Richard Dolan

Speculation, of course.
But I wonder if at some point Rich or others might be given a date for "Disclosure" from whatever source that they are listening to.
Saying that they could announce the date in advance to the world along with their own research to support.

Big build up over months, much coverage in the MSM. The date arrives, Nothing happens. UFO and hyperdementional research is dismissed by the public with a laugh. 4D STS is safe to feed for centuries.

They would probably rather have Laura be the announcer but know she wouldn't buy it for a minute.

Hope Rich keeps reading this thread and considers the situation in context very deeply.

It occurred to me that 'disclosure' will happen anyway, that one doesn't need to actively work for it. It seems to have been on the agenda for a very long time. Just take the movie and TV industry, for example. Think of the MANY computer animated cartoons (of the "Monsters Inc." ilk). Some of the movie characters are so distorted in their visual appearance that I doubt that anybody would turn around if they would encounter a real Gray Alien on the street nowadays.
SAO said:
I think the problem is that Richard is a UFO researcher. Nobody on this forum is just a UFO researcher, or climate researcher, or psychopathy researcher, or comet/catastrophy/earth changes researcher, etc. Once you begin to want to wake up, you don't put artificial limits on what you learn since everything matters and is interconnected. I don't think you can say someone is "waking up" when they arbitrarily limit themselves to only one particular field of study but not others. How can you understand the alien phenomenon, for example, without understanding the nature of evil and psychopathy? How can you understand it without studying the paranormal, and without at least grokking that we're part of a hyperdimensional reality?


Wow, you hit the nail on the head with this post SAO! :)
RyanX said:
Wow, you hit the nail on the head with this post SAO! :)

Agreed. I think alot of us were projecting qualities onto Rich that either aren't there or remain latent/undeveloped. Like, the other day, when I saw Rich posted this on his fb page...

Dolan said:
"Hey this is great! Bryce and I are subjects of speculation that we are working with Hollywood to time A.D. After Disclosure with NBC's The Event. :-) Needless to say, it's not even remotely true. Just the opposite: when we learned of the series, we were, to put it one way, mildly paranoid!! :-)"

...about this Technorati article:


"NBC's The Event Dramatizes UFO Disclosure"

...I nearly wrote this on his fb wall:

Kniall said:
**slowly bangs head against keyboard several times**


But the way SAO has put it suggests to me that alarm bells aren't going off in Rich's head about these "synchronicities" because Rich is oblivious to the terror of the situation. He is still sound asleep. It doesn't take away from the work that went into his books, which are really useful reference material.
From what I've read and understood so far, I see kenlee and SAO's perspective describing the issue quite well.

Although I'm not unfamiliar with Dolan's work I've only now read this entire thread and it's like I can see 3 years or so condensed into an hour of time (what it took to read it all). From that perspective you can practically see Dolan reach a point where the 'angels of vector' came swooping in to make his acquaintance, ease his burden a bit and gently guide him a certain way.

If Rich would recapitulate his own history up to now, or at least read this thread in it's entirety, he might take time to re-think things.

At any rate, I heartily agree with:

SAO said:
Rich is intelligent and he is a good and diligent researcher, but we must understand him in the context of who he is, which means all the limitations of who he is as well. These limitations also reflect in his research, and in everything in his life. If we keep those in mind, his research is a great complement to our learning, but we must also understand that there is so much more to the field of "ufology" and to high strangeness as a whole that Rich could never touch because of the limitations he has imposed on himself as a result of not having a real general drive for truth. But it doesn't mean he won't develop this drive, since we were all in those shoes before something prompted us that it's time to start waking up.
SAO said:
Rich is intelligent and he is a good and diligent researcher, but we must understand him in the context of who he is, which means all the limitations of who he is as well. These limitations also reflect in his research, and in everything in his life. If we keep those in mind, his research is a great complement to our learning, but we must also understand that there is so much more to the field of "ufology" and to high strangeness as a whole that Rich could never touch because of the limitations he has imposed on himself as a result of not having a real general drive for truth. But it doesn't mean he won't develop this drive, since we were all in those shoes before something prompted us that it's time to start waking up.

