Randall Carlson's Work: Striking similarities (Comets, Geology, Catastrophism etc.) through Decades of meticulous research?!

What follows are truly breathtaking accounts of what Randall calls "the X Factor" in connection with the Peshtigo fire (mentioned earlier, which he proposes could have been started by a fireball) and other natural catastrophes. What Carlson terms "the X Factor", can be best described in our terms as "high strangeness", "reality/dimensional/density bleed through" and/or "divine intervention/guidance".

As explained earlier, the Pesthtigo fire was the deadliest in US history (1500-2500 estimated deaths) which happened simultaneously (to the minute) with the Great Chicago fire (the worst fire in US history in terms of material damage to buildings) and other fires.

What makes this presentation especially interesting is the seemingly very real and deeply religious nature of those experiences, to those people who lived through it, both in terms of language used and themes presented/encountered, but also in terms of actual concrete happenings that defy logic and material explanations. One starts to wonder if many of the "paranormal/miraculous" experiences we read in bible texts, Enoch and other ancient descriptions, were also inspired, at least partly, by such very strange experiences during catastrophes? The language and themes are so similar to how ancients described "wonders/miracles" that it really makes you wonder. Also, accounting for the idea that the world the ancients lived in was quite different from ours, not only in terms of what could be seen/experienced, but also in how people viewed and interpreted the world, strengthens the argument, once again, that they were certainly not stupid (as the mainstream wants us to believe) but might even have seen some things much more clearly than we are today, through our material lens.

Randall starts out by recounting an astounding letter he found in his research in Pesthigo during the making of the "Fire from the Sky" documentary in 1996 (also mentioned earlier in this thread). The letter was written by a man named Phineas Eames (one month after the fire), who wrote it to his brother, recounting what happened, before, during and after the fire, in great detail. As far as I can see, Carlson is the first and only person who has brought this letter to wide public attention. It should also be noted that that fire exhibited many very strange and "impossible" behaviors, which Carlson also mentioned on a number of occasions.

That is then followed by an account of several apparitions that a woman with name Adele Brice saw, in the form of a bright glowing woman who appeared to her as, quote, "the queen of heaven". Today and maybe even back then people interpreted that as an apparition of Virgin Mary, even though the actual words from the apparition were "queen of heaven". Those experiences transformed Adele to what sounds like a typical prophet, giving speeches and so on explaining the ways of "the queen of heaven", building a chapel on the place where the apparition occurred (Robinsonville). The place of the apparition, and later, of that of the chapel, were likely on top of an old artificial Indian mound. Many did not believe what Adele claimed (including church authorities who tried to stop her) while others did and became followers. Then, on October 9, 1859, almost exactly 12 years before the Pesthigo fire (short of one day), the "queen of heaven" warned Adele in another apparition, with the words "If they do not convert and do penance, my Son will be obliged to punish them". Then on October 8, 1871, the very same strange and devastating fires that afflicted Pesthigo raced through Robinsonville, while Adele and the other believers were hording themselves into the chapel praying "to Mary", or rather "the queen of heaven", to protect them. The end result of that was the so-called "Miracles of Robinsonville". The fire burned everything around the chapel into a charred landscape, right up to the fence of the enclave, so that the chapel and its enclave (with wooden buildings) stood out like an island, completely intact. Also, the only surviving cattle in that fire were the ones that were brought into that chapel enclave, drinking from a pretty shallow well that did not dry out, while many other deeper wells outside the property dried out during the fire, hence, they then called it the "miraculous well" from then on. After that, many really started to believe that what Adele said over the years is true.

Here it is (ignore the "transcendental" description/interpretation/declaration of the video, which most likely comes from the podcast interviewers and not from Carlson):

What the above accounts also highlight, is, that what people in the past (during the destruction of Atlantis for example) experienced, must have been so utterly strange, tarrying and world shaking that there are simply no words to describe it. Because, when even such "small" natural catastrophes like the great fires from 1871 (likely caused by a fireball) "produced" such utterly huge, shattering and strange results/experiences, that they can't be described in words, how much more would have people have seen/experienced in Atlantis type destructions?
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Randall starts out by recounting an astounding letter he found in his research in Pesthigo during the making of the "Fire from the Sky" documentary in 1996 (also mentioned earlier in this thread). The letter was written by a man named Phineas Eames (one month after the fire), who wrote it to his brother, recounting what happened, before, during and after the fire, in great detail. As far as I can see, Carlson is the first and only person who has brought this letter to wide public attention. It should also be noted that that fire exhibited many very strange and "impossible" behaviors, which Carlson also mentioned on a number of occasions.

