Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

News on the aviation topic.
I do not know if I should believe the British press, but as they say, for what I bought, for that I sold it. We are starting to count how much they fly by and I wonder who will get the prize money for the first downed F-16.
Telegraph: Ukraine flew F-16 sorties, the fighters were used as air defense

MOSCOW, July 31 — RIA Novosti. The Ukrainian pilots made the first flights on the F-16, writes the British newspaper Telegraph.

"Ukraine has completed its first combat missions on the F-16," the publication says.

According to media reports, the fighters have so far been used as "air defense equipment." As the newspaper notes, the official representative of the Ukrainian Air Force did not deny this.
Earlier on Wednesday, the Bloomberg news agency reported, citing sources, that the first "small" batch of American F-16 fighters transferred by NATO countries had arrived in Ukraine.
Пилоты ВСУ совершили первые вылеты на F-16, пишут СМИ

It was interesting to deal with the "Baba Yaga". For those who do not know, Baba Yaga is a traditional character of Russian folk tales. She is a harmful old witch who does various nasty things in different fairy tales. Among his other unusual abilities, Baba Yaga can fly. Due to the similarity of the parameters (flying muck), large drones capable of carrying and dropping large charges, such as mortar mines, are called Baba Yaga at the front.
Our fighters caught "Baba Yaga" with a cunning bait (VIDEO)
Russian fighters lured "Baba Yaga" into a cunning trap.

The military said that they managed to shoot down the Ukrainian drone Baba Yaga using unusual tactics. They showed footage of a downed drone.

For bait, a camouflaged burnt-out car was installed in the forest, inside which trench candles were placed, creating the effect of a heated engine.

Arrows with night vision devices were placed next to the bait. As the drone approached, it was shot down by accurate fire.

Ukrops also does something. Several times there were videos of attempts to hit by a kamikaze drone on a helicopter in flight. It was all unsuccessful, but they managed to sneak up on the helicopter taking off.
Near Donetsk, a Ukrainian drone shot down a Russian Guard Mi-8 helicopter
Today it became known that a Ukrainian drone managed to shoot down a Russian Guard Mi-8 helicopter during takeoff. This was reported by the military channel Voivode Broadcasts.

As the author of the channel clarifies, the attack occurred at a considerable distance from the line of contact. Yesterday, information was already received about attempts by Ukrainian forces to use drones to attack Russian army aircraft and, unfortunately, today these attempts have been successful.

"The Russian Guards Eight was caught at the moment of takeoff," the message says.

There have been no official statements on this matter from the Russian Defense Ministry so far.
Под Донецком украинский дрон сбил вертолёт Ми-8 Росгвардии

Новости по авиационной теме.
Я не знаю стоит ли верить британской прессе, но как говорится, за что купил- за то и продал. Начинаем отсчет сколько они пролетают и еще интересно кто получит призовые деньги за первый сбитый F-16. Интересно получилось расправиться с "Бабой Ягой". Для тех, кто не знает, Баба Яга это традиционный персонаж русских народных сказок. Представляет из себя вредную старуху-колдунью, которая в разных сказках творит разные гадости. Среди прочих своих необычных способностей Баба Яга умеет летать. Из-за схожести параметров (летающая гадость), на фронте Бабой Ягой называют большие дроны, способные переносить и сбрасывать большие заряды, например минометные мины.
У укропов тоже кое-что получается. Несколько раз попадались видео с попытками попасть дроном-камикадзе по вертолету в полете. Все это было неудачно, но вот у них получилось подкрасться к взлетающему вертолету.
News on the aviation topic.
I do not know if I should believe the British press, but as they say, for what I bought, for that I sold it. We are starting to count how much they fly by and I wonder who will get the prize money for the first downed F-16.

Пилоты ВСУ совершили первые вылеты на F-16, пишут СМИ

It was interesting to deal with the "Baba Yaga". For those who do not know, Baba Yaga is a traditional character of Russian folk tales. She is a harmful old witch who does various nasty things in different fairy tales. Among his other unusual abilities, Baba Yaga can fly. Due to the similarity of the parameters (flying muck), large drones capable of carrying and dropping large charges, such as mortar mines, are called Baba Yaga at the front.
Our fighters caught "Baba Yaga" with a cunning bait (VIDEO)


Ukrops also does something. Several times there were videos of attempts to hit by a kamikaze drone on a helicopter in flight. It was all unsuccessful, but they managed to sneak up on the helicopter taking off.

