Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

A ritual performed by the Ukrainian Army is another sign of desperation.

When even Canadian media starts admitting that Russia was right all along, Nazis in Ukraine is not just Kremlin propaganda.

‘It’s true that Azov was brought into the National Guard of Ukraine, but they are fanatics.’ - Canadian media finally admits what we've known all along

"In the first weeks of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Canada’s directorate of NATO policy said that Ukraine’s notorious Azov Regiment continued to be far-right “fanatics” despite their integration into the country’s national guard, emails obtained by The Maple through an access to information request show"

In March 2022, the Department of National Defence (DND) was facing media questions over mounting allegations that the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) had trained far-right groups in Ukraine, including Azov, prior to Russia’s invasion.In an internal email quotes “information from the Directorate of NATO Policy”:

“It’s true that Azov was brought into the NGU [National Guard of Ukraine], but we don't train them because they are fanatics, and we don't share their values … It’s true that the Azov has dogged us as an issue for years, but we should definitely not hide from the fact that we train the NGU because of a small minority in their ranks.”

In April 2022, Radio Canada and CTV News reported on further evidence showing that the CAF had trained members of Ukraine’s military who were reported to be members of far-right groups, including Azov, as recently as 2020. However, when The Maple asked for clarification, the ministry responded in an unsigned email that it still regards Azov Regiment as a far-right extremist group.

“Our position remains that we are not – nor will we – be providing support to Azov and affiliated entities. We continue to vehemently oppose any and all racist, discriminatory and hateful views and any groups that promote them.”


Screenshot 2024-01-05 at 18-19-57 senore_amore (@SenoreAmore) _ X.png

He certainly needs a lesson in punctuation. Can the guy not get a buddy (or a third grader) to proofread?😂
Unfortunately this is an old topic. Every New Year they joke about him, they come up with quotes that he could say as a boxer with his head broken off. He really wanted to be mayor; his handlers pushed him towards this. This is exactly how the metropolis acts - it puts idiots at the head of the colony, known idiots, and the people eat.

But the essence does not change - it’s still the same stupid Klitschko.

A retreat must be made. They joke in Russia, in Ukraine, the residents of Kyiv don’t find it funny from such a mayor. :-(
An explanation has arrived. Now everyone's task is to decide where trolling was "thicker", at the beginning-when making a statement or now-when explaining.
Kadyrov explained the words about sanctions and prisoners by "trolling"
Kadyrov called the proposal to the United States to exchange fighters from the Armed Forces of Ukraine "thick trolling"

MOSCOW, January 6 – RIA Novosti. The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, called his proposal to lift sanctions against the family in exchange for prisoners of the Armed Forces of Ukraine "fat trolling".

"Scott Ritter (American ex-intelligence officer – ed.), unlike some, correctly perceived this fat trolling. And as for the sanctions, they do not interfere with our lives in any way," Kadyrov wrote on the Telegram channel.
He explained that he knew that the lives of ordinary Ukrainians meant nothing to the US leadership, and with his statement he wanted to "show the true face of American politicians."
"Obviously, the States will not do it. But it's interesting to hear their excuses, if there are any," he added.
Кадыров объяснил слова о санкциях и пленных "троллингом"

Nobody hides the results of the inter-dimensional portal anymore. They're showing it right on local television. However, they are still shy to show their true face, masquerading as more traditional devils.
I'll translate just in case anyone is interested in the damn creativity.
We wish Ukrainians at this hour
Perseverance so that it does not leave you
The horde roars at night in the steppes
Yes your faith is greater than your fear
Let the plows turn into swords
To make torquemada and executioners disappear
And the mother will meet her son
Let them!
You bring victory closer in every possible way.

We wish all Rashists
At least one package in each house
And diseases in every family
Who stands for aggression!
Accidents at every turn
Moscow has a five-star scaffold.
We will have them both in the tail and in the mouth
And especially the Black Sea Fleet!

