Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

And thirdly, an article in a newspaper authored by a film director can be considered a direct order of the government with a very big stretch. Even considering the fact that all newspapers at that time were under the control of the state
Kill !
Here are excerpts from three letters found on the murdered Germans:
Manager Reinhardt writes to Lieutenant Otto von Schirach:
"The French were taken from us to the factory. I chose six Russians from the Minsk district. They are much hardier than the French. Only one of them died, the rest continue to work in the field and on the farm. Their maintenance costs nothing and we should not suffer from the fact that these animals, whose children may be killing our soldiers, eat German bread. Yesterday I subjected two Russian beasts to light execution, who secretly devoured skimmed milk intended for pig queens..."
Matthias Zillich writes to his brother Corporal Heinrich Zichlich: "There is a camp for Russians in Leiden, you can see them there. They are not afraid of weapons, but we talk to them with a good whip..."
Someone Otto Essman writes to Lieutenant Helmut Weigand: "We have Russian prisoners here. These types devour earthworms on the airfield site, they rush at the garbage bucket. I saw them eating weeds. And to think that these are people..."
Slaveholders, they want to turn our people into slaves. They take the Russians to their place, mock them, drive them to insanity with hunger, to the point that, dying, people eat grass and worms and a filthy German with a rotten cigar in his teeth philosophizes: "Are these people?.."
We know everything. We remember everything. We realized that the Germans are not people. From now on, the word "German" is the most terrible curse for us. From now on, the word "German" discharges the gun. Let's not talk. Let's not be indignant. We will kill. If you haven't killed at least one German in a day, your day is gone. If you think that your neighbor will kill a German for you, you didn't understand the threat. If you don't kill the German, the German will kill you. He will take yours and torment she in his accursed Germany. If you can't kill a German with a bullet, kill a German with a bayonet. If there is a lull in your area, if you are waiting for a fight, kill the German before the fight. If you leave a German to live, a German will hang a Russian man and disgrace a Russian woman. If you killed one German, kill another - there is nothing more fun for us than German corpses. Don't count the days. Don't count the miles. Count one thing- the Germans you killed. Kill the German!- the old mother asks for it. Kill the German!- this is the child begging you. Kill the German!- this is the native land screaming. Don't miss. Don't miss it. Kill !
Ilya Ehrenburg
I see no one appreciated the work youlik put into his post because it is such an obvious "hot potato". This very hot potato ,whether we like it or not, is something that exist just below the surface of the social order of many countries in the West. It has to do with the image and attitude of the West toward the East. I will draw that line as falling on the countries that are considered to be Slavic in Europe versus the rest. Czechs without Slovakia being in the West. I know I'm sticking a stick into a hornet's nest on this forum because people frequenting this place are from exactly these countries. Sorry friends, I think this topic need a few words.

So what in the world does this have to do with what is happening in Ukraine right now, you might ask. Well I think EVERYTHING.

The first clue is Putin's speech at the 2007 Munich Conference on Security Policy in Munich. I'd say it is instructive to watch it all again and carefully observe the audience. Not all are giving the game away but enough are to make it visible.

It is my opinion that at this Conference indirectly Putin was told, "You are NOT in the Club. You are Not an Equal. No matter what you might do.". I would argue that since 2007 that message has been consistently the same. It never changed. I am convinced that ordinary people in the population may change their attitudes but that of the political/financial elites this does not happen. I don't have access to their personal discussions but enough crumbs of information are available from their behavior to justify such a position. Thus the attitude of "Drang nach Ost" never died in those circles.

