Reality split?

I don’t know what this is, a split in reality or a huge split in perceptions due to trance like conditions. I am gobsmacked most of the time at the absurdity of what I am witnessing. To me it’s like watching clowns riding around on giant tricycles doing tricks. And yet, there are so many people I know, professional, seemingly intelligent, buying it all and not seeing any clownery whatsoever. This mass programming has been going on for a long time, I know, and yet, I do believe it is reaching its apex and they are much sloppier now that “time” is of the essence within their evil agenda.

When I was led to Laura’s work around 2000 or so, it was after having prayed very earnestly and fervently for truth, whatever that may be. (I was part of the new age light and love brigade……. no explanation needed). When I read her work and the transcripts, I didn’t want to believe any of it. After several months of feeling like I was having a mini nervous breakdown (from what I was reading), it all began to suddenly feel right to me, make sense, and a strange calmness came over me, even though I wasn’t in love with these revelations by any means. I think that mini nervous breakdown was my programming being broken, and that’s why it felt like I was doing something wrong and I’d better stop. Ever since, I have always been on a quest for truth in all things. It’s not easy, it's hard work, but a lot of THIS lunacy we are seeing doesn’t seem to require much of that.

I wonder if there has always been obvious clownery, but in my hypnotic state I couldn’t see it back then either, just as so many can’t see it now. I suppose I’m fortunate that I have a few good friends, some family and most importantly my adult children (who I pleaded with to read the transcripts when they were older teens. They thank me now, not so much back then) who are all on the same page, so to speak. I have a good friend whose family has given her a very hard time, not fully shunning her, but agreeing that “mom is not well” because of her opposing views to the promoted narratives. One of HER friends, however, was given an ultimatum by her family, a woman who was totally against receiving the shot. Her family (husband, children and extended) told her if she did not comply, she would be completely shunned, divorced and would never see any of them again. She was devastated, but she complied and did as they wished. I don’t want to judge people for the choices they make. I don’t know their stories or the past traumas that motivate their actions. But if my family ever put that ultimatum to me, much as I love them; I would look at it as if pods were placed under their beds at some point, they were all body snatchers now, and I’d walk away. Unfortunately, my husband may be a body snatcher. I say this (half) in jest, but he sees none of this or at least pretends he doesn’t. He never took the shot. He said he just didn’t believe in it. But I think it had more to do with his very healthy sister having a stroke shortly after her second shot, than his truly not believing in it. It spooked him. He will not accept that anything is really wrong, says the world has always been this way, and things will right themselves again. He will only converse with me about banalities now. It upsets me and most of the time I won’t answer. When I asked why he is doing that, talking to me about the weather like I’m a stranger; he said he tries to only bring up things that will not allow me the opportunity to segue into any of that “doom talk”. I can segue from anything into the “doom talk” if I want to, and most of the time I don’t want to. (Talk about the weather and I can bring up how often it’s probably manufactured :). Anyway, he is a good man, and I’m sad about it. He is becoming like a ghost to me, disappearing in an odd way and I feel there is nothing I can do about it, or am even supposed to do about it. He also subscribes to the notion that “mom’s not well”, although my children then tell him he must believe that they are "not well" either. This has also happened with some very good friends who seem to go into trance if you try to broach different perspectives on the current narratives. It’s not that we have to even talk about any of that. There are other areas in which we can still connect meaningfully I'm sure. I still do want levity in my life, difficult as it may be to come by these days. But for some reason, I have no desire to be with those friends and I don’t know how to change that or if I’m even supposed to.

There are times I take out the popcorn; hard not to. But for me, much of the time I feel too sad for that. I’m definitely feeling the split, whatever it really is, not to mention noticing some “strange” things happening more frequently lately. But that’s for a different post.
Of course as anything, a refresher of the Cs version of soul smashing would do a lot of good so I shall read again the pertinent areas where it's been mentioned
What ever going to happen, I think, the “soul smashing” is worse than death in one’s own physical body.
But, actually I am here because like most of other forum members, we all learn something new every day and gain knowledge from Laura and Cs information.
And further more, in the future, we have chance to learn completely new things in 4D realm and explore something new. And helping others. Just thinking about it, make me so, happy and grateful to Dvine Cosmic Mind.

