Randall Carlson's Work: Striking similarities (Comets, Geology, Catastrophism etc.) through Decades of meticulous research?!

Second podcast is up. This time discussing some interesting work about earthquakes and possible electric connections/phenomena:

Thanks for the video @Pashalis .

It was interesting and the Orgone energy discussion included a picture of an Organ accumulator. The Cs say it is "life-force" energy and Randall seems to see it that way too but cloud busters that actually work are not probably being built .

Session 24 September 2001:
Q: (A) So we should swim everyday, each day, even if it rains. (L) Do orgone accumulators make rain?
A: No.
Q: (L) Do orgone accumulators accumulate orgone? {giggling}
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is orgone?
A: Life-force.

Q: (L) What is life-force? (A) What is the closest expression in physical terms?
A: EM substrate.
Q: (A) What is substrate?
A: Base.
Q: (L) How does EM substrate or base... (A) Vacuum point? Vacuum.
A: Close.
Q: (A) Something related to what people call zero point energy?
A: Close.
Q: (A) Something related to 1969?
A: Pronto!
Q: (L) I want to know how to make rain. I think that is a handy thing to know. Is there a way?
A: Sure.
Q: (L) Is there a simple way, like making orgone shooter things?
A: No.

Q: (L) Rats. (A) I know all I need tonight, I go read, think of it. I know what to do. (A) Well if I have life-force and if I know about vacuum, and so on, we'll have everything we need to shoot this energy and we'll transform and we will make rain.
Second podcast is up. This time discussing some interesting work about earthquakes and possible electric connections/phenomena:

Yes, interesting indeed.

Now it was not my intention to deviate from Carlson's message, so bear with me. Carlson noted in his early discussion citing P. 202 regarding the April 26th, 1973 earthquake at Hilo, Hawaii, which showed that their were effects prior to the earthquake whereby "radio transmissions ceased" (possibly by way of what 'appeared' to be a disappearing ionosphere), that there was something about this date that made me look up something else.

Carlson further reads "what extraordinary electrical forces must have been generated before that fracture!" - yes!

@ 4:30 min. in the video, Carlson reads this and more:

Now this something has a possible relationship, possibly weak at that (and I don't know enough about seismic wave propagation and lag time), and yet there is nothing casual about the shock event that happened. So, here is what happened that same day a number of hours earlier.

As you can see in the table below, two timed nuclear bombs, Colmor and Starwort within Operation Toggle (500 t and 90 kt respectively) were planted +/- 4,000 ft below surface in shafts and detonated in the US that very morning in Nevada (yes that seems a long way away at greater than 4,000 km. - not seismic km's.).

Note also there were two smaller 9 and 8 kt shots on April 25th also in Nevada.

The time of detonations were cited as GMT 15:15 and 17:15 (the latter the last and bigger shot), which is 08:15 am and 10:15 am Nevada time or 5:15 am and 7:15 am Hilo time.


The Honmomu earthquake happened at 10:27 am Hilo time. So, around 2.75 hours after the last 90 kt. detonation of Starwort.

Here is Hawaii off the coast of the US with the detonation locations marked (and it is a straight line into Hilo's coast):


Here is what one paper says on that day in Hilo:


On April 26, 1973, an earthquake of body-wave magnitude 6.2 occurred at a depth of 48 km beneath the northeast coast of the island of Hawaii (Figure 1). This event was the largest to occur in Hawaii since 1962 and is the largest subcrustal earthquake ever recorded in the archipelago. This earthquake is of special interest because it is located in a region of the lithosphere that is virtually aseismic compared to the very active areas nearby (Koyanagi, 1965; Koyanagi and Endo, 1971). As will be discussed in the following sections, this earthquake has provided us the opportunity to learn more about the structure and tectonics of Hawaii but has left us with many unanswered questions.

Here is;

SEISMOMETRIC DATA Introduction On the morning of April 26, 1973, at 10:27, Hawaiian Standard Time

{which is a interesting old study}


When Carlson read (P. 202) that the 'radio transmissions ceased' one hour prior to the earthquake, that makes it 1.75 hours after the last Starwort 90 kt detonation.

Anyway, whether there was a relationship or not between these events, these were data point mentioned due to the near simultaneous events.