Ended up catching this show (episode 83 I think), wherein Carlson makes the comment that the other previous shows should be watched first - at least #79 through. The other shows bring one through other event elements in different locations and time, from what looks' to be tied with Draconid incoming showers (how big is the question).

These Earth alignment, like clockwork, generally advance October 7th - 9th, are highlighted. They often described events that happened either when the earth; say 80 day (or other), before or after the comet had passed the earth. One major comet looked at is the periodic Giacobini-Zinner with outbursts that hit earth (these corresponds to October dated events as looked at above) - outburst have been recorded "with hourly rates greater than 20,000" (NASA Oct. 15, 1998). Another from 1926 looked to this same comet (October 9th) that had "reached a peak rate of 300 to 1,000 meteors per minute." In 1946 (15 days after Earth crossed the comets orbit ) "showers appeared with observed rates varying from 3,000 to 32,000 per hour." In 1933 (October 9th) the Giacobinid shower, as observed from Ireland, said that "meteors were falling as thickly as the flakes of snow in a snow storm." 100 meteors in 5 seconds had been observed. (Wylie, C. C (1934) The Meteors from Giacobini's Comet).

This Giacobini Comet had been said that it might be disk shaped (frisbee-like) and it spins 1.66 per hour - throwing off debris as it travels through space.

Looking back at Draco (and think of the Peshtigo Fire and others), Carlson looks at where the radiant comes from - Draco - see this superimposed look:


With some fascination to people here, Carlson next superimposes Draco's generally known star chart photo with the radiant events, and all will agree that this is pretty amazing - coincidental (good God)


Carlson adds in the following representation (people will understand this from the Mithraic thread):


There is also a brief discussion on Draco represented on the ground at Cambodia's Angkor Thom temple, however Carlson makes note that it has not been reviewed enough to comment further.

Comet C/1996 B2 Hyakutake had observations of Ethane made and combinations therein (Acetylene a factor) were noted - all centered around ethane and methane that had "never before confirmed in comets" (Michael DiSanti).

Another part of this discussed Professor Wickramasinghe, who noted our inability to observe/track some of these comets due to their lack of reflectivity, with the warning that many "appear invisible" and thus "The near-Earth objects may therefore be dominated by a population of fast, kilometer-wide bodies, too dark to be seen with current surveys."

Again here:
The letter was written by a man named Phineas Eames (one month after the fire), who wrote it to his brother, recounting what happened, before, during and after the fire, in great detail. As far as I can see, Carlson is the first and only person who has brought this letter to wide public attention. It should also be noted that that fire exhibited many very strange and "impossible" behaviors, which Carlson also mentioned on a number of occasions.

What a frightening account, a surreal story told in this letter to his brother. And to think that through time, if people survived, they would probably tell it similarly.

Then on October 8, 1871, the very same strange and devastating fires that afflicted Pesthigo raced through Robinsonville, while Adele and the other believers were hording themselves into the chapel praying "to Mary", or rather "the queen of heaven", to protect them. The end result of that was the so-called "Miracles of Robinsonville". The fire burned everything around the chapel into a charred landscape, right up to the fence of the enclave, so that the chapel and its enclave (with wooden buildings) stood out like an island, completely intact. Also, the only surviving cattle in that fire were the ones that were brought into that chapel enclave, drinking from a pretty shallow well that did not dry out, while many other deeper wells outside the property dried out during the fire, hence, they then called it the "miraculous well" from then on. After that, many really started to believe that what Adele said over the years is true.

This too was just amazing, as recounted by you above and by Carlson who read from extracts.

The "Queen of Heaven" back to ISIS.
Concerning Phineas Eames letter to his brother, could not find it (although it may be easily found), so copied this horrible recounting from the Carlson's slides:

Peshtigo Fire October 8th, 1871): Phineas Eames, letter to his brother “one month after the fire.”