(Data)I have one more. The C's once described the Wave as hyperkinetic sensate. I would like to know when a person does work on himself, facing one's own mechanical nature and the mechanical nature of others, that also creates sensations that I thought could be hyperkinetic too. Are these two things comparable? Would a person that works on himself, is that comparable to hyperkinetic sensate that the Wave was described as?

A: It can be. A person who struggles with intense emotion and masters it is somewhat inoculated.

Q: (L) So if you experience these hyperkinetic sensate experiences incrementally or gradually inside yourself by working with yourself, and you deal with them, then you are not subject to being blown apart by the hyperkinetic sensate Wave that comes later? Well, I mean, come on! It looks to me like we're already experiencing it. Look how all these people are acting all over the planet. If that's not a hyperkinetic sensate... I mean, you see those so-called Social Justice Warriors? When I saw the screaming woman with the glasses on after Trump's election, I mean... And the rest of them? They're just acting freakin' CRAZY! So I would say that hyperkinetic sensate is partly involved with the disintegration and the soul smashing. It's like insane. Am I right there?

A: Yes

Q: (L) You once said that the wave was something like "hyperkinetic sensate". And I've often wondered if that means that it's something that massively amplifies whatever is inside an individual? And if that were the case and they were full of a lot of unpleasant, painful, miserable feelings, repressed and suppressed thoughts and so forth, and something that was hyperkinetic sensate amplified all of that, what would it do to that individual? I mean, can you imagine any of us in our worst state of feeling yucky and then having that amplified a bazillion times? If it was bad stuff inside you, you would implode!

A: Soul smashing!

Q: (L) So it is really important for people to go through this process of cleansing to prepare themselves for that?

A: Yes, then they will "rise up with wings as eagles"!

Q: (L) So, we are in a period where the energies around us are basically dissolving things. Is that it?

A: Close. If subject to that. Other things are solid and merely experience the surrounding chaos externally.

Q: (L) So maybe that relates to like some people who are disintegrating
. It kinda goes back to: do you go under the Wave, or do you surf it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Those that go under the Wave get dissolved. Those who ride the Wave or surf it... And it affects our critters and things around us, but because of their interaction with us, we can pull them along with us on the crest of the Wave. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So at the closing of this grand cycle everything will just start all over again?

A: Not exactly; you see, there is no start.

Q: (L) Are a lot of souls on the earth going to recycle into these new bodies coming onto the earth?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) As ancient mankind?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And do the whole thing all over again?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, in other words, a lot of people are going back to square one?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is this punishment.

A: No. Nature.

A: Remember the "lake of fire" in the Book of Revelation? Remember that those who live by the sword will die by the sword?

Q: (Keit) What's "lake of fire"? (Allen) In Revelation where all those who didn't accept Christ would be thrown in... (Joe) Hell, basically.

A: Soul smashing

(DD) What happens to a soul after it is smashed?

A: Primal matter. Start the cycle over. Millions or billions of years acquiring consciousness.
I think one of the potential 'splits' that is occuring is that alot of people want to be told what to think, say, like, do etc.

I have notice this too. They are actually terrified of making a decisions. Their brains shut down and they become so anxious about choosing as if there will be a fatal consequence if they choose the wrong one. I could be a consequence of social medias cancel culture. Fear of social shaming has turned them into terrified snowflakes. Which is the preferred behavior of tyranticle leaders. So sad.
Thank you all so much for baring (and bearing) your feelings at this time. These messages have brought me some relief (ah, here’s the same page people!)

Aside from appreciation, I thought I could offer the visual model I’ve been working with. I am borrowing it from a Beatle’s song - Glass Onion!

I feel something similar. I would compare it to viewing reality through glass at first when the plandemic began, as if something was separating me. On Friday after coming from work, I asked my daughter if she had a sense of inadequacy about the whole situation. That was the feeling I had. Like I didn't fit in here, like I had stepped into another reality. I just hope this one is not my destination.

Does it make sense when translated?

Translated with (free version)
This makes a lot of sense to me. And that sense was surely exacerbated by all of the plexiglass barriers that went up apparently overnight to protect us from each other’s ... was it “droplets?”

Don Juan said, “We are men and our lot in life is to learn and to be hurled into inconceivable new worlds.” When I read those worlds, I imagine a person, usually myself, tightly curled up in the center of an onion. The very center fold. The inconceivable new world would be the next layer of the onion.

