Q source / Qanon

I had a read of the screenshots you posted, but honestly, I cannot see anything amazing really. These are the types of ‘inspirational’ texts that you find on the net a dime a dozen. And everybody would agree with most of that, no contest.

I concur with Konstantin (and Joe quoted by him), that this is not the way things work in the ‘Truth department’. Look at the difference between the C transcripts and the Q. OK, both can be a bit cryptic, but the Cs don‘t take Laura by the hand and spoon-feed her. The onus is on her to do the research, then ask the question, follow-up, research, synthesize and then ask new questions based on that.

And then you can of course argue that Laura and the Cs do the same thing, leading the forum members by the hand. And in a sense that might be true to some extent, and I guess that is the reason that there are many lurkers on the fringes who read the sessions but not much else. And that’s OK, but you don’t get the full benefit from that. And that‘s where networking comes into play.

On any given topic you have a starting point from which things then develop, and over time through the contribution of diverse people with diverse views and diverse skills comes a new understanding of things, that none alone would be even remotely able to achieve. What I find fascinating with this process is that it leads in entirely unforeseeable directions. So the messages from the Cs are a starting point, not ‘His Master’s Voice’.

And I see none of that with Q - he gives his cryptic messages and checks out again. What ensues after that is mostly a discussion among his followers to try to make sense of what Q said. And this is not networking, because there is no feedback loop between Q and his followers.
This video
was recently posted by National Notables. Covers an interesting theory of JFK Jr. The person who created this video follows Q (Or so I believe) because he mentions and shows some of Q’s posts in relation to the content of his videos.

He covered the George Magazines which I found the content within the magazines themselves interesting and eye opening being that much of the material had information that was exposing dirt on various bad actors within politics.
Back in the day when the whole NESARA thing was going strong before I knew about this group, I ended up sort of buying into it after initially being skeptical. Now, of course, I feel really dumb for having done so. This whole Q thing has the same 'flavor.' So yes, I would say I'm a little more emotionally charged on it than maybe I should be....

To me it's blatant nonsense. Yes the C's transmissions had a period when there were some 'corrupting' influences. But those have been cleared up for a while now. So the C's say it's "insider psyop" and my own BS meter is red lining. That's enough for me.

But if y'all want to keep on chasing after it, go for it.

I’ve never heard of NESARA until today and well, if it sounds to good to be true it usually is. With that being said there are some bizarre coincidences covered in this twitter thread from TommyG that I found entertaining. Link here for those interested:
I still have to stick with my gut and stand with the rising number of 'patriots' waking from their sleep. I feel, If I don't, then they will truly be lost when the real psy-ops befell them. I do this, b/c I choose to stay and live with my family here in the US/sf specifically, as I do my work/aim. I have literally tried to give up hope on humanity so many times now, but hope is ever so omnipresent and infinite, thankfully. This hope was with me for the bush years, then the obama years, and even the first 2 trump years, only realizing the deep connection to q and trump, this year.

Let me try to put it this way as well. From what I have gathered and observed over the 2+ years when I started looking at the q movement, this is an attempt at deprogramming the general populations. I would have to say that it has worked splendidly for common sense, truth seeking individuals, that have been designated as mostly left behind "deplorables" from the bush,clinton,bush,obama saga and all the hopium pushed in between. I also include myself in this group, but knowingly following along, and doing self work as I saw it. Their was a growing need from this crowd, and the q group experimented and foster a way of teaching people how to question their reality and start noticing the general psyops programs of society, using the socratic method. To fully understand this aspect, you would had to have been on the 4chan boards years before, and watching the experiment developed to what it is today. Luckily for me, after observing my duration and watching the recent video from Simon Esler on the Edge of Wonder channel linked below, I was able to realize more so, only someone like me could easily related to this story and background. I can relate because of who was mainly on the boards, and who also probably felt like me, left behind deplorables. Examples of my makeup which relate to the channers; growing up in the 90's as a kid: nintendo, windows/95, diablo, punk rock, rap, social memes; growing up to a young adult in 2000's: playstation, xbox, manga, anime, fb, college trials. From late 2000's and on, basically living in our parents basement, losing hope and drowning ourselves in debauchery and trying to make that quick buck on the interwebs. Proving that we stayed hip to internet freedom and technology that allowed for us to play with, eg 4chan,bitcoins,backpage. Lets just say we were extremely counterculture but never figure out what it was the purpose for our existence in the world at large. My ranting might not serve to explain anything much, so I still suggest watching Simon's video below, even though I totally relate a little too much, I still found it quite entertaining and informative.

I was also able to reply and write this post after a long week, which including watching our great guys over at Mind Matters (Thank you! Corey, Harrison, Elan, and Guest very much). Two specific videos came to mind, which helped me formulate the spiritual battle that I believe is taking place on the micro and macro global level. They are about 1 hour each, when you have time, if you haven't watch already. Def not required to understand where I m getting at, but some very good insights to what our internal battles teach us.

Battle of Truth and Lies. Obvious in our lie filled world at the moment, especially trying to get a clear 'big' picture.

Try Not To Lie: The Value Of Honesty With The Self And Others -

Struggle of the individual and society to see past their matrix worldviews, and tap into something 'higher' existential truths. Either with no ability to see it at all, or not having any opportunity to do so.

Exploring Hyperspace: From Flatland to 4D -

Today social media are heavily censoring any posts about danger od wearing mask and in the last time I even get a censored post about the weather, and Q posts all over the social media are not even touched?