Very well said! :flowers:
Yes, thank you for that post, SAO. You explained it very well.

I was actually thinking along those lines today, and remembering how Dolan seemed to closed to, and actually scared of the idea of cyclic catastrophes. And how he really doesn't seem to understand the extent of some of the things he wrote himself (probably because he's missing the bigger picture!). For example, this quote from his book is quite telling, when obviously he is not seeing that he could very well be part of what he denounced:

The very label [conspiracy] serves as an automatic dismissal, as though no one ever acts in secret. Let us bring some perspective and common sense to this issue.

The United States comprises large organizations—corporations, bureaucracies, ‘interest groups’, and the like—which are conspiratorial by nature. That is, they are hierarchical, their important decisions are made in secret by a few key decision-makers, and they are not above lying about their activities. Such is the nature of organizational behavior. ‘Conspiracy’, in this key sense, is a way of life around the globe.

Within the world’s military and intelligence apparatuses, this tendency is magnified to the greatest extreme. During the 1940s, […] the military and its scientists developed the world’s most awesome weapons in complete secrecy….

Anyone who has lived in a repressive society knows that official manipulation of the truth occurs daily. But societies have their many and their few. In all times and all places, it is the few who rule, and the few who exert dominant influence over what we may call official culture. […] All elites take care to manipulate public information to maintain existing structures of power. It’s an old game.

But he seems to believe that, alone, he can be safe from that. Even worse, the truth is that he is probably being used as a tool to perpetuate the "old game".

America is nominally a republic and free society, but in reality an empire and oligarchy, vaguely aware of its own oppression, within and without. I have used the term ‘national security state’ to describe its structures of power. It is a convenient way to express the military and intelligence communities, as well as the worlds that feed upon them, such as defense contractors and other underground, nebulous entities. Its fundamental traits are secrecy, wealth, independence, power, and duplicity.


During and after the Second World War, other important projects, such as the devel-opment of biological weapons, the importation of Nazi scientists, terminal mind-control experiments, nationwide interception of mail and cable transmissions of an unwitting populace, infiltration of the media and universities, secret coups, secret wars, and assassinations all took place far removed not only from the American public, but from most members of Congress and a few Presidents. Indeed, several of the most powerful intelligence agencies were themselves established in secrecy, unknown by the public or Congress for many years.

Since the 1940s, the U.S. Defense and Intelligence establishment has had more money at its disposal than most nations. In addition to official dollars, much of the money is undocumented. From its beginning, the CIA was engaged in a variety of off-the-record ‘business’ activities that generated large sums of cash. The connections of the CIA with global organized crime (and thus de facto with the international narcotics trade) has been well established and documented for many years. Much of the original money to run the American intelligence community came from very wealthy and established American families, who have long maintained an interest in funding national security operations important to their interests.
In theory, civilian oversight exists over the U.S. national security establishment. The President is the military commander-in-chief. Congress has official oversight over the CIA. The FBI must answer to the Justice Department. In practice, little of this applies. One reason has to do with secrecy.


A chilling example of such independence occurred during the 1950s, when President Eisenhower effectively lost control of the U.S. nuclear arsenal. The situation deteri-orated so much that during his final two years in office, Eisenhower asked repeatedly for an audience with the head of Strategic Air Command to learn what America’s nuclear retaliatory plan was. What he finally learned in 1960, his final year in office, horrified him: half of the Northern Hemisphere would be obliterated.

If a revered military hero such as Eisenhower could not control America’s nuclear ar-senal, nor get a straight answer from the Pentagon, how on earth could Presidents Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, or Nixon regarding comparable matters?