The notion of the Glass Onion echoes the idea of crystallizing because, whatever layer of the onion one currently inhabits, the layers before and after are more or less visible. We may feel trapped or stuck at times, but we can perceive these other planes.

As an actual onion cooks, the layers become more transparent, and as they become very mushy, they also begin to separate. I suppose that is the fate of the artificial constructs under pressure, or when the heat is on.

I also recall a lecture from Alan Watts about motivation and genuine behavior. He says something along the lines of: if you are peeling an onion without understanding the nature of the onion, you will remove layer after layer looking for the pit, like any other fruit will have. And you will find that there’s is nothing left. You must understand that an onion is all skins. That’s the part we eat.

Thanks for peeling with me, friends!
I don’t know what this is, a split in reality or a huge split in perceptions due to trance like conditions. I am gobsmacked most of the time at the absurdity of what I am witnessing. To me it’s like watching clowns riding around on giant tricycles doing tricks. And yet, there are so many people I know, professional, seemingly intelligent, buying it all and not seeing any clownery whatsoever. This mass programming has been going on for a long time, I know, and yet, I do believe it is reaching its apex and they are much sloppier now that “time” is of the essence within their evil agenda.

When I was led to Laura’s work around 2000 or so, it was after having prayed very earnestly and fervently for truth, whatever that may be. (I was part of the new age light and love brigade……. no explanation needed). When I read her work and the transcripts, I didn’t want to believe any of it. After several months of feeling like I was having a mini nervous breakdown (from what I was reading), it all began to suddenly feel right to me, make sense, and a strange calmness came over me, even though I wasn’t in love with these revelations by any means. I think that mini nervous breakdown was my programming being broken, and that’s why it felt like I was doing something wrong and I’d better stop. Ever since, I have always been on a quest for truth in all things. It’s not easy, it's hard work, but a lot of THIS lunacy we are seeing doesn’t seem to require much of that.

I wonder if there has always been obvious clownery, but in my hypnotic state I couldn’t see it back then either, just as so many can’t see it now. I suppose I’m fortunate that I have a few good friends, some family and most importantly my adult children (who I pleaded with to read the transcripts when they were older teens. They thank me now, not so much back then) who are all on the same page, so to speak. I have a good friend whose family has given her a very hard time, not fully shunning her, but agreeing that “mom is not well” because of her opposing views to the promoted narratives. One of HER friends, however, was given an ultimatum by her family, a woman who was totally against receiving the shot. Her family (husband, children and extended) told her if she did not comply, she would be completely shunned, divorced and would never see any of them again. She was devastated, but she complied and did as they wished. I don’t want to judge people for the choices they make. I don’t know their stories or the past traumas that motivate their actions. But if my family ever put that ultimatum to me, much as I love them; I would look at it as if pods were placed under their beds at some point, they were all body snatchers now, and I’d walk away. Unfortunately, my husband may be a body snatcher. I say this (half) in jest, but he sees none of this or at least pretends he doesn’t. He never took the shot. He said he just didn’t believe in it. But I think it had more to do with his very healthy sister having a stroke shortly after her second shot, than his truly not believing in it. It spooked him. He will not accept that anything is really wrong, says the world has always been this way, and things will right themselves again. He will only converse with me about banalities now. It upsets me and most of the time I won’t answer. When I asked why he is doing that, talking to me about the weather like I’m a stranger; he said he tries to only bring up things that will not allow me the opportunity to segue into any of that “doom talk”. I can segue from anything into the “doom talk” if I want to, and most of the time I don’t want to. (Talk about the weather and I can bring up how often it’s probably manufactured :). Anyway, he is a good man, and I’m sad about it. He is becoming like a ghost to me, disappearing in an odd way and I feel there is nothing I can do about it, or am even supposed to do about it. He also subscribes to the notion that “mom’s not well”, although my children then tell him he must believe that they are "not well" either. This has also happened with some very good friends who seem to go into trance if you try to broach different perspectives on the current narratives. It’s not that we have to even talk about any of that. There are other areas in which we can still connect meaningfully I'm sure. I still do want levity in my life, difficult as it may be to come by these days. But for some reason, I have no desire to be with those friends and I don’t know how to change that or if I’m even supposed to.

