest and legitimate concerns about significant issues as described above will get you deleted from this forum yesterday.
OddThings said:
I'm assuming you'll also ban me for disagreeing with you,
We don't ban people for disagreeing. We expect, however, that they will know what they are talking about and know what we are talking about, or at least take the time to try to find out. A person who can't get outside of their own ego long enough to see how other people might view them, who thinks that their "word" is all it takes, when clearly, real life is full of people whose word means nothing, and who do not actually address real concerns and discuss them without descending into insults, really has no place here. It also gives us some pause to think that an individual with this type of personality is running a website that purports to be a "portal" of information.
OddThings said:
but I hope that you, at least, let this message stay, because I think that you're really barking up the wrong tree on this one my friends.
Again, please re-read this thread, and most particularly what I have written above. Another old saying that carries truth: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." Thoth may have good intentions, but without specific knowledge - most particularly an in-depth knowledge of human psychology (not what passes for psychology nowadays, either), history, including the history of how lies have always overcome and buried the Truth, there is no possibility that his "noble sounding" aims will ever bear any nutritious fruit.
A sound tree cannot bear bad fruit: and the fruit hanging all over the Thoth tree is a bunch of rotten apples.
OddThings said:
Keep fighting the good fight, because it is a good fight, but try not to shoot down everyone in the process.
If you will re-read the thread here, as well as many other threads on this forum, you will see that we would like nothing better than to NOT shoot anyone down. But we calls 'em as we sees 'em. If there is a collection of a bunch of nonsense and drivel, it will be so assessed. And please note that it has been repeated a couple of times that no one is saying that Thoth himself is an evil-doer, but that he is ignorant and that is why he, himself, can be so easily used by forces he does not seem to understand to disseminate lies and disinformation with the best of intentions.
OddThings said:
If some of you want to join Book of THoTH and start your own threads and discuss what you want to over there, I think you'll see that you aren't going to be censored, just like all the other members that we have. Thanks for letting me say what I wanted to say.
You are welcome. And certainly, if there is anything of interest there, members here might go to discuss it. But it is really not likely to happen. No one is censored here, we simply have a very specific goal and it is miles or years beyond playing in the phenomena sandbox. Been there, done that.