Stealing a few moments from our busy season to post an experience I've had during my attempts to educate people about some truths and falsehoods regarding coronavirus.
Most of the information was shared from the CDC's website and some well written and researched SOTT articles. One friend I shared information with, who happens to be a Progressive Dem, quickly asked me " You haven't been reading Qanon have you?" I looked at her puzzled, not knowing really what Qanon was. She explained. I denied it and explained to her where I had gotten my information, and further described the "garbage in-garbage out" kind of statistics based on inaccurate testing, etc., etc. So after much discussion, she sort of backed off the Qanon accusation as my source.
Fast forward a couple weeks, and I'm texting my sister-in-law, a loyal Democrat, and sent her a link from an SOTT article with the RFK,Jr video, and she replied to me "C______, I'm not Qanon, I'm a loyal Democrat and voting for Biden/Harris." Say whaaaat?
So now that I've been accused twice of getting my CV19 "disinformation" from Qanon, I did a bit of looking into it. I replied to both of them that if they(Qanon) are following the same bread crumbs to come to the same conclusion that the corona-virus circus is a lot of hype based on maligned data and inaccurate testing methods resulting in a mangled interpretation/presentation of that data, they should still consider it seriously, or at the very least, worthy of suspicion.
After a few days of pondering these unforeseen reactions, and reading some SOTT articles on Qanon, I became very suspicious that Qanon may be inadvertently being used for COINTELPRO and squelching the truth, or at least
tarnishing it for the lefties consumption by maligning the message of the truth about CV19 BECAUSE it's being posted by Qanon, as well. I even asked a few Trump-aligned friends if they were familiar with Qanon, and they would looked puzzled, saying they heard mention of them, but didn't know that much about them. Hmph!
I realize this isn't a huge poll on the subject, but found it very curious that my Liberal friends seemed to know more about Qanon than Conservative friends and acquaintances. Makes me think those who are exposing the falsehoods of CV19 reporting are being labeled conspiracy theorists BECAUSE Qanon happens to be sharing information that anyone can find for themselves and analyze without ever going on Qanon's site, as I did.
Anyone else have similar observations or experiences?