Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Ukrainian sources have run out of supplies of "peremoga". They invented everything-they invented non-existent "peremogies", and now they are tired.
It is reported about the offensive actions of Russian troops along the entire front
The commander of the ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Alexander Syrsky, reported on the offensive actions of Russian troops along the entire front, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports. Syrsky stressed that a thorough analysis of the situation is underway. Oleg Zhdanov, a Ukrainian military expert, admitted on the air of the NTA TV channel that the initiative at the front now belongs to Russian troops and stressed the importance of Western equipment for Ukraine.

Max Bergmann, an analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, in an interview with The New York Times, pointed to the uncertainty of the United States regarding further military assistance to Ukraine, which creates problems for the Ukrainian army in terms of planning. He also noted the reduction of US military aid to Ukraine, mentioning that the latest tranches of aid were particularly modest.

White House spokeswoman Karin Jean-Pierre acknowledged the lack of progress on the issue of U.S. assistance to Ukraine, but clarified that President Joe Biden is ready to compromise to approve new budget allocations in the interests of Kiev.
Сообщается о наступательных действиях российских войск по всему фронту

Again, it is remarkable that finally the Ukropian propaganda began not only to accuse the Russian command of conducting "meat assaults", but finally began to notice such things in the actions of the AFU command.
"People are just constantly being thrown over the river — wave after wave": Ukrainian media accused the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of "meat assaults" on the left bank of the Dnieper
The Odessa edition of Dumskaya criticized the AFU operation to hold a bridgehead on the left bank of the Dnieper, considering it meaningless and leading to significant losses. The article says that most of the Ukrainian soldiers crossing the river die before reaching the shore, and those who managed to get there are shelled by the Russian army.

"People are just constantly being thrown over the river, wave after wave. There is no question of any further breakthrough, now forces are being spent simply to stay there. For what?", the author of the article wonders.

The publication claims that such actions would make sense in the event of an active advance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in another place, but at the moment, Ukrainian troops are on the defensive in other sectors of the front. In this regard, Dumskaya calls on the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to reconsider the need to continue the operation, pointing out its obvious senselessness after the end of the offensive in the Zaporozhye region. Special attention is paid to the risk to the lives of Marines sent to the left bank of the Dnieper.
"Людей просто постоянно бросают за реку — волну за волной": Украинские СМИ обвинили командование ВСУ в "мясных штурмах" левого берега Днепра

The list of possible future presidents of Ukraine is noteworthy - a real zoo, well, or a panopticon.
In the West, the need to replace Zelensky is increasingly being discussed, the SVR said
SVR: in the West, they believe that Zelensky has gone too far

MOSCOW, Dec 11 — RIA Novosti. Senior officials from leading Western countries are increasingly discussing the need to replace Vladimir Zelensky, the SVR press service reported.
"The director of the SVR of Russia, S.E. Naryshkin, said that the Foreign Intelligence Service receives reliable data that high-ranking officials of leading Western countries are increasingly discussing among themselves the need to replace the current president of Ukraine, V. Zelensky," the article said.
As the SVR clarified, the West has several reasons for such a step at once.
"Among the reasons are Zelensky's unfulfilled promises to defeat Russia on the battlefield, and the endless rudeness of the Ukrainian president in dealing with foreign partners, and boundless nepotism and corruption in Ukraine, the scale of which shocks even Western politicians who know a lot about such matters. But the main thing is Zelensky's loss of the ability to maneuver in the conflict with Russia in the interests of Washington and its allies," the special service said.

As explained in the department, the West believes that the Ukrainian president has gone too far in creating an image of himself as an uncompromising supporter of the armed conflict with Russia to the bitter end. Because of this, Zelensky will not be able, if necessary, to become a party to negotiations with Moscow "in the interests of temporarily "freezing" the conflict and saving the Russophobic Kiev regime."
The SVR added that, according to the estimates of the American intelligence community, given the development of the situation at the front, the need for the West to replace the president of Ukraine may arise soon.
Kiev's allies are now considering possible successors to Zelensky, in particular, this issue was discussed on the sidelines of a meeting of EU foreign ministers held in Brussels in November. European diplomats agreed that a high-ranking Ukrainian military officer, for example, the commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny or the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Kirill Budanov, could become the new president. In addition, the head of the office of the President Andrei Ermak, former adviser to the office of the President Alexei Arestovich* or Mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitschko could also lead the country.
"According to the Europeans, each of them is able to play the role of a "Ukrainian Pilsudski", creating a strong "sanitary cordon" between Russia and Europe for decades," the SVR noted.
At the same time, the ministry stressed that such a scenario provides for a ceasefire between Moscow and Kiev at the moment when the Armed Forces of Ukraine finally lose their offensive potential.
На Западе все чаще обсуждают необходимость замены Зеленского, заявили в СВР