Под Донецком украинский дрон сбил вертолёт Ми-8 Росгвардии

Новости по авиационной теме.
Я не знаю стоит ли верить британской прессе, но как говорится, за что купил- за то и продал. Начинаем отсчет сколько они пролетают и еще интересно кто получит призовые деньги за первый сбитый F-16. Интересно получилось расправиться с "Бабой Ягой". Для тех, кто не знает, Баба Яга это традиционный персонаж русских народных сказок. Представляет из себя вредную старуху-колдунью, которая в разных сказках творит разные гадости. Среди прочих своих необычных способностей Баба Яга умеет летать. Из-за схожести параметров (летающая гадость), на фронте Бабой Ягой называют большие дроны, способные переносить и сбрасывать большие заряды, например минометные мины.
У укропов тоже кое-что получается. Несколько раз попадались видео с попытками попасть дроном-камикадзе по вертолету в полете. Все это было неудачно, но вот у них получилось подкрасться к взлетающему вертолету.
In the absence of further information, this photo would have been taken in Lviv, this city is almost on the border with Poland and very far from the front, so there is a possibility that they are taking off from NATO airports at the moment.GT2Bg41XIAA7j4-.jpeg
In the absence of further information, this photo would have been taken in Lviv, this city is almost on the border with Poland and very far from the front, so there is a possibility that they are taking off from NATO airports at the moment.
Yes, it's not just Lviv anymore. They write here that these planes were spotted over the DPR. It's strange that they didn't shoot it down.
Two F-16 fighter jets spotted over the DPR
Russian military Telegram channels reported the appearance of two F-16 fighter jets over the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR). According to the information provided by the channel "Archangel of Spetsnaz Z", the fighters were detected by the calculation of the anti-aircraft missile system.

According to the channel, the planes do not take off and land from Ukrainian airfields. This was allegedly confirmed by Russian radar stations (radars). It is assumed that F-16 fighters take off from Baltic airfields and fly to the line of contact over the DPR.

It is reported that the F-16s carry Storm Shadow missiles on board, as well as air-to-air missiles for their own cover:

- AIM-120 is a radio command, active, inertial long—range missile up to 180 km;

- AIM-7 is a radar—guided, semi-active missile with a range of up to 35 km;

- AIM-9 is a semi—active missile for close air combat with a range of up to 10 km.

The appearance of these fighters has caused concern among the Russian military. These events emphasize that Kiev almost immediately threw the planes received from the West into battle.
Два истребителя F-16 замечены над ДНР

Да, уже не только Львов. Здесь пишут, что эти самолеты заметили над ДНР. Странно, что не стали сбивать.
We continue to move forward slowly.
Today, many localities have immediately come under the control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. So far, only enemy resources are reporting this, but I think that reports from the Russian General Staff will soon follow too.
We have completely lost the big city of Krasnogorovka, but they are too shy to declare this, — Butusov, a military propagandist.

"Krasnogorovka, which we have already lost completely, Unfortunately, literally three months ago (it was taken by the Russian army)... completely lost the big city. So far, they are embarrassed to declare this," the editor—in-chief of the Censor added on Radio NV.

Ukrainian military analysts on their maps practically recognized the transfer of the city under the control of the Russian Army.

The other day, the Donetsk 110th brigade boldly broke through to the north-western entrance from the city, completing the capture of the entire city line. The APU maintains a presence only in the suburbs.

The Russian army occupied Krasnogorovka in the DPR, — Julian Repke (MAP)

"After 3.5 months of intense fighting, the Russian army occupied all parts of the city of Krasnogorovka (formerly with a population of 16,000 inhabitants) in the Donetsk region. The offensive began on April 15 with the revival of the widely discussed "turtle tanks"," said Julian Repke, a military analyst at the German edition of Bild and published a corresponding map.

As reported by Russian Spring, on the eve of the loss of Krasnogorovka, a Ukrainian propagandist, the editor—in-chief of one of the "Censor" who incited hatred from the very beginning of the Maidan, declared.NET" Yuri Butusov.