Secrecy, wealth and independence add up to power.
Through the years, the national security state has gained access to the world’s most sophisticated technology, sealed off millions of acres of land from public access or scrutiny, acquired unlimited snooping ability within U.S. borders and beyond, conducted overt or clandestine actions against other nations, and prosecuted wars without serious media scrutiny. Domestically, it maintains influence over elected officials and communities hoping for some of the billions of defense dollars.

Deception is the key element of warfare, and when winning is all that matters, the conventional morality held by ordinary people becomes an impediment. When taken together, the examples of official duplicity form a nearly single totality. They include such choice morsels as the phony war crisis of 1948, the fabricated missile gap claimed by the air force during the 1950s, the carefully managed events leading to the Gulf of Tonkin resolution….

The secrecy stems from a pervasive and fundamental element of life in our world, that those who are at the top of the heap will always take whatever steps are necessary to maintain the status quo.

Skeptics often ask, ‘Do you really think the government could hide [anything] for so long’? The question itself reflects ignorance of the reality that secrecy is a way of life in the National Security State. Actually though, the answer is yes, and no.

Yes, in that cover-ups are standard operating procedure, frequently unknown to the public for decades, becoming public knowledge by a mere roll of the dice. But also no, in that […] information has leaked out from the very beginning. It is impossible to shut the lid completely. The key lies in neutralizing and discrediting unwelcome information, sometimes through official denial, other times through proxies in the media.


There is also the fact that, for someone with possibly a good heart but a giant ego, the idea of getting to know the unknown, the "higher reality", the "Evil Gods" is much safer and ego enhancing than to realize how insignificant one person alone can be in the greater scheme, as he cannot control the weather, the damage done by psychopaths in power, etc. This may explain why Ufologists choose that field of studies closing their eyes to the other signs of the times...

Then again, it is very common in every field. Dolan is not the only one, sadly.
Bud said:
From what I've read and understood so far, I see kenlee and SAO's perspective describing the issue quite well.

Although I'm not unfamiliar with Dolan's work I've only now read this entire thread and it's like I can see 3 years or so condensed into an hour of time (what it took to read it all). From that perspective you can practically see Dolan reach a point where the 'angels of vector' came swooping in to make his acquaintance, ease his burden a bit and gently guide him a certain way.

If Rich would recapitulate his own history up to now, or at least read this thread in it's entirety, he might take time to re-think things.

At any rate, I heartily agree with:

SAO said:
Rich is intelligent and he is a good and diligent researcher, but we must understand him in the context of who he is, which means all the limitations of who he is as well. These limitations also reflect in his research, and in everything in his life. If we keep those in mind, his research is a great complement to our learning, but we must also understand that there is so much more to the field of "ufology" and to high strangeness as a whole that Rich could never touch because of the limitations he has imposed on himself as a result of not having a real general drive for truth. But it doesn't mean he won't develop this drive, since we were all in those shoes before something prompted us that it's time to start waking up.

Thanks Bud, that about sums up where I'm at too, with Dolan's work - his first book still awaits reading in my pile of books to read.
Personally speaking I dont think he has "got it"

I think he got it but he doesn't believe it. Then one asks question why was he in contact with Laura and did interview for sott podcast. To me it sounds that like it was said he wanted to be polite to everyone but then he isn't really interested in truth, like more what would other people say, how to make himself more known as a researcher, have good relationship with everyone else, less sword.

That I have a co-author who was a joy to work with, utterly professional, and someone I respect greatly made it all that much better.