On the ukrotv on Christmas Eve, they showed such trash. Devils dancing in the church - Republicans in Congress will appreciate it!

Подоспело объяснение. Теперь задача каждого решить где троллинг был "толще", в начале-при заявлении или сейчас-при объяснении.

Результаты работы межмерного портала уже никто не скрывает. Прямо по местному телевидению показывают. Правда пока стесняются показать истинное лицо, маскируются под более традиционных чертей.
Я переведу на всякий случай, вдруг кому интересно будет чёртово творчество.
Украинцам пожелаем в этот час
Упорство чтоб не покидало вас
Орда клокочет ночью в степях
Да ваша вера больше, чем ваш страх
Пусть плуги превратятся в мечи
Чтобы исчезли торквемады и палачи
И мать встретит сына своего
Ты победу всячески приближай.

Рашистам пожелаем всем
Хотя бы один пакет в каждый дом
И болезней в каждую семью
Кто выступает за агрессию!
Происшествия на каждый поворот
Москве- пятизвездочный эшафот.
Мы будем их иметь и в хвост и в рот
А особенно Черноморский флот!
Kinda sad that Kadyrov thinks Ritter speaks for American leaders. Scott said he was a little dumbfounded by the gesture, but didn’t hold it against him. I was going to say that I don’t blame him (Kadyrov) for trying, but to hear him say that seems to make him sound a little shortsighted. Who’s he calling fat anyway?😛😄
Another version of the assessment of Ukrainian losses.
The former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine could lose 500 thousand people

MOSCOW, January 7. /tass/. The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) during the fighting with Russia could lose 500 thousand people killed and wounded. This was stated by the former Minister of Internal Affairs (2005-2006, 2007-2010), former Prosecutor General of Ukraine (2016-2019) Yuriy Lutsenko in an interview with the Ukrainian TV channel "Direct", the video of which is posted on YouTube.

The relevant committee of the Rada may make a decision on the draft law on mobilization on January 8-9
Putin said that Ukraine is suffering heavy losses
"They [Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, Defense Minister Rustem Umerov and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny] should name the number of Ukrainians killed. I know how much they don't want that. <...> I must honestly say: 500 thousand, which are now being talked about, if divided into months, this is 30 thousand per month. And then we will roughly understand what is happening at the front, with the dead and seriously wounded," he said in response to a question about how, in his opinion, mobilization in Ukraine should be conducted.

Lutsenko claims that the disclosure by the Kiev leadership of data on army losses will help bring out of the "comfort zone" those Ukrainians who did not join the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which, among other things, allegedly will solve the problem of mobilization.

In December 2023, the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, said that the military command demanded that 500 thousand more people be drafted into the army. In these circumstances, a draft law on mobilization was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada, which proposes to tighten measures against those who do not appear on the agenda at the military enlistment office, and significantly reduce the number of categories of persons entitled to a postponement, allowing the call of the disabled of the third group. After the appearance of this bill in the press, queues of people wishing to leave Ukraine lined up at checkpoints on the border with EU countries, and information appeared on social networks that disabled people of the third group, fathers with many children and some categories of drivers are prohibited from leaving.

General mobilization has been announced in Ukraine since February 2022 and has been extended several times since then. The actions of representatives of territorial recruitment centers (TCC, an analogue of the military enlistment office) often caused scandals, and corruption in the TCC forced the president of the country, Vladimir Zelensky, to replace all regional military commissars and arrange a mass inspection. Despite this, videos regularly appear on social networks in which military commissars try to use force to serve summonses on the streets, in public transport or in gyms, and many men, according to media reports, literally do not leave home for months.
Экс-глава МВД Украины заявил, что ВСУ могли потерять 500 тыс. человек

If this guy had managed to land, then they would have entrusted him with the F-16, and now apparently 17-year-olds will fly on them.
The destruction of the Ukrainian MiG-29 with a young pilot has been confirmed (PHOTO)

Ukraine has confirmed the loss of the MiG-29 of the country's air force, which was operated by an unusually young pilot.