Well done Poles - fight more actively for your rights.
Polish truckers blocked the supply of 200 pickups and kits for the production of UAVs to Ukraine
According to the Associated Press, important supplies for the Armed Forces of Ukraine are being delayed at the Polish border. Drone components, communications equipment, about 200 pickups for transporting ammunition and evacuating the wounded, as well as 3,000 harnesses are stuck at the border. The organization responsible for the supplies has so far delivered drones, generators and batteries from its stocks, but they are coming to an end.

The situation is complicated by the protests of Polish truckers, who doubt the legitimacy of the goods declared as military aid. They accuse Ukrainian truckers of providing services at low prices, which leads to the deterioration of their own business. Polish truckers are demanding the restoration of EU restrictions on the number of Ukrainian trucks entering the European Union. Despite the support of Ukraine from Poland and other countries, this discontent highlights the problems that Ukraine may face when integrating into the European Union in the future.
Польские дальнобойщики заблокирвоали поставку Украине 200 пикапов и комплекты для производства БПЛА

В украинских источниках иссякли запасы "перемоги". Они все выдумывали-выдумывали несуществующие "перемоги", а теперь устали.
Опять же замечательно, что наконец то укровская пропаганда стала не только обвинять российское командование в проведении "мясных штурмов", а наконец то стало замечать такие вещи в действиях командования ВСУ.
Обращает на себя внимание список возможных будущих президентов Украины- настоящий зоопарк, ну или паноптикум.
Молодцы поляки- активней боритесь за свои права.
What is Scholz smokin? :lol:

The same thing most western “leaders“ are smoking. Shameless pathological idiocy.
The Russians installed jet engines in Iranian drones

Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, Russia has hurriedly started developing its drones, conquering Chinese and Iranian technology, improving it, but also creating its own models.

This rapid evolution can be seen most clearly in the Iranian "Shahid 136" family of drones, known in the Russian variant as "Geran 2".

Unmanned "kamikaze" drones with a range of more than 1,000 kilometers suddenly appeared in Russia last summer, when the need for massive airstrikes on critical Ukrainian infrastructure arose in the deep background.

Due to the presence of a serious Ukrainian air defense system, Russia's aerospace forces cannot operate freely in Ukrainian skies. Recently, modified glide bombs with correction modules that can operate several tens of kilometers from the front line have also appeared. However, despite this, the stocks of expensive missiles in Russian warehouses are not unlimited.

That's why the Russian General Staff decided to try to penetrate the Ukrainian air defense and anti-missile defense system with mass strikes by Iranian drones. The Shahid 136, called "Geran 2" in Russia, was almost ideal for this task, as these attack drones have many more advantages than disadvantages.

Their two-stroke engine is a "mado md 550" (a copy of the German L550E aircraft engine) with a power of 50 HP and is capable of delivering the warhead at a distance of 1000 to 2000 kilometers. The cruise speed of the missile is 150-170 kilometers per hour, and it flies at an altitude of 60 to 4000 meters, which makes detection and interception difficult.

The main feature of these drones is their technical simplicity and low manufacturing cost, which allows them to be produced on a conveyor belt and used en masse. This can be seen on the Ukrainian battlefield.

The disadvantages of "shahid" or "geran" are also well known: low speed and a specific, clearly audible sound of a "moped" in flight, as well as the absence of a trajectory change mode. However, it seems that Russian engineers have managed to solve these problems.

Vladimir Popov, a retired Russian general, recently stated that new generations of "kamikaze" drones equipped with jet engines are emerging.

Gerans with piston engines of the first generation could move 180-200 kilometers per hour, and during demolition the speed increased to 300 kilometers. Now they can move 450 to 600 kilometers per hour, and sometimes up to 800, and when they crash, they reach even higher speeds.