Back to Carlson...
Happened to have checked out (similar to the various threads here on Carlson) this short article/video on SOTT:

The Daily Grail
Fri, 06 Dec 2019 22:30 UTC

Underwater Ruins
© Flickr
Most Grailers would be familiar with the work of Randall Carlson, a polymath whose research on the ancient world integrates sacred geometry, geology, environmental change, myths, legends, cosmic cycles and catastrophes. He is a proponent of the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, and has theorized about the extinction of historical advanced human civilizations.

The video below takes the audio (and some video) from one of Randall's lectures, and combines it with illustrations and stock video footage to bring what he's saying to life. In the lecture Randall discusses the fact that there have been many 'apocalyptic' events over the last 150,000 years - the period of 'modern humans' - and that they appear to happen in a regular, cyclic manner.

For the reasons he outlines in the lecture, this means that we today are walking around amongst the ruins of many lost civilisations:
One of the most important insights we get from these ancient traditions is the measurement of cosmic time and how it relates to us here on earth. You've just got to know what to look for and where to look for it. Once you begin to become aware of it and you begin to see it you begin to realize that the cosmic fingerprints are everywhere about us, and we're in fact living in and upon the wreckage of the former worlds.

The rubble of these former worlds is all around us but we haven't had the scale of perspective to see it, and that's where we're at now. I'm completely thrilled with things like the emergence of Google Earth because Google Earth is now allowing us to just sit at our computers and see the cosmic perspective of Earth, and when you look at it from the extraterrestrial point of view things begin to show up that we don't see when we're right down here immersed, when it's so close that we're like ants walking under rubble and can't can't see what what's around us.

But we do see that we literally have built our own world in our own social system on top of and out of the wreckage of former worlds

As Randall indicates, indeed we are living upon the wreckage - either disassembled catastrophically and reduced to ruble, deeply buried in earth or water, burnt off or stripped away. Many of these points, too, are covered in Immanuel Velikovsky's many writings, particularly featuring the wide disbursement of animal bones mixed up together and found in rock crevasses, even at surprisingly different elevations - and at all kinds of latitudes. Also, what is fascinating is in getting a sense of this looking at various landscapes and what they have undergone - tilled up so to speak, or as writers like Ignatius Donnelly offered up in Ragnarok, whereby the earth punched a hole through a comet's tail (and likely comet swarms came in) depositing deep gravels in affected Lat/Long quadrants of our world, as do other writers offer up examples from different magnitudes of earth changing events like this, this and this by Pierre Lescaudron.

Carlson, though, does a fantastic job in taking the individual into specifics and offering up what to look for in geology soil erosion and mass wasting of lands under the forces of water et cetera - often featuring various coast areas or islands while showing the earth slips and backwash tsunami. In the above, Carlson plots out sixteen event timelnes in the last 150,000 years that were marker events - all high magnitude stone age reset events.

If the great cosmic clock is running true to history in this quadrant of space, then boy oh boy, this planet is sure coming due or it is dangerously overdue. If a conscious human connection acts as other civilizations failures seem to indicate (civilization that we know of), one can look around and perhaps see why a civilization gets to a place in time wherein it becomes so antagonistic of principles/universal concepts, that time is nigh.

Whether it's a 3600, 4200, 6000, 20,000, 41,000 year cycle and that it was 3600 or is 4200, 6000, 12,000, 20,000, or 41,000 years ago doesn't make any difference to our "extinct by" date. As I noted above, the cycles are converging and the time is now. Indeed, Something Wicked This Way Comes.

Lastly, here is Carlson in November discussing the Canary Islands whereby you get a good idea of what coastal/island slipping does and the markers that can be observed:

Was reading a SOTT article whereby in the comment section a person offered a link - I clicked it (I don't remember the article or who made the comment). The link was to an episode:

'Joe Rogan Experience #961 - Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson & Michael Shermer' from May 2017. The episode is 3.5 hours longs and before getting through the first 45 min., shite was hitting the fan in Iran, and so Rogan's Experience #961 sat there on the browser. Finally finished with this talk last night:

Graham Hancock is an English author and journalist, well known for books such as "Fingerprints Of The Gods" & his latest book "Magicians of the Gods". Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar. Michael Shermer is a science writer, historian of science, founder of The Skeptics Society, and Editor in Chief of its magazine Skeptic.