Dear Brother,

Here I am at home, with the remnant of my family, the two oldest girls, in answer to your kind letter telling me to come with my two motherless children…I desire to give you some account of this terrible fire, which we have passed through. Leaving my wife (your Mary’s sister) and our two youngest children…behind us-gone on before us to the other shore; and why we were spared, and I in particular, burned as I am, is more than I can tell, but God knows. Oh, the horrors of that night! No pen can portray, or language express, and we who have suffered can hardly realize what we had passed through…

Sunday, October 8th, was cold, chilly day. The atmosphere was very remarkable, still, and filled with a dense, blinding smoke, fearfully increasing toward the night. Still we felt no real alarm, as I was confident that if the woods were on fire and the fire approaching, I could save my family and my buildings, as we had prepared for such fires, and were in a clearing of twelve acres. Through the day I had been out in all directions, looking for fire or any signs of actual fire approaching, but there was none. Therefore, on my return home towards the night, I felt no more alarmed than usual, and yet could not rest on account of the dense smoke and peculiar smell accompanying, making it very unpleasant to inhale. However, my wife and children went to bed as usual. I laid down on a lounge, and was up and down through the night, watching as had been my custom since any talk of fires. At a quarter to ten in the evening I was up and out in the darkness. Nothing was seen or heard, hardly a leaf was stirring, but oh! The Smoke! The smell-one could hardly endure it. I feared-I knew not what.

I laid down until the clock struck eleven, when I was aroused by seeing lights approaching our house. I woke up wife and children, and told them to dress themselves, and then out to see who was coming. It proved to be my next neighbor, Mr. Blauvett and his family, coming over, so that we might be together in case of fire, as there was more clearing around my house than theirs. By the time they got to our house my family were up and waiting, feeling the approach of some unseen foe. We knew not from whence or where to look for danger, and yet felt this ominous stillness, this dense smoke and stench, together with the cold, and intense darkness, all combined, portended something fearful, and we waited in silence its approach, Mr. B and myself outside, our families inside…

While standing a few feet from the door, all at once I saw a bright light approaching, it’s size large as a half -bushel measure, and as it came towards us it appeared like a ball of fire, approaching from southeast, and I saw it pass directly over my house to the northwest, just high enough to clear the house. The night being so very dark, as it passed over it dazzled our eyes, and I watched it out of sight. All in the house saw the same light, as it approached and disappeared, from the windows. Next we heard a tremendous explosion, which was so great that I compare the sound to nothing I ever heard. The ground shook and trembled beneath our feet; the house jarred to its foundation, and the window-glass rattled in their place, and while we stood in breathless silence, not knowing which way to look or turn, or from what quarter the danger was coming – for as yet we saw no fire approaching, we heard a low rumbling sound, a sullen roar, like an earthquake; this lasted only a few moments. After which came a change of atmosphere, with slight puffs of wind, and growing warmer every moment. Suddenly my house took fire overhead. Remember, I was out of doors, in the midst of this darkness, and as I looked, my barn was also on fire, the fire crawling along like a snake, a hissing flame of fire, on to of the barn, on top of the barn, on top of the house, in the tops of the trees, in the air, and yet no fire on the ground.

I opened the door and came out, and we all started for the hill. You remember the ridge west of my house. We had selected this place to go in case of fire, and from this fire we knew no better place to go. House and barn on fire-we must go somewhere. All this took but a moment, and we left the house-our happy home-forever, only to be united again beyond the River of Death.

Mr. B. and family, together with the children, proceeded ahead. At this time all was instantaneously light as day, darkness had disappeared, and the whole heaven seemed one vast wave of fire. I took baby out of my wife’s arms, and we followed the others towards the hill. O, God! Such a scene as now presented itself cannot be described. Not only in an instant had my house and barn taken fire on their roofs, but the whole air was one bright wave of lame fire, and as yet no fire on the ground, only later as it caught from the shower of fire in the air. We hastened on. When about sixty feet from the house, wife spoke:

Pa, Lincoln is in the house-our only son.

I placed baby in her arms, saying, “You follow the rest to the hill, while I run back and see, and if he is there I will bring him to you, dead or alive,” I entered the burning house, which was all in a blaze overhead, and fire falling through in every direction, so rapid had been its progress. My search was sharp and rapid, but he was not there. I ran back to where I had left my wife, supposing she had gone on, when to my surprise I found her standing just as I had left her…I took baby on my arm, and just then saw our boy coming towards us. He came running up to me saying-

“Papa, I shall be burned up. What shall I do?”