Didn't the C's say something like if you want to catch a bee would you do it with a honey or with a web?
It is funny how after all that studying he talks so little about negative aspects of aliens, that maybe there won't be tomorrow after A.D. If they are negative, but in the end no one doesn't want to hear that and he is maybe more concerned about his status, like sitting between two chairs, one is status/ego and other truth but nobody can sit like that for a long time. Truth must be told how ever it looks like and what ever the cost is. Most people have their price, it seems his is fame and it's cheap price for what he can offer to the world and others, but like SAO said it very accurate he is a researcher, and most scientist have very developed personality that is covering their soul, and that depends on life experiences, to much books without life experience doesn't lead anywhere. Like SAO said he wasn't put to fire to develop fire within and doesn't see the importance of that information, like he thinks it's a game. But in the end it's his choice, his life, and nothing to be concerned about. I found it funny that people think he has been vectored because other than saying there are conspiracies he didn't in the first place say nothing else about reality, STS plans, he's saying standard UFO stuff and there are researchers that did less research but see aliens in more critical manner. What about all that abducted people that say there isn't really a bright future and that hybrid race was being created. Does he think he needs material evidence to prove that, in that case I think he would be waiting for a long time until it's to late. No, he says there is maybe a hyper-dimensional aspect here, but why doesn't he talks about it, we come to the problem of reputation here I think. It kinda goes on hand of 4D STS because if they come people wouldn't see them as negative and could see that only responsible figure for status quo was secret government. I'am wondering also did his books have difficulties in selling like Laura's?
Laura said:
Interesting development.

This is from PRNewswire where about anybody can pay to issue a press release. What is interesting is that Reuters has picked it up.

And AoL (under "weird-news"):

Interesting, there is a (kind of) disclaimer - a letter published on website (a nonpartisan news and information site not affiliated with Congress):


Senator Tom Udall (D-NM)
Letters To Leaders

All messages are published with permission of the sender. The general topic of this message is Defense/Military:
False Claims to be Highlighted at Upcoming National Press Club Conference September 27, 2010

Sen. Tom Udall

September 18, 2010

IRT recent invitation extended to Congressional staff to attend National Press Club review on September 27, 2010; as a resident of New Mexico, I'd like to ensure my elected representatives are aware of the following:

Recent advertisements announcing a September 27, 2010 press conference to be held at the National Press Club, Washington, DC intended to address "the vital issue of UFO incursions at U.S. nuclear weapons sites" (please see _ ) have forced us to take countering steps to halt this pathetic joke on an apparently credulous American public. One reason for this is the unfortunate fact that during a period of financial insecurity, those organizing this discussion -- Robert Salas, co-author of "Faded Giant", and Robert Hastings, author of "UFOs and Nukes" -- intend to pay for this farce utilizing the donations of other Americans. We consider that a crime, since most of the witnesses to what has been described as "one of the top ten UFO cases best supported by the evidence" -- the case supposedly analyzed in the book "Faded Giant", and set as a primary point of discussion for the announced conference -- have repeatedly to asserted convincingly that no such interference by UFOs ever occurred. It is our intention to present the facts of this particular case to members of the national press and Congressional staff in order to ensure that at somebody at this conference is prepared to ask the necessary hard questions to prevent this conference from becoming a pile of otherwise insignificant fluff intended to stoke civil demands for full disclosure of classified materials discussing such incidents. Most of us are convinced that such people should have no voice whatsoever regarding the disposition of classified materials, and believe that political agendas of this sort should not hinge on the lies of men who make a respectable wage by frightening as many people as possible; they generate paranoia for money. A firm belief that there are plenty of aspects inherent to modern life that we actually should be paranoid about, coupled with strong proof that this conference is based primarily on easily disputed arguments and undeniable lies that have no basis in historical values is the point of this communication. If these men are going to hold a press conference that is closed to the general public, then those in attendance should be prepared to ask appropriate questions of them in our absence, including those questions that establish conscious deceit by the organizers of this conference that they have repeatedly refused to answer in the past. We're not simply claiming that these men are lying; we have repeatedly proven that they have lied. All we're asking is that representatives of the press and members of the Congressional staff examine the evidence that we have collected, in order to prepare themselves for this joke of a "news conference" currently scheduled for later this month in Washington, DC.