There are times I take out the popcorn; hard not to. But for me, much of the time I feel too sad for that. I’m definitely feeling the split, whatever it really is, not to mention noticing some “strange” things happening more frequently lately. But that’s for a different post.
Hi LeeLee, it does indeed look like your reality is changing... Those close to you suddenly feel like strangers and there is a big disconnect. There is a lot of pain when you watch those close to you unable or unwilling to wake up from their deadly illusions, and dive deeper into the mire. The other day my son asked me how come I am such a refusenik. I told him that at one point in time you come to realise that the game is rigged. At that point you have to make a decision as to whether you will seek to escape or just ignore. I gave him a couple of books to read and left it at that. I also send him links on articles that will intrigue him and promot discussions. Free will must be observed. Stay strong in your journey, read and network on the forum, work on yourself and participate in the forum projects. You are not alone and all will be well.
Thank you kinyash, indeed, changing sometimes by the minute. It seems you are doing a good thing with your son, leaving seeds. That's all we can do. I did that as well with my children. I didn't try to force anything on them, just asked them to please read and let me know thoughts. At first, they were only mildly interested. As they grew up, we had many good discussions. Yes, free will must be observed, which is why, frustrated as I sometimes do become with my husband ( I'm still very much a work in progress), I do realize it is not for me to change his mind or convince him of anything. If he asks, however (not about the weather) I will be most happy to share my thoughts. But alas, he doesn't. Yes, this forum, even though I do not participate as much as I could or should, (working on that too) is the most amazing blessing. I don't know that I would have made it this far, relatively in tact, without it.
There was another thought that occurred to me while I was pondering about this today.

And it was when I pondered the word reality and what it could mean, and I thought that despite the deep disagreements in almost all levels of public discourse, and the propaganda that people buy into about events of global importance, the reality of human existence on planet earth is actually far more vast than these ideas.

Don't get me wrong, if a person has the tendency to jump from lie to lie, it can only create an exponential disconnection from reality itself, and that makes them almost impossible to relate to, or to connect with. And if it continues, their behavior will ultimately lead to their own downfall I think.

However, something that I've been through is to be able to find common ground with people who see the world, in some key areas, in a completely different way than mine, mostly associated with MSM. But once that hurdle is passed, the realization is that despite such disparity, we still have a lot more in common in our experience of this planet than not.

From very basic things, we may disagree on how the world operates at the highest levels of power, but we all experience hunger and cold and fall in love and are afraid and wish to belong and so on. So, as a matter of strategy and a bit of rebellion, I practice to find the common ground with another human being, despite our disagreements. Strategy because it's a lot less of an energy investment to relate to them as humans, than to attempt to convince them of anything. And a futile one at that.

And rebellion, because I do think that part of the agenda is to deepen these gaps of disagreement to such an extent, as to make human connexion ever more difficult to attain. Increase polarization and thus... divide et impera.

So, I suppose that the meaning of reality could be a lot larger than I initially realized, and it may include a lot more of the human experience that we all go through without the need of an ideology. A difference in perception of that reality is possible and definitely evident, and I daresay could eventually lead to a deep break of ties between large groups of people. But I don't think that it would split reality per se, I think such a split is actually part of reality itself.
And rebellion, because I do think that part of the agenda is to deepen these gaps of disagreement to such an extent, as to make human connexion ever more difficult to attain. Increase polarization and thus... divide et impera.
Fully agree on that, it's now my goal too ,to find something to share with peoples vs only seeing their blind spots, not so easy at first but part of the Work. IMO
Faith is the key to face what is coming, happy learning to all!
There is certainly a strong degree and impression of unreality at the present and has been for a couple of years since covid. Perhaps it is a type of branching out with some being aligned with a different reality and their path deviating from the paths taken by the "believers of the narrative". I think after covid seemed to die down at the beginning of the year everyone thought things would get back to "normal". However the situation in Ukraine has continued the same strange trend that we have lived through for the past two years. Now we have the approaching spectre of severe food and fuel shortages. This does not seem to have hit the masses quite yet. Apparently the pain of that is yet to come. It is the same old situation whereby if things are introduced slowly then everyone gets used to them and they become the new normal. We then all seem to forget how things were but if we were to compare then to now we would realise that everything is NOT normal. Sadly not everyone has the necessary hindsight.
Many thanks for your post, Ina.