Here is a text from a French paper written in 1918 which buttresses my hypothesis,

German Colonization in Eastern Europe​

Jean Brunhes and Camille Vallaux
Geographical Review
Vol. 6, No. 6 (Dec., 1918),
With all the more reason the Pan-Germans had proclaimed the theory of the necessity for establishing the Germans throughout the world. One of the most characteristic books which appeared before the war was that by Otto Richard Tannenberg entitled "Gross Deutschland," published in 1911. The name Tannenberg is a pseudonym bitterly reminiscent of the battle in which the Knights of the Teutonic Order were annihilated by the Poles on July 15, 1410. Unfortunately, the Germans have already taken revenge upon the Slavs on the fields of this same Tannenberg on August 30, 1914.
Might makes right. All might has inherent right to full development. This is the two-fold idea, juristic and historic, which consciously or unconsciously is at the root of German political philosophy, as revealed in this book. Let us try to disengage from this brilliant but arduous discussion what are the main elements of might which Pan-Germanism can invoke to legitimatize itself. These are:
Political might. Of course, Tannenberg recalls the glories of the Teutonic Knights and the House of Hapsburg, and, also of course, he neglects to discuss the periods of decline of German power. It is assumed, it would seem, that the curve of German political development had always risen, a conception which is obviously contrary to history.
(2) The flood of German emigration, to which the United States bears witness more than any other country.
German colonial expansion, with the right of historic priority conferred upon it by the Hanseatic League.
(4) Linguistic dominance. The principle of a sort of linguistic superiority over Holland and the Scandinavian countries is advanced.
(5) Numbers. The rights of a population which increases like that of Germany are continually invoked both by the economic and political writers of Germany; this argument recurs throughout Tannenberg's book
I will only focus on 2) in order to condense something that would take chapters to explain. Germans emigrating to the America also brought along their attitudes, I think that is a fair assessment. Those attitudes filtered into the ruling class of many countries to which they arrived, United States being one where this influence was strong in particular.

Then we have the royal connections of the German royal families to the British and other countries in Western Europe monarchies. This is nicely camouflaged in UK today with the name "Windsor".
The House of Windsor is the reigning royal house of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms. In 1901, a line of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (itself a cadet branch of the House of Wettin) succeeded the House of Hanover to the British monarchy with the accession of King Edward VII, son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. In 1917, the name of the British royal house was changed from the German Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to the English Windsor because of anti-German sentiment in the United Kingdom during World War I.[1] There have been four British monarchs of the House of Windsor since then: George V, Edward VIII, George VI, and Elizabeth II.
The House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (/ˌsæks ˌkoʊbɜːɡ ... ˈɡɒθə, -tə/;[1] German: Haus Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha) is a European Royal House. It takes its name from its oldest domain, the Ernestine duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, but its members later sat on the thrones of the United Kingdom, Belgium, Portugal, Bulgaria, and Mexico.
Slavs have no such STRONG connections. There are royal connection but nowhere west do we see a Slavic pince or king ruling over a western kingdom. Reverse however is true. Conclusion. Slavs, you are not in The Club.

OK, in case of Russia, yes Catherine the Great was German, but I would argue that the rest of the Russian royals and the Russian people were considered "Not In The Club". This attitude toward Slavs would have filtered down the social ladder all the way to the university where new political elit is minted. This then is propaged throughout society through education, books, movies etc.

It can be seen quite easily if you know what you are looking for in movie at times. Hollywood in particular knows how to do this very subtilty and very well depending on the "political season".
"Who is Lebowski ?
"A lazy drinking bum."

This subconscious manipulation of attitudes is not limited to Slavs. Arabs, Mexicans, ... get it also.
The Image of the Slav in U.S. History and in Immigration Policy
Author(s): Joseph S. Roucek