The organizers have claimed that in March 1967, on two different occassions, UFOs interfered with the normal operations of two silo complexes attached to Malmstrom AFB, Montana and armed with Minuteman I missiles. These alleged events are said to have occurred at Echo Flight on March 16, and Oscar Flight on March 24. Such claims have been strongly disputed by the USAF officers manning these launch facilities, the only exception being Robert Salas, who is quite literally selling his supposed recollections to the general public. If people want to understand the actual events of March 1967, including the incidents at Echo Flight and Oscar Flight, we encourage you to examine without any cost whatsoever the narrative discussing these incidents at , and more recent discussions at currently at _ , all of which will eventually be added to the original Americans, Credulous narrative. I strongly recommend that you examine the interviews and facts that have been very carefully examined at _ , specifically the four most recent articles under "Latest News", entitled "The Malmstrom AFB Missile/UFO Incident, March 1967", "The Malmstrom AFB Missile/UFO Incident - Part II", "The Malmstrom AFB Missile/UFO Incident - Part III", and the most recent, "An Interview With Malmstrom AFB Witness Eric Carlson", all four of which have been written by Ryan Dube.

The commander of Echo Flight on March 16, 1967, MAJ (Ret.) Eric D. Carlson, very recently released the following definitive statement:

"Let me start by stating that, as best as I can recall, my only contact with Salas and Hastings has been on the phone. I did tell Salas that he could release my name to whomever he wished, don't know why he needed my permission. I have talked to a newspaper writer in Great Falls, several years age, and a TV producer from one of those UFO shows. With both these individuals I denied any knowledge of any UFO's at Malmstrom. In addition, I stated that there was no, repeat no, incident at Oscar flight as Salas maintains. The man is either lying or delusional.

"My only contact with Hastings was a call I received from him regarding his book. I stated that his book sounded interesting and he later sent me a copy which I read and gave away .... At no time did I mention anyone's mental status ... although in retrospect I could comment on Salas'.

"My memory is quite good regarding the events at Malmstrom and there is no doubt in my mind that there were no reports of UFO's and no incident at Oscar flight. I will be willing to discuss this with anyone who is truly interested in the facts."

His deputy commander at Echo Flight, COL (Ret.) Walter Figel, Jr., has insisted as well that UFOs were not involved, and adds that his version of this event has been distorted by both Robert Salas and Robert Hastings in order to give the impression that an actual UFO was involved. He asserts very strongly that no UFOs were involved, nor were UFOs ever reported.

Robert Salas' commander at Oscar Flight, Frederick Meiwald, insists that he doesn't even believe in UFOs -- a strange comment to make in light of Salas' insistence that a UFO took out the missiles at Oscar Flight during an incident that not only resulted in an injury to one non-commissioned officer, requiring that man to be evacuated from the site by helicopter, but also emptied completely the security command post of all armed personnel in order to face down this UFO threat. One would probably expect the commander of Oscar Flight, after experiencing such a tumultuous watch, would have changed his opinions regarding the existence of UFOs, and yet, it has not.

In light of the numerous errors made by Robert Salas and Robert Hastings in their discussions of this and similar events throughout the internet, and in light of Robert Salas' well-documented inclinations to change his story, even as to the location and date, it is a remarkable and shameful measure of journalism in the world today that the press has, to a great extent, ignored the insistences of these primary witnesses that no UFOs were involved with any equipment failures at Malmstrom AFB in March 1967, preferring instead to rest their reporting with the prevarications of people like Hastings and Salas. These men have been repeatedly interviewed and catered to by men like Larry King, and yet the easily understood and repeatedly confirmed insistences of all other witnesses that UFOs were not observed, reported, or investigated has been entirely ignored by the world press. This is a disgusting indictment of journalism in America today.