Hancock's book was discussed later last year on the SOTT's Mind Matters:

And Pierre Lescaudron also wrote a number of article on SOTT that dovetail this talk - here, here and here.

I don't have much 'experience' with Rogan, and the triad of speakers; Hancock/Carlson on the one side and Shermer on the other, the discussion got a wee bit intense (with somewhat agreed upon resolves). What I guess was different with this episode is that Rogan allowed two other people to join in on Skype. One was a geologist, Marc Defant, who had written a rather harsh review of Hancock's books (as Hancock described it) on behalf of Shermer's magazine. It was a draft at the time and Defant shared it with his students (of course on the internet). Defant comes in at around the 2 hours 7 min. marker.

Wow, there was some crazy debating going on.

Defant and Hancock get in to it and settled to agree to disagree and things quieted down. Defant and Carlson also had some interesting disagreements that got testy for a bit and then they also settled down. Defant does not like the comet event (still calling them icy snowballs) position as a Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, nor the massive floods (and he makes his arguments against that looks to forty or so floods) while dismissing Carlson's Drumlins observations (Carlson was flabbergasted) et cetera.

The show before this seemed to be dominated by Shermer and Hancock, with Carlson coming in, much less frequently when geological events that came up.

Defant exits the show (Rogan can't have two Skype calls at the same time) at around marker 2 hours and 50 min. with Malcom LeCompe joining in. This guy is very interesting and this discussion also brings up a lot of what Pierre talked about in his articles. Malcom still can't say what happened, what it was - comets/asteroids – proxies. Briefly he discuses:

- Sphere under electroscopic magnifications - lot's of unpublished new material that includes South America and Syria on the Younger Dryas boundary producing Sphere's. He says that the opposition (science) does not want pleasant conversations and they refuse much. Malcom mentions a book to be published in a month or two from this date - he seemed to be saying it points to something, some data about a religion born from the extinction of the Mega Fauna???

Carlson brings up the flash frozen Mastodons buried in the permafrost and Woolly Mammoth 3 hours 25 – ‘frozen through in less than 10 hours’.

As for Rogan, other than interviewing the odd person such as Peterson, I'm not really familiar with him. He strikes me as someone who is pretty uniquely positioned with his ability to get people on a show together and discuss things, complex things. Joe seems with his own understandings to be pretty knowledgeable, and he is providing a service for others.

Here are a few screen shots of the latter discussions:

Defant's exhibit on flooding (many events):

Carlson's slides discussing YD spherules (with different examples) with Malcom LeCompe.

Same discussion as above of slide of Ted Bunch et al.
Note where these are from and in what time period:




Discussion on Mastodons and Mammoths (out of the Permafrost) that were immediatly and violently shatered or flatted to ground and frozen over:



Recreation of the above:



Here is a pretty good recent Interview with Carlson, that I haven't watched in full yet, but I am planning to do so. Also seems that Carlson has now been liftet up into the ranks of people that get smeared and censored on Wikipedia. Largely I think because of his very critical stance against the Climate Nonsense and the data he presents that seems to be quite dangerous for the "scientific consensus" about history, geology, comets etc. Among other things, Carlson mentions in the interview that the Wikipedia page about him, which was surprisingly neutral and fair until recently (surprised me back then too) was removed. First, passages were recently added like "he has no credentials" and so forth in the usual manner of discrediting and defaming people on the fringe. Then shortly after, Wikipedia decided to just delete the page about him altogether. So now, Randall doesn't exist on Wikipedia anymore. Well, we know that and similar stories quite well... So I would say it is a sign that he is doing something right. He also mentions that he is about to post a series of essays about the climate and extinction idea that is supposed to put the climate scare of today into historical perspective.

I haven't fully read all of the posts in this thread, but did a search on google images to find more pictures of the chevron dunes. I came across the following report about the work of Dallas Abbott who has researched chevron dune formations in a number of countries comparing them to ocean comet impacts with the aim of looking for anomalies that might indicate where land masses have disappeared - The Atlantis Hypothesis. There's a map in the article that show's a number of different ocean impacts and the corresponding chevron dunes on the land masses. There's also another map that marks all the chevron dunes world wide where corresponding oceanic impact craters haven't been found yet.

Dallas Abbott has also questioned whether the Burckle impact also caused global deluge, theorises that the comet that caused the Buckle impact broke up on entry and also creating another two impact sites.