The loss was revealed by an obituary. "It is reported about the death of a 23-year-old pilot of a Ukrainian MiG-29 with the call sign Blue Helmet during a recent flight," Ukrainian resources write.

A Ukrainian friend in a farewell post calls the pilot killed in an air battle "my Vladosik, my hero."

It should be noted that on December 29, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that aviation and air defense forces had shot down a group of aircraft in a week, among which was one MiG-29.

Well, a little bit about German tanks. I would not be interested in them at all if they were not in Ukraine. The Germans turned out to be the slowest of all the tank donors in Ukraine. The British managed to lose a couple of Challengers and only then forced ukrops to withdraw their tanks from the line of combat contact. The Americans generally banned the use of Abrams for their intended purpose and now they are riding somewhere in the rear, so to speak, they raise morale.
German tanks are designed for parades and exercises, not for real combat operations — Spiegel

German tanks are designed for parades and exercises, not for real combat operations. Such a disappointing conclusion is made by the German edition of Spiegel, having studied the experience of using Leopards in combat operations in Ukraine.

An officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, whose brigade is fighting on Leopard 2, pointed out the fragility of the tracks of these machines. The weakening of their tension leads to breakdowns, which turns into a disaster in combat conditions. As a result, Ukrainian soldiers have to constantly monitor this weak point of German tanks.

The commission from Germany, which visited the Leopards repair center in Lithuania, was unpleasantly surprised by the amount of equipment that failed due to defects.

There are still problems with logistics, lack of spare parts — even in Lithuania, far from the front, mechanics face problems when repairing Leopards.

A German officer admitted to Spiegel that German tanks wear out too quickly in combat conditions. Based on the experience of the Bundeswehr in Mali, we can say that a mileage of 10 thousand km in combat conditions is equal to 100 thousand km in peacetime, the officer claims.

An additional difficulty lies in the need for complex tank maintenance, which must necessarily be carried out at the factory.

"Attempts to repair by the Ukrainian military lead to additional damage to the Leopards," says a member of the German commission who visited Lithuania.

Очередной вариант оценки украинских потерь.
Если бы этот паренёк сумел бы приземлиться, то ему доверили бы F-16, а так на них полетят видимо уже 17 летние.
Ну и немножко про немецкие танки. Они мне были бы совсем не интересны, если бы их не было на Украине. Немцы оказались самыми нерасторопными из всех танковых доноров Украины. Британцы успели потерять пару Челленджеров и только потом заставили укропов отвести свои танки от ЛБС. Американцы вообще запретили использовать Абрамсы по прямому назначению и теперь они катаются где то в тылу, так сказать поднимают боевой дух.

Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 10-36-31 🇺🇦Ukrainian Front on X ⚡️Another 🇷🇺Russian missile attack on...png

January 8, 2024
The transaction was concluded through a unique debt repayment scheme, according to a report


Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko has publicly declared the acquisition of a lavish mansion in Hamburg, Germany worth almost a quarter of a billion hryvnias ($6 million), Strana.ua reported on Sunday, citing the politician’s official tax return.

The document shows that Klitschko received the 750 square meter mansion on December 20, 2023 as a debt settlement from Maximum I LLC, a US-based company originally owned by his brother Vladimir. The ownership of the company was, however, transferred to Vitaly in May 2003, according to the outlet. The house, the exact cost of which is 227 million hryvnias, was then transferred to the mayor of Kiev as a unique form of debt repayment.

Vitaly Klitschko is a former professional boxer who won multiple world heavyweight championships during his career. He and his younger brother Vladimir dominated heavyweight boxing between 2006 and 2015, a period widely known as the ‘Klitschko Era’.