Official Kiev traditionally suppresses the loss of the city.

Julian Repke is a staunch opponent of Russia, he has opposed us in the information field since the days of the Syrian campaign, he became famous online thanks to the fervent support of Islamist militants, the so-called moderate terrorists, for which he received the nickname Jihadi Julian.

The Russian Army continues to storm New York and Toretsk (MAP)

The Center group of troops continues to develop success, breaking through the enemy's defenses in the suburbs of Toretsk, actually occupying the satellite city of Toretsk Zheleznoye (Artemovo) and clearing Kirovo (Severnoye).

""The Toretsky direction. In New York, the Russians advanced along several streets in a northerly direction to a depth of 550 meters.

In Zalizny (Zhelezny), Russian troops advanced to the railway east of the intersection of Vinogradnaya Street (to a depth of 250 meters) and along Apricot Street (to a depth of 250 meters)," belatedly write Ukrainian military analysts, underestimating the advance of our troops.

In the evening summary of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, he reported that in the Toretsk direction, Russian troops attacked the Armed Forces 20 times in the areas of Zhelezny, Toretsk, New York and Severny. And in the morning — 26 times in the same localities.

The "Brave" liberated Timofeevka and entered Zhelannoye (MAP)

During the offensive in Krasnoarmeysk (Pokrovsky) direction, the forces of the Center group of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation occupied the village of Timofeevka.

This is confirmed by the Deep State analytical resource working for the GUR of Ukraine (the Ministry of Defense will announce the complete capture of the settlement after the end of the cleanup and consolidation).

After the capture of Timofeevka, Russian troops are moving further along the river. Also, the fighters of the "Center" advanced along the river south of the locality of Volchye.

The node of defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at Zhelannoye falls into the pincers.

In addition, Russian fighters have also already entered the outskirts of Zhelannoye area, which the enemy has painted over in a gray zone.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation came close to Sergeevka and Ivanovka.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the evening summary reports: "heavy fighting is underway in the Pokrovsky direction. There were 43 battles nearby in the areas of Panteleimonovka, Vozdvizhenka, Arkhangelskoye, Novoaleksandrovka, Ivanovka, Timofeevka, Lisicheske, Ivanovskoye, Zhelannoe, Sergeevka and Karlovka."

Recall that after the illegal Ukrainian renaming, the city of Krasnoarmeysk to the west of Donetsk became Pokrovsky.

Сегодня сразу много населенных пунктов перешло под контроль ВС РФ. Пока об этом сообщают только вражеские ресурсы, но я думаю, что сообщения Российского Генштаба вскоре тоже последуют.
SouthFront News

22 hours ago
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russia is ready to cooperate with all those who seek to facilitate the settlement of the crisis in Ukraine, taking into account Russian interests and current realities, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Sputnik.
Commenting on the recent visit by Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin to Ukraine, she said his statements in general are in line with the Vatican's mediation efforts.

"Considering the significance of the Secretary of State's figure in the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, we certainly take his statements very seriously, regarding them as the official position of the Holy See," Zakharova said.

"As of today, we have not received any official requests regarding Parolin's visit to Russia. The dialogue with the Vatican continues. Our country is ready to cooperate with all those who seek to facilitate a peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian crisis with account for Russia's known interests and current realities," she said.

Earlier, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Russia is open to a diplomatic resolution, yet the same seemingly does not hold true for Ukraine.

"Russia is open to all initiatives, and Russia is open to a diplomatic path to a settlement, but we see that, unfortunately, there is no such reciprocity on the part of Ukraine at the moment," Peskov said.

Russian troops wipe out three US-made Patriot missile launchers in Ukraine operation
Russia’s Battlegroup South repelled a Ukrainian army counterattack and inflicted roughly 570 casualties on enemy troops in its area of responsibility over the past day
MOSCOW, August 1. /TASS/. Russian troops destroyed three US-made Patriot surface-to-air missile launchers, an UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) control post and Ukrainian army trains over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Thursday.

"Operational/tactical aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile troops and artillery of the Russian groups of forces struck three US-made Patriot surface-to-air missile launchers, an UAV control post and trains with personnel and ammunition, massed enemy manpower and military equipment in 147 areas," the ministry said in a statement.

