Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

RT Quote from Putin:
At the same time, in address to the public, Putin said that he wanted to "demilitarize" and "de-Nazify" Ukraine. According to him, "we have no plans to occupy Ukrainian territory." Within moments of the speech, a series of explosions were reported in cities across Ukraine, with a CNN purporting to hear a blast in the capital, Kiev.

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Hopefully this is over very fast. The least amount of suffering in the quickest time. If they pull it off it'll be hard to deny the Russian military's level competency. Probably leave the idiot psychos in NATO reeling too. "Zomg how did he do that so fast?"

Exactly, not only that. Europe will know that Russia is the new power on the continent. Not the US. Time for Europe to come to its senses.
I hope I don't regret this but as someone who lives in the US, I don't see another way and all I can say is "Go Putin Go!" Those with eyes that see know Russia is not to blame for anything that happens going forward, contrary to what Not-My-President-Bidet says, or rather his handlers. One false move from the US and Putin will strike the head of the snake, part of me hopes he does. The other part knows the pain that will follow. But we're in pain now the world over, so again I hold nothing against him. He knows what needs to be done should it come to that, I just hope he knows how many people DO have faith in him.

I guess this could go so many ways at this point, so, be well everyone.
Russia has never acted impulsively, and so this military operation leads me to think that they probably knew of something far larger that was about to take place that made this the best possible move in order to protect Russia and her interest, this might turn into a lot of bad press and sanctions and whatnot. But I am thinking about the possibility of what could have been, that made this the better option.

God knows what tragedies Washington had in mind, I'd say they must have been large enough to make a military operation in Ukraine by Russia, despite the cost, more desirable.
My thoughts exactly, Alejo. When the civilian evacuations from the Donbass started, I knew that Russia would either adopt a fully diplomatic solution, or a military one. Again, we are seeing the decisiveness that is characteristic of Putin and the Russian military. They don't do things by half measures, and the west is again going to learn this the hard way.
Already removed. It showed jet fighters flying in formation above Kyiv. A lot of them! SU35 and TU160 from the looks of it.

Although I can't confirm it was above Kyiv. I also spotted a few SU57. I think. They were flying really low. So I think it wasn't above Kyiv. Not sure what the meaning of it is. Since they were not in attack formation.
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Probably most important part of the tonight's speech:

"Russia will seek to demilitarize Ukraine"
I think the term "de-Nazify" is more important. Putin is putting the entire western world on notice that Russia knows that the pathocratic ideologies behind the Ukrainian government are the real problem, and they are being directly targeted beyond a short-term military operation. The "Great Reset" is going up in flames, literally.
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