Re: 2008 Crop Circles and the Cassiopaeans

Anart, thanks for the helpful comment on obtaining 'The Secret History of the World'. After Laura's question I trotted over to the Cassiopaean Site and eventually linked to 'The Ark of the Covenent and Solomon's Temple' and am reading from there. Unfortunately, they are only excerpts and I read them a year or so ago, and there is nothing like an actual book in one's hands, osit. I did think the book was generally obtainable. for some reason.

Perhaps one of my family will lend me their credit card ;), and we'll see how we go from there.
Ok, here are a few more things for the pot, hopefully they add to the discussion and I'm not just baking noodles :/

This cross is a significant sign because not only does it suggest a "crossroads" but also why we are at these crossroads. Because this cross is a Rosy Cross, it represents the intersection of matter and spirit.

Zelator said:
All the arcane images of the west front of Amiens (cathedral which intrigued Fulcanelli) are contained in the quatrafoils. This in itself is a significant thing, for the quatrefoil is made up of four crescents - symbolic of the four phases of the Moon throughout the month. In the quatrefoil which contains the Niagara of water, the heavens open in the uppermost crescent, as if to indicate that this is a lunar Heaven (or sphere), and the magic water it dispenses is a lunar dew. In fact, it is the 'philosophical dew' of the alchemists - one of the great Mysteries of this mysterious art. It is not straining ancient mythology too far to see in this cascade the dual streams of the tears of the "weeping sisters," the Egyptian goddesses, Isis and Nephthys, the combined influence of the light and dark Moons.
In Latin, this dew is Ros. As we have seen, some hermetic experts argue that the three letters form the beginning of the word Rosicrucian, a word which pertains to the most important secret brotherhood in late mediaeval Europe. These initiates, who united the secret of the lunar dew with the cross were practising Christians who sought ot evolve spiritually by means of meditation through arcane alchemical processes.
The meditative practices were, in a very real sense, inner disciplines. They were concerned with inducing picture-formation into the cross (itself a symbol, on one level at least, of the intersection of matter and spirit) was laid upon the chaotic lunar influences of imaginination through Spiritual disciplines. The aim of imposing such a structure was to turn these lunar forces into what was called, in the mediaeval world, fantasy. In this sense, fantasy could be squeezed from the dew of the Moon. The Ros dew was subjected to the directional organization of the cross....
Esotericists see the Moon as having the power to suck out the vital solar forces of man: it will augment the growth of physical forms, at the expense of the Spiritual. The lunar power had sway over human "imagination" and was seen by the esotericists as a dream-like or soporific influence on mankind, recalling the Greek myth of Selene.

So we have the two aspects of the Moon, the dark aspect that keeps us sleeping and the light aspect which enlightens, depicted by Nephthys and Isis, repectively.

Q: So, we need to go fly a kite... (C) With a particular
shape and symbol...
A: Research kites.

FWIW, Isis was also associated with the kite.

In nature the mother's role as defender and guardian of new life is manifested in the very biological traits the possesses, for in much of the animal kingdom the female is comparitively larger than the male. This observation is especially true of diurnal raptors, birds of prey that are primarily active during the daylight hours, because "in almost all species, females are larger than males - noticeably so in some species."4 The Goddess Isis was commonly known to appear as a kite, a raptor that closely resembles a falcon. After reassembling the dismembered corpse of Osiris which had been scattered throughout Egypt by Set, Isis took the form of a kite and gave the breath of life to Her husband/brother with the great sweep of Her wings. It was also in this form that Isis conceived Horus once She revived Osiris. She is frequently shown in both fully kite form as well as in human form with the wings of a kite. The winged Isis along with a winged Nephthys, Selket (Serket), and Neith are poised at each of the four corners of many a sarcophagi and canopic chest in order to guard the bodily remains of the deceased, which in Egyptian funerary belief holds the key to a pleasant afterlife. Thus represented on such containers, Isis' protective qualities are invoked for eternity.

Laura said:
Why are all of Fulcanelli's books dedicated to the "Brothers Heliopolis?"