The older brother announced his retirement from professional sports in 2013 and went on to launch a political career, becoming the mayor of Kiev in 2014. In an interview with the BBC in 2013, he admitted that he had lived in Germany for 13 years. It was reported in 2016 that he owned property in Hamburg that was occupied by his wife and daughter, but the assets had never been declared.

In September 2023, Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada passed a bill on resuming electronic declarations for officials, which was suspended after Russia’s military operation began in 2022. President Vladimir Zelensky signed it into law in October 2023.

Ukraine’s corruption has come under increased scrutiny from the US and EU since the beginning of the conflict with Russia, as the country has relied on foreign aid to pay civil servants.

In August last year, Zelensky launched a sweeping military purge, firing all regional military officials in the wake of a massive corruption scandal in which 112 criminal cases were opened against officials in recruitment centers.

Last month, Ukrainian law enforcement officers conducted a search of a €4 million Spanish villa that belonged to former military commander Evgeny Borisov. It was established that he purchased multiple properties in the city of Marbella in 2022 and 2023 with a total area of 223.9 square meters, according to Ukrainian law enforcement.

A poll conducted by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology last year showed that Ukrainians consider corruption the country’s second most serious problem after the military conflict.

Over the past two days, the enemy has made several attempts to attack the Crimean peninsula. After previous strikes on the Black Sea Fleet, the enemy command focused on weakening Russian air defense forces and targeted command centers in Crimea. Repeated attacks using decoy missiles are expected in the near future.

In turn, the Russian Armed Forces again attacked the Starokonstantinov airfield with "Geraniums". It was also reported about explosions in Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv and Mykolaiv regions. This time the targets of the strikes were energy and military infrastructure facilities in so-called Ukraine.

In the Kremin section, Russian troops continued to expand their operational space in the area of the Torskiy protrusion. The main battles are being fought towards Terny and Yampolovka, where the Russian Armed Forces were able to make significant advances. To the south, there are some successes in the area of Serebryansky Forestry.

Maps in high resolution:
Массированные удары ВС РФ (ru; en)
Ракетный удар по Крыму (ru; en)
Кременской участок (ru; en)

Rocket attack and tactics of Ukrainian formations

Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 10-28-34 Что происходит в зоне СВО хроника за 5-6 января.png
Attacks by Ukrainian formations on Crimea continued for several days: on January 5, at around 12.20 - 12.30, the AFU launched a Neptun anti-ship missile from the vicinity of Odessa. But at the moment of this attempt, a MiG-31 was patrolling the airspace and flew out to intercept it. And somewhere 80 kilometers northwest of Cape Tarkhankut the Ukrainian missile was shot down.

A new attack took place on the night of January 5 to January 6. Four Storm Shadow/SCALP missiles were fired from two Su-24M bombers in the direction of the Saki airfield. The aircraft at the base had already been dispersed on alert, but the target was not the planes. Ukrainian formations managed to hit the administrative building, but it was empty at the time of the alert, thus avoiding casualties.

What is interesting about this attack is another thing: what the tactics of the AFU became when striking. All day yesterday the Ukrainian aviation was taking off and landing. From time to time ADM-160 MALD decoys were launched from MiG-29s and Su-27s. It was for this reason that an aviation alert was repeatedly declared in Crimea. False targets are displayed as real missiles, which allows the enemy to mislead air defense means and determine the place and time of their reaction. At the time of one such launch, the AFU attempted to launch a real Neptune strike on Cape Tarkhankut or Yevpatoria, but the missile was shot down by a MiG-31 fighter jet.

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa made an unannounced visit to Ukraine on Sunday, pledging a $37 million contribution to a NATO fund to provide additional support for the Eastern European nation's defense against the ongoing Russian invasion.

Kamikawa, visiting Ukraine for the first time since taking the role in September, said Japan will deliver an unmanned aircraft detecting system and other aid through the latest funding during a joint press conference in Kyiv with her Ukrainian counterpart, Dmytro Kuleba, after their talks.
Tokyo will also provide Kyiv with five mobile gas turbine power generators to help Ukrainians endure the harsh winter, Kamikawa added, expressing her country's unwavering resolve to "keep supporting Ukraine so that peace can be restored."

