Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

This is a cross post from the Biden Harris thread. I think the Russian oil being bought by Ukraine, and why should go here too. Russian oil is discussed in the second post as an audio at minute :16



Former CIA Officer Larry Johnson Says The Leaked Pentagon Documents Are A 'Controlled Leak'

Larry Johnson: Home - A Son of the New American Revolution Judge Andrew P. Napolitano: Judge Napolitano - Support Honest Independent News: Donate – EarthNewspaper.com – All The Honest News Fit To Publish Contribute One-Time Or Monthly: https://GiveSendGo.com/EarthNewspaper 1,040 Posts Were Publish…

Longer version but audio only. (22 minutes long)

This version also brings up the Russian oil being used for the Ukraine war machine. (Russia profiting on US tax dollars while destroying Ukraine)


CIA Larry Johnson - ''What’s Coming IS WORSE THAN A WORLD WAR, THIS IS SERIOUS''

"Secret Russian Climate Weapon Rumor":
Ukrainian President Zelensky complained recently that he cannot start the 'Liberation of Bakhmut', because it is raining every day and as a result his amassed forces of tanks and heavy armor are stuck in the mud East of Bakhmut. He accused the Russians for using a 'Secret Climate Weapon' to make rain in Bakhmut every day. The people living there don't remember any such stubborn, non-stop rains in the entire history of the area, according to Zelensky.
Rumor at videotime: 2:05
The Russians, on the other hand, did not pause at all during Easter and are taking the city block by block, making excellent progress.
"Secret Russian Climate Weapon Rumor":
Ukrainian President Zelensky complained recently that he cannot start the 'Liberation of Bakhmut', because it is raining every day and as a result his amassed forces of tanks and heavy armor are stuck in the mud East of Bakhmut. He accused the Russians for using a 'Secret Climate Weapon' to make rain in Bakhmut every day.

The secret weapon is called SPRING. A season when it rains a lot. :lol:
The secret weapon is called SPRING. A season when it rains a lot. :lol:

From In the Chernihiv region - the largest flood in 10 years. (16 april 2023)

In the Chernihiv region - the largest flood in 10 years. A number of cities and towns flooded due to rising water levels in the rivers.

According to the forecasts of the Chernihiv OVA, if the water continues to rise, then 22 settlements, where more than 4,000 people live, are at risk of flooding.

Meanwhile, rescuers continue to eliminate the consequences of spring floods in several regions of Ukraine. The victims were brought 24 tons of drinking water, food, according to the State Emergency Service.

According to the latest data, 225 houses remain flooded, of which 187 are country houses, almost 11 thousand hectares of farmland in the Rivne, Volyn and Cherkasy regions."

Chernihiv district on a map,

While Ukraine bomb a cathedral, Russia released 50 Ukrainian soldiers for Easter. What a contrast!

From a french source :

"Release of 100 prisoners


A hundred men march along a muddy road as a man standing on a tank holds a white flag. Telegram screenshot

Moreover, according to a video this Sunday on the official channel of Prigozhin, Wagner freed more than 100 Ukrainian prisoners of war on the occasion of Orthodox Easter.

"Prepare them all, feed them and water them, examine the wounded", orders in particular the boss of the paramilitary group to the attention of his soldiers.
One hundred men, some limping, others carried on stretchers by their comrades, can be seen in the video walking along a muddy road as a man standing on an armored car holds a white flag. Read alsoThe leader of the Wagner militia says he has taken the town hall of Bakhmout President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's chief of staff, Andriy Yermak, confirmed for his part that 130 prisoners of war had been freed during a "big Easter exchange". He did not say how many Russian prisoners were sent back the other way. Wagner now controls a large part of the city Bakhmout, still fiercely defended by the Ukrainian army."

The same article also report this, here from Новости :
"The head of Wagner PMC Prigozhin proposed to declare the goals of the war in Ukraine achieved

The head of Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin, in the program material on his blog, proposed to stop the war in Ukraine, declaring its goals achieved. He believes that a long war could become a prerequisite for the collapse of Russia. The material was published in Telegram, a link to it is in the channel "Prigozhin's Cap", where the answers of his press service to media inquiries appear.

The text argues that a long war does not find support in the Russian elites, they are called the “deep state” in the article. “Many of those who supported the special operation yesterday are now in doubt or categorically against what is happening,” Prigogine writes. “Representatives of the deep state want to urgently return to their normal life, old habits and comfort.”

According to him, the opponents of the war within the elites sabotage the decisions made for the successful continuation of the war. “At meetings they are silent, express their doubts. And when making decisions on bureaucratic procedures, certain actions aimed at winning are hindered.”