At the church of Rennes-le-Chateau a stone slab was found at the foot of the high altar. It is known as the Knights's Slab because on ne of its panels two knights are depicted riding on one horse. This slab is thought to be either Merovingian or Carolingian. The seal of the Knights Temlar also bears this image of a horse with two riders. These are the two Brothers, the sons of the Goddess. When the two are in balance, riding as one, there is harmony in the universe. (RotA)

But what happens when they are not in balance.....?

Zelator said:
It is important to distinguish...Helios the Sun-god (which is equated with Ra, or Aten) from Apollo (which is equated with Knepth). Knepth is mentioned in early hermetic literature as a black-god (some say he was blue-black). Recent research suggests that the darkness is cyclical, for Knepth is an aspect of Ammon, and "When he closes his eyes, all things become dark."

And from Refuge of the Apocalypse:

It must be understood that the polarities, the positive and negative, can be portrayed by either the two Brothers, or by male and female, brother and sister...

The Cross of Lorraine: its one vertical bar represents the masculine principle, its two horizontal bars the feminine, with its duality positive and negative... It is necessary that we understand the Law of Duality, and also the Law of Reconciliation, the balance point, the "squaring of the circle." It is for this that a comprehension of the story of the two sons of the Goddess is essential. The ancient secret societies were aware of this truth, for the Masons were indeed the Sons of May, the Sons of the Goddess. They recognized that the Temple of Solomon had been built by the two Brothers, the Sons who work in harmony in the Cosmos

So the conclusion is nothing new, this knowledge of duality, within and without, above and below, is very important. How does that relate to the "double catastrophe?" I think it is a double catastrophe because man sleeps while the Earth prepares to undergo its cyclical cataclysms and in so doing, is contributing to their intensities. That suggests to me, a double catastrophe, osis.
Hi Laurel, have you read Secret History of the World yet? Laura goes into quite some depth on the 'Brothers Heliopolis' and the connection between that phrase and the twin suns, cyclical catastrophe and much more.
anart said:
have you read Secret History of the World yet? Laura goes into quite some depth on the 'Brothers Heliopolis' and the connection between that phrase and the twin suns, cyclical catastrophe and much more.

Hi, anart.

Yes, I did read SHotW. But since Laura included that question again on this thread, I thought she was suggesting we bring this information up again in terms of the crop circle. The information I included was a little different from the information in SHotW but the conclusions are the same, osit. :) [edit: Did I miss the mark, so to speak?]
Laura said:
bedower said:
Yes, the same box is empty on my screen also.

Had a dangling quote code...