First, passages were recently added like "he has no credentials" and so forth in the usual manner of discrediting and defaming people on the fringe. Then shortly after, Wikipedia decided to just delete the page about him altogether. So now, Randall doesn't exist on Wikipedia anymore.

Sad, and yet he exists as more and more are listening to his work, and even in Rogan's interview with the group, the professor, Marc Defant, who was somewhat dismissive and disagreeable with Carlson, did say that he has high respect for his work.

I'll cue up the latest interview, so thanks for posting.

As for a YG signature - The Black Mat, here is some interesting photos from the Cosmic Tusk (Twitter):

Well, maybe it’s not really a “thang,” yet. But the Tusk is having some popular fun on Twitter tweeting photographs of the iconic, but relatively unknown, Younger Dryas Black Mat.I think many people interested in our subject have some sense that a clearly visible, multi-continent-wide, destruction layer exists, but many others certainly do not — and we all need to see more of it.So I tweeted the black mat pic below last week and it proved popular on Twitter (for the Tusk at least). For better or worse, I committed in a reply to tweet-a-black-mat-pic-roughly-once-a-day, for a year. Like more cowbell, more black mat is always popular it seems, since subsequent pics were liked and loved too.I think seeing the black mat may be intrinsically interesting to all people. What indeed could be more interesting than knowing that directly beneath our feet, at locations (with stable aggradation of sediment over 13 millennia) throughout the USA, North and South America, and overseas, is a little bit of a lot of hell?

George Howard @CosmicTusk


Here is a cool pic of the Younger Dryas Black Mat in New Jersey. The Younger Dryas boundary, below the mat, is chock full of nanodiamonds created in the global cataclysm. See paper here: https://cosmictusk.com/wp-content/uploads/Nanodiamond-Rich-Layer-across-Three-Continents-Consistent-with-Major-Cosmic-Impact-at-12800-Cal-BP.pdf …

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11:46 AM - Dec 22, 2019

George Howard @CosmicTusk


This gentleman is contemplating the Younger Dryas Black Mat destruction layer at the Sunshine paleoindian site in Nevada. The stuff from the comet impact is generally BELOW the mat, the black mat itself is not from space lol. #ydih #askenilnow #blackmat https://cosmictusk.com/wp-content/uploads/Younger-Dryas-%E2%80%9Cblack-mats%E2%80%9D-and-the-Rancholabrean-termination-in-North-America.pdf …

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9:37 AM - Dec 23, 2019

George Howard @CosmicTusk


Duuuude, check this out...its the freakin' Younger Dryas Black Mat destruction layer!! And here's a Clovis Point -right where the nanodiamonds are!! WHHooooaaa!!! A mammoth bone!!!!! More inside the link. #ydih #askenilnow @joerogan https://www.pnas.org/content/suppl/2008/04/15/0800560105.DC1 …

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9:10 AM - Dec 24, 2019

George Howard @CosmicTusk

My good buddy Han Kloosterman (d. 2016) contemplating the Usselo Layer which covers Western Europe. Han was the first to suggest the obvious, the layer was the sedimentary signature of a tremendous catastrophe that began the Younger Dryas. #ydih #blackmat #askneilnow @joerogan
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3:57 PM - Dec 25, 2019

George Howard @CosmicTusk

Here's a kick ass pic of the Younger Dryas Black Mat destruction layer across the USA that resulted from the comet impact ~12,877 years ago. USGS link and description below #blackmat #ydih #askneilnow @joerogan https://www.usgs.gov/media/images/paleowetland-deposits-showing-black-mat …
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11:08 AM - Dec 27, 2019

George Howard @CosmicTusk

The Younger Dryas Black Mat exposure in Lommel, Belgium makes it pretty clear there was one world before -- and another world after -- the comet impact 12,877 years ago. #ydih #blackmat #askneilnow @joerogan https://cosmictusk.com/cosmic-impact-black-mat-younger-dryas/ …
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10:33 AM - Dec 28, 2019

George Howard @CosmicTusk

Here's a fine pic of my buddy Allen West and the Younger Dryas Black Mat extinction layer, taken from the NOVA episode on the #YDIH. Anyone interested in the ice age comet impact should watch this superb PBS documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh9HELjDB4U …
#blackmat #askneilnow @joerogan
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12:01 PM - Dec 29, 2019