I replied saying, “Give me your hand, my boy, and we will go to the top of the hill, but don’t try to get away from your papa.” I saw that his terror was very great. Thus having him by one hand, and baby on the other arm, I said to my wife-

“Take hold of my vest collar,” as I had no coat on. She did so, but never spoke from the time she thought our boy was in the house. She was perfectly paralyzed with fear for his safety, and stood gazing at the terrible fire in the heavens. I noticed as we hurried along that the wind was increasing at a fearful rate, great trees bending like withes before it. A few steps more and we would have reached the top of the hill, where my children and Mr. B. and family were. At this point, my son let go of my hand and bounded away like a deer towards his sisters, and at the same instant there came upon us, from what quarter I know not, a wave of living fire, completely enveloping us in its embrace, and prostrating us all to the ground. It struck me in the face, blinding me in an instant, and my long beard and hair were in a blaze. I fell forward, with baby in my arms, all on fire, wife falling across my feet and rolling over on her back-not a sound from her or baby-myself in flames. The roar of the fire tornado was more than deafening, it was grand. It was like the sound of a cataract, the thunder, and the roar of the sea combined. It was fearfully sublime. I laid baby down, drew up my feet from beneath my wife, and, in the midst of this fearful ruin, prayed Almighty God to let me die with my family. Why had he passed me by? “O take me too,” I cried. I had no desire to live, for I supposed that all was gone, and that this sheet of flame had swallowed all, and in agony of spirit I prayed to go too. But I was not allowed to die. A voice came to me, so distinct and clear-I heard it-I am not mistaken-saying, “Get up! Get up and look for your children.!” I could not resist. I rose to my feet, went forward a few steps, and there at my feet lay a little form, roasted to a crisp. I supposed it was my darling boy. “Oh! My Brother!” I cried aloud. My senses were suspended for a moment-I knew nothing. I groped my way along. I pulled my eyes open, called my eldest girl,-brave child, she came to me into the very face of death. She came into the fire saying-

‘Oh, where are mother and baby?’

…I was bind and on fire. She led me to where Mrs. B.’s children and Mary were. Mr. B. and part of his family were gone, we knew not where. I said to them, ‘We must all lay flat on our faces that we may breathe.’ the air being full of fire falling all around us. The wind had increased to a hurricane, the trees bending and being uprooted before it. The roar of the wind, the blazing and falling timber, the glare of the fire, the whole heavens being one vast sheet of flame! One must see to fully know and understand the horror of that terrible night. There is no use for me to attempt to describe it. It cannot be done. There is no danger of any pen or speech exaggerating the scene of the fearful hour, for all of this happened in less time than I could tell it. In less than one hour wife and children burned up at my side, my property all destroyed, and the ashes of my home left, and this the foe that had come upon us. No one could guard against fire from over our heads, and we fell before it.

Now the wind decreased in violence, and the force of the tempest of fire and wind had passed on. We could yet hear its terrible roar, and were in its awful trail. We now began to fully realize our condition. All of us cold, nearly naked, I fearfully burned from the top of my head down to the soles of my feet, suffering the most intense pain. I felt that I could not endure and live. My face one mass of burns; my hands fairly roasted; body burned deep in many places; legs and feet fairly roasted…Can you realize what I passed through and suffered-suffering ten thousand deaths and could not die, as I had desired to do with my wife and babies. I then called on the little group, six of us in all, and said to them, ‘Here is all there is left of our two families…We know not where your husband and the other children are. My wife, baby and son are dead. Now, in this hour of sorrow, let us all, with one accord and united voices, pray earnestly to Almighty God, our Father, as we never did before, that we may have grace and strength to endure this terrible affliction that has come upon us,’ that in the fearful pain I was suffering I might be sustained and strengthened. And as our voices mingled, ascending in prayer, all at once I felt surrounded with a host of angelic beings. They were on my right and on my left, before me and behind me. I felt their presence so clearly that I thought if I moved either way I should touch them. And we prayed on without ceasing until in a moment I felt my pain had left me entirely, and from that moment I have never felt the least pain from my burns, and all who were with me and have nursed me for the last thirty days can testify to my condition when with them. And I call upon God to witness that this is the truth, and that I am this day a living demonstration of His power to heal through ministering spirits. Although, brother, you know I have never professed to be a Spiritualist, neither have I been a member in the Church for may years, I know not who these beings were. I recognized none of them. It mattered little to me who they were. When they came, my pain left me; and more, they lifted from me the great weight of sorrow that weighed down my soul. They bid me look up, not down on the lifeless forms. They are not there, in those charred and marred bodies; they have passed on, are now (resting in the Summer Land) above, and will be with you soon. They suffered not as you think, but in a moment, in a twinkling in the eye, at the sound of the tornado’s trumpet, they were born into immortal life. Turn now to the living; there is your duty. Mourn not for those who have passed on. You are to live and go from here…