Meanwhile, I added a couple more excerpts to the above, and now think I'll include an unpublished session that may add something to the topic.
2 Feb 2003
Q: ... One of the questions we would like to clear up is the issue of the Holy Grail and the Ark. Is the Ark of the covenant - the ark thing given to the early pre-Mosaic Jews that you have described previously - the same as the Holy Grail?
A: No.
Q: (L) So there are two completely different technologies?
A: If you wish to term it such.
Q: (L) Why did they answer the question that way? What is the distinguishing thing between them? (A) Maybe 'as such' refers to the fact that you termed it 'technology.' Maybe this is not quite the correct term. Technology can be part of it, but maybe not the most important part. (H) Is one an STS tool and the other an STO tool?
A: Yes and no.
Q: (H) Thanks guys! That's real clear!
A: This is an issue that will clarify itself soon enough.
Q: (L) Is my idea correct that we can identify the presence of these more-or-less technologies by the architecture or art or megalithic structures of the different groups on the planet?
A: To some extent, yes. But do not let that be the only clue. You might consider "lifestyle" as well as the presence and uses of metals; particularly gold vs. iron.
Q: (L) So, we have a whole different set of clues to look at here. Alrighty then! Was what we are calling the Ark of the Covenant at Baalbek?
A: No. But there were certainly those who had advanced knowledge.
Q: (L) I hate it when they do that: blow my theory to bits. Was there a "grail faction" and an "ark faction?"
A: Pretty much.
Q: (L) Was Baalbek built by the Ark Faction or the Grail Faction?
A: It was Ark Faction.
Q: (H) Well, we got that part right. (L) Once before we discussed Nefertiti and Sarah being one and the same person. We have now been discussing the idea, based on some significant clues in ancient documents, that this individual was also Helen of Troy. Is this, in fact, a useful idea to follow? Is it a correct assessment of the clues?
A: Indeed!
Q: (L) That would mean that, according to the story, that Paris/Alexander would be the same individual as Abraham and that Herodotus' story of Paris and Helen sojourning in Egypt was true?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) We have the brother issue to deal with. We have Abraham and his nephew, Lot. Then we have Moses and Aaron, Jacob and Esau, Isaac and Ishmael. Were all of these sets of brothers just different aspects or views on the same stories, a set of singular individuals, whether brothers or not?
A: Pretty much though with added elements from other stories blended in.
Q: (L) Was it a brother/brother relationship as in actual brothers?
A: No. The "brother" relationship was created to legitimize a "false" line of transmission.
Q: (L) So there wasn't a brother, or Aaronic relationship present, assuming any part of that story was true. Is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) One aspect of the variation on the story was that Jacob gave his brother, Esau, the 'blessing' and some 'gift.' Does this reflect an accurate part of the story that Moses, in his form as Jacob, passed something on to someone else - something that was important?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was it Moses/Abraham who was doing this?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Who did he pass it on to?
A: It was finally understood by "Moses" that the danger of the object was greater than the ability of descendants to resist corruption. He handed it over to those who had created it.
Q: (H) Was it STS or STO forces that created it?
Q: (H) So, the Ark was an object created by STS. Did this amount to some sort of realization on Moses' part? Did he start to wake up?
A: Yes. The story of the "contending with the angel" was the significant turning point as well as the moment of return.
Q: (L) What was the blessing he gave to "Esau", if giving the object to the "angel" was the event of returning the ark? What was the story there?
A: Two separate events.
Q: (L) So, he returned the ark to the so-called angel. And then, he gave something to someone else. Previously, when I asked about this, you said that what he gave to Esau was "trampled leaves of wrath, the blue apples incarnate," and remarked that I should inquire into the "core meaning."
A: And who was "Kore?"
Q: (L) Was this Abraham's daughter?
A: It was the last living member of the Perseid family.
Q: (L) Was it a male or female?
A: Female.
Q: (L) And how did Abraham come to be in possession of this female?
A: Search the text and you will see.
Q: (H) If this person was the last member of the Perseid family, does that mean that Paris/Abraham was a member of this family?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was this person someone who was part of Abraham's group because he kidnapped her?
A: That is going in the right direction, though not quite that simple.
Q: (H) They are saying that this was a female who was kidnapped? Could it be Helen?
A: No!
Q: (L) Previously we were told that Helen was a genetically tweaked Hittite. Were her parents anybody who would be familiar to us outside of mythology?
A: No.
Q: (L) So her parentage was strictly mythical. Was she a member of any esteemed family or royal family along that line as has been claimed?
A: Here also you will make a discovery.

I've made a number of discoveries about all this, but ya'll will have to wait for my book on Moses to get the whole scoop... believe me, it's humdinger!