George Howard @CosmicTusk

Take a look at the transition to the Younger Dryas after the comet in this sediment core photo from White Pond in South Carolina, in Chris Moore's paper this Fall. #ydih #blackmat #askeneilnow @joerogan https://cosmictusk.com/wp-content/uploads/Sediment-Cores-from-White-Pond-South-Carolina-contain-a-Platinum-Anomaly-Pyrogenic-Carbon-Peak-and-Coprophilous-Spore-Decline-at-12.8-ka.pdf …
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4:12 PM - Dec 30, 2019

George Howard @CosmicTusk

Let's head south and check out the Mexican Younger Dryas #BlackMat that formed after the comet impact ~12,877 years ago. Here is a globally enlightening photo from a 2018 paper by a crack team of Mexican scientists. What a pic and paper!! #ydih @askneilnow https://cosmictusk.com/wp-content/uploads/Ardeleanetal2018QIblackmat-2.pdf …
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10:35 AM - Dec 31, 2019
[B]George Howard[/B]‏ @[B]CosmicTusk[/B]

Now going waayy down south to the Younger Dryas #blackmat destruction layer in Patagonia, Chile. The layer is subtle to the eye here, but very clear to the microscope. First published evidence of the comet impact in the Southern Hemisphere. #ydih @joerogan https://cosmictusk.com/wp-content/uploads/Sedimentary-record-from-Patagonia-southern-Chile-supports-cosmic-impact-triggering-of-biomass-burning-climate-change-and-megafaunal-extinctions-at-12.8ka.pdf …


George Howard @CosmicTusk

The #YDIH #blackmat in Lommel, Belgium is rising from the grave to attack the intrepid and indispensable Dr. Joanne Ballard of the Comet Research Group in Lommel, Belgium. #askneilnow @joerogan https://cosmictusk.com/wp-content/uploads/Quartz_melt_structures_in_European_cover.pdf …
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9:00 PM - Jan 3, 2020

George Howard @CosmicTusk

The well dated paleo-site at Murray Springs, Arizona, is one of the finest expressions in North America of the #ydih #blackmat destruction layer following the comet impact. The impact was 5000x more recent than the dinosuar killer. #askneilnow @joerogan https://cosmictusk.com/wp-content/uploads/7-BLACK-MAT-1.pptx.pdf …
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5:01 PM - Jan 4, 2020

George Howard @CosmicTusk

The #YDIH #blackmat destruction layer: Cold Edition. Yep here is a pic of the widespread "dusty" layer in the Greenland Ice Sheet reflecting nasty snowfalls after the comet impact. That's about 8,000 miles from the black mat in Chile. #askneilnow @joerogan
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5:35 PM - Jan 10, 2020
As for a YG signature - The Black Mat, here is some interesting photos from the Cosmic Tusk (Twitter):

I'm eagerly continuing to follow along with the new Kosmographia podcast published continuously here (and in full un-stripped down versions here and also available on ITunes) and I'm happy to report that in podcast 16 (already recorded and soon to be published) we will see an in depth interview with George Howard from Cosmic Tusk. He is one of the pioneers of the Younger Dryas Cosmic Impact Hypothesis and co-author of the original 2007 Younger Dryas Cosmic Impact Hypothesis paper.

They are also planning to get a number of other key scientists to the podcast in the future. Can't wait!
I'm eagerly continuing to follow along with the new Kosmographia podcast published continuously here...

These have been super - enjoyed them a lot and have only scratched the surface.

Carlson just put up on Jan 21, 2020 'Carolina Bays Review / Trail of Research / Ice Projectiles?' which is 44:00 min and reviews and condenses (I think) 3 episodes from his series of the same subject. It is worth checking for a first time or as a review.

In this discussion Carlson highlights some of the scientific gate keeping (a couple of main publications) who doubled down to keep people sidetracked from the big cosmic questions while orientating the focus back to gradualism (and introducing ideas of the 'modern analogs' to explain some issues, which Carlson underlines this as their default to forming in 'topographic depressions'. These topo-depressions were said to orientate from a long list of water/weather born causes helping the depressions to be seen as they are. Of couse, nothing is said about how the depressions came to be in the first place (Carlson is pointing out how they side skirted the elephant in the room, basically).