BY A SERIES OF discriminatory immigration laws, culminating in the Quota Act of 1924, the Slav was assigned to the category of "inferior" nations and "races." How did this attitude come about? It was the result of a rather strange combination of forces produced by labor, industrialists, farmers, exuberant nationalists, racists, and intellectuals (like historians and sociologists). These influences converged to produce both the ideology out of which the legislation was fabricated and the pressure that brought about its enactment.
That immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe,particularly from the Balkans,were inherently inferior was one racist assumption.
THIS ANTAGONISTIC ATTITUDE toward the Slavs cannot be isolated from the misconceptions and misapprehension, in general, of the role played by Central-Eastern-Balkan Europe in world history. The general framework for the attitude can be found in the background, training,and attitudes of the
dominant American and English historians who, before World War II, had treated this area as a sort of terra incognita. In America,from one point of view, this was due to the traditions in historical scholarship. Most of the founders of the graduate history departments in American universities either received their training in Germany or came eventually under the spell of the German historical schools. The influence of Ranke was, in this respect,quite important. His insistence on the study of the past "as it actually and peculiarly was" did much to establish the later differentiation between history as an ideographic specialty concerned with "facts of succession"and historical sociology as a monothetic specialty analyzing"facts of repetition." But of importance to us is that Ranke maintained in his earliest writings that the Germanic and Romance nations alone form a cultural unit having a common history to be identified with the history of Europe. And owing to the influence of German scholarship, stresses Halecki, "the whole part of Europe east of Germany herself, including of course Poland, used to be disregarded even in French or English studies of universal history.
"background" = "Family and environment in which the person grew up"
I highly doubt that this attitude about Slavs is dead today in the upper/ruling classes.

I once watched a long discussion by a professor who taught at a leading German University, a sociologist if I recall correctly. When the discussion ended about the changes that occured in Germany after reunification, he was asked about the attitudes that Germans hold about people who lived in countries that Germany occupied during WW II. He said that many older generation Germans had feelings of guilt (which Allies forced into the education system) but that this attitude is not to be found in the younger generations. He said that when he quizzed his students how they felt, he basicly received a message that feeling sorry about what happened is done for them. That was then and now is different. When asked how they view Slavs as compared to themselves, he heard generalization along the lines that Germans are more intelligent and organized where as in the East the people are less intelligent and not as advance as their country. Basicly, Slavs are disorganized and not very smart.

I am convinced that Putin has been fighting this attitude since he became President of Russia, Slavs are not equals to the intelligent and enlightened West. This was seen in all actions by US, Britain, France, Germany etc... the past 20 years. Now Putin is squared off fighting against the forces these people planted in Ukraine and on his door step.

Using nice words like "colleagues", "friends" has ended because they in reality were not the truth.
I don't want to implicate Putin by "association" but he has known Klaus Schwab since 1992 - says so himself here from around the 2:10 mark. They go back 30 years and this clearly precedes the "Young Leaders Programme". This is not to say that Putin is part of the WEF agenda, just pointing out the association which is a data point.

All I'm saying is I'm not ruling out some form of 4D chess being played.
Thank You, Ocean for this article! The Saker gives excellent military information here about what we are to expect realistically. What's to happen. This is what I wanted to know! Someone relatively sane and experienced or at least well-read in military lingo and knowing about learned past historical lessons summarizing what is likely about to happen.
I need this to be able to model the situation in my mind.
An exchange between Putin and his spy chief Sergey Naryshkin 'went viral' this week to spread the message that Putin publicly bullied his government ministers into going along with his plans for Ukraine.

Aside from the fact that all the other exchanges went smoothly (and the fact that you'll NEVER see a cabinet meeting at which ministers make decisions of historical importance broadcast on Western TV), there's something else to note about why this exchange stands out.

Russia's central intelligence director, of all people, should know that the topic at hand is recognition of Luhansk and Donetsk, not accession into Russia (not yet anyway). Did he just 'goof' because he was nervous? If so, why is he nervous? He's been FSB Director for 6 years, and was Speaker of the Duma for years before that!

And why was Naryshkin not able to give a straight answer until Putin coached him into giving one? Putin didn't like that he said "in the worst case." By saying that, Naryshkin was suggesting that recognizing the two Republics would be a serious or "worst case" scenario. Putin and all others present saw it as a simple matter of fact, necessitated by the action, or rather lack of action (in implementing the Minsk agreements) by the gang in Kiev.