Her visit comes ahead of a conference the two countries will hold in Tokyo on Feb. 19 aimed at discussing the reconstruction of Ukraine, which has suffered widespread destruction since Russia invaded in February 2022.

Kamikawa, who arrived in Ukraine by train from Poland, reiterated Japan's condemnation of Russia over its bombardment using missiles and drones and vowed to assist Ukrainians in building shelters and providing educational and medical services for women and children.

She also stressed the importance of upholding the international order based on the rule of law from the standpoint of not tolerating any attempts to change the status quo by force.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida made a surprise trip to Ukraine in March and promised to supply $30 million worth of nonlethal equipment to Ukraine through the NATO fund. Kamikawa's predecessor, Yoshimasa Hayashi, visited the country in September.

Related coverage:
Japan vows $3 million to provide education for refugees
Japan vice ministers visit Ukraine to examine recovery needs



  • Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 10-33-53 🇺🇦Ukrainian Front on X ⚡️🇯🇵Japan's Foreign Minister Yoko Kam...png
    Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 10-33-53 🇺🇦Ukrainian Front on X ⚡️🇯🇵Japan's Foreign Minister Yoko Kam...png
    745.9 KB · Views: 13
January 8, 2024
A little clarification. The above article seems to tell us about Vitali Klitschko, the current mayor of Kiev, although Vladimir Klitschko is mentioned there. So Vladimir is in the photo, not Vitaly. Vitaly here

The activity of Vitali Klitschko himself as mayor of Kiev is some kind of destructive extravaganza. Bridges have already collapsed in the city, a metro line has recently flooded and they have not found anything smarter than launching boats through tunnels, so today's incident clearly fits into this destructive series.
The streets of Kiev were flooded with faeces (VIDEO)

A major communal accident occurred in Kiev, Ukrainian media reports: a sewer burst in Borshchagovka.

Fetid drains flooded the street and parked cars. The situation is complicated by the fact that in the Ukrainian capital -11 °C and by morning everything can turn into a skating rink.

The Ukrainian mobilization is senseless and merciless. And although the current news is not confirmed, there are a huge number of video confirmations of the completely limitless actions of the Ukrainian military commissars.
Near Kiev, military commissars beat a mobilized man to death, — deputy of the Rada

Verkhovna Rada deputy Yevgeny Shevchenko said that from residents of the city of Bila Tserkva (Kiev region) he became aware of an egregious case: the military commissars here beat a young man to death during mobilization.

"Local residents claim that in the city of Bila Tserkva, employees of the territorial recruitment center caught one guy and took him away. And then he died in the hospital from beatings.

The case is handled by the local SBU department. There is no information in the media yet. Apparently, they are trying to hide the incident and hush up the case," Shevchenko wrote on Telegram.

At the same time, the police and the recruitment center claim that there was no such emergency in the specified locality.

In his next post, Shevchenko wrote that there was no information about the victim or statements from relatives and the information was "not confirmed," while expressing confidence that he had no right to "hush up information about such incidents."

Небольшое уточнение. Приведенная статья вроде бы говорит нам о Виталий Кличко, нынешнем мэре Киева, хотя там и упоминается Владимир Кличко. Так вот на фото как раз Владимир, а не Виталий. Виталий вот.
Деятельность того самого Виталия Кличко на посту мэра Киева это какая то разрушительная феерия. В городе уже рушились мосты, недавно затопило ветку метро и там не нашли ничего умнее, как запустить лодки по тоннелям, вот и сегодняшнее происшествие четко укладывается в этот деструктивный ряд.
Украинская мобилизация- бессмысленная и беспощадная. И хотя текущую новость не подтверждают, существует огромное число видео подтверждений совершенно беспредельных действий украинских военкомов.
Strikes on Ukraine are going into daily mode.
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported a group strike with the use of a "Kinzhal" on the objects of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine

MOSCOW, January 8th. /tass/. The Russian Armed Forces (Air Force) launched a group strike with high-precision long-range air and sea-based weapons, in particular, the Kinzhal hypersonic missile system, at the facilities of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine.