At one point Carlson brings in his secondary theory (not primary) based on fall back Breccia, or large chunks of ice falling back as ejecta from sources) from an impact that was perhaps at the Great Lakes. It's secondary as said and is interesting and possible, and yet it does not seat with what he then proposes as primary being a trajectory out of Alaska (see photos below). Ultimately, it's a Tunguska type explosion he says, and it looks that way to me (staying open).

He urges readers to check out Henry Savage's book 'The Mysterious Carolina Bays' (1982).

This book by Savage when looked for brought up this link that
focused on the Mid Pleistocene Transition Impact (name of the website). I've not really explored it.

Here is the summary and video:

Jan 21, 2020 Cosmography101-34.2 with Randall Carlson

Summary notes/topics: Why are bays not other places toward Great Lakes? Air blast different into stone or clay than sand Exclusive to a particular type of landscape – the sandy unconsolidated sediments of the coastal plain Moon craters [grail] Messiers Twins elliptical/oblong by oblique impact Overlapping rims, Theophilus Cyrillus, Catharina – indicates relative ages Configuration of Great Lakes – formed by a great catastrophe? Radial out from east Lake Superior? Southeast coastal plain map; Carolina Bays’ original aerial photos organized into mosaic of cluster Henry Savage (1982) “Mysterious Carolina Bays” story of discovery near Myrtle Beach Not found in Louisiana (most of it a delta from floods down Mississippi River basin; Few in Texas? Peat bog formation and dating at 8-14kya; if from catastrophe, you have redistribution of materials Bottom layer is baked sand called humate; could date organics as it started to refill after formation Ocean depth hundreds of feet lower during formation, could have been thousands now underwater Southeastern rim of Bays enhanced and Terrestrial camp didn’t have an explanation for that “Ghost” bays, as they are reclaimed, but still show shadowy shape Distribution of Bays map throughout Carolinas and Georgia; most northern in New Jersey None above/north of “fall line” that crosses near Macon, GA Bays’ orientation/alignment paths toward Great Lakes; ellipticity and eccentricity changes BREAK Result of multiple fragmentation event? Flight path up across the Canadian ice sheets? Linked research to Missoula flood by questioning sudden flooding from the ice Cedric Leonard: Quest for Atlantis from mid ‘70s with chapter “The Catastrophe of 10,000 B.C.” Bretz proposed floods as result of large scale melting in the 1920’s! No source – NO FLOODS! REXpeditions of ’98 to Scablands and ’99 to valleys/trenches of British Columbia Canadian geologist paper, by John Shaw in obscure petroleum journal Fall back breccias in the form of large chunks of ice to create the Bays? Still leaning toward them being deflation hollows from aerial burst Insert LiDAR images from Davias/Cintos (End cut segment at 25:32) Lake Waccamaw info, then maps and RC flyover pics of Georgia’s Bays BREAK Nobody had gone in to investigate the bottoms; Review Douglas Johnson’s complex theory “Artesian Solution Lacustrine Aeolian” must be right, because he’s an expert… But when they studied the bottoms for the migrating inverted wells – no such evidence was found Raymond Kaczorowski in USC technical report (1977) “The Carolina Bays: A Comparison with Modern Oriented Lakes” workers have neglected modern analogs in Alaska, Chile, and Texas Alaska’s North Shore has similar, more elongated lakes – that are 13,000 years old! Critiquing his repeat of a complex theory and replication model – still requires topographic hollow Assumes that all craters must be round and concludes that some meteorite material should remain Experiment creates a football shape with a high-speed fan – after he scoops a hollow out manually Henry Savage (1982) “Mysterious Carolina Bays” – prostrate timbers from massive blow-down Waccamaw Indians’ logo “People of the Falling Star” {thought that was interesting i.e. Tunguska type event}

Some photos:

1. The Bay's as people know


2. Orientations


3. Backstory on aerial find (noticed prior in late 1800's)


4. LIDAR image


5. Further LIDAR image


6. Possible (Carlson) orientation from the NW out of Alaska to Carolina Bays (which might mean that the whole SE ocean out from the Carolina's was pounded too)


7. View from Alaska Coastal Plain (similar yet longer - shallower angle)

I'm happy to report that in podcast 16 (already recorded and soon to be published) we will see an in depth interview with George Howard from Cosmic Tusk. He is one of the pioneers of the Younger Dryas Cosmic Impact Hypothesis and co-author of the original 2007 Younger Dryas Cosmic Impact Hypothesis paper.