This got me thinking about Kazakhstan's intelligence chief, Karim Masimov, who was arrested for high treason last month as Russian and Kazakh forces snuffed out the regime change op. It's known he had business ties with the Bidens, though no doubt there were other 'ties'. I wonder if Naryshkin too has 'particular friends' in the West.‌ There are discreet links at that spymaster level that are not there at the political level.

Putin knows this, I guess, because he too knows the intel world. Check out that look he gives Naryshkin at 01:17...

First, Guardian got it wrong (deliberately or not) and Naryshkin didn't say "worst case" ("в худшем случае"). He literary said "otherwise" ("в противном случае") meaning that if giving the US one last chance doesn't work then he'd support the recognition.

To make sure, I looked for a transcript including that phrase. One is here:
[Naryshkin]: Западным партнерам можно дать последний шанс c тем, чтобы предложить им заставить Киев пойти на мир и выполнить Минские соглашении, а в противном случае мы должны принять решение, о котором сегодня говорится,— сказал господин Нарышкин.

[Putin] Что значит «в противном случае»? Вы предлагаете начать переговорный процесс или признавать суверенитет их? — спросил его Владимир Путин.

It's interesting that he repeated several times that there is no point in talking with the West - "we need to talk to the US" because everyone else - France, NATO, EU, Ukraine, Zelensky will do whatever the US wants them to.

Apologies if it's already been said (I'm still a few pages behind), but as far as the whole episode is concerned, I think it was just a Circus, as in panem et circenses. All scripted and published for human consumption, including Putin grilling Naryshkin and possibly even the slip of the tongue. BTW, he wasn't the first one who said it. "Reunification" was mentioned in passing before Naryshkin's short appearance. I see it as a long (1h30) TV show episode. Here is my why. A Security Council of Russia meeting making one of their most important decisions since 2008 was not taking place behind close doors? A meeting where all top Security Council members had to be introduced to the current Donbass and related international situation like preschoolers (first half of the meeting). Really? The whole event much more resembles a CPSU meeting or soviet parliamentary session where everyone plays his well learned role. It just makes no sense to me as a real thing. And I don't remember any other SC meeting been made public in its entirety; sometimes Putin's opening or closing words are published, but not the whole thing.

What I am not sure about is the reason behind it. One possibility is Russian population and their support for the recognition decision and the "games" coming afterwards; and perhaps the public image of Putin himself as a politician with a network, not an autocrat, but for that he didn't make much of an effort to not look bored for most of the time. Another one is that it was meant for Western consumption, but here I don't see why they would go that far. One thing seems clear to me - it was not produced for those who already know much more than what was shown.


I don't think I can believe that a guy who is the head of Russian Intelligence and who knows Putin already for about 40 years would stutter and let to be cornered like that. I do believe he is capable of playing it when needed.
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The Armed Forces of Ukraine shoot at their own people everywhere, only in a day they hit (Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны) from MANPADS on their own MiG-29, shot down their Su-27, at night they staged a "judgment day" in the center of Kyiv (https: //t.me/RVvoenkor/1623)" with shootings after Zelensky decided to distribute 20,000 machine guns to the locals.
Welcome to our forum f1esk! Have you already been asked to introduce yourself in the newbies section? We would like to get to know new members a bit, before they start posting. Your post doesn't have to be personal and you can always look at others' introductory posts to see what they have written.:-)
I don't want to implicate Putin by "association" but he has known Klaus Schwab since 1992 - says so himself here from around the 2:10 mark. They go back 30 years and this clearly precedes the "Young Leaders Programme". This is not to say that Putin is part of the WEF agenda, just pointing out the association which is a data point.

All I'm saying is I'm not ruling out some form of 4D chess being played.