This was reported by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

"A group strike was carried out with high-precision long-range naval and air-based weapons, including the Kinzhal hypersonic missile system, against objects of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine," the ministry said. The Russian Defense Ministry clarified that the strike occurred on the morning of January 8.
МО РФ сообщило о групповом ударе с применением "Кинжала" по объектам ВПК Украины

Something broke of ukrops. Previously, they traditionally claimed to shoot down 157 missiles out of 100 launched, including a couple dozen Kinzhals, even when they were not launched at all.
For the first time, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine admitted that they could not repel a massive Russian strike

For the first time, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine admitted that they could not repel a massive Russian strike, missiles hit military, industrial and infrastructure facilities.

The air forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine unexpectedly announced that they were able to shoot down a minimum of missiles (18 out of 51).

Failed to shoot down:

— none of the 7 S-300/S-400 anti-aircraft guided missiles;
— not a single "Kinzhal" out of four;
— not a single X-22 cruise missile out of 8;
— not a single Iskander-M out of 6;
— and not a single guided aviation missile X-31P out of 2.

According to the Ukrainian side, only 18 X-101/X-555/X-55 cruise missiles out of 24 were shot down, as well as 8 Shahid/Geran drones.

The targets of today's strikes by the Russian Army were critical infrastructure facilities, industrial civilian and military facilities in the Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia and Khmelnitsky regions.

Удары по Украине переходят в ежедневный режим.
У укропов что то сломалось. Раньше они традиционно заявляли, что сбивают 157 ракет из 100 запущенных, в том числе пару десятков Кинжалов, даже когда их вообще не запускали.
Romania builds new highway to Ukraine border. It should create a new transportation corridor and provide Ukraine with access to Romanian ports, bypassing Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. Romanian mass media report that the highway is being built in emergency mode: about 3,000 workers and hundreds of vehicles are working around the clock, 7 days a week.

The map of highways in Romania: Highways in Romania - Wikipedia
Romania builds new highway to Ukraine border. It should create a new transportation corridor and provide Ukraine with access to Romanian ports, bypassing Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. Romanian mass media report that the highway is being built in emergency mode: about 3,000 workers and hundreds of vehicles are working around the clock, 7 days a week.

The map of highways in Romania: Highways in Romania - Wikipedia
I don't get it. This road will give Ukraine access to the Black Sea, which they already have access to through Odessa for example. Through Poland they have access to the Baltic Sea, what sea do they have access to through Slovakia and Hungary, none that I can see? I think this is about something else, not Ukraine.
I don't get it. This road will give Ukraine access to the Black Sea, which they already have access to through Odessa for example. Through Poland they have access to the Baltic Sea, what sea do they have access to through Slovakia and Hungary, none that I can see? I think this is about something else, not Ukraine.

Odessa's port is constantly bombarded, Poland's border was blocked by Polish farmers and truckers, and they can access Adriatic Sea through Croatia. But they are probably not using any sea through Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. They are probably just transporting stuff through them to Western Europe.

On the other hand, this could be a preparation for a new Ukraine that will not have access to the Black Sea.
Odessa's port is constantly bombarded, Poland's border was blocked by Polish farmers and truckers, and they can access Adriatic Sea through Croatia. But they are probably not using any sea through Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. They are probably just transporting stuff through them to Western Europe.

On the other hand, this could be a preparation for a new Ukraine that will not have access to the Black Sea.
I almost completely agree.
There may be both a trace of preparation for war and a desire to facilitate the export of agricultural products from Ukraine. Many people are preparing for a possible war. Here's an example from the latest news.
The Commander-in-Chief of the Swedish Armed Forces and the Minister of Civil Defense urged to be ready for war

Swedish Minister of Civil Defense Karl-Oskar Bulin called on the country's citizens to be ready for war, he said this on January 7 at a national security conference.