As Prigozhin writes, the impending offensive of the Ukrainian army may end with a breakthrough of the front line (he called the option of the successful development of the Russian attack “to the borders of the DPR, Dnieper or Poland” unlikely). “In this case, in the [Russian] army, which for years considered itself one of the best armies in the world, decadent moods may begin at first, and then the situation degrades,” writes the head of the PMC.

According to him, such a development of events could lead to a social explosion that threatens all members of the elites, except for the top Russian leadership: “The people are already looking for someone to blame for the fact that we are not the strongest army in the world, and in this situation they will look for “extreme” ones” . At the same time, it follows from his words that he considers the defeat in the war more profitable than the achievement of intermediate peace agreements."
We can argue with the definition of the 2A 4 model as the "newest", but the news itself is funny. Let's give more tanks to Ukrainians, they will kill themselves and turn tanks into scrap metal.
The German Leopard 2A4 tank had its turret torn off even before the fighting with Russian troops

Ukrainian tankers destroyed the newest Leopard 2A4 without even having time to participate in the battles. This is reported by the Telegram channel "RV".

The German Leopard 2A4 tank had its turret torn off even before the fighting with Russian troops
According to the authors, during the training in Poland, the crew decided to go down on a tank from a steep hill. However, due to poor training, the tankers could not correctly calculate the steepness of the descent.

As a result, the tank stuck the barrel of the gun into the ground and the turret was torn off. The condition of the car can be judged by the photo that the authors of the post attached.

The Czech authorities are clearly haunted by the "laurels" of the Balts and Poles, as the most loyal servants of the United States. They jump right out of their pants to curry favor. It will be interesting to see how they will all "change shoes" at the appropriate time.
The Russian Foreign Ministry called the transfer of Moroccan tanks by the Czech Republic to Ukraine an egregious case

The Czech Republic violated the basic norms of international law governing the arms trade by seizing T-72B tanks belonging to Morocco to send them to Ukraine, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, commenting on media reports about this.
The Russian Foreign Ministry called the transfer of Moroccan tanks by the Czech Republic to Ukraine an egregious case
RIA News
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, even before the start of its military operation, Morocco signed a contract with the Czech company Excalibur Army for the modernization of a batch of 130 T-72B tanks that were purchased in 1999-2001 in Belarus. After the work, 56 tanks were returned to the kingdom.

"The remaining armored vehicles in the amount of 74 pieces were actually expropriated by the Czech side for subsequent transfer to the combat zone in Ukraine," the ministry said in a statement.

In this case, the Moroccans were confronted with a fait accompli, and at the same time they were made guilty before the Belarusians for not fulfilling the obligation not to transfer equipment to third countries without the consent of the supplier, Moscow stressed.

"We consider this egregious case as another evidence of the hostile anti—Russian course pursued by the Czech authorities," the statement said.

In January, the media reported that Morocco handed over T-72B tanks to Ukraine, which were upgraded by Excalibur Army in the Czech Republic, the decision to supply weapons was made under pressure during a meeting at Ramstein Air Base in Germany organized by the United States in April 2022.
МИД России назвал вопиющим случаем передачу Чехией марокканских танков Украине

Можно поспорить с определением модели 2А 4, как "новейшей", однако сама по себе новость забавна. Давайте больше танков хохлам, они сами себя переубивают да и танки превратят в металлолом.
Чешским властям явно не дают покоя "лавры" прибалтов и поляков, как самых преданных слуг США. Прямо из штанов выпрыгивают, чтоб выслужиться. Интересно будет посмотреть как они все будут "переобуваться" в соответствующее время.
Dima notes on his channel Military Analysis that the Ukrainians have closed all the dams on the Dnipro river. The water level is already very high. They might be doing this with a view to later release all this water all at once and thus cause flooding in the Kherson region where the Russians are prepared for defence. Flooding would destroy a lot of the trenches and defence structures created.
This one is just an idiot.

The diagnose is probably correct, although I wouldn't agree with the word "just". If he was just that, he wouldn't hold the position he holds. The problem is, he's an exceptional servant of the exceptional state. Probably the most zealous one in Polish history.

They seem to believe what they say.
Some do, some others not so much, I think. But what seems to be their common belief is that it's the only way for them to keep their position of (illusory) power now, and for another term.
There was no ‘business’ made during the holy war back then with Hitler on contrast.
Kind of true but leaving out the key points, thus misleading. According to many historians and writers, the war could not have happened, at least not in 1939/1941, without USSR's collaboration. Talks and preparations started around 1919-1920 and led to the signing of the Treaty of Rapallo of 1922 by Germany and USSR in a violation of the Versailles Treaty. Close, intense cooperation in both countries’ rearmament started.