Good, then he has a better understanding of what they are up to.
I fully agree with the Saker here
Today I see such zero. If anybody can recommend semi-decent military maps of the combat operations I would be most grateful.
Tried to find a decent military tactical map with nice English names for all major towns, all county borders outlined with thick demarcation lines. Where Kiev is, where is Donbass, where is Lugansk, major town names, major airports, distance indicator in kilometers on the bottom-right, nada...
All I could find was almost completely useless trash.
The best Ukraine map so far was posted here in this thread by iamthatis. Thank You!

Then maybe this one is useful, I found:
UKRAINE MAP political-map-of-Ukraine-war.png
This is definitely not the Russian Caliber - they fly slower and the explosion is much more powerful, the house would simply have folded to the widow.

Most likely it was an air defense projectile of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, fired from an air defense system. (Yesterday, the Ukrainian army decided to place anti-aircraft missile systems in residential areas).
The Armed Forces of Ukraine, it seems, tried to shoot down the missiles flying at the Zhuliany airfield, but they did not succeed because of the high-rise buildings standing nearby.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine shoot at their own people everywhere, only in a day they hit (Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны) from MANPADS on their own MiG-29, shot down their Su-27, at night they staged a "judgment day" in the center of Kyiv (https: //t.me/RVvoenkor/1623)" with shootings after Zelensky decided to distribute 20,000 machine guns to the locals.

Most likely that's the case. I think that I read also a statement from the Russian military that it was an anti-air defense missile from the Ukrainians. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the link anymore. And for the West, and it's propaganda media it is fodder to further push Russia into the corner of an evil empire.
Apologies if it's already been said (I'm still a few pages behind), but as far as the whole episode is concerned, I think it was just a Circus, as in panem et circenses. All scripted and published for human consumption, including Putin grilling Naryshkin and possibly even the slip of the tongue. BTW, he wasn't the first one who said it. "Reunification" was mentioned in passing before Naryshkin's short appearance. I see it as a long (1h30) TV show episode. Here is my why. A Security Council of Russia meeting making one of their most important decisions since 2008 was not taking place behind close doors? A meeting where all top Security Council members had to be introduced to the current Donbass and related international situation like preschoolers (first half of the meeting). Really? The whole event much more resembles a CPSU meeting or soviet parliamentary session where everyone plays his well learned role. It just makes no sense to me as a real thing. And I don't remember any other SC meeting been made public in its entirety; sometimes Putin's opening or closing words are published, but not the whole thing.

I would partly agree that of course the real talks and discussion about such crucial matters most likely already happened behind close doors but I would suggest that Putin and co. don’t really script such parts like the above but simply decide which parts of the „real discussion“ should be made public/filmed and which not. So in that sense I don’t think that the mentioned broadcast wasn’t real or a real part of the decision making put just that part that was deemed safe for the public. I would also think that they know about basic human psychology and how a crowd must be handled and how impressionable/fickle most people are. So in that sense I do indeed think that they regularly use a form of propaganda which is quite different from the usual nefarious propaganda psychopaths use. Basically propaganda with an humane/good force/intend behind it.
hahaha u premoderated - never will hit the people
Watch this video. Anybody with two firing neurons could see this coming if Ukrainians did not wake up and smell the coffee. Geeze, are you that blind?

What type of argument is that??? Are we the only nation, which was brain washed? Are we the most dangerous to the world?

I see it coming, cause i am young open minded and i dig info for many years. And i was involved in stuff, real ET stuff, and my way lead to me to even greater people and things that 99 % wont believe. I have a dream - with Putin and their army here in Ukraine 1 year before Crimea was taken and east cities Fonetsk and Lugansk...
( I even read all your sessions , while i was in army, not sleeping that 6 hours i have in the night)

And i saw so many liars, so many fakers... And i saw what real light looks like. Its pure love not terror.

I was against maidans. I was fighting with my family ,friends to open their eyes.
But you cannot win the system alone !
Look at USA ! At other countries!
My point - is our nation responsible to get all this?
Say it - that kids, old people , usual poor people, who were robbed and lied by government were responsible for this. Were meant to die in a war they dont even understand, cause that how deep it was prepared.

