Richard Dolan

Laura said:
Interesting development.

This is from PRNewswire where about anybody can pay to issue a press release. What is interesting is that Reuters has picked it up.

U.S. Nuclear Weapons Have Been Compromised by Unidentified Aerial Objects
PR Newswire

Read this article from Richard today, thought I'd post it here. [bold mine]

UFOs and Nuclear Technology: A Serious Issue
Written by Richard M. Dolan

2010 is turning out to be a very good year for the cause of UFO research and awareness. Despite the traditional blinders exhibited by ossified mainstream media sources such as the New York Times, there have been some encouraging developments.

Certainly, the publication of Leslie Kean’s very fine work has been a key breakthrough. Carefully written and solid as stone, UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go On the Record, is a new tool with which to broach the topic one must never discuss in polite society. Leslie Kean found a way.

Now comes another important ufological event: the press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Organized by UFO researcher Robert Hastings and UFO witness USAF Captain Robert Salas, it takes place on Monday, September 27, 2010. As Hastings put it on his website, the conference’s purpose is “to address the vital issue of UFO incursions at U.S. nuclear weapons sites over the past six decades.”

If you think this is hyperbole, think again. One of the most noteworthy aspects of the UFO phenomenon is its relationship to nuclear weapons and technology. From the beginning of the modern phenomenon, unknown and unusual aerial objects have been seen in the vicinity of the nuclear weapons and storage sites around the world.

Even during the late 1940s, when “flying saucers” burst upon the public consciousness, people began to wonder if “they” appeared because mankind had just entered the Atomic Age.

Certainly, the crash of something near Roswell Army Air Field during the summer of 1947 is suggestive of a connection. People often forget that, in 1947, there was exactly one military base in the world with operational nuclear weapons.

That place was in Roswell, New Mexico. Why, then, would a UFO come down there?

What many also forget, or never even knew, is that immediately after the Roswell event, UFOs -- really strange and bizarre UFOs -- were invading sensitive airspace and generally making a nuisance of themselves throughout the U.S. Much of their activity was centered around the leading nuclear centers in the nation.

For instance, in 1948 and 1949, strange “green fireballs” flew over Los Alamos, the place where the first atomic weapon was built, and where the nation’s leading nuclear scientists continued to do their work. Typically, they would be observed as large green objects flying in horizontal flight, but often arching upward or downward, or dodging to the left or right, then becoming horizontal again. They were seen by pilots and observed by scientists at Los Alamos, and were subject to a great deal of discussion and classified correspondence. To this day, there is no official conclusion as to what they were.

Then there were the events at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, one of the leading atomic research centers in the world since the 1940s. During late 1950, there were many intrusions of the air space around Oak Ridge, and these were documented in a series of memos from the F.B.I., declassified many years later. An astonishing object was seen by an Oak Ridge scientist in 1953. He reported a black object coming out of clouds, stopping, rapidly reversing direction, then joining with two other similar objects, all of which took off at “tremendous speed” to the east.

At the Atomic Energy Commission’s facility in Hanford, Washington, more of the same took place. Intrusions were common and very much a matter of concern. We have a declassified memo from August 4, 1950, stating that:

* ... objects, round in form, have been sighted over the Hanford AEC plant. These objects reportedly were above 15,000 feet in altitude. Air Force jets attempted interception with negative results. All units including the anti-aircraft battalion, radar units, Air Force fighter squadrons, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have been alerted for further observation...

During great wave of sightings in 1952, four pilots reported seeing a flying saucer hovering above the Hanford atomic works on July 5. They said the object took off, then reversed course and quickly disappeared.

In late October, or possibly every early November in 1957, there was an important UFO sighting in the Australian outback country of Maralinga. It followed three nuclear detonations that had taken place the month before. A scientific team from the U.K. was ready to return to Britain, when a man rushed in to report a UFO. After the initial laughter, the men went outside to see a silvery object with a flat base and dome on top. According to one of the witnesses, they had an extremely clear view of it. The object hovered at a 45 degree tilt, “perched there,” according to the witness, “like a king on his high throne looking down on his subjects.” It was, he said, “a magnificent sight.” For fifteen minutes, the astonished scientists observed the object, which then shot upward and out of sight.

It is not hard to see why aliens would be interested in our nuclear weapons. The nuclear policies of the U.S. and Soviet Union were certainly terrifing to Earthly citizens -- why not to presumed visitors from elsewhere?

In the U.S., President Eisenhower had effectively lost control over the nuclear arsenal by the late 1950s – even the sole ability to authorize a strike. In 1957, the U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff, General Thomas White, sent a memorandum to Strategic Air Command, giving it the authority to launch the nuclear arsenal in an emergency “if time or circumstances would not permit a decision by the President.” It wasn’t until his final year in the White House that Ike finally obtained a meeting with SAC to see its “order of battle,” that is, the full extent of its nuclear arsenal. This was roughly 23,000 nuclear warheads.

