Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

He has no respect because I let all this happen. Great. And that is why he answers me in Ukrainian, considering me a supporter of the Nazi government of Ukraine.
What is all this based on? What right does he have to accuse me of all this, to treat me in this way? On what basis did he decide that I support the Ukrainian regime, that I am involved in all its crimes, that I WANT to be proud of Ukrainianism, all these terms, etc.? Or have I somehow committed a crime against him personally?

I think you are talking offense where there was none intended. It's sad, because here, we should be united, instead of letting division rule. The "funny" thing is that both of you see what is going on, so really, there isn't any point to argue about. Youlik was speaking in general terms, not about all Ukranians. You certainly don't support the regime, he knows it and you know it. So, please, take a step back, and consider the bigger picture. :flowers:
I think you are talking offense where there was none intended. It's sad, because here, we should be united, instead of letting division rule. The "funny" thing is that both of you see what is going on, so really, there isn't any point to argue about. Youlik was speaking in general terms, not about all Ukranians. You certainly don't support the regime, he knows it and you know it. So, please, take a step back, and consider the bigger picture. :flowers:
Then why did he write to me "be proud of these names" (Ukrops, Zhidobanders, etc.) and that "they are yours"? Why does everyone here ignore these facts, which I repeatedly point out?

And again, if it's okay to call Ukrainian soldiers or the population here (even if not all of them are meant in your head), quoting and commenting on the news in your own words, then why not call the Russian army words like orcs, why not call the American army sacks of shit, etc.? Here, on this forum. And then say "it's okay, you know, because it doesn't mean each of you."
Are we in a Z-channel chat, or a Ukrainian chat, or some other chat where people only express their "warm feelings" to the opposite side? All this rhetoric is really the norm there. "We, sitting on the couch, defeated 100,000 khokhols today" - "And we, fighting with keyboards, drove out 200,000 orcs!", "Putin ordered to roast all Ukrainian pigs who attacked the Kursk region" - "Scholz demands to punish Russian beasts"... I think the message is clear.
I may be exaggerating a bit, but: 1) a stream can become a full-flowing river; 2) why does this only work in one direction?

However, I already wrote above that I have no more questions.
Then why did he write to me "be proud of these names" (Ukrops, Zhidobanders, etc.) and that "they are yours"? Why does everyone here ignore these facts, which I repeatedly point out?

Because they are not facts. What he wrote was:

It's even more interesting with ukrop. Some are proud of this name. The Ukropsky journalist did not hesitate to come on a direct line with Putin in a sweater with such an inscription. So be proud, and at the same time be proud of the name "zhidobanderovets". It's all yours.

The first is just an observation, nothing to do with you. The other, I think it's from English not being his first language. I simply took it to mean "it's all there", "voilà". Or, it was in reference to those "some" people who are proud of all that Bandera nonsense. Again, nothing to do with you.

Youlik can correct me if I read it wrong. But I really don't think anyone is judging YOU, or the good people of Ukraine who do see through the lies! I hope you can see that, and go back to having a constructive exchange. It is understandable to feel extra sensitive. But if you think about it, by letting this be a "trigger" for you, in a sense you are doing to others here what you are accusing them of doing to you: generalizing, putting words in their mouths, and not being cordial.
I think Youlik lacked finesse in his speech and was rather arrogant. And you were so triggered that you became as arrogant as he was.
But it's only after reading your previous post that I can understand what this is all about!
Frankly, nobody here supports Nazis, and you're not one of them. No problem at all.
And thanks for your explanation, it is very helpful.
Message to Lumiere du code(and others)

Even though i was very young when Yugoslavia was falling apart in early 90s,i was born and live for 25y in eastern Croatia in city that was occupied for long time,so i know how it feels to live in basement for months,whats the sound of MIGs flying above head,the feel when night comes and you need to turn off lights for the house not to be target.I know how it feels when you go to school and the sirens start.I remember my mom make dozens of phone calls every day to find out where her husband is.For years we didnt know where my father is.After 5y of war my dad came home as an alcoholic and he died quickly from cirrhosis of the liver.

Im not telling this because i want pick up some "points".Im telling this to you Lumiere,I want you to know that there is people who understands you,who feels for you,someone who cares.Someone mentioned that you are emotional,you have right to be.You have completely right to be emotional.That only means that you are human being.

Like you said its easy to choose a side when you read newspapers,but its different when you are "on the field".Its very hard for you although even you know the truth.

But we need to move on,gather energy and move on.Move from our limitations,from labels,that rubbish we create.Ukrops,moskovs what ever,arab,jew,black,white...for God sake you have two arms and two legs just like me whats the difference?!?!

Remember,it doesnt matter where you are,but who you are and what you see.Because tomorrow maybe we wont be here,some of us may not be reading this tomorrow.So,each of us must learn a lesson,maybe the hardest.Surely hardest for you Lumiere.
But the truth is that its soul that counts not body!

Now after we had a blast,can we move on!?!?
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