Such a significant increase in the speed of the drone by two and a half times reduces the time for their detection, determining the route, tracking and acting on them.
In addition to this, the new Russian "Gerans" will have a higher operating ceiling of up to 8,500 meters, which is above the height limit for intercepting a number of missile systems.

The disadvantage is the reduced range of these missile drones, the combat radius from 1000-2000 has been reduced to 600-850, but, as Russian sources claim, this is quite enough for the Ukrainian front.

In parallel with the new drive, the types of warheads are also being modified. In one variant, the Russians put thermobaric warheads in "Geran 2" that burn everything around them at a temperature of several thousand degrees.

The TOS 1A system, which uses thermobaric warheads, has a range of only 6 to 7 kilometers. "Smerch" can launch a missile with a thermobaric warhead at a distance of up to 70 km. Geran's flight range can reach 2000 km, depending on the engine type. Therefore, this modification is considered a huge improvement of this type of weapon.

The new "Gerans" are currently available in two versions. The first, which were recently used for the attack on Kiev, have a "mini solncepok" charge of 40 kilograms, and thermobaric munitions can burn fuel depots and other locations.

The second option is equipped with a miniature jet engine with a cruising speed of 465 and a maximum speed of up to 600 kilometers per hour.

Western-made Ukrainian air defense systems will find it three times more difficult to shoot down Russian drones.

When "Geran 2" climbs to a height of more than 8,000 meters and begins to dive towards the target, it accelerates to 745 kilometers per hour, which makes it difficult for American radars to locate them.

Not sure where else to post this. Link is to an article on Quora about a necklace found in a burial mound in what is now Southern Ukraine. Found in 70's and now held in a Kiev museum, this necklace is about 2500 years old. I have never seen such fine gold craftsmanship in real life. Photos show detail.
Not sure where else to post this. Link is to an article on Quora about a necklace found in a burial mound in what is now Southern Ukraine. Found in 70's and now held in a Kiev museum, this necklace is about 2500 years old. I have never seen such fine gold craftsmanship in real life. Photos show detail.
I would argue that necklace was done on a computer. 3D printed product. Checked out others to be sure. Patterns on yours are way too regular and symmetrical, plus repetitive suggesting computer precision. Detail a big suspect as yours have multiple layers and the Pegasus feathers are simply way too precise to be done by human hands with chisels & stuff. The animal + human anatomy on yours looks like was sculpted from modern photo and medical references. Clothing folds too. All other ancient necklaces I checked out have engraved pattern irregularities, gross anatomical errors and are artistically kindergarten-level compared to modern designs: that are made to emulate the "ancient styles". These are advertised as "in fashion" nowadays and are, I think, all done on computer. Then 3D-printed. I have done such stuff in the past, visited forums to see what the real-pros are capable of in my favorite [jewelry too] sculpting software and I am currently sculpting from reference nowadays as well.
Last edited:
I would argue that necklace was done on a computer. 3D printed product. Checked out others to be sure. Patterns on yours are way too regular and symmetrical, plus repetitive suggesting computer precision. Detail a big suspect as yours have multiple layers and the Pegasus feathers are simply way too precise to be done by human hands with chisels & stuff.
It’s a fake

The dating is wrong

The assumption that the “ancients” had no technology aside from hammers chisels and engraving tools is wrong.
The poisonous web is slowly unraveling.
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has discovered new evidence of dangerous activities of US laboratories in Ukraine

Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, head of the Russian Armed Forces, said that the facts of testing pharmacological drugs on the local population, as well as the export of biological samples to the United States "for their possible use in offensive biological programs" had been confirmed
MOSCOW, December 11. /tass/. Documents found in Ukrainian laboratories indicate the dangerous nature of the Pentagon's biological activities. This was stated by the head of the troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection (RCBZ) Russian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov at a briefing on U.S. military biological activities.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that the United States is replacing the provisions of the BTWC in order to establish global biocontrol
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation accused the United States of ignoring biosafety issues in order to make super profits
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: Washington and Kiev positioned military biological research as peaceful
"As a result of a special military operation, Russian specialists gained access to a number of Ukrainian biological facilities, in particular to laboratories in the cities of Rubezhnoye, Severodonetsk, Kherson and their official documentation. Her analysis confirmed the dangerous nature of the Pentagon's experiments to assess the susceptibility of the Ukrainian population to zoonotic infections," Kirillov said.