Yeah, Lora our TVs for years were telling other kind of lie, and now that lie become reality, cause no way Ukraine forget russians killers ,who invaded us .

Go ask our light friends, please, why so many innocent people? Where are White Hats? Whats next?
I really want to know... is this the only of liberation?

I want to believe this is just beginning.
Whole world must wake up, now or never.

You may think whatever you want.
I wish you never see war and death coming in your native town, lovely country... people you love.
You might want to take the following into

And this:
I've been thinking that maybe one of the reasons why the Russian leadership was 'playing along' with the Covid circus was because they didn't want to get any unnecessary attention, not get in the spotlight, as they were preparing for the Ukraine situation. Just guessing, but I think that part of why Russia took part in Syrias battles was to test their capability, because they knew that this day was soon coming, or at the very least, they saw a high probablity that the Ukraine situation would need to be solved militarily. A big operation like this probably needs years of planning. So, to 'lay low' and avoid unnecessary scrutiny, they pretended to play along with the Covid thing, and to give the appearence to the WEF gangsters (and others) that "Oh, even Russia doesn't dare to oppose the Covid agenda. They look weak".
I’m pondering about what is really going on below the surface of the great game of perpetual Drama and I think there is the distinct possibility that the pivotal act in the play is about to hit the stage.

I’m considering that the 3 events -
  • Dramatic bait-and-switch end to COVID mind control
  • Instigation of Emergency powers in Canada
  • The Russian operation in Ukraine

- are all part of the same playbook heading towards a single pivot event that will make what we have seen so far like a walk in the park.

I’m considering that the script that the west and Russia are playing to are completely different – and that the Russians have been maneuvered into this action for purposes that have no real baring on West/East relations (which were already in tatters) but rather primarily for the purposes of enacting a shock-doctrine blitzkrieg on the consciousness of the fully blinded western population.

That is the next phase of the GREAT RESET is likely to be kicking off any day soon.

“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”

― George Orwell, 1984

At the start of the book, Oceania is at war with Eurasia. They have always been at war with Eurasia. That's the political consensus, and all historic documents agree. However, Winston Smith (the protagonist) remembers a time five years ago when Oceania was instead at war with Eastasia. Winston Smith struggles with philosophical idea of "truth". Which is more true? What everyone knows and what's in the newspapers, or the memories within his head?

Then Ocean's allegiance switched back again. On the sixth day of Hate Week, as crowds gathered to denounce Eurasia, the Party switched enemies to Eastasia. In a particularly rousing speech against their enemy, the speaker was handed a slip of paper, and in mid-sentence, without pause, without change in content or tone, he changed the name of the enemy he was speaking against to Eastasia. Eurasia was now their dearest friends. Those holding banners denouncing their enemy were suddenly embarrassed to discover they had unaccountably written the wrong name, and quickly trampled and destroyed them.

I posit that:

1. Covid ended on command and abruptly so as to prepare the populous to receive the next stage of brain washing.

2. That the Canadian event was used to trial run acceptance of totalitarian Emergency powers by the WEF controlled Canadian Government and that in particular the freezing of ordinary citizen's bank accounts as a necessary act irrespective of the non-emergency nature of the event. Also to place out there in the public consciousness that only we say what you can and can’t use your money for (and remember the Canadian Banking Association was approved by the WEF to lead the digital ID creation). Canada accepted this all with hardly a mutter and no extra resistance by the population at large. No western government expressed outrage at this obvious shift to totalitarianism in one of its prime 'democracy's'. So they now know we all will likely follow suit.

Therefore, further seeds have been set for an emergency context that requires an inevitable move to government controlled digital currency.