Your brother,

Concerning Phineas Eames letter to his brother, could not find it (although it may be easily found), so copied this horrible recounting from the Carlson's slides:

Thanks! I also searched for the letter and couldn’t find it. I’m pretty sure that Randall found it himself in Peshtigo and surroundings somewhere (museum?) and made a copy of it. So, his presentation seems to be the only public display of it so far (combined with your transcription above :-))
I have been following Randall's work for years and find it fascinating. Never miss a podcast or at least the recording of it.

On Oct 9-10 this year we have a full harvest moon, 'reaping what we sow', and Pluto the 'great destroyer' going forward from retrograde amplifying things. It may be interesting; wait and see.
To better understand how that works, here is a presentation of Randall about the scale invariance phenomena that you can not only see in mathematics but in geological features, especially in water and flood regimes.

The description of the video reads:

At the time it was a new presentation Randall was creating so that people are better able to understand this phenomena in the landscapes. It is called "Scale Invariance in Geology: Micro- and Mega Flood Effects". Well worth the watch:

You guys can look this up if you want, but Carlson here is claiming that water created these ripple marks. Most likely it was wind and sand dunes, at least that’s what I get from pulling the strings. He’s also misapplying the idea of Scale Invariance in this case. You can take a look at what types of ripple marks form in what types of environments currently seen in water and then with sand and then extrapolate that to sedimentary rocks and the environment they were laid down in or the formations that are seen. I majored in Geology, and it’s been 20 years but the things he’s saying I certainly never studied.

You can also take a look at the basement geology of the Camas valley, which is essentially a valley between two different ranges that are thrust faulted. That’s probably a more reasonable explanation for the ripples in that valley as opposed to miles of water forming it in a catastrophe. His theories don’t stand up to a mild bit of digging.
You guys can look this up if you want, but Carlson here is claiming that water created these ripple marks.

Don't see exactly that he is incorrect given the events and course gravels stripped of the release points as the water looses energy, being displaced and spread out, although you can probably make a case in some landscapes/geologies for what you are saying - later blowing sand. He did say they were still working out hydrological and slope equations for this. It also seems that many landscape basins where historical water is suddenly released (as he describes in the area) created ripples (and other features), sometimes in clay beds, too. For instance (and Carlson has visited these areas), one can see in BC and Alberta examples when backed up water was released - sometimes the ripples are large and more singular orientated and sometimes not (many features from Moraines, Eskers, Drumlins).

Here is an example of one set of hydrological effects:

Don't see exactly that he is incorrect given the events and course gravels stripped of the release points as the water looses energy, being displaced and spread out, although you can probably make a case in some landscapes/geologies for what you are saying - later blowing sand. He did say they were still working out hydrological and slope equations for this. It also seems that many landscape basins where historical water is suddenly released (as he describes in the area) created ripples (and other features), sometimes in clay beds, too. For instance (and Carlson has visited these areas), one can see in BC and Alberta examples when backed up water was released - sometimes the ripples are large and more singular orientated and sometimes not (many features from Moraines, Eskers, Drumlins).

Here is an example of one set of hydrological effects:

So you’re saying that the size can be scaled from this video, which is from wave action and on the order of inches into what he’s claiming which is on the order of 30-50 feet that came from flowing water. I just can’t see it at all, not to mention other things he’s claiming like the high water marks or the shorelines of old lakebeds that can still be seen. I can’t see geological features scaling the way he claims.

The other features you’ve mentioned like moraines, eskers and drumlins are formed by flowing ice or water that’s flowing under the ice, which is different than what he’s claiming.
I majored in Geology, and it’s been 20 years but the things he’s saying I certainly never studied.