A few quotes from Preparata's "Conjuring Hitler" excellent book:

In all, and without counting the abominable Zeitgeist of the Modern Era, three clans contributed to the Nazi seizure of power: Anglo-American finance, the USSR, and the Vatican – the first two designedly, the third less so.

Now one wonders what the other powers were doing while Hitler was rearming. And the answer is that they – Britain, the USSR, and the United States – did all they could to facilitate his task. They provided the Nazis with resources, military know-how, patents, money, and weapons – in very large quantities. ...

None of this would have been possible without the unreserved collaboration of Soviet Russia
. The Soviets worked in unison with the anti-German directives of Britain as if they were her most faithful ally: they, like Britain, appeased the Führer, and contributed abundantly to the Nazi war machine, shipping carloads of provisions to Germany throughout the entire length of the Nazi rearmament. ...

In fact, while Anthony Eden reached Moscow from Berlin in March 1935, Soviet envoys were in Berlin negotiating with Schacht a long-term loan of 200 million marks, which Stalin would have flaunted as ‘his greatest triumph'. On the basis of this and further, larger availments of credit, the Nazis extended technical know-how for a steady and much more significant counterpart of Russian oil, grain, rubber, and manganese, without which, as is widely recognized, the Wehrmacht would have never been in a position to strike in 1939. The collusion was so intense that in April 1937, Kandelaki, Stalin’s chief economic legate, was received by the Führer in person. Russian convoys laden with war supplies would be regularly sent to Germany until the very day of the Nazi attack, Operation Barbarossa’, June 22, 1941.
Kind of true but leaving out the key points, thus misleading. According to many historians and writers, the war could not have happened, at least not in 1939/1941, without USSR's collaboration. Talks and preparations started around 1919-1920 and led to the signing of the Treaty of Rapallo of 1922 by Germany and USSR in a violation of the Versailles Treaty. Close, intense cooperation in both countries’ rearmament started.

A few quotes from Preparata's "Conjuring Hitler" excellent book:
Thank you for those insightful quotes. It sounds also like it is a book worth getting hold of.
Embassy of Russia in Argentina:

⚡️ Briefing by Igor Kirillov, Chief of Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops of the Russian Armed Forces on Western preparations for large-scale #provocations with toxic chemicals in Ukraine.
Since the above briefing at the end of February, there have been a few others:
A TG post from March 10, 2023 has this link, which I can not for one reason or another highlight parts of. What the presentation describes is the dual-use research pushed by the US that is done under the banner of protecting health, but which has military application. It is worldwide and continues in spite of Russian revelations since the beginning of the SMO.

Briefing by Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, Chief of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops
March 10, 2023
The potential risks of American ‘dual-use programmes’, both inside and outside the country, have been repeatedly emphasised by the Russian Ministry of Defence.
It should be noted that none of the facts presented by the Russian Ministry of Defence regarding US dual-use research has been disputed or refuted. In an effort to justify itself, the Washington argues that all of the work is being done to ensure global biosecurity and is being done in the national interests of the United States.

Prior to the consultative meeting of States Parties to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC) in Geneva in September 2022, the U.S. Department of State stated that the goal of the Pentagon’s Cooperative Threat Reduction Program is to ‘...improve human and animal health and control infectious disease outbreaks’.
In light of statements by the World Health Organisation about outbreaks of Marburg fever, Lassa fever, anthrax and cholera in different regions of the world, the extremely difficult situation with economically significant animal diseases (African swine fever, pathogenic avian influenza, foot-and-mouth disease), the height of foolishness appears to be the work being done at Boston University to increase the pathogenic properties of pathogens, such as COVID-19 (so-called ‘directed evolution’, changes that may or may not take tens or hundreds of years in nature), and to create artificial viruses with a higher risk of infecting humans.
An analysis of documents, some of which were obtained during the special military operation, shows that such research on enhancing the functions of dangerous pathogens conducted, including in the states of Central Asia and Transcaucasia, is systematic, and large U.S. pharmaceutical companies are involved in its implementation.
It is to be stressed that the Ministry of Health of one of the Central African states is studying the possibility of artificial spread of the Ebola virus in September 2022. The concern stems from the fact that the Sudan strain is completely identical to the virus that circulated in Africa during the 2012 epidemic. One theory is the negligent handling of the pathogen by U.S. military biologists working in the region.