According to him, the facts of testing pharmacological drugs on the local population were confirmed, as well as the export of biological samples to the United States "for their possible use in offensive biological programs."

Kirillov added that Russian specialists had checked four facilities in the territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR). "In the hiding place of the veterinary laboratory of the Mangush settlement, a collection of reference strains of microorganisms was found, supplied from the American standard collection intended for the study of economically significant animal diseases," the head of the RCBZ troops said.

According to Kirillov, the documents received confirm the study of bird migration routes by employees of the Askania Nova Biosphere Reserve in the Kherson region. "The facts of collection and certification of avian influenza virus strains have been established, the mortality rate of which can reach 40% when transmitted to humans," he noted.
МО РФ обнаружило новые свидетельства опасной деятельности лабораторий США на Украине

The frivolity and rudeness of this idiot Zelensky was acceptable as long as the owners needed him. On the part of non-owners, it was not acceptable, and remained so.
Media: Zelensky tried to meet with the president of Brazil, but was refused

BUENOS AIRES, Dec 11 — RIA Novosti. Vladimir Zelensky wanted to meet with Brazilian President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva on the eve of his visit to Argentina, but was refused, the newspaper O Globo writes.

"Vladimir Zelensky asked Lula da Silva to meet with him during his transfer to Brasilia, when he flew to the inauguration of Javier Miley in Argentina. Lula (da Silva. — Editor's note) refused him," the publication says.
It is clarified that the request was received at the last moment, on December 7, when the President of Brazil and representatives of the country's Foreign Ministry participated in the Mercosur summit.
In addition, the time and circumstances of the meeting were considered unusual: Zelensky flew to Brasilia to refuel his plane. He landed in Brazil on Saturday at 20:15 and took off two hours later.

This is not the first such incident between the leaders of the two countries. In May, during the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Lula da Silva announced that Zelensky had not come to a pre-planned meeting with him. Later, as part of the same event, the Brazilian leader did not come up to greet the Ukrainian president. As La Razon clarified, Lula da Silva continued to sit at the table, studying papers and not looking up.
In April, the Brazilian president said that the United States and Europe should start talking about reaching a settlement in Ukraine, rather than encouraging confrontation. He called on countries not involved in the conflict to take responsibility for advancing negotiations, as well as to provide Russia with "minimum conditions" to end the special operation. In addition, Lula da Silva proposed to create a format similar to the G20 to discuss the situation in Ukraine.
СМИ: Зеленский пытался встретиться с президентом Бразилии, но получил отказ

As it is written in the subtitle-a story about humanity and willpower
"Soldiers of the warring parties saved each other for 10 days: a story of humanity and willpower"

Two seriously wounded soldiers, one from the Russian Armed Forces and the other from the Ukrainian army, were together in the gray zone and helped each other survive for 10 days. At first, it was believed that a Russian soldier died after an attack by Ukrainian troops. However, he survived, although he suffered serious back injuries. For 10 days, he overcame obstacles and pain to get to the nearest positions of his army. All the time, he found a living Ukrainian soldier in a pile of bodies on the battlefield. Both soldiers provided first aid to each other and decided to look for positions of Russian forces together.

A few days later, the Ukrainian soldier died, and the Russian fighter continued his journey alone. In search of safety, he had to eat snow to quench his thirst. Currently, his life is not in danger, but his legs are severely frostbitten. Doctors are making every effort to treat him, but there are concerns about possible amputation. Colleagues see this story as an example of humanity and willpower. Earlier, a Ukrainian soldier was captured by Russian troops, who said that his commander sent him to the front line to rescue a seriously wounded comrade in the service. As a result of the battle, he received a concussion and was captured by the Russian army.
Два тяжелораненых солдата ВС России и ВС Украины 10 дней помогали друг другу в серой зоне | 11.12.2023 | Информационный портал EKUZBASS

Ядовитая паутина потихонечку распутывается.
Легкомыслие и хамство этого придурка Зеленского было приемлемо пока он был нужен хозяевам. Со стороны не хозяев оно как было не приемлемо, так и осталось.
Как написано в подзаголовке-история о человечности и силе воли
Lieutenant General Kirillov is a "hero" today for the second time.
Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: Ukraine is preparing an anti-Russian provocation using toxic substances
Igor Kirillov, head of the radiation, chemical and biological protection forces of the Russian Armed Forces, said that the special services of Ukraine are preparing a provocation with the use of chemical warfare agents.