He noted that in his appeal, first of all, he "appeals not to the fear" of the inhabitants of Sweden, but to how they perceive the situation. The minister noted that for the Swedish nation, "peace has been a pleasant companion for almost 210 years." However, now the idea that he is an unchangeable constant against the background of the conflict in Ukraine is no longer a comforting conclusion.

"There may be a war in Sweden. <...> I am trying to open a door that for many Swedes may have been closed for life, <...> which greets us with the question: who are you if war breaks out?" — the speech of the head of the department is quoted on the government website.

For his part, the Commander-in-Chief of the country's Armed Forces, Mikael Buden, added that the situation had become very serious.

"Now we are talking about the transition from words and understanding to action," he said in an interview with TV4.
В правительстве Швеции призвали граждан быть готовыми к войне

The following can be said about the export of agricultural products. Direct loading in Ukrainian ports is under serious Russian attacks. This also applies to the Black Sea ports and ports on the Danube, and I do not know if any of the necessary infrastructure there is currently in working order. In Poland and Slovakia, serious blockages have recently been organized specifically for the export of Ukrainian products. Bearing this in mind and the speed with which the road is being built, it can be assumed that a trouble-free path to the same Black Sea is being organized. According to some estimates, up to 25% of agricultural land in Ukraine now belongs in one way or another to large corporations such as Black Rock, Monsanto, Dupont, etc. and therefore they believe that they are exporting their own and they cannot be satisfied with not being able to do this. With what persistence all Western figures tried to push through the continuation of the so-called "Grain deal".

I have already written about the Kiev metro. The indicated process of destruction continues.
Another metro station started leaking in Kiev

MOSCOW, January 8 — RIA Novosti. In Kiev, the ceiling leaked at the Akademgorodok metro station on the red line, the Ukrainian newspaper Telegraph reported.
"Another disaster has occurred in the Kiev metro. In the lobby of the Akademgorodok station, water began to seep through the ceiling. It flows in at least three places. Moisture has already managed to spoil the interior of the station and the plaster. Metro workers substituted cut—off plastic bottles and placed rags," the publication says.

As the media clarified with reference to local residents, there were problems with water leakage at this station earlier.
Back in December, TSN TV channel, with reference to the head of the Kiev City Council Standing Committee on budget issues, Andrei Vitrenko, reported that the Svyatoshinsko-Brovarskaya metro line (red line) connecting the western part of the Ukrainian capital with the eastern one, would be partially closed for repairs after confirming the emergency condition of the bridge over the Dnieper.
At the end of last year, the Kiev authorities announced that six stations of the blue metro line — from Dymeevskaya to Teremkov — were being closed for repairs for six months due to the threat of flooding. At the same time, it was noted that they will continue to perform the functions of shelters during the alarm.
В Киеве начала протекать очередная станция метро

I have already written about the "miracles" of Ukrainian mobilization. Here is more new information about this nightmare.
In Ukraine, they told about the forced mobilization at night
Eyewitnesses reported the forced mobilization of men in the villages of Ukraine at night

MOSCOW, January 8 - RIA Novosti. In Ukraine, night raids have become more frequent in villages in search of those subject to mobilization, if representatives of the military enlistment office are not opened, they simply knock out the door, eyewitnesses told RIA Novosti.
According to a resident of one of the villages in the Kiev region, visits of military enlistment office staff to this locality have become more frequent in recent days. According to her, on January 2, about 70 people were taken away, while some were taken away at night, breaking down the doors in the presence of a district police officer.

