"Puzzling People" by Thomas Sheridan - a puzzling person

Don Genaro said:
JFredMuggs has now deleted all his comments... - Sound like anyone we know?
He also replied to my comment above (and then deleted it but I caught it in my email notifications).

For info- S/he has joined the forum but has yet to activate the account. It looks like it is someone called Carl Ruppert.
Vulcan59 said:
For info- S/he has joined the forum but has yet to activate the account. It looks like it is someone called Carl Ruppert.

This looks like the same Carl Ruppert anart was inquiring about on the Cassiopaea FB group page on August 13th, 2012. Anart also includes a link within her inquiry: _https://www.facebook.com/JFrederickMuggs aka Carl Ruppert
anart said:
Chirpy said:
hubub said:
I'm not sure if he's a psychopath (although you never know for sure), but he certainly started exhibiting some highly psychopathic traits (narcissism, grandiosity, super fragile ego, inability to be criticized/exposed, abusive, starting a witchhunt after saying he doesn't support witchhunts etc.) after becoming "so called famous" (he acts like he's Jesus or something now but he's not even as well known as some C grade youtube celebs lol) so as far as I'm concerned I would treat him the same way I would a psychopath: no contact.

Personally I think he's just a bit of a pratt.

I think that's definite, but there is more to it. If you really take a look at his long-term behavior, it's quite obvious, from my perspective at least, that a pathology is present. Exactly which one is difficult to determine, of course, (though a cluster B personality disorder is a cluster B personality disorder, and the damage to those around such a person is the same no matter 'which one' it is).

May someone help me a little here, and point me out where I can read about cluster B personality disorder, and such things? :-[ I think I skipped the chapter.
Cluster B is a group of personality disorders, including Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic and Narcissistic Personality Disorders. It is discussed in Chapter 1 of the book Women Who Love Psychopaths.
Thomas Sheridan's latest video: _http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkmLLvHuPvs&feature=channel&list=UL

Here is the description Sheridan included with the video:
"Demons of the Mind? Apart from the obvious deluded psychosis, charlatans and attention-seeking frauds the so-called 'supernatural' is very often experienced by sincere people and even groups. A very common factor in many of these reported cases is personal psychic breakdown or extreme social anxieties and trauma. If this is indeed the case, then how do protect fraglie people from the Demons of the Mind?

It is time for a mature discussion into the so called paranormal and come to terms that many people who have these experiences are in need of understanding and help - not be all ridiculed and called insane. Some are, while others are sincere and deeply scared by the experiences.

I do not claim to have the answers - I am just throwing these ideas out there as one more idea into the mix."


Standard YouTube License

It is interesting that he chose "Entertainment" as the category for his video instead of "Education", etc.. Could the reason behind this be so he can state later that the video was just a joke or for 'entertainment purposes only'?

At the end of the video is this 'new age' statement:

Also, I was surprised to see that he did not disable the comments below the video, which seems to be his modus operandi as of late. In any case, here is the one and only comment currently posted below this video which seems to 'hit the nail on the head' when referring to Sheridan's "research" style - a conglomerate of hypotheses for which he states his conclusions with little to no application of the scientific method in order to validate his hypotheses or to show how he came to his conclusions:

"Thats kind of like doing an end run around the existential question of God and Creation. It sounds like youve already made your conclusion and are seeking data to support it. Thats not how a real scientific inquiry is conducted." WitnessOfNewLaodicea 1 hour ago
Was reading about characteropahts, for me he looks like the paranoid one. With all his insults and all the sick pornography he writes, also as how he gets angry when questioned:


“It is characteristic of paranoid behavior for people to be capable of relatively correct reasoning and discussion as long as the discussion involves minor differences of opinion. This stops abruptly when the partner’s arguments begin to undermine their overvalued ideas, crush their long-held stereotypes of reasoning, or forces them to accept a conclusion they had subconsciously rejected before. Such a stimulus unleashes upon the partner a torrent of pseudological, largely paramoralistic, often insulting utterances which always contain some degree of suggestion.” (Lobaczewski, 110)

Spellbinding: While cultured and logical people tend to avoid paranoid individuals because of their vulgar and violent language, paranoids have a remarkable capacity for enslaving less critical minds. Among those susceptible are young people, the psychologically deficient, and those who have been victimized by pathological egotists. For example, those reared by characteropaths will have some degree of psychological damage preventing them from critically analyzing the paranoid’s ideology and false logic. Such a victim finds himself agreeing with a skewed worldview, and any disagreement is limited to minor points. This pattern of thinking affirms that the skewed premises and corresponding paranoid ideology are ‘correct’ even though they may be seriously flawed. Paranoid individuals are well aware of their ability to enslave others, and take full advantage of this early in life.