The first part has just been published!

Thanks for posting, Pashalis, and caught both clips (it's one show) last night, and these guys are fun to listen to while offering up their findings and speculations. Both Carlson and Howard complement each other by adding in their own thinking, which in this show went from the Bays, to Black Mat, to Greenland, with much in between. Carlson mentions stepping back and now looking at the older events in time to perhaps get his bearings (this comes up a bit as in looking at the long and short lens distance in time).

After catching many of these talks now, along with different threads here of various ideas, and stepping back a bit too, had a couple of thoughts (2 cent opinions) of things that probably can never be resolved satisfactorily; although things could be bridged between the main thinking camps.

The Camps

The landscape level camp sees the comet camp against the slow gradualism camp of the neo-Darwinists. Attack and counter attack, and Howard (Cosmic Tusk - CT) offers up a trail of these reviewed papers that go back and forth while also pointing out the gap is narrowing. That is good. CT is backed by something like fifty scientists, and many are PH.D's, thus their footing is pretty strong.

Both Carlson and Howard, and correctly so, bring up the works of Clube, Napier, Firestone, West and others. So there is a lot to draw on for them.

Carlson, especially, is a delight to listen to in describing landscape level changes, using his observations, and this is great because it is something each can participate in with our own everyday observations depending on what you see.

Now the gradualism camp represents academia in the main, so the usual things happen when their theories are challenged. This was discussed in some detail (Hancock is mentioned as being attacked relentlessly, and he is only a reporter).

Not discussed in their talk were the electrical camp (EC) with the likes of Wal Thornhill (see many threads here) et cetera, and the astrophysics camps, although the latter comes up in a brief discussion (see below).

The Sun camp comes up, sort of (Carlson), more in terms of Sun grazing comets and changes of the Sun, and this is occupying some of Carlson's recent thinking (which he says he will say more on). The Sun going nova in cycles is not considered (there is another thread here), and I don't know enough about that theory to say more.

Velikovsky is brought up by both Carlson and Howard, which they are generally dismissive of his astrophysics, which they also pointed out that Carl Sagan successfully brought low. Of course, Velikovsky, at that time, could not known advanced astrophysics and made a choice to look to Venus being spun out of Jupiter rather than allowing for things like Oort Clouds and Binary systems, which he did not know as possible factors, nor do Carlson and Howard ever bring them up (that I'm aware of) e.g., that Venus (and of course Mars interacting) seems to not be a good interloper theory in their discourse for YD. They did allow some concession for Velikovsky in some areas.


This is the newest to come into our awareness field, and CT has a lot of information on their site and it is discussed at some length at the end of the podcast.

Personally, Pierre's article seems to focus on this Greenland event, if it bears out, with some pretty interesting details, so if not read they are in the quote box below - the three articles that shoul be read in succession.
...examples from different magnitudes of earth changing events like this, this and this by Pierre Lescaudron.

This brings up the ice (have just read a little citing Colle Gnifetti Glacier studies et cetera) in an article named Getting to Grips with Greenland that seems to look, with graphs (stitch together) at the ages of ice of both Greenland and Iceland as being in the same date range (and they are island neighbors after all), and that does not seem to be at all right with data. I've found no direct papers for this sameness, yet it did get me wondering concerning how much we really know. There were those tree stumps under glacier ice near Alaska (and think in Switzerland) that are at odds with what is said in the main, and the referencing of ice core data date-ranges that keeps peoples timeline thinking on track.

Howard says of this new Greenland under the ice creator, if so, that the scientists who discovered it (and there are indicators of a second small creator 300 or so miles away) worked closely with NASA and, Defence, who the latter is just a stones throw away from the creator on the Greenland coast. According to Howard, there have been no ice cores extracted from this creator site. The story has also been somewhat buttoned down and the draft copy somewhat massaged out of direct reference to the YD event, as Howard tells. There were articles that did make the connection, yet they, too, are largely ignored.

There is something about ice dating going on (whether in the ant-Arctic, Greenland or elsewhere) that is interesting, yet don't know what to make of it let alone say what it is other than take it on faith the the picture is correctly scientific.