So, the first question I would have is this: Have you been keeping up with the geology literature closely since then (20 years ago) as Carlson seems to have done? And the other question I would have is this: Have you tried to take into account not only geology but a wide array of other disciplines such as archeology, mythology, engineering, astronomy, behavior of Fireballs/Comets/Asteroid impacts on land and in the atmosphere, to mention just a few? In addition, I would propose: Just because you haven't studied something 20 years ago (or at any point really) when you mastered in geology, doesn't exclude the possibility that Carlson is on to something here or there and that this might not fit into the way textbook geology teaches it at the moment or has taught it in the past.

The other features you’ve mentioned like moraines, eskers and drumlins are formed by flowing ice or water that’s flowing under the ice, which is different than what he’s claiming.

I seem to remember that Carlson was pretty explicit that Drumlins for example are formed in the way you are saying and that this is the official explanation. As for the Drumlins I’m pretty sure he did hold that view (formed by flowing ice or water that flows under ice) for quite a while himself. That might have changed by now though, which I’m not sure. In fact, I'm not sure that he changed his view there. Where did he say otherwise? And what did he say?

So you’re saying that the size can be scaled from this video, which is from wave action and on the order of inches into what he’s claiming which is on the order of 30-50 feet that came from flowing water. I just can’t see it at all,[...]

Here I would ask: Why can't you see that at all? What is your reasoning behind that? I have little problems seeing that as a pretty real and probably correct interpretation/possibility: a scaled up phenomenon probably due to much more water mass having been involved; and that those water masses probably flowed (at least partly) a lot more violently than anything we can see today. But then again, I'm not an expert.

I just can’t see it at all, not to mention other things he’s claiming like the high water marks or the shorelines of old lakebeds that can still be seen. I can’t see geological features scaling the way he claims.

Why? What is the reasoning behind that?
Here I would ask: Why can't you see that at all? What is your reasoning behind that?
Because the forces involved in forming the small ridges of sand from wave action are fundamentally different than the forces that supposedly formed these 30-50 foot waves in the way Carlson claims and you simply can’t scale them. If you look into it, it becomes quite obvious.

Here’s something else to consider, take the rivers out west that have boulders as the substrate, do you see any sorts of standing wave features there that would support Carlson’s ideas of scale. I’ve never seen them, even on a scale of say 2-3 feet, much less 30-50 feet in flowing water. Wouldn’t you see that if his theory is right? You can’t draw a correlation of the wave forms that developed in a sandy environment to waveforms developed in flowing water. They’re not the same.

I get you like Carlson, myself I’m not so much a fan of the guy. I find his presentation to be off and anyone who mentions sacred geometry sets off red flags for me, but instead of argue I’ll just step away from conversations he’s involved in.
I seem to remember that Carlson was pretty explicit that Drumlins for example are formed in the way you are saying and that this is the official explanation. As for the Drumlins I’m pretty sure he did hold that view (formed by flowing ice or water that flows under ice) for quite a while himself. That might have changed by now though, which I’m not sure. In fact, I'm not sure that he changed his view there. Where did he say otherwise? And what did he say?

Here's Carlson on drumlins specifically, in a vid from three years ago. He focuses on the drumlin field South of Lake Ontario which are spread in a radial pattern from the central point of a cometary impact. There's also a view of Southern Wisconsin, and also brief mention of fields in Quebec and British Columbia's Nechako plateau (as connected to the Channeled Scablands), which is an agreeable theory to drumlin expert Jerome Leseman of Vancouver Island University.

Also found a full 2 hr vid with Leseman on drumlins that I haven't watched yet from 2 years ago:

From the vid description:
Jerome Lesemann, from Vancouver Island University, is a drumlin expert, and student and colleague of pioneer of the Meltwater Hypothesis for the formation of drumlins – John Shaw. After some introductory reminiscing, we let Jerome have the floor and educate us about the enigmatic geomorphological features known as drumlins. Their presence far and wide across North America, beneath the former continental ice sheets is put into perspective. Though supported by hydraulic modeling and analogy across seven orders of magnitude, the widespread and various forms’ genesis is still contentious and controversial, hundreds of years after the phenomenon was first observed! The fields of drumlins are SO vast, that the quantities of water necessary to create them all is “absolutely astounding” and the major hurdle to acceptance of the hypothesis. Perhaps the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis will offer a boost to its explanatory potential…

In the shorter vid, Carlson mentions that there are like 50 different theories for the formation of drumlins in the drumlin literature, mostly as a result of glacial action. It was John Shaw in the 80's who proposed the idea of sub-glacical floods, and not glacial action alone. This was stated to be the case because glaciers don't sort the till, they are more like a bulldozer where everything is all mixed up in terms of stone density. Water, on the other hand, will sort out the fines from the coarse stuff and stratify them accordingly, which is seen with these drumlins. The drumlins stop once the water is free of the glacier, because the water is no longer pressurized under the ice.