It is my intuition that the current social trends represent far more than 'gang formation' or politics. It feels to me that people are being filtered by events into different worlds. This notion became apparent to me when I noted, through personal experience, that communication across these divides is almost non existent and that each belief partition has its own world view and history which makes such attempts seem like gibberish. These are, by any reasonable definition, distinct mental worlds. The first big divide came with Trump, another with Covid and now we have the current situation. For those that can remember, compare the current hysteria with their memories of 911. There is a big qualitative difference.
Fully agree on that, it's now my goal too ,to find something to share with peoples vs only seeing their blind spots, not so easy at first but part of the Work. IMO
Faith is the key to face what is coming, happy learning to all!
Oh I think so, it's the whole external consideration idea in practice. It's recognizing that others have blindspots and perhaps choose to remain ignorant despite the evidence, have sacred cows and ideological leanings due to their own life experiences and culture and a whole other set of circumstances. And that this perhaps makes them unreliable, but at the same time... that we ourselves have all those very same tendencies within ourselves, and that for some, that is where they need to be, that is where they're at in their own individual path of learning.

Many thanks for your post, Ina.

It is my intuition that the current social trends represent far more than 'gang formation' or politics. It feels to me that people are being filtered by events into different worlds. This notion became apparent to me when I noted, through personal experience, that communication across these divides is almost non existent and that each belief partition has its own world view and history which makes such attempts seem like gibberish. These are, by any reasonable definition, distinct mental worlds. The first big divide came with Trump, another with Covid and now we have the current situation. For those that can remember, compare the current hysteria with their memories of 911. There is a big qualitative difference.

I think the first divide becase impossible to ignore with Trump, but the work towards it is far older than his public appearance. He did shock the system is such a way that it became imperative to weaponize the existing polarization of society, and sadly.. it has worked.

Another thing @Magrathea I noticed that you haven't posted an intro, I'd like to invite you to do so if you have a moment, it would allow us to get to know you a little better, you can check how others have done it in the Newbies Section. Looking forward to reading it and networking with you further.
An anecdote from my youth. I "discovered" and studied with friends of the time the work of Gurdjieff when I was 18. The madness of the world, even then (I am now 56) unfolded to our eyes still immature, but attentive. I remember entire nights spent discussing the Beelzebub tales.One part of the work that only today I consider fundamental, but which at the time I dismissed with the equivalent of today's "ok boomer", is that you have to have a life here, BE the matrix here, in order to then even imagine getting out of it or being kicked out of it and surviving. doing the work correctly ends up applying it in its entirety ihmo.
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An anecdote from my youth. I "discovered" and studied with friends of the time the work of Gurdjieff when I was 18. The madness of the world, even then (I am now 56) unfolded to our eyes still immature, but attentive. I remember entire nightss spent discussing the Beelzebub tales.One part of the work that only today I consider fundamental, but which at the time I dismissed with the equivalent of today's "ok boomer", is that you have to have a life here, BE the matrix here, in order to then even imagine getting out of it or being kicked out of it and surviving. doing the work correctly ends up applying it in its entirety ihmo.
I agree. In order to know what and how to change in and within a system one needs to know the system. In our case is living the system.
That's a great way of putting it. I feel like I'm at that moment on a rollacoaster when it reaches the top of a great climb and is about to shoot downwards. Everyone around me fully believes the lies on the TV and not only that, they want to believe the lies! My husband wants Putin to be shot, for the Russian army to be defeated! That the sanctions will very well affect us worse than Russia and that everything around us here in the UK may come tumbling down in an economic collapse doesn't even enter his mind. And everyone is like that. When I mention to the people I work with about the cost of food going up and the empty spaces on the shelves I just get blank stares (and I won't even go into the number of people around me now who are ill or struggling with health problems that the doctors don't understand).

Caesar bless this forum! What a lifeline it is in this time! Without it and all the people on it I know I'd be a much worse position than I am right now. I feel so alone where I am.
In some ways, maybe it the area where I live, I've had some positive experiences.
A cantankerous egoistic former marine was openly declaring his support of Russia.
A Church board member expressing his support and declaring publicly he doesn't trust anything he hears in the media.
And he asked me to please explain everything going on in Ukraine.
I did too.
He was grateful.
I haven't talked to anyone in my biological family about realities and they know better than to ask me.
Here in this part of the country most people don't fall for covid lies.
City people do though.
But here about the discussion of splitting realities, I'm not sure.
I just know I have a lot of work to do, a lot.
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