Myth, Water & Ice

The spikes of change are there to see; in the landscape, in build up markers of chemistry and as ice core markers, which the landscape camp and comet camp point out, and agreements vary, although more data is needed. However, the fact that something really big happened is there as markers too; asteroids and comets, yes. Electrical, it seems can't be discounted. Myths also tell that something really big also happened, and people like Velikovsky, back in his day, added that that bigness involved planets going out of phase. Thus, as far as can be seen the comet camp don't like talking to the EC camp (and forget the gradualism camp), and Velikovsky can be seen to just muddy the waters, like yeah, okay, that guy - we have to mention him, and yet there is this elephant in the room named Venus that Velikovsky kept pointing a finger at. Pierre writes about this in terms of where did earth get its water and electrical properties of the cosmos, which the C's also make a point of noting.

Lastly, Carlson and Howard were great as are other not featured in their talks, and all in all it would be nice to see all the camps bridge a little more rather than be so guarded, osit.
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allowing for things like Oort Clouds and Binary systems, which he did not know as possible factors, nor do Carlson and Howard ever bring them up (that I'm aware of)

As far as I know Carlson is somewhat aware of the binary idea, though I'm not sure if it is in connection with a possible influx of comets hypothetically generated by the close approach of the "dark brother" through the "Oort cloud". He mentioned some of those theories decades ago in some of his talks. So I think he keeps that possibility in mind but doesn't feel there is enough hard data to speculate in that direction too much at this point (my speculation).

Personally, Pierre's article seems to focus on this Greenland event, if it bears out, with some pretty interesting details, so if not read they are in the quote box below - the three articles that shoul be read in succession.

Yes the Greenland event surely is a very interesting area to look at, especially after the recent discovery of those two huge craters under the ice shield. More on that below, since Howard and Carlson had a rather interesting discussion about this discovery in the podcast mentioned above.

This brings up the ice (have just read a little citing Colle Gnifetti Glacier studies et cetera) in an article named Getting to Grips with Greenland that seems to look, with graphs (stitch together) at the ages of ice of both Greenland and Iceland as being in the same date range (and they are island neighbors after all), and that does not seem to be at all right with data. I've found no direct papers for this sameness, yet it did get me wondering concerning how much we really know. There were those tree stumps under glacier ice near Alaska (and think in Switzerland) that are at odds with what is said in the main, and the referencing of ice core data date-ranges that keeps peoples timeline thinking on track.

Yes, I'm also still rather confused by the ice mystery and especially the way those samples are dated not only in Greenland. I've talked about that on a number of places on the forum too. I think that is one of those places of scientific inquiry to look at that I think is definitely not settled yet.

Howard says of this new Greenland under the ice creator, if so, that the scientists who discovered it (and there are indicators of a second small creator 300 or so miles away) worked closely with NASA and, Defence, who the latter is just a stones throw away from the creator on the Greenland coast. According to Howard, there have been no ice cores extracted from this creator site. The story has also been somewhat buttoned down and the draft copy somewhat massaged out of direct reference to the YD event, as Howard tells. There were articles that did make the connection, yet they, too, are largely ignored.

Howard and Carlson's discussion on the recent discovery of those two craters (the Hiawatha crater and the other one near by) reveals quite some information I wasn't aware of. Especially Howard has somewhat of an inside scoop to tell on how the discovery was made and how the mainstream pretty much freaked out about it and silenced it as fast as they could. Carlson makes a really good point that this discovery in particularly could seriously undermine the current political discourse about man made global warming and all the stakes invested in it all over the globe. Carlson is of the opinion that this event (and everything connected to the Younger Drayas catalysm in general) is very much politically loaded, especially nowadays, so that powerful forces try their best to suppress and undermine the work in that arena.

Here is the part in which they start to discuss the Hiawatha crater and what happened behind the scenes and in the public discourse. Very much sounds like Hiawatha and the other crater could be the smoking gun everyone was asking for in terms of the Younger Drayas Cataclysms. Naturally, this has to be suppressed at all costs.

There is something about ice dating going on (whether in the ant-Arctic, Greenland or elsewhere) that is interesting, yet don't know what to make of it let alone say what it is other than take it on faith the the picture is correctly scientific.

Yes I feel similarly about it at this point.
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