Trudeau Government Moves to Make Expanded Surveillance Powers over Financial Transactions 'Permanent'

3. That the build up to Putin’s decision was filled with dire warnings from the west that were nothing less than gas lighting – extreme false flag events coming and in particular Russian cyber-attacks against the west (all of which the Russians knew the west was planning itself). If you look very carefully at the timeline over the past few months, the west has got all its hits in ahead of Russia, priming the narrative in the west whilst doing absolutely nothing real against the supposed threat on the ground other than priming the Russians every step of the way to an inevitable action of intervention. By pushing Russia to act in the only way it could, the west has now obtained total control of the narrative they have primed for 75 odd years – the Russians are coming! The co-ordinated lighting up of building across the world (we are all Ukrainians now) is straight out of the COVID cult worship playbook (think clapping the health services who are helping to lock you down) . It’s all staged ritual aimed at us. Russia can go to hell.


As of 14th February the following has been taking place (below taken from various articles):

All EU members are involved in a 6 week (14th Feb-4th March) European Union cyber attack exercise on supply chains

Participants will be confronted with attacks on their supply chains and some spillover socio-economic effects in other member states, before having to coordinate public communications and a diplomatic response.

The aim of the six-week exercise is to stress-test Europe's resilience, strengthen preparedness and cooperation among member states, and improve the effectiveness of a joint response.

The exercise is structured around a gradual escalation toward a major crisis that culminates in an attack that could qualify as an armed aggression under the United Nations Charter. In order to be as realistic as possible it is modeled on incidents that have taken place or could occur in the near future.

The exercise happens to coincide with the massing of Russian troops at Ukraine’s borders and fears it could also launch cyberattacks directed at the West.

“This exercise is different in that it involves various Council bodies, meaning the political level of EU response to a cyberattack,”

“The exercise has the objective to strengthen the level of preparedness of the European Union to respond to large-scale cyber crises and intends to involve both the political and operational level to test the EU's response to a cyberattack and better prepare the EU and its member states in responding in a coordinated manner.”

“These exercises can focus on specific industry sectors — such as aviation, as was the case in 2018 — or on geopolitical concerns such as how the EU would react to a major cyberattack in the event a conflict between Ukraine and Russia should occur. As with many aspects in life, practice makes perfect and this is particularly so in the cybersecurity world.”

Brian Honan, chief executive officer of BH Consulting, Ireland.

As the possibility of a Russian attack on Ukraine grows, America's federal cybersecurity agencies are advising operators of critical infrastructure - like seaports and pipelines - to step up their preparedness to counter Russian state-sponsored cyber operations

And what do we have now… (with 6 days of the EU cyber exercise still to go)?

It is worth noting that on Feb 19th, before the Russian action, NATO warned that a Russian cyber-attack was imminent and could trigger Article 5

Russian cyber-attack could trigger NATO’s Article 5, warns NATO Deputy Secretary General

Mircea Geoană, Deputy Secretary General of NATO, says that when the alliance decided that cyber should be considered an “operational domain,” the bloc also made the call that a “massive cyber attack” on one member state could trigger Article 5 of NATO’s Washington Treaty. This strikes at the heart of the alliance’s defense clause, which states that an attack on one country is considered an attack on all allies.

The North Atlantic Treaty - Washington D.C. - 4 April 1949

Article 5

The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.

So whatever US/NATO has planned for us by way of flipping this war back in our direction, the UN is quietly waiting in the wings to pick up the pieces and oversee the future..

So this week ahead could be pivotal. An 'event' may happen that sets the supply chain cyber-exercise live in such a manner that leads to a meltdown of what is left of the populations ability to resist any level of 'necessary' totalitarian measures to restore control. As they said openly....

The exercise is structured around a gradual escalation toward a major crisis that culminates in an attack that could qualify as an armed aggression under the United Nations Charter.

And when one thinks of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, as Joe previously suggested:

Pestilence = COVID/Vaccines
War = Ukraine

Maybe we can add add

Famine = Cyber attack?
Death = the likely outcome of all the above (plus incoming!)?

... just some ruminations for others to feedback on.
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