The critics of Shaw said the the drumlin fields are so vast that you can't provide an explanation for how you'd get that much water beneath the glaciers. So it's a matter of uniformitarian bias, ie. mainstream geologists being unable to consider the catastrophic consequences of a cometary impact on an ice sheet. The amount of water in question is said to come from 600 cubic miles of ice.

He also spoke along these lines (flooding caused by impactors) in the Joe Rogan podcast 6 years ago, starting at around the 34 min mark. He gives some history of the geology of megaflooding, discussing the story of J Harlen Bretz and James Gilluly.

I'm definitely no geologist, but the evidence provided here seems pretty reasonable to me, so long as I can shake off my uniformitarian normalcy bias and imagine catastrophic events that are more destructive by orders of magnitude.
So you’re saying that the size can be scaled from this video, which is from wave action and on the order of inches into what he’s claiming which is on the order of 30-50 feet that came from flowing water. I just can’t see it at all, not to mention other things he’s claiming like the high water marks or the shorelines of old lakebeds that can still be seen. I can’t see geological features scaling the way he claims.

I'm not saying that re video as that example was over sand, it is more a generalized principle that given the depth and breadth of the event discussed (an event extremely hard to imagine in terms of forces), it may follow.

The other features you’ve mentioned like moraines, eskers and drumlins are formed by flowing ice or water that’s flowing under the ice, which is different than what he’s claiming.

Generally yes, that is the formation mechanism, yet not always under ice (i.e., such as a mass water release will carve, overrun, push and create said features). For instance, the June 13th 2013 event over the rockies that sent mass water flowing out into both Alberta and BC outside normal channels - with saturations and mass wasting events included, created like-formations.

Most likely it was wind and sand dunes, at least that’s what I get from pulling the strings. He’s also misapplying the idea of Scale Invariance in this case.

These are not sand dunes, although this can be seen in sand dunes throughout the world as is known.

The event:
Water poured across the ridge from the broad valley north of the pass in a cascade at least 800 feet deep, scoured the rocks at the ridge crest, and plucked away at the bedrock to form the two basins that now contain the Schmitz Lakes. South of the pass the current deposited ridge after ridge of coarse gravel in great sweeping curves. These ridges are typical ripple marks in every respect except their great size. Covering an area of more than 6 square miles, they measure from 20 to 30 feet high and from 200 to 300 feet apart. Some of the individual ridges are nearly 2 miles long.

It seems to have followed this backing up process:

Also, see at 10:00 min. mark:

I get you like Carlson, myself I’m not so much a fan of the guy. I find his presentation to be off and anyone who mentions sacred geometry sets off red flags for me, but instead of argue I’ll just step away from conversations he’s involved in.

You had mentioned that Carlson was/is a Freemason, which was known through these threads prior, is that something for you that weighs and colors against his work (sacred geometry notwithstanding)? For me, anyway, it is giving the guy his due, like not throwing out the baby with the bathwater. I've found him to have been insightful on reading landscapes and correcting some sacred cows that line our textbooks. His work on comets has also been interesting, such as the Carolina Bays. Carlson may not always be correct either, and it might be agreed that it is all a work in progress.

This just in, Randall Carlson and Malcolm Bendall (discussed initially over at the Hancock thread) were interviewed by Joe Rogan.

Looks like the recording of the podcast hasn't been published yet. George Howard published some additional photos and videos on his Twitter feed in the last days, where you can also see Bendall. So far I continue working with my presumption that Bendall's "revolution" is a scam. I'm curious to watch the podcast.
Looks like the recording of the podcast hasn't been published yet. George Howard published some additional photos and videos on his Twitter feed in the last days, where you can also see Bendall. So far I continue working with my presumption that Bendall's "revolution" is a scam. I'm curious to watch the podcast.

Yeah, it will be interesting to see if it is mostly hype or something of more substance. If it is a scam, he's captured quite an audience with all of Joe Rogan's listeners and all of the Carlson fans out there!
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