Russia’s Battlegroup North strikes four Ukrainian army brigades over past day

Russia’s Battlegroup North struck four Ukrainian army brigades and inflicted roughly 280 casualties on enemy troops in its area of responsibility over the past day, the ministry reported.

"Battlegroup North units inflicted damage on manpower and equipment of the Ukrainian army’s 42nd mechanized, 92nd assault, 112th and 127th territorial defense brigades in areas near the settlements of Porozok in the Sumy Region, Liptsy, Staritsa and Volchansk in the Kharkov Region. They repelled two counterattacks by assault groups of the Ukrainian army’s 57th motorized infantry and 36th marine infantry brigades," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in that frontline area over the past 24 hours amounted to 280 personnel, two motor vehicles, a US-made 155mm M777 howitzer and a 122mm D-30 howitzer, it specified.

Russia’s Battlegroup West inflicts 535 casualties on Ukrainian troops over past day

Russia’s Battlegroup West struck seven Ukrainian army brigades and inflicted roughly 535 casualties on enemy troops in its area of responsibility over the past day, the ministry reported.

"Battlegroup West units improved their forward edge positions and inflicted casualties on formations of the Ukrainian army’s 14th, 63rd, 115th and 116th mechanized, 3rd assault and 107th territorial defense brigades and nationalists of the 12th Azov brigade [outlawed in Russia as a terrorist organization] near Kupyansk and Sinkovka in the Kharkov Region, Nadiya and Makeyevka in the Lugansk People’s Republic, Krasny Liman in the Donetsk People’s Republic and in the Serebryanka forestry area. During the last 24-hour period, they repelled two counterattacks by assault groups of the 117th territorial defense brigade," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in that frontline area over the past 24 hours amounted to 535 personnel, a tank, a US-made HMMWV armored vehicle and six motor vehicles, it specified.

In counterbattery warfare, Russian troops destroyed a Grad multiple rocket launcher, a US-made 155mm M198 howitzer, a 152mm Msta-B howitzer, a 122mm D-30 howitzer and a British-made 105mm L119 artillery gun, the ministry said.

In addition, Russian troops destroyed Khortitsa-M and Bukovel-AD electronic warfare stations and two field ammunition depots of the Ukrainian army, it said.

Russia’s Battlegroup South inflicts 570 casualties on Ukrainian army over past day

Russia’s Battlegroup South repelled a Ukrainian army counterattack and inflicted roughly 570 casualties on enemy troops in its area of responsibility over the past day, the ministry reported.

"Battlegroup South units gained more advantageous frontiers and positions and inflicted damage on manpower and equipment of the Ukrainian army’s 23rd, 24th, 28th and 33rd mechanized, 144th infantry, 79th air assault and 116th territorial defense brigades in areas near the settlements of Novy, Chasov Yar, Annovka, Yelizavetovka, Katerinovka and Konstantinovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic.

They repelled a counterattack by formations of the Ukrainian army’s 5th assault brigade," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in that frontline area over the past 24 hours amounted to 570 personnel and three motor vehicles, it specified.

In counterbattery warfare, Russian troops destroyed a US-made M270 MLRS multipurpose multiple launch rocket system, a US-made 155mm Paladin self-propelled artillery system, two US-made 155mm M777 howitzers, a 152mm Msta-B howitzer, three 152mm D-20 howitzers, three 122mm D-30 howitzers and a British-made 105mm L119 artillery gun, it specified.

During the last 24-hour period, Russian forces also destroyed two Nota electronic warfare stations and five field ammunition depots of the Ukrainian army, it said.

Russia’s Battlegroup Center strikes five Ukrainian brigades over past day

Russia’s Battlegroup Center improved its tactical position and inflicted casualties on five Ukrainian army brigades in its area of responsibility over the past day, the ministry reported.

"Battlegroup Center units improved their tactical position and inflicted casualties on formations of the Ukrainian army’s 31st and 32nd mechanized, 1st tank, 109th and 111th territorial defense brigades in areas near the settlements of Toretsk, Novgorodskoye, Rozovka, Kalinovo and Vozdvizhenka in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the ministry said.