"Representatives of the shopping mall (territorial recruitment centers, military enlistment offices - ed.), together with district police officers, drive up in the evening at night, enter the courtyard, break into the doors if they do not open. They knock hard and break in. They check whether there are men of military age in the house... There are 3 thousand houses in the village. For the last time in a day, 70 men were taken directly to the bus. It was January 2nd," she said.
According to her, the staff of the military enlistment office "with machine guns on the edge" can present their documents. People, as a rule, after 22.00 pm "stay at home, no one walks from the villagers around the village, there is no lighting," they do not interfere in such situations.
Answering the clarifying question whether there were cases when doors were knocked out and men were in the house, the resident of the village answered in the affirmative, the precedent occurred in the family of two brothers who have a paralyzed mother. "The doors were knocked out. Their mom is paralyzed there, and the guys (her sons) are both under 30. ...They took both of them. But she stayed. I don't know if they returned or not, but one of them can definitely stay, as a mother-carer, for a bedridden. But at that time, two were taken away," the resident said.

The interviewee added that "no one wants to fight," men hide, lock themselves in houses or go into the woods for the night. According to her, those who returned from the front do not want to go back there. According to her, the son of a fellow villager returned wounded and said that he would rather go to prison, but would not go to war anymore. To a clarifying question, what prevents him from registering a disability, she replied that for this it is necessary to take a certificate from a military unit, but if he came to the unit, "then stay
." "
"Representatives of the military enlistment office cheekily knocked (to neighbors - ed.) and even handed over a summons to the father-in-law to give to the son-in-law. To which he replied that he had already won back his own. They have no right to do this, but they sell subpoenas to relatives," the interlocutor added.
Martial law has been imposed in Ukraine since February 24, 2022, and the next day Vladimir Zelensky signed a decree on general mobilization. It is prohibited for men aged 18 to 60 to leave Ukraine during the period of martial law. The summons can be served in different places. There were videos of how they do it on the streets, at gas stations and in cafes. It does not have to be handed over by a representative of the territorial recruitment and social support center (as military enlistment offices have been called in Ukraine recently), it can also be done by the heads of the enterprise where the conscript works, the heads of the housing and communal services, representatives of the house committee and other officials.
На Украине рассказали о насильственной мобилизации в ночное время

Я почти полностью согласен.
Здесь может быть как след подготовки к войне, так и стремление облегчить вывоз из Украины сельхозпродукции. К возможной войне готовятся многие. Вот например из последних новостей.
Про вывоз сельхозпродукции можно сказать следующее. Прямая погрузка в Украинских портах находится под серьезными ударами России. Это касается и черноморских портов и портов на Дунае и я не знаю осталось ли на настоящий момент что-нибудь из необходимой инфраструктуры там в работоспособном состоянии. В Польше и в Словакии недавно были организованы серьезные блокировки именно вывоза украинской продукции. Имея в виду это и скорость, с которой строится дорога, можно предположить, что организуется беспроблемный путь к тому же Черному морю. По некоторым оценкам до 25% земель сельскохозяйственного назначения Украины теперь так или иначе принадлежит большим корпорациям типа Black Rock, Monsanto, Dupont и т.д. и поэтому они считают, что вывозят свое и не возможность это делать их не может устраивать. С какой настойчивостью все западные деятели пытались продавить продолжение т.н. "Зерновой сделки".
Я уже писал про киевское метро. Обозначенный процесс разрушения продолжается.
Так же я уже писал о "чудесах" украинской мобилизации. Вот еще новые сведения об этом кошмаре.
Strikes on Ukraine are going into daily mode.

МО РФ сообщило о групповом ударе с применением "Кинжала" по объектам ВПК Украины

Something broke of ukrops. Previously, they traditionally claimed to shoot down 157 missiles out of 100 launched, including a couple dozen Kinzhals, even when they were not launched at all.


Удары по Украине переходят в ежедневный режим.
У укропов что то сломалось. Раньше они традиционно заявляли, что сбивают 157 ракет из 100 запущенных, в том числе пару десятков Кинжалов, даже когда их вообще не запускали.
A fun UK take on this airpower angle.
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