Rigidity of Beliefs: Paranoid individuals are similar to psychopaths in that they are incapable of feeling self-doubt, or of seriously questioning their beliefs. Any such inner conflict occurs without self-control, -awareness, or a hierarchy of values. In short, while they may encounter moments of inner tension caused by some confrontation of their own beliefs with contradictory data, in their own minds, they are never wrong

Physiological Cause: Lobaczewski traces the cause of this characteropathy to brain tissue damage, usually in the diencephalon region of the brain. Their paranoid view of reality can range from relatively naive to violently revolutionary, as was the case with the Russian revolutionary, Vladimir Lenin.

Behavioural/Functional Cause: Those without brain tissue damage often develop paranoid characteristics as a result of psychological induction by a paranoid characteropath. A terror-filled upbringing gives rise to rigid and stereotyped thinking, and makes it hard for such an individual to develop a healthy world-view.
looks like Sheridan has left his forum _http://psychopathfree.com/

is he finished for good?

mod: deactivated link
vidivend said:
looks like Sheridan has left his forum _http://psychopathfree.com/

is he finished for good?

One of the administrators wrote in this general announcement:

I'm going to start right off with the tough part: Thomas Sheridan has left PsychopathFree to spend more time pursuing his dreams. He requested that his username and posts be deleted, and unfortunately that included threads that you may have posted on. We apologize in advance for any lost posts, but please feel free to recreate a topic any time! If you have any more questions on Thomas' departure, please send a PM to any of the Administrators (Smitten Kitten, Iris, peru, An Old-Fashioned Girl, Victoria, Peace).

And reading this thread here

apparently he never said bye, nor explained to anyone why, what's going on, etc. From the above forum discussion, the following stand out to me (haven't read it in its entirety yet):

From an admin
but I want to stress that Thomas' disappearance has nothing to do with him being victimized. It was a conscious choice, as was his decision not to say farewell to anybody (including the Admins).

From a member
Thomas seemed to act strangely after the scathing article on him from SOTT. http://www.sott.net/articles/show/24...homas-Sheridan

I purposefully did not previously post it on this site out of respect for him.

Shortly afterwards he deleted the facebook account... now this.

I'm saddened. I had read the article in full and still felt he was a helpful resource to victims. He put himself out there to fight against psychopaths and more than likely turned into just a huge target for them. I identified with him to a high level as on top of discussing the topic of psychopaths he talked about some of the evils in the world and how they related. A lot more in the world made sense to me after reading his work. Unfortunately, like most people he is flawed and as such can be criticized. :/

I wish him the best.

And the admin's reply to the above post
Very well said, psychobear. We all have flaws & darknesses; I suppose life is about learning to control those traits, and not letting them get the best of us. No worries about posting that link - it's good that all information is out there - censorship is pointless and dangerous.

Same admin to a member later
The SOTT smear campaign was awful, and we stuck by his side during it all. His departure happened afterwards, for reasons outlined in the PM I just sent

A few members seem to find understanding of who TS is from the SOTT article, though others are talking about the SOTT smear campaign against TS.

Added: He wrote this in his blog today


I made the democratic suggestion to continue with the way things are - with me still on-board, or that psychopathfree.com begin again with new branding/energy not connected to me in any specific way, so as to incorporate the work of other researchers and ultimately make the board more diverse and helpful.

I was told after 24 hours that the moderators agreed with my suggestion of a whole new branding not connected to me. I felt that was a good decision, as it would grow the 'community' aspect to the board without me being the anchor point. This I feel is democratic and healthy. I was told they (the other mods) were really excited by this new direction, and so was I for them. I asked for my posts to be deleted as I would not be there to reply to them should they be brought up. I never got a chance to post a farewell message. So here it is.

psychopathfree.com is in superb and safe hands. I have also have left an audio, video and written archive on the subject of awareness and recovery which is huge and will be out there forever.

I am not disappearing off the face of the Earth - I am still here and still trying to understand the strangeness of our world. That said, I am nobody special. I am just an ordinary run-of-the-mill guy who stumbled upon information which finally allowed me to resolve the mysteries of my own traumatic childhood. The sense of liberation this information gave me was beyond empowering. Then I sought to share it in a direct manner with others - hoping it would help them too.

However, I feel to a large degree that I have failed in doing this. I am also shackled by my limited education and intellectual credentials. It's up to better and more qualifed men and women than me to bring this issue more into the public eye. I can only peck at the foundations. Others will come along in time who will have the ability to finally tear down the walls.