Q: (L) Going back to this person - the last living member of the Perseid family - who was handed over by Abraham in his Jacob persona to someone else, who was this person handed over to and why?
A: For protection from the fury of "Helen."
Q: (L) So, there is a reflection of that in the story of Hagar the Egyptian. Who was she handed over to?
A: The "Dragon Slayers."
Q: (L) You mentioned before that Helen/Nefertiti/Sarah was locked up by Akhenaten. Why, specifically, was she locked up?
A: He became unable to function and the action was taken by others.
Q: (L) Did Akhenaten go mad as I have surmised?
A: Pretty much.
Q: (L) Did he fall in the Nile and get eaten by a crocodile as the story about one pharaoh suggests?
A: No Crocodile.
Q: So, he just fell in and drowned?
A: More like he was "helped."
Q: (L) Sounds to me like this poor guy was just a patsy all around.
A: Yup.
Q: The story about the plague that is told in Manetho, was this a plague as in leprosy, a disease, or something else?
A: It was multiple elements including leprosy.
Q: (L) What were these different elements?
A: Consider the writings about cometary showers.
Q: (L) Was any of this radiation sickness from being around the ark as we have surmised?
A: Not so much since it was kept contained.
Q: (L) Did Helen/Nefertit/Sarah get some sort of sickness that contributed to the necessity of locking her up?
A: No, in fact it was the fact that she did not get sick that made her the object of suspicion.
Q: (L) So, she didn't get leprosy. That means that Miriam was not part of the Helen/Nefertiti/Sarah element, is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was Helen from Argo?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was someone from Argo?
A: Yes.
Q: [Laughter.] (L) Well, I mean involved in this particular story.
A: Oh, indeed, and that may be an important clue!
Q: (L) In reading the texts, we read about the Libyans and Ethiopians and it seems that anybody who didn't live in the Delta was called either a Libyan or an Ethiopian. Who were these so-called Libyan/Ethiopians, who lived in Egypt and other areas of North Africa, and where did they come from?
A: Various identities at various times.
Q: (L) So, these were names applied to different peoples at different times and we would have to ask specific questions about specific groups at specific times to narrow it down. Who were the so-called "Libyans" of the Exodus of 2676 BC, recorded as a Libyan rebellion by Manetho?
A: Sumerian and Aryan mix.
Q: Did this group end up in Crete?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) You said on previous occasions that the pyramids in Egypt - that is, the Great Pyramid at Giza and its companions - were built by Atlantean descendants. We would like to know which precise group of Atlantean descendants built these specific pyramids?
A: Leave this one until you have connected more dots.
Q: (L) Is it going to surprise us?
A: No doubt!
Q: (H) Is the importance of Argos related to the myth of Jason and the Argonauts?
A: Yup.
Q: (H) Does it have something to do with the individuals who flew away on the Ram?
A: Mmmmm .... And did she really drown?

Keeping in mind the distorted story of Abraham's attempted sacrifice of Isaac and the Ram in the thicket...

Q: (H) Is it a significant fact that this girl's name was similar to Helen of Troy?
A: Could be a clue. All those stories of escape from confinement and flying and cataclysm...? Who was imprisoned? Why? Good night.
Q: (H) Stories of escape - there's the story of Daedalus and Icarus... We have Colchis, Jason, the argonauts. We have the last living member of the Perseid family... all mixed up with Abraham and Sarah otherwise known as Paris and Helen who was also Nefertiti. (L) And Abraham wanted to save this individual from the fury of Helen. (S) And why was Helen furious? What happened when Helen got furious? (H) A thousand ships got launched... (L) And a lot of people died and have been dying ever since from this whole monotheistic rant. And it looks like Helen/Nefertiti/Sarah is the main source of the whole deal. A Hittite hybrid with a big skull like those heads of the Ica in Peru. And the C's have said that there were hybrids in Peru that were supposed to have been attempts to create a 3rd density body for direct STS incarnation. And it looks like Sarah/Helen/Nefertiti was one of them. No wonder women have been given a bad name. We have our work cut out for us.

Anyway, just thought I'd toss this in there...

If I understand what you are saying the Holy Grail and the Ark of Covenant are two different things. To be honest I thought Holy Grail and the Ark were the same thing.

-The Ark of Covenant would be an object, an artifact which was handed over by Moses to those who had created it. This object was used in the past for STS purpose.

-The Holy Grail wouldn't be an object (cup, chalice, stone etc...), in fact it would be a bloodline:
October 5, 1994 F** and Laura
Q: (L) Is that, as some people claim, the true meaning of the search for the Holy Grail, that it is not a cup but the "Sang Real", or holy blood line?
A: Yes.

Do you think I am right?
I found that this crop circle (UK - o7.o8) was really similar to Ark's computer simulation (of?) conformal infinity. Would that make the circle in the middle Antinifinity?
guimondaniel said:
I found that this crop circle (UK - o7.o8) was really similar to Ark's computer simulation (of?) conformal infinity. Would that make the circle in the middle Antinifinity?

looks like someone dancing... :pirate: sorry, just kidding

jeff said:
If I understand what you are saying the Holy Grail and the Ark of Covenant are two different things. To be honest I thought Holy Grail and the Ark were the same thing.