"According to our information, the office of the President of Ukraine coordinates the actions of the national special services to organize an anti—Russian provocation using toxic substances," Kirillov said.

"Due to the fact that the armed forces of Ukraine failed to achieve success during the so—called counteroffensive, we assume that their activity will shift towards non—standard forms of warfare, including the use of chemical and biological agents," he added.

According to him, for provocation, the special services of Ukraine can use triethanolamine and a nitrogen-containing sodium compound of American production. "According to our assessment, these chemicals can be used by the SBU to produce a chemical warfare agent in order to carry out a limited—scale provocative action on controlled territory in the area of operations of the most actively advancing group of the Russian Armed Forces," Kirillov said.

"It is assumed that the armed forces of Ukraine intentionally infected water sources, including drinking water, food supplies and animal feed with pathogenic biological agents. Taking into account the experience of the Syrian conflict, it is assumed that accusing the Russian Armed Forces of using chemical weapons will allow initiating a new anti—Russian campaign in the UN structures and the world media," Kirillov said.

According to him, Ukrainian special services purchased a small batch of triethanolamine and a nitrogen-containing sodium compound of American production in Germany through a company that specializes in the import of chemicals and precursors. "Triethanolamine is included in the Chemicals annex of the Chemical Weapons Convention and is subject to annual declaration. This compound is a precursor for the synthesis of a toxic substance of skin-abscess action — nitrogenous mustard gas. Nitrogen—containing sodium compounds are highly toxic, their damaging effect is similar to cyanides," Kirillov stated.
МО РФ: Украина готовит антироссийскую провокацию с использованием отравляющих веществ

Holding such a tribunal would be a natural ending to this long-term tragic story. Now, among the captured Ukrainians, there is an active identification of those responsible for various crimes and quite a few scumbags have already received what they deserved. The most common crimes are violations of the rules of engagement, the killing of civilians, and intentional damage to civilian infrastructure.
Russia is working on the format of the tribunal over the Kiev regime
The Ukrainian political leadership will be held responsible for the crimes. We are talking about "characters who contributed to the murder of a huge number of people, the destruction of Ukraine, and the sale of the interests of this state," said Rodion Miroshnik, Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry.
"Discussions are currently underway on how this structure will be designed," he said on the STV TV channel.

The closer the end of the CBO is, the sooner the politicians will come to a consensus.

"But the fact that the process is underway now, and that it will work not only on the judicial and procedural track, but also on the politically informational one, is also an absolute fact," the ambassador said.

In parallel, in 11 regions and republics of the Russian Federation, there is a structure for fixing crimes in Kiev, operational monitoring centers, Miroshnik added.
Россия прорабатывает формат трибунала над киевским режимом