Any representatives of the press or other media who have questions regarding the narrative "Americans, Credulous", the ongoing discussions in the Reality Uncovered forums, the associated articles written by Ryan Dube, or who wish to discuss this matter with the witnesses to the events at Malmstrom AFB in March 1967, are encouraged to contact James Carlson at -- I can easily put you in contact with my father, the commander of Echo Flight in March 1967, who was present when all ten missiles were taken off of strategic alert by an electronic noise pulse generated internally at the launch control facility. The incident was very well documented and was thoroughly investigated, and every word that Robert Salas and Robert Hastings have ever said on the subject has been repeatedly discounted or proven outright to be lies and embellishments created for the purpose of making money from the sales of their books, associated videos, and the speaking fees they charge as a matter of course when retelling their ridiculous little folk tales.

We would like to request that this document be distributed or otherwise made available to the Congressional staff attached to representatives of other states, since it's difficult to distribute such materials unless they come from actual constituents of those states. Please give some thought to the issues noted and the claims expressed. There is another point of view -- one that has been repeatedly confirmed by those men who were actually involved with this singular event in USAF history, has been very well-documented through the years, and was very thoroughly investigated by the USAF for some months after the incident itself.

For anyone in attendance on September 27, please ask these men penetrating questions, thereby holding them accountable for the paranoia they profit from, the lies they tell, the many lives they have been prepared to reduce in stature for their own aggrandizement, and the reputations they have consciously set out to diminish. Thank you for your time, and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions whatsoever.

Albuquerque , NM

[My emphasis and link deactivation.]
SAO said:
Rich is intelligent and he is a good and diligent researcher, but we must understand him in the context of who he is, which means all the limitations of who he is as well. These limitations also reflect in his research, and in everything in his life. If we keep those in mind, his research is a great complement to our learning, but we must also understand that there is so much more to the field of "ufology" and to high strangeness as a whole that Rich could never touch because of the limitations he has imposed on himself as a result of not having a real general drive for truth. But it doesn't mean he won't develop this drive, since we were all in those shoes before something prompted us that it's time to start waking up.

There is another thing that I heard from the woman who introduced Dolan during last years Philly lecturer is "Dolan is a great diplomat. he knows how to talk to people at their level to convince others to share information. It doesn't matter other person is a general or journalist or politician". I have one friend like that, who amazed me and he has nothing to do with psychopathy. It's a natural skill. If that is the case, "his drive for truth" is pretty much is our imagination all along. we might have associated professional drive with "drive for truth", because subject is UFO's. I could be wrong, that is what comes to my mind, after reading all these discussions.
Started reading this thread a few nights ago; very interesting with keen observations by posters here. Not sure if in keeping with this, if “Circles within Circles” demarcates those who know with those who think they know, and those who think they know, would perhaps be propelled to create a scheme centered around Disclosure of some type, which might suite the circle that knows or not; however manipulating still further the outer circles.

Hope that does not sound too much like Dick’s new book. :/

Anyway, was thinking about Keel’s commonality of unknowns, studied by different groups, well fractured from each other. However, once seen from a bigger picture, seems well fitted along the spectrum or super-spectrum, tucked away from most of our minds just outside the visible; our blindness. These things that we have separated from each other seem to vibrate with the same aim. What he points out, as have Laura and the C’s, is that without a network, separated, things seem by some design, to be dampened or ill-used at every turn.

As for Richard, have to say I’ve not read any of his books, only the just of his thinking from articles, videos and posts here and truly hope to get that chance to read them. However, what seems clear is that something has happened, he has perhaps not been aware while operating outside a critical feedback network – very risky and vectoring.

In thinking about Disclosure, whether discussing them/those of history who created malevolent conditions for humanity and then manipulated history, similar to the now with a type of historical repeat. It just seems that we have been dealing for a long, long time, with a hyperdimensional type seed impregnated into humans, who become not humans, in the sense of ‘Mind’, who are in fact psychopathic machines doing the job, paving the way for some type of future Disclosure crescendo, or as Laura says, a “wickedness to come this way”.