Note the U.S. Senate’s request to the Department of Health regarding Pfizer Corporation’s ‘directed evolution’ research. The request seeks to assess the credibility of information obtained by the U.S. non-profit organisation Project Veritas from Pfizer’s Director of Research and Development, Jordan Walker.
He stated that the company was using the opportunity of ‘directed evolution’ research to improve the effectiveness of its vaccines. Commenting on approaches to creating new vaccine drugs, Walker said the quote ‘...why don’t we mutate it ourselves, so we focus on creating, proactively developing new vaccines...’.
Thus, the Pfizer employee admits to conducting ‘directed evolution’ research aimed at gaining competitive advantage and increasing profits.
Walker’s statements are backed up by those of former Pfizer employee Karen Kingston. She explicitly stated that the U.S. pharmaceutical company’s products, quote: ‘...are, by definition, biological weapons...’. In doing so, she refers to the U.S. law, which defines a biological weapon as any biological agent, toxin or delivery device, the definition of which includes vaccines with mRNA technology.
This type of vaccine has reportedly been developed with US government funding since 2017 and by the time it became commercially available, it was understood that it could cause co-morbidities and serious complications such as meningitis, anaphylactic shock, acute myocardial infarction, and stroke.
Drugs from Pfizer and Moderna, which have previously been awarded multi-billion dollar government contracts, have also been suggested as a treatment for the adverse effects of vaccination. Such a strategy enables American pharmaceutical companies to profit from the appearance of novel infections to the fullest extent possible.

The establishment of global biological control is the primary goal of U.S. bioprogrammes, as we have frequently brought to your attention. A move to U.S. standards for the transmission and collection of biological information, the deterioration of national health systems, and the imposition of medical equipment and medicine suppliers are frequently the outcomes of ‘selective assistance’ to participating governments in the programmes.
Along with this, military research facilities are being built near the borders of geopolitical rivals. In addition, harmful microorganism strains unique to particular regions are being gathered, and dangerous medications are being tested on humans.
According to its functionality and level of biosafety, established laboratories can be divided into three categories. The purpose of the first-level laboratory is to gather microorganism strains and their vectors from endemic areas and to prepare biomaterials for subsequent transmission.
Second-level labs prepare state collections of microbial strains for export overseas in addition to conducting research on the pathogens of extremely serious infectious diseases.
Third-level labs are outfitted with maximum biological containment facilities and are entrusted with gathering data on the biological situation in certain states whose territories the Pentagon intends to employ for the deployment of its military contingents.
The BWC and other international law norms are replaced by U.S. efforts to establish global biological control with their own regulations, which are developed in the U.S.’s interests, supported by the West as a whole, and imposed for execution on third parties. As a result, the United States is allowed to carry out biological research wherever in the world. The states taking part in this study also lose their national sovereignty in terms of biosafety and become totally reliant on the US.

The Russian Ministry of Defence has repeatedly highlighted the role of the U.S. company EcoHealth Alliance in US military biological projects, following which the company’s activities have come under scrutiny in the United States itself.
The U.S. Department of Health initiated an investigation of the company and evaluated the effectiveness of oversight activities.
DHS’s Office of Inspector General Report says that ‘…NIH did not effectively monitor or take timely action to address EcoHealth’s compliance with some requirements’, ‘…anticipated to create, use, or transfer enhanced potential pandemic pathogens…’.
It was discovered that the corporation had neglected to report the nature of the study being done in a timely manner, and that the oversight body had failed to act promptly to reduce the risks associated with this kind of research.
According to the report’s findings, the regulatory body, the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), is not equipped to efficiently monitor the distribution of federal grants, comprehend the nature of the research being done, pinpoint potential problem areas, and implement the necessary corrective measures.

The inability of the U.S. administration to ensure the necessary level of control over dual-use research carried out in the country is also confirmed by other documents.
On 27 January 2023, for example, a panel of experts from the United States National Biosecurity Research Advisory Council submitted a report to assess the effectiveness of existing biosafety legislation.
The report addressed dual-use research and research into the increased potential of pandemic infections, two of the major topics of greatest concern to the BWC.
It also cites inadequate monitoring of BWC-relevant biological research as its main areas of concern. The paper calls once again for greater transparency, and for contractors – whether private or public – to be required to notify oversight bodies of their goals, objectives and potential risks (whether they are conducting experiments within or outside the United States).
Since the time that talks on a legally binding protocol to the Convention were stalled, such calls to the U.S. leadership have been heard for more than twenty years. Nevertheless, the White House is not disposed to listen, not even to the advice of its own experts.