Russia’s Battlegroup Center repels ten Ukrainian counterattacks over past day

Russia’s Battlegroup South repelled a Ukrainian army counterattack and inflicted roughly 570 casualties on enemy troops in its area of responsibility over the past day, the ministry reported.

"Battlegroup South units gained more advantageous frontiers and positions and inflicted damage on manpower and equipment of the Ukrainian army’s 23rd, 24th, 28th and 33rd mechanized, 144th infantry, 79th air assault and 116th territorial defense brigades in areas near the settlements of Novy, Chasov Yar, Annovka, Yelizavetovka, Katerinovka and Konstantinovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic. They repelled a counterattack by formations of the Ukrainian army’s 5th assault brigade," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in that frontline area over the past 24 hours amounted to 570 personnel and three motor vehicles, it specified.

In counterbattery warfare, Russian troops destroyed a US-made M270 MLRS multipurpose multiple launch rocket system, a US-made 155mm Paladin self-propelled artillery system, two US-made 155mm M777 howitzers, a 152mm Msta-B howitzer, three 152mm D-20 howitzers, three 122mm D-30 howitzers and a British-made 105mm L119 artillery gun, it specified.

During the last 24-hour period, Russian forces also destroyed two Nota electronic warfare stations and five field ammunition depots of the Ukrainian army, it said.

Russia’s Battlegroup Center strikes five Ukrainian brigades over past day

Russia’s Battlegroup Center improved its tactical position and inflicted casualties on five Ukrainian army brigades in its area of responsibility over the past day, the ministry reported.

"Battlegroup Center units improved their tactical position and inflicted casualties on formations of the Ukrainian army’s 31st and 32nd mechanized, 1st tank, 109th and 111th territorial defense brigades in areas near the settlements of Toretsk, Novgorodskoye, Rozovka, Kalinovo and Vozdvizhenka in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the ministry said.

Russia’s Battlegroup Center repels ten Ukrainian counterattacks over past day

Russia’s Battlegroup Center repelled ten Ukrainian army counterattacks in its area of responsibility over the past day, the ministry reported.

Battlegroup Center units "repelled ten counterattacks by assault groups of the Ukrainian army’s 47th, 53rd, 100th, 110th and 151st mechanized, 68th jaeger, 25th air assault and 95th air assault brigades and the Lyut assault brigade of the Ukrainian national police," the ministry said.

Russia’s Battlegroup Center inflicts 365 casualties on Ukrainian army over past day

Russia’s Battlegroup Center inflicted roughly 365 casualties on Ukrainian troops in its area of responsibility over the past day, the ministry reported.

"The enemy’s losses amounted to 365 personnel, two pickup trucks and a 152mm Msta-B howitzer," the ministry said.

Russia’s Battlegroup East inflicts 125 casualties on Ukrainian army over past day

Russia’s Battlegroup East inflicted roughly 125 casualties on Ukrainian troops and destroyed an enemy electronic warfare station in its area of responsibility over the past day, the ministry reported.

"Battlegroup East units improved their forward edge positions and inflicted damage on manpower and equipment of the Ukrainian army’s 72nd mechanized, 58th motorized infantry, 116th territorial defense and 21st National Guard brigades in areas near the settlements of Vodyanoye, Zolotaya Niva and Storozhevoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in that frontline area over the past 24 hours amounted to 125 personnel, seven motor vehicles, a 152mm D-20 howitzer, a 122mm D-30 howitzer, a British-made 105mm L119 artillery gun and a Bukovel-AD electronic warfare station, it specified.

Russia’s Battlegroup Dnepr strikes four Ukrainian brigades over past day

Russia’s Battlegroup Dnepr struck four Ukrainian army brigades and inflicted roughly 90 casualties on enemy troops over the past day, the ministry reported.

"Battlegroup Dnepr units inflicted casualties on formations of the Ukrainian army’s 117th mechanized, 128th mountain assault, 121st and 124th territorial defense brigades in areas near the settlements of Orekhov and Pyatikhatki in the Zaporozhye Region, Osokorovka, Tokarevka and Antonovka in the Kherson Region," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in that frontline area over the past 24 hours amounted to 90 personnel, five motor vehicles, a US-made 155mm M777 howitzer and a field ammunition depot, it specified.