Laura said:
It could be said that Disclosure would do the same, however, psychopaths in power have a lot more leeway to control information and the public with disclosure because so much of the public is conditioned to the knee-jerk "oh, that's crazy" response.

Was thinking about how it seems germane in average thinking that there is; Problems in the world that affect – economy and all that that entails, military and the focused bad guys (Muslim’s primarily), politicians who they side with or not, global warming; which we must have caused exclusively including the strange weather, and much else from A-Z in that average thinking.

Then there are those with some awareness of; manipulations, disinformation, vectoring etc. caused by group circles of psychopathy effecting many of these things above. And, awareness still further, with the added thinking about hyperdimensional implications; weather density war, mass global cooling and ice, earth magma and plate changes, water belt failures, comets and gravity waves to name a few.

Disclosure; how would that fit into the chronology of things to come given what we can best discern? What would the objective be, given any number of possibilities? Of those that are planning a Disclosure, what circumstance would they envision best of the above? If it is Disclosure coming from a psychopathic base, which it seems likely, then they might be syncing on the average thinking problems to do with war/economic collapse/controls of some kind.

With some awareness, Disclosure may be a moot point and seen as just another engineered historical mechanism to steer human fear in the directions desired in a stupendous but transparent (for some) maneuver - if Earth Changes don’t develop first to the extent that it nullifies their plans; our physicality, too, maybe. Or, possibly, would the onslaught of expanding earth changes be the mechanism for their reason to Disclose?

Good grief, whatever the true thinking is it seems diabolical but could be also wishful.

Just looking at some of the various networking perceptions broken down and of Richard specifically, seems to carry much continuity in thinking;

anart said:
Of course he doesn't lose any sleep over any of this and doesn't think any of it will end badly – he's an actor and he's playing his niche up for as much as he
can get - osit.

Actor’s indeed – what part would he be acting upon? In the thread here, some have said that Rich utilized, if you will, Laura and the group, feigning perhaps an understanding of hyperdimensional aspects and realities, which might be just lip service until the next event congealed for him. When he talks in loose terms of “conspiracy”, is this in the future a way for him to disconnect from the term Hyperdimensionality, with the strict aim of whatever Disclosure means to him, but perhaps more importantly, what it means to others who want to vector that thinking, abate Hyperdimensional thinking?

Mr Scott said:
…like he did, and being willing to entertain the possibility of hyperdimensions, but not really grokking the implications.

To me, he never really seemed to truly understand the implications - it was all still very academic.

It should have been pretty clear to him that if anything, associating with us would be "detrimental" to his career. .

he seems to have been "targeted" right about the time he began to be chummy with Laura...

truth seeker said:
Why not some of each - he doesn't/can't/won't understand the full implications, therefore naivity. Going along to get along, so that he can reach more people in order to "help" them and also wanting to "be nice" in order to not upset anyone. Throw in some hard times that make one weary of just surviving for good measure.

Deedlet said:
Considering the Wave was one of the first books you wrote, and how much important material is in it, and Rich didn't even take the time to read it himself speaks loads about where his mentality is and the kind of person he is.

kenlee said:
The impression I got is that he understands or prefers to interpret the idea of the hyperdimensional reality more in it's physical terms.

…he doesn't notice that the most relevant information and data regarding the UFO phenomenon really pertains to how his own ego can be influenced by the subtlety of the vectoring process.

Then, whenever he questions himself on whether he's being "cointelproed" or not the reasoning that he applies so very well to the outer world will suddenly become flawed, when it's applied to his inner world and may fall along the lines of "selection and substitution of data" that Lobaczewski talks about in Political Ponerology.

SAO said:
I don't think you can say someone is "waking up" when they arbitrarily limit themselves to only one particular field of study but not others.

Ark is a good example. He's not just a theoretical physics professor dude.

But it doesn't mean he won't develop this drive, since we were all in those shoes before something prompted us that it's time to start waking up.

Well said SAO - good points all; and nor is Laura just a Historian.