Генерал-лейтенант Кириллов сегодня "герой" уже второй раз.
Проведение подобного трибунала было бы закономерным финалом этой многолетней трагической истории. Сейчас среди пленных украинцев происходит активное выявление виновных в различных преступлениях и уже довольно много отморозков получили по заслугам. Наиболее частые составы преступлений это нарушение правил ведения боевых действий, убийство мирных жителей, намеренное повреждение гражданской инфраструктуры.
I would argue that necklace was done on a computer. 3D printed product. Checked out others to be sure. Patterns on yours are way too regular and symmetrical, plus repetitive suggesting computer precision. Detail a big suspect as yours have multiple layers and the Pegasus feathers are simply way too precise to be done by human hands with chisels & stuff. The animal + human anatomy on yours looks like was sculpted from modern photo and medical references. Clothing folds too. All other ancient necklaces I checked out have engraved pattern irregularities, gross anatomical errors and are artistically kindergarten-level compared to modern designs: that are made to emulate the "ancient styles". These are advertised as "in fashion" nowadays and are, I think, all done on computer. Then 3D-printed. I have done such stuff in the past, visited forums to see what the real-pros are capable of in my favorite [jewelry too] sculpting software and I am currently sculpting from reference nowadays as well.
I'd say this is a real one:
The gold pectoral from Tovsta Mohyla is a masterpiece of Greco-Scythian metalwork, the most prominent and esteemed of all the finds uncovered in 260 years of excavating the Scythian kurgans. After the pectoral was discovered on 21 June 1971 by B. Mozolevsky, dozens of other scientists joined him in studying it. The researchers have raised a wide range of interesting questions revolving around the origin of the pectoral, the technology involved in its production, its stylistic features, and the interpretation of its depictions. However, so far, none of these questions has been answered definitively. This article provides an overview of the author’s recent interdisciplinary research on the Tovsta Mohyla pectoral.
There's a lot of information about this finding on the internet. It was discovered in one of Scythian kurgans in 1971, so quite a long time ago, and now it's kept in the Treasury of the National Museum of the History of Ukraine. If it indeed was fake and 3d printed, then the whole Ukrainian gov with Ukrainian archeologists would be in the conspiracy.
My only question is, where is the old general going? He was, after all. He was, but he was all out
The United States will send a general to Ukraine to control the Armed Forces of Ukraine
According to a recent article in The New York Times, the United States advises Ukraine to change its combat strategy after a series of unsuccessful offensives. American officials recommend that Kiev focus on defense, instead of trying to control 20% of the territories under Russian control.

The strategy proposed by the Americans includes strikes on Crimea and Russian territory, the development of its own military production in Ukraine and the strengthening of defensive positions. The purpose of these actions is to create conditions that could force Moscow to start negotiations by 2025, although the exact terms of these negotiations are not specified.

In turn, the Ukrainian side allegedly has other plans. Kiev is considering the possibility of an active offensive, using either ground forces or long-range strikes to attract the attention of the world community. This approach is also supported by many in the United States.

At the moment, American and Ukrainian officials are reportedly actively working on forming a final combat strategy. An American general will arrive in Kiev for a long time to facilitate this process.
США отправят на Украину генерала для управления войска ВСУ

For some reason, the guys thought that they would fight exclusively in the Middle Eastern deserts and somewhere in Africa, but there are no such conditions there.
Marochko: the Western equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine began to fail due to the icy rain
The Armed Forces of Ukraine have faced serious difficulties due to extreme weather conditions on the territory of the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR). Precipitation in the form of freezing rain, accompanied by sharp temperature changes, led to the massive failure of weapons and military equipment that was supplied to Ukraine by Western countries. This is reported by Andrey Marochko.

According to Marochko, difficult weather conditions, including sleet and rain, as well as alternating positive and low temperatures, caused serious problems for Ukrainian military equipment. Weapons, in particular, often jam, and sending mechanisms fail. He also noted that Western small arms require constant maintenance due to these weather conditions.

In addition, there is a problem with icing of armored vehicles. This makes it difficult for crews to access and use the insides of the vehicles, as the equipment freezes to the ground. Ukrainian servicemen have to spend considerable time thawing equipment, which potentially unmasks their positions.

Freezing rain, a phenomenon in which snow melts at an altitude of 1000-1500 meters due to a positive temperature, but then the formed water droplets quickly freeze in the lower layers of the atmosphere, creates special difficulties in combat conditions.
Марочко: западная техника ВСУ начала выходить из строя из-за ледяного дождя

У меня единственный вопрос- а куда старого генерала дели? Он же ведь был. Был, да весь вышел
Ребята почему то думали, что воевать они будут исключительно в ближневосточных пустынях и где-нибудь в Африке, а там таких условий не бывает.
An almost useless event - you could have ignored it. The decision to allocate funds is made exactly where the clown is going, but nothing depends on his arrival or non-arrival.
Cherished dose: the United States decided not to rush to help Ukraine
Zelensky personally flew to Washington to get weapons and money, but there is almost no chance of getting them.

President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky will fly to Washington on December 12, where he will hold a meeting with Joe Biden and speak in the Senate. The visit will be the last attempt this year to persuade Americans to provide assistance, because in mid-December, congressmen will go on vacation. Details can be found in the Izvestia article.