The Russian Federation’s disclosure of U.S. military and biological activities outside its national territory makes a growing number of countries wonder about the real reasons for the presence of U.S. research facilities on their territory.
At the end of December 2022, members of the Makabayan opposition blo called on the Philippine Congress to investigate Pentagon activities at the Regional Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory in Tarlac City.
The parliamentarians’ appeal points out that the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) has overt and covert military objectives in the Philippines, which may not coincide with Manila’s interests.
In their appeal, the MPs demand that the US military begin to examine the work of the Department of Justice, the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Health, as well as the national defence agency.
They also call on government agencies to provide a full account of their work, as Filipino citizens have reasonable questions as to why civilian and agricultural cooperation is being assigned to DTRA, not the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which is involved in dual-use activities around the world.
Earlier, Indonesia stated that it was inadvisable for the US military biolaboratory NAMRU-2 to be located on its territory. The Indonesian authorities demanded a complete cessation of its activities back in 2010, after which the U.S. Department of Defense was forced to move all unfinished projects to the territory of Cambodia.

The Russian Defence Ministry has already given names of participants in U.S. military biological programmes. These include officials from the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. biotech companies and Pentagon contractors.
Today, we would like to add representatives of Ukrainian state institutions and private companies involved in US military and biological programmes to this list:
Sergey Morgun is head of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Department of the AFU and one of the organisers of the interaction between the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence and the Threat Reduction Directorate (DTRA). He was one of the leaders of the U-P-8 project, supervising hantavirus research.
Previously this post was held by Sergey Litovka, who oversaw life and health risk testing on Ukrainian military personnel as part of the Congo-Crimean fever virus and hantavirus research.
Vladimir Kurpita, Head of the Public Health Centre, supervised and managed the interaction of Ukrainian specialists with DITRA and organised the collection of biological samples from Ukrainian citizens and their transfer abroad.
Irina Demchyshyna, Head of Reference Laboratories of the Public Health Centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, acted as intermediary in interaction with Pentagon contractors Black&Veatch and Metabiota, supervised implementation of DTRA projects of UP and TAP series.
The persons on the slide are only a small part of the Ukrainian military-biological dossier. In total, the Russian Ministry of Defence has information on more than a hundred participants in dual-use biological programmes. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is currently checking more than 10 United States citizens, as well as a number of officials of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, for their involvement in the aforementioned programmes.

I should like to point out that the U.S. authorities contradict themselves in their statements regarding the work of U.S. biological laboratories in Ukraine.
Thus, in his statement of 31 January 2023, U.S. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby confirmed the presence of U.S. biolaboratories in Ukraine, while indicating that they had been abandoned by personnel and ‘...deactivated...’ before the special military operation was launched.
It is to be reminded that Kirby was an admiral in the U.S. Navy, the entity that oversaw the US Military Biological Laboratories (NAMRU) overseas.
However, the documents we received refute Kirby’s statement. Note the official address by David Smith, director of the Kiev office of CH2M-Hill – a key Pentagon contractor – dated 6 December 2022, to Ukrainian institutions participating in the Program to Counter Highly Fangerous Pathogens in Ukraine.
The document reports on the continuation of the DTRA biological programme in Ukraine and outlines the main objectives for the current period. These include further consolidation of collections of dangerous pathogens, as well as deployment of biorisk management and epidemiological monitoring systems.
In January 2023, the government of Ukraine approved new requirements for the accounting, storage, transportation, and destruction of microorganisms, toxins, and poisons of animal and plant origin. Notably, the document pays special attention to the international carriage by air of substances with the highest hazard class ‘A’ (biological agents that can cause disability or death). In the standard templates for accompanying documents, only U.S. laboratories or companies are listed as recipients and shippers of hazardous biomaterials.
Thus, under the pretext of reducing the risks of spreading infectious diseases, the Kiev regime continues to cooperate with the Pentagon in the military-biological sphere, including the transfer of pathogenic biomaterials. Such activities may be carried out for launching provocations with dangerous pathogens with the subsequent imposition of responsibility on the Russian Federation.

China’s new defense minister reveals main goal of Russian visit

“After my appointment as the defense minister, my first visit is made to Russia in order to demonstrate to the outside world the high level of Chinese-Russian relations,” Li said before the beginning of talks."

"to stress Beijing’s “firm determination to strengthen strategic cooperation between the militaries of China and Russia,” he added."

"Li insisted that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army would fulfill all the agreements reached between President Xi Jinping and Putin during the Chinese leader’s visit to Russia in March.

The minister stated that this would take military cooperation between the two countries to “a new level.”

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