I believe you. Just bold of you to say the second part, example being many conservative social networks have been created to battle the censorship by twitter and fb, mainly for talking about q research. eg, gab.com, ditter, and parler as recent examples. fwiw

OK, both can be a bit cryptic, but the Cs don‘t take Laura by the hand and spoon-feed her. The onus is on her to do the research, then ask the question, follow-up, research, synthesize and then ask new questions based on that.

True and in my opinion I have to put the same onus on the current bakers on 8kun that does the same routine, but for the specific q movement/information. I think this is where I have bank on the idea that only someone that has a neutral position, taking a look from both sides of the conversation, can really give an objective analysis of a matter. In this case, I think this video below analyzes the pre-beginnings of q as the psychological operation that went on before it went mainstream. Sorry, I did not have enough time to transcribe or write notes. The info is mostly common to us, but the presentation and layout on the topic asked is relevant to this conversation. I believe Simon actually does a pretty good job of a logical analysis of said pre-q movement.

As I was writing my reply, 6/24, was a huge day for Lieutenant General Michael Flynn. The summary being a 3 panel judge overruled judge sullivan's amicus brief arguments. Which is totally insane, considering a judge is a neutral arbiter, and the government prosecutors have already file to drop the case. Deep state shenanigans at its current peak!

Couldn't find a better audio version, most are embedded in others videos. Knowing what he knew then, and now. wow! General Flynn is suppose to be speaking out after his gag order is taken down in the coming weeks or months. Really depends if the deep state will keep blocking him, as they have for years now. Digital Soldiers! This will be taken down from yt if he speaks out.

Congratulations again to General Michael Flynn on moving forward with his life, hopefully after all this drama is over. He is also suspected to apply to work for the Trump admin if he wins the 2020 elections. Either way, this man deserves compensation from the government for bankrupting him and hurting his family with all the emotional trauma.

Since this is the q thread, Cant miss the chance to post about the People's General.


omgosh, call me a sucker for falling for emotional traps, but this nearly sent me running to the bathroom at work in tears. I still might.

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Q serves a purpose to a segment of consciousness (global masses) that require encouragement and hope. It is the guide that those not in the know can quickly get up to speed in a general way along with creating a self fulfilling prophecy of sorts. Reality is mass consciousness, the “C’s” know the value and importance of this fact and would not serve value expanding on interpretations. Q is aiming for the highest market penetrations for revealing certain realities at this snapshot in “time” so as to maximize the advantages for all, wwg1wga....
Q serves a purpose to a segment of consciousness (global masses) that require encouragement and hope. It is the guide that those not in the know can quickly get up to speed in a general way along with creating a self fulfilling prophecy of sorts. Reality is mass consciousness, the “C’s” know the value and importance of this fact and would not serve value expanding on interpretations. Q is aiming for the highest market penetrations for revealing certain realities at this snapshot in “time” so as to maximize the advantages for all, wwg1wga....

let see some god damn result as this Andy say above. Seem that he is making some connection.

What a long thread this is! I haven't been following the whole Q phenomenon so my knowledge is very basic with its claims. I thought I'd post this for whomever may be interested. I don't know how accurate this is.

A week ago we posted an article where we discussed the QAnon Movement and due to its popularity, how outside influences from Russia and others have inserted themselves into the movement and are acting as disruptors.

Left wing operatives didn’t like our post because they enjoy attaching President Trump and his followers with the anti-semitic corners of QAnon which come from these outsiders like Russia.

The Gateway Pundit successfully broke this connection in our post. One reporter wrote an article and claimed our work was without substance while making crazy accusations without substance.

Mike Rothschild wrote a piece at Dailydot.com entitled, “QAnon isn’t newly anti-Semitic—it’s always been that way”.
Question: does anyone know of a similar person, with allegedly direct connections to US military sources, spilling info online? It would be nice to triangulate this with other reports.

There are some former CIA people who speak quite openly about the NWO. Chris Hedges is one example:

There is another one who often does Youtube interviews, but I cannot remember his name.
(Approaching Infinity) There's been this phenomenon on the internet: QAnon. It's an anonymous 4chan and 8chan poster who alleges to be an insider in some government structure who gives predictions and vague cryptic statements that are often then looked back on and confirmed by real events - at least in interpretation if not in actual fact. It has become a semi-popular phenomenon, but Google Analytics says it's not so popular. Then the Washington Post did a poll in Florida that found that 58% of Floridians were familiar with Q, and 25% held favorable opinions on the Q phenomenon. So, this gets back a question on forum as to the identity of Q. So, first question: Who is behind Q?

A: An "insider" of psyops.

Q: (Niall) It's a disinfo program.

(L) The very fact that the Washington Post is pushing it is a big red flag...

(Niall) It's like a Cyber Bell Witch!

(L) And truth and lies, truth and lies, truth and lies... Well, well, well. Next question.

From the above psyops, general dictionary meaning is, tactics intended to manipulate one's opponents or enemies, such as the dissemination of propaganda or the use of psychological warfare".

So anyone who considers, as best they can, that Trump is a reasonably good person with good intents is left with a lot of pondering to do.
Not for me to criticise but not sure if there were any questions that could have been asked.
Anyway take a look at these. It would appear most elections are biased to provide desired results.
As Robert Beckman (passed away 1991) stated, "Figures don't lie but liars sure can figure".
Any thoughts?
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