What is known about the visit
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky will fly to Washington on December 12, where he will try to persuade the Americans to transfer money and weapons to Kiev. To do this, first of all, he will meet with Joe Biden. "The two leaders will discuss the urgent needs of Ukraine and the vital importance of American support at this critical moment," the White House said in a statement.

The office of the Ukrainian president emphasizes that during the negotiations the key topic will be defense cooperation, including joint projects for the production of weapons and air defense systems. In addition, Zelensky will focus on "ensuring the unity of the United States, Europe and the world in support of Ukraine," as well as strengthening the "rules-based international order."

The second important point of the program will be Zelensky's speech in the US Senate. The corresponding initiative was supported by the head of the Democratic majority, Chuck Schumer, and the leader of the Republican minority, Mitch McConnell. The Ukrainian guest is also expected to meet with Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson. At the same time, the speech in the chamber itself is not listed in the schedule.
Заветная доза: США решили не спешить с помощью Украине

One of the favorite "songs" of the Kiev fascists. We have already heard this many times about Crimea and Donbass. Nothing, people live there and there, although they are not completely safe yet, but these rabid fascists are not there and will not be there. It will be the same with Kiev. Russia will clean these fascists out of Kiev, while I do not know if Kiev will become a Russian city, but I am sure that Kiev will again be a Russian city, as it always has been. (Translation costs. Nationality - Russian, ethnicity- Russian are translated into English in the same way, although these are completely different things.)
Mikhail Podolyak, adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine, bluntly stated that Kiev would rather die, but not become Russian.

According to the head of Zelensky's office, it will be very difficult for Ukraine without American help, but the country will continue to fight against Russia.

Are the United States and the democratic camp in general ready today to admit defeat in the confrontation with some country called the Russian Federation? Are we all ready to lose to Russia together?

- he said in an interview with the Voice of America*.

Podolyak also added that Kiev "will die, but will not become a Russian city."
Украинский или безлюдный: Подоляк сделал грозный намёк киевлянам

Практически бесполезное мероприятие- можно было и не замечать. Решение о выделении средств принимается именно там, куда направляется клоун, но от его приезда или неприезда не зависит ровным счетом ничего.
Одна из любимых "песен" киевских фашистов. Подобное мы уже много раз слышали в адрес Крыма и Донбасса. Ничего, и там и там люди живут, хоть пока и не совсем в безопасности, а вот этих оголтелых фашистов там нет и не будет. Также будет и с Киевом. Этих фашистов Россия из Киева вычистит, при этом я не знаю станет ли Киев Российским городом, но я уверен, что Киев вновь будет русским городом, каким он всегда и был. (Издержки перевода. Государственная принадлежность- Российский, этническая принадлежность- русский переводятся на английский одинаково, хотя это совсем разные вещи.)
Since at least 2014, Ukrops have constantly claimed that Russia is waging a "hybrid" war against them. As we say: get it, sign it. At the same time, I don't care who actually did it, because Russia will be blamed and there are no options.
Powerful hacker attacks led to technical failures at Ukrainian Kyivstar, Vodafone and Monobank

Kyivstar, Vodafone and Monobank have broken down in Ukraine today. Ukrainian companies complain about powerful hacker attacks.

Specialists of the major mobile operator Kyivstar are still working on troubleshooting.

Vodafone's app is not working. A window opens with the inscription "Technical malfunctions".

"A massive DDoS attack on Monobank," Oleg Gorokhovsky, the bank's co-founder, wrote on his Telegram channel.

Consequences of the cyberattack: Kyivstar's IT infrastructure has been partially destroyed

The timing of the restoration of communication in the Kyivstar network is still impossible to predict, said Alexander Komarov, Director General of the organization.

Komarov said that Kyivstar's IT infrastructure has been partially destroyed.

According to him, this is the first such strong hacker attack in the entire history of mobile communications in Ukraine.

The SBU has already opened criminal proceedings on the cyberattack on Kyivstar. According to them, Russian special services may be behind the cyberattack.

Укропы начиная как минимум с 2014 постоянно утверждали, что Россия ведет против них "гибридную" войну. Как у нас говорят: получите-распишитесь. Мне при этом все равно кто на самом деле это сделал ибо обвинена будет Россия и это без вариантов.
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