Social media and message boards were taking up a massive amount of my time - I have hundreds of emails I have still yet to answer. This is a serious workload and I am overwhelmed (often emotionally) at times. Not just the impact it can have on my own artistic creativity (that is my main purpose/Dharma in this life), but I am also not getting any younger and neither are the ones nearest and dearest to my heart.

I want to spend more time with the loved ones in my everyday life (whom I feel I have neglected and I feel guilty about this) and I have done all I can for the ones on the internet. It was decision time - and I decided I can do no more than this. I have reached the best accommodation I can offer for everyone - considering my personal limitations, poverty and resources.

As an author, I would make more income if I worked a minimum wage job at McDonalds which would not involve getting up at 4AM to do radio interviews in New Zealand. It's a rough schedule. I also refused to take money from people who asked for personal advice and help. I could never charge people money who are going through a miserable time of it. It wouldn't feel right to me to be doing this.

I will continue to promote and direct people towards psychopathfree.com as it is the best resource out there and now has the potential to move to the next level

Take care and take back your life. It's the only one you have and the only one any of us will get. My very best wishes to all at PF and thank you for your support and friendship which I do and will always treasure. I am still only an e-mail, skype, phone call or text message away.
Alana said:
vidivend said:
looks like Sheridan has left his forum _http://psychopathfree.com/

is he finished for good?

One of the administrators wrote in this general announcement:

I'm going to start right off with the tough part: Thomas Sheridan has left PsychopathFree to spend more time pursuing his dreams. He requested that his username and posts be deleted, and unfortunately that included threads that you may have posted on. We apologize in advance for any lost posts, but please feel free to recreate a topic any time! If you have any more questions on Thomas' departure, please send a PM to any of the Administrators (Smitten Kitten, Iris, peru, An Old-Fashioned Girl, Victoria, Peace).

And reading this thread here

Eventually this forum is now (really) psychopathfree? :P

To me this step looks like "pity me", "cause it is so hard what people have done to me".
Those are posts by admins:


It was a conscious choice, as was his decision not to say farewell to anybody (including the Admins).


He asked us to get rid of everything and delate him from the forum . Personaly im sorry he didnt say good bye


The way he disappeared is unsettling to say the least, especially to people in our shoes [...]

It cannot be denied that no matter what his excuse, short of his own death, there is no excuse to leave his followers in the lurch. Even if he had a falling out with the Administrators (which he did not, by the way), he should have addressed others on the forum.

admin said:
To everyone,

We, in the adm group, as everyone else, have been in shock with what has happened. We have been talking for days, day and night, trying to understand the many questions: Why did Thomas disappeared? Why so suddenly with no explanation or good bye? Only a request to remove him and his posts? It has been overwhelming.

Quote Originally Posted by FullFrontalLobe
Why doesn't someone write and ask why he isn't around and that he's missed.

FullFrontalLobe, I wrote to Thomas expressing concern for his well being and wishing him well. I sent him the message in the mean time between his departure from FB and his request to be removed from PF. I did not receive a reply, that was days ago. Just thought to share.

and that's TS's version:

TS said:
I made the democratic suggestion to continue with the way things are - with me still on-board, or that psychopathfree.com begin again with new branding/energy not connected to me in any specific way, so as to incorporate the work of other researchers and ultimately make the board more diverse and helpful.

I was told after 24 hours that the moderators agreed with my suggestion of a whole new branding not connected to me. I felt that was a good decision, as it would grow the 'community' aspect to the board without me being the anchor point. This I feel is democratic and healthy. I was told they (the other mods) were really excited by this new direction, and so was I for them. I asked for my posts to be deleted as I would not be there to reply to them should they be brought up. I never got a chance to post a farewell message. So here it is.

Am I missing something or those two versions don't match? And if they actually don't, who's lying?
This would be a very good opportunity for PF to reassess the role TS played in all this and put his actions in context with his writings. And maybe they could head over SOTT-ways to read the TS thread in its entirety. That would be a very good lesson in psychopathy indeed. But I'm not holding my breath ...

For me this shows one thing ... as an individual it is very hard to sift out the psychopaths, you really need a network to do this. And TS was in every respect not even the hardest to spot ... and still it took time and ressources.
Maybe he realized that I'm about to post evidence which shows at least some of the artwork he claimed to have done, was actually done by his wife? :lol: :lol:
Possibility of Being said:
Am I missing something or those two versions don't match? And if they actually don't, who's lying?

I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say "the psychopath?" :P
Guardian said:
Maybe he realized that I'm about to post evidence which shows at least some of the artwork he claimed to have done, was actually done by his wife? :lol: :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
His "followers"??!! Since when is a person who allegedly exposes psychopathy supposed to have "followers"??? I mean, does Robert Hare have "followers"?
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