Russian air defenses destroy 61 Ukrainian UAVs, 14 HIMARS rockets over past day

Russian air defense forces shot down 61 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and 14 rockets of the US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket system over the past day, the ministry reported.

"During the last 24-hour period, air defense capabilities shot down a US-made ATACMS operational-tactical missile, 14 US-made HIMARS rockets and 61 unmanned aerial vehicles," the ministry said.

Overall, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 631 Ukrainian warplanes, 278 helicopters, 28,795 unmanned aerial vehicles, 559 surface-to-air missile systems, 16,734 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,395 multiple rocket launchers, 12,666 field artillery guns and mortars and 24,250 special military motor vehicles since the start of the special military operation, the ministry reported.

Tags Military operation in Ukraine

Meanwhile, Zelensky continues his disconnected, drug-fueled disassociation of the above events

Russian software used to design British submarines – Telegraph​

Having a secure intranet to keep communications secure in the manufacture of submarines - good idea.
Giving the contract for the intranet to Russia and Belarus: the enemy - bad idea.

And then they try to cover it up.
"Stellar research fellas , but where or what is " Ukraine" After all??

Speaking from a political collective called the EU , which is beyond national governments and controls all political parties and the illusion of democracy, a regional world govt, which imposes what humans can or cannot do, Ukraine is along with Zionism which has occupied everything, transvestism , homosexuality , climate scams and vaccines just another whirlwind prior to the landind of the fiery visitors called comets that will strike on time.
Belousov called Austin (which is in itself unusual) about a Ukrainian terror plot.

What kind of heinous crap was Ukraine planning (if we take this article at face value)? It is suggesting that the US was uninvolved, though it seems more likely that one or more factions probably were. I've gotten the impression that some of the more conventional elements which make up the US military are really unhappy with some of the things that have been carried out by Ukraine with their resources. Part of that is probably because they aren't fully informed about everything that is going on, and the potential for escalation.

According to this article in Ukrainian media it was a strike on Putin and Belousov during the Navy Day parade (28th July).

According to the Russian side, the Ukrainian special services were preparing an attack in Russia on "Navy Day" on July 28, when Vladimir Putin and the head of the Ministry of Defense Andriy Belousov were speaking at the parade in St. Petersburg.

The 'Russian side' didn't actually say that, and the article doesn't provide any link to anything that identifies that specific plan.
Last edited:
The 'Russian side' didn't actually say that, and the article doesn't provide any link to anything that identifies that specific plan.
Well, why is that? That's what the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs is talking about.

Ryabkov: Kiev was preparing an assassination attempt on Putin on Navy Day in St. Petersburg

The special services of Ukraine were preparing an assassination attempt on Russian President Vladimir Putin and the head of the country's Defense Ministry, Andrei Belousov, at the Navy Day parade in St. Petersburg.
According to the deputy head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sergei Ryabkov, whose words were broadcast on the Rossiya TV channel, a few days before the parade, Belousov contacted the head of the US Defense Ministry, Lloyd Austin, by phone and urged him to convince Kiev to abandon its plans.
Рябков: Киев готовил покушение на Путина в День ВМФ в Петербурге

Sometimes funny things happen. The ukrops warrior was captured. The Russian authorities are conducting checks on prisoners for committing various crimes, and in this case, somewhere they found an old recording of this very ukrop, still in a heroic form and declaring: "wait, katsaps! We're on our way!" The Russian officer asks ukrop: "well, did you get there?", to which he sadly replies: "I got there"
Prisoner: "Wait, katsaps! We're on our way!"
Ukrainians traditionally call Russians "katsaps". Russians called Ukrainians also traditionally as "hohol" . I do not use this name simply because the automatic translator in which I write tries all the time to change the word "hohol" into "Ukrainian" and it needs to be monitored and corrected all the time, and this is tedious.
Such is the politically correct Yandex translator.
I will clarify. When I write "katsap", this politically correct shit will not think of changing this word to "Russian", but when I write "hohol", then the English translation will definitely be "Ukrainian" and I will have to manually rewrite this word.
I apologize for the "lyrical digression".