This seems so important osit:
C’s said:
The whole picture is seen by seeing the whole scene.

Data said:
It occurred to me that 'disclosure' will happen anyway, that one doesn't need to actively work for it. It seems to have been on the agenda for a very long time. Just take the movie and TV industry, for example. Think of the MANY computer animated cartoons (of the "Monsters Inc." ilk). Some of the movie characters are so distorted in their visual appearance that I doubt that anybody would turn around if they would encounter a real Gray Alien on the street nowadays.

Kind of agree here Data, it seems to have its historical inertia and hypnotic people fit well into its nature.

Kniall said:
I think alot of us were projecting qualities onto Rich that either aren't there or remain latent/undeveloped.

How many times do we project with people in life, through history, only to find out something else, if aware? In many ways the network here is about that discovery.

Bud said:
From that perspective you can practically see Dolan reach a point where the 'angels of vector' came swooping in to make his acquaintance, ease his burden a bit and gently guide him a certain way.

Seems a real possibility Bud, is it not something like - nobody is beyond attention, hyperdimensional speaking as the C’s suggested.

Seek10 said:
…from the woman who introduced Dolan during last years Philly lecturer is "Dolan is a great diplomat. he knows how to talk to people at their level to convince others to share information.

Rich was, was he not, a Rhodes Scholar finalist? Just to get there is no easy feat and requires perhaps much “diplomacy” within academic worlds? Knowing when, where and who to say what to, with a door to retract through if necessary.

A few pages back, while reading, could not help simply cross referencing a few things that Laura, the C’s and Ra were quoted as saying at other times but placed directly in this thread that seemed to point, whether to within biblical times, flaps, conterintelpro, or to the global disease that has been pervasively unleashed (commensurate with the expansion of humans) upon our humanity in our time, to the possible source; Psychopathy controlled by hyperdimensionality, in some way.

Maybe it is just some infectious randomness, or defective DNA or a human condition that develops once a threshold is reached, like a taste of power and control, or just plain old clinical brain malfunctioning pathology. Something though tells me it’s not exactly like that, and history, with vignettes depicting flashes of light on priests, prophets, military men, or the powerful, or yet to be powerful, seems to somehow, in some cases, to activate purposes not in keeping with humanity at large.

This is from a few pages back, from just a few word thread quotes here with repeat themes; seems to fit in one direction, the P word osit;

C’s: …cross reference...

L: …bait and switch tactic to distract attention…


L: …psychopaths in power

C’s It is not helpful to place yourself in a vacuum of awareness.

[by not really seeing or hearing]

C’s: You chose to be incarnated now, with some foreknowledge of
what was to come.

[experienced before; in trial run]

C’s: Yes. Greed is a sickness.

L: …psychopaths in power…

[Hyperdimensional influences]

C’c: proceed to patiently manipulate the chosen civilizations to develop a suitable
technological infrastructure
. And then, after the instituting of a long, slow, and grand mind programming
, simply step in and take it over once the situation was suitable.

[what does suitable look like? Disclosure?]

C’s: When the "time" is right.

L: …in the strictest of terms, but may in
fact be simply actions of 'human agents' of these beings
on other densities.

L: …psychopaths in power…

L: Was Hitler's agenda a practice
run for a future scenario?

C’s: Was a "testing" of the will.

["Will"; who followed and who resisted, and who was aware of]

L: …psychopaths in power…

C’s: The whole picture is seen by seeing the whole scene.

C’s: No. Planets are much more "comfortable."

[to practice human-agriculture?]

Ra: This first instance is, in the long run, shall we put it, more
salubrious for the Orion group in that it does not infringe upon the Law of
One by landing and, thus, does its work through those of this planet.

C’s: They are aware but in denial.

L: …psychopaths in power…

C’s: Invasion happens when programming is complete...

L: …psychopaths in power…

C’s: Other events may intercede.

C’s: Earth changes.
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