Or is it that the Calice (grail) and Arch may be understood as representing two different spiritualities to quote illion's words (STS/STO?) ?

My apologies for going way off the deep end in off topicville, but wanted to share something from last Saturday. I'd gone to a friends house where I often go and hang out to get away from the city. Hadn't known he was so severely jacked up with a spinal injury. Went out back to have a cig and was sitting facing the constellation cassiopaea, or in the direction that I think it is. Sadly my wife and his were off getting some groceries or I'd be posting a picture that specifically looks like the third and fourth image off Laura's original post (#1) on this topic, but it was made up of clouds. The 3rd, 4th and 5th image here really define it more in particular.

It was a stunning sight. Very feminine. The shock was really agitating. I couldn't do anything, my friend was out cold, all the girls - wives/children, who know specifically where a camera is - were gone. It was so clear and vivid.. arg! Been kicking thoughts around to try and express the "hello, wakey wakey" feeling I had. It was Sat. the 16th around 9:30-10PM PST. To add more detail - the pupils of the eyes were parts of the constellation. It all passed within a couple of moments, but the lips, brows.. most feminine. What freaked me out most is over the previous few days I'd been looking over the images - as those mentioned in post #1 and the link above provided. Maybe I'm just seeing what I want to see but I swear if I'd taken a picture and sized it properly it would overlay the images perfectly if the angles could be squared up.

That night there was a pretty good electrical storm from midnight to 2-3AM. Feel kind of dumb posting it here and not in the baked noodles section. It sounds really bizarre and strange to me, but I'd put it on the grave of my own father that it's the truth and happened in a completely fully awake (not 100% mental but physical) state. It fit the mesh kind of pattern exactly. Maybe if your one of those people who sucks at names but rarely if ever forgets a face.. it wasn't puffy the dog cloud crap and I don't do hallucinogenic anything.. bla! Wanna kick myself in the rump for not having a camera! :curse:!
Jake Tassell said:
I don't know if anyone has seen the pics of the Yatesbury "diamond" crop-circle. It reminded me of the following...

Session: 941107

Q: What is the "philosopher's stone?"
A: Idea centre.
Q: How can this idea centre be accessed?
A: Many ways: meditation is best.
Q: Is there any visual image of the philosopher's stone that one could use to access it in meditation?
A: Yes. Diamond or prism.

Jake, it seems Terran forces made this one:

http:// www. cropcircleconnector. com/2008/yatesbury/yatesbury2008.html

Scroll down the page to read some of the comments on the 'diamond circle':

Di Meile said:
The diamond crop circle to me represents the Christ Consciousness. I have always been taught that this is what the Diamond represents!!!!!! I am a teacher of Esoteric philosophy and Meditation....


Michelle said:
It is known that at the centre of our Earth rotates a giant solid iron crystal. Twenty-seven years ago, a vision of the great heart of the Earth was given to me. When I saw the arrival of the crop circle at Yatesbury, nr Beckhampton, Wiltshire, August 3, I recognized that it is time to share the experience since this kind of information does not belong to one person alone.


Carol said:

Note the light diffraction indicated on the
top right facet. Unfinished?

Yet, here it is … finished? How – when –
and by whom? Is the jury still out on this one?

Kniall said:
Scroll down the page to read some of the comments on the 'diamond circle':

;D - yep most of the comments and 'interpretations' on cropcircleconnector are 'entertaining', so to speak... :whistle:
Carol said:

Note the light diffraction indicated on the
top right facet. Unfinished?

Yet, here it is … finished? How – when –
and by whom? Is the jury still out on this one?

The missing facet is curious. The pictures were taken by two different photographers. :huh:
Meg said:
Carol said:

Note the light diffraction indicated on the
top right facet. Unfinished?

Yet, here it is … finished? How – when –
and by whom? Is the jury still out on this one?

The missing facet is curious. The pictures were taken by two different photographers. :huh:

I think it has more to do with the angle of the camera when the picture was taken.....check the shadows closely on the 'unfinished' side.
It appears finished to me in both shots. :flowers:
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