Ну почему же? Вот как раз об этом говорит заместитель министра иностранных дел.
Иногда случаются забавные случаи. Укропский воин попал в плен. Российские власти проводят проверки пленных на предмет совершения разных преступлений и вот в данном случае где то обнаружили старую запись этого самого укропа, еще в героическом виде и заявляющего: "ждите, москали! Мы в пути!" Российский офицер спрашивает укропа: "ну что, добрался?", на что тот грустно отвечает: "добрался"
Украинцы русских традиционно называют кацапами. Русские украинцев также традиционно называют хохлами. Я это название не употребляю просто из-за того, что автоматический переводчик, в котором я пишу, все время норовит переделать слово "хохол" в "украинец" и за этим надо все время следить и исправлять, а это утомительно.
Такой вот, политкорректный переводчик Яндекс.
Я уточню. Когда я напишу "кацап", это политкорректное дерьмо и не подумает переделать это слово на "русский", а вот когда я напишу "хохол", то в английском переводе обязательно будет "украинец" и мне надо будет вручную это слово переписывать.
Я извиняюсь за "лирическое отступление".
Everything is going according to plan here. According to some devilish plan.
At least 5 explosions occurred in Kiev
At least five powerful explosions occurred on the territory of Kiev at night. According to unconfirmed information provided by Brief journalists, the strikes could have been carried out not by Russian Iskanders, but by North Korean KN-23 or KN-24 missiles.

Ukrainian information resources report that the explosions were extremely powerful and, according to preliminary data, proved to be very effective. However, at the moment there is no detailed information about the consequences of the attacks and the scale of the destruction.

Kiev's air defense systems were actively working at the time of the attack, trying to intercept missiles and minimize damage. Despite the efforts of the air defense, some missiles reached their targets, which caused significant destruction.
В Киеве прогремело не менее 5 взрывов

There are plenty of such aircraft in the world, and accordingly, there are plenty of pilots capable of flying theme. If the West continues to allocate money, ukrops will hire pilots abroad. There will definitely be a certain number of them.
Ukraine has run out of pilots to train on the F-16
Ukraine is facing a serious problem: despite the presence of 69 F-16 fighters ready for delivery from partner countries, the aircraft remain without a crew due to a shortage of pilots. The Ukrainian Air Force has begun an unofficial recruitment of pilots for these aircraft, which underscores the country's urgent need for qualified personnel.

The situation in the Ukrainian Air Force indicates a significant shortage of trained pilots. According to analysts, in the near future, the shortage of pilots will be filled by foreign mercenaries. Earlier it was reported about the readiness of pilots from other countries to take part in combat operations on the side of Ukraine. This may be a temporary solution that allows you to use the potential of Western fighters.
У Украины закончились лётчики для обучения на F-16

Here, again, we recall the diabolical plan.
Ukraine is dying out: the death rate in the country is three times higher than the birth rate

According to the Ministry of Justice, 87,655 children were born in the first half of the year, which is 9% less than in the same period in 2023, and one and a half times less than in 2021.

During the same period, 250,972 people died, which is 1.4 times less than in the same period in 2021, when the COVID-19 pandemic raged.

Now there are three deaths per newborn citizen. In the pre-crisis 2018-2020 years, this ratio was 1 to 2.

At the same time, the Russian Spring draws attention to the falsity of official statistics: the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are estimated in the hundreds of thousands, with deaths in 2022, 2023 and 2024. allegedly, it does not exceed the figures of 2021.

This is how the decommunization announced by ukrops takes place. Everything that was valuable in Ukraine, which could give development to this country, has already been destroyed. The prospect is sad and very reminiscent of the Stone Age.
Turboatom, one of the world's largest turbine-building enterprises, is ablaze in Kharkov.

The plant is important for energy, it provides turbines, including nuclear power plants.

Possible sabotage.

Здесь все идет по плану. По какому то дьявольскому плану.
Таких самолетов в мире полно, а соответственно, полно и летчиков способных на них летать. Если Запад продолжит выделять деньги, то укропы наймут пилотов за границей. Какое то количество таких обязательно найдется.
Тут опять же вспоминаем про дьявольский план.
Вот так происходит объявленная укропами декоммунизация. Разрушено уже всё, что представляло ценность в украине, что могло дать развитие этой стране. Перспектива печальна и очень напоминает каменный век.
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