Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Oops! There are interesting questions, treba vidpovidaty (in Ukrainian. it is necessary to answer), at least so that other forum members can understand what we are talking about here.
Khokhol is a very old, pre-Soviet name for a Ukrainian (since the time when the name Ukraine itself did not exist), just as Ukrainians traditionally call Russians Katsaps and Muscovites. This is history and traditions.

Опа! Возникли интересные вопросы, трэба видповидаты (укр. необходимо ответить), как минимум, чтобы другим форумчанам было понятно о чем тут речь.
Хохол это очень старое, ещё досоветское название украинца (еще с тех времен, когда самого названия украина не существовало), так же как и украинцы традиционно называют русских кацапами и москалями. Это история и традиции.
обмануть и использовать себя в целях англосаксонских глобалистов и которые видят свое счастливое будущее только в уничтожении России.

You see? You are initially dissatisfied with me. Hostile and insulting. But on what grounds? Only because you and I are on different sides of the border. That is the only reason that is enough for you. And you are deliberately and consciously trying to insult and humiliate me. But it does not work with me. I do not consider you my enemy, I do not hate you. I am simply bitter that people like you only make the situation even darker. If Caesar had killed every Gaul in his campaigns against them, he would hardly have become so famous. But what he understood and saw, you do not see and do not understand. I have never called Russians Muscovites, etc. But you call your neighbors that. That is the difference between us. But at the same time, you consider yourself truthful and that the truth is on your side. One point of view, and it is true only for you. All the Ukrops think exactly the same. That there is only their one truth, and all who differ, who do not agree with them, must be "remade" by force, "cancelled", destroyed, finally. So that only their utopian world exists. You do the same. And I feel sorry for you.
And I feel sorry for you.
Oh my God, what a terrible verbal salad! I have one question and this question is not addressed to you, put to other forum members: where did you see all this? Hatred, black-and-white perception, contempt for everyone? Read more careful what I have written and for God's sake keep your pity for me to yourself. You definitely need it more.

Боже мой, какой кошмарный словесный салат! У меня один вопрос и этот вопрос адресуется не вам, а другим форумчанам: где вы все это увидели? Ненависть, черно-белое восприятие, презрение ко всем подряд? Почитайте повнимательней, что я написал и ради бога оставьте свою жалость ко мне при себе. Вам она, определенно, нужнее.
Oh my God, what a terrible verbal salad! I have one question and this question is not addressed to you, put to other forum members: where did you see all this? Hatred, black-and-white perception, contempt for everyone? Read more careful what I have written and for God's sake keep your pity for me to yourself. You definitely need it more.

Боже мой, какой кошмарный словесный салат! У меня один вопрос и этот вопрос адресуется не вам, а другим форумчанам: где вы все это увидели? Ненависть, черно-белое восприятие, презрение ко всем подряд? Почитайте повнимательней, что я написал и ради бога оставьте свою жалость ко мне при себе. Вам она, определенно, нужнее.

I didn't expect you to understand. Zombies aren't capable of that. They just ignore anything that might damage their soap bubble.
Sleep well.
I didn't expect you to understand. Zombies aren't capable of that. They just ignore anything that might damage their soap bubble.
Sleep well.
Finally, I would like to answer with the words of the hero of the 1980 cult film for most soviet "The meeting place cannot be changed" by Senior Lieutenant Sharapov, who said to the bandit Blotter: "Pick up the drool - I won't wipe out myself after you"

Хочется напоследок ответить словами культового героя не менее культового для русскоязычных фильма 1980 года "Место встречи изменить нельзя" старшего лейтенанта Шарапова, сказанные бандиту Промокашке: "Слюни подбери- после тебя не утереться"
I object to this mud-slinging between Lumiere and Youlik. It goes nowhere but creates angry noise. Who is learning anything about anything? I read earlier and withdrew in discomfort, not wanting to wade in but here I am, couple hours later and here's my two cents worth. I come out feeling as I said, Lumiere du co de is baiting Youlik for no good reason I can detect.

That's it. Nothing fancy from me. I certainly could be missing something more educational here and if I review the posts and feel I have wronged Lumiere I am more than willing to apologize, or wronged Youlik, though to my reading Youlik is keeping a lid on it.
I object to this mud-slinging between Lumiere and Youlik. It goes nowhere but creates angry noise. Who is learning anything about anything? I read earlier and withdrew in discomfort, not wanting to wade in but here I am, couple hours later and here's my two cents worth. I come out feeling as I said, Lumiere du co de is baiting Youlik for no good reason I can detect.

That's it. Nothing fancy from me. I certainly could be missing something more educational here and if I review the posts and feel I have wronged Lumiere I am more than willing to apologize, or wronged Youlik, though to my reading Youlik is keeping a lid on it.
Lumiere_du_Code is in a very exhausting situation, lasting since more than two years and with no end to it till who knows when, and he feels insulted by the identification of youlik of Ukrainians as Ukrops and whatever else. He and most Ukrainians didn't choose to be in this terrible mess. Same for people in Gaza and whoever wherever.
When we identify to being this or that we attract division, which is the food for the PtB. The good side versus the bad one, republicans against democrats, you name it. It is the state of mind that keeps us fighting and loosing our creative capacities.
Empathy is one of the main remedies.
All there is is Lessons
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