Less than three years later, the world was led to the brink of nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis. For one tense week in October 1962, billions of people in the world had no idea whether they, their cities, their nations, or their world, would even be there the next day.

Of course, then, any intelligent observer would want to monitor the world’s nuclear arsenal. According to Paul Stonehill, expert in the history of Soviet UFOs, the Supreme Commander of the Soviet Air Defense Forces decided in 1965 to forbid shooting at UFOs. The problem was that UFOs were present during Soviet tests of nuclear bombs, missiles, rockets, and other new technologies.

On March 16, 1967, the best known, one of the best documented, and certainly one of the most extraordinary UFO-nuclear events took place at Malmstrom Air Force Base, in Montana. Under a clear and dark sky, an airman at one of the launch centers saw a star-like object zigzagging above him. Another light soon appeared, acting similarly. He called his supervisor, and the two men watched the lights maneuvering around the sky. They then phoned their commander, Lieutenant Robert Salas, who was below ground in the launch control center. Salas was not impressed. Keep watching them, he said, “and let me know if they get any closer.”

They did get closer. Just minutes later, Salas received a second call. This time the witness was shouting that a red, glowing UFO was hovering outside the front gate. Salas woke his commander, Lieutenant Fred Meiwald. As he briefed Meiwald, an alarm went off in their capsule, and both men saw a “No-Go” light turn on for one of the missiles. Within seconds, several more missiles went down in succession.

Salas has recounted his story many times, but it is very good that he says it again at the National Press Club. Honestly, in today’s world, in which UFO sightings do not receive the serious attention they deserve, one cannot tell this story enough.

It is worth adding, by the way, that elsewhere at Malmstrom Air Force, another launch facility was experiencing the same scenario. As a UFO hovered above, ten or more ICBM Minuteman Missiles went off line in rapid succession.

Keep in mind that this was during the heart of the Cold War. It does without saying that any interference with the nuclear arsenal of either the U.S. or Soviet Union was going to be taken very seriously. Undoubtedly it was because of such encounters that a few years later, in 1971, the two nations inserted an unusual clause in their nuclear treaty. It read:

* “The Parties undertake to notify each other immediately in the event of detection by missile warning systems of unidentified objects, or in the event of signs of interference with these systems or with related communications facilities, if such occurrences could create a risk of outbreak of nuclear war between the two countries.”

That is, “unidentified objects” were clearly stated to be the cause of a potential risk of war, and the strong implication is that both nations needed to recognize the difference between interference by a UFO and an attack by the other party.

For good reason. Incidents like the one at Malmstrom continued to happen. In 1973, both sides again experienced the kindly attentions of unknown objects in the vicinity of their nuclear sites. The soviet incident is undated, but involved a UFO hovering for several hours over a secret nuclear facility in Dubna, Russia. According to Paul Stonehill, the General in Charge panicked and told Moscow that a metallic apparatus of unknown origin remained immovable in the air over the main building. He demanded instructions and received the reply that ‘those who are authorized’ know what to do to control the situation.

The American incident that year involved American Navy personnel stationed in Western Australia. On October 25, 1973, a large, black object was seen in the air by two personnel from entirely different vantage points. This was during the major diplomatic and military crisis of the Yom Kippur War. The Australian base was actually operated by the NSA through the U.S. Navy, and although there were no known nukes there, it was widely understood to be a nuclear target in the event of war.

During 1975 and 1976, an inexplicable series of violations of U.S. and Canadian airspace occurred by unknown and extraordinary objects. Several of these are known to have involved bases with nuclear weapons, such as Loring Air Force Base in Maine and – once again – Malstrom Air Force Base in Montana. To this day, we have no official explanation for these astonishing events. The only thing that the official organs of power in our society can do about them is to keep silent. Usually, that works just fine.

In the history of UFOs and Nukes is the encounter that, over the course of three decades, is the case that keeps giving: the Rendlesham Forest case, sometimes known as the Bentwaters case. This is because we continue to learn more and more about it as time passes. It involved American military personnel stationed at a base in the U.K. which secretly contained nuclear weapons. To this day the British government refuses openly to admit that nukes were stored there, but in fact this was confirmed by the Deputy Commander of the base, Lt. Colonel Charles Halt, along with many other servicemen and servicewomen who were stationed there. There were events during several nights during late December of 1980. On one occasion, an object directed a beam of light that penetrated several layers of concrete and dirt to the bunker where the nuclear weaspons were stored. In Halt’s words, this “adversely affected the ordnance.” Draw your own conclusions.

On July 24, 1984 another incident took place in which a UFO was seen hovering over a nuclear site, this time the commercial nuclear at Indian Point, in the State of New York. This was a giant object, according to the security personnel who later spoke with an investigator. For more than ten minutes, it hovered directly over one of the reactors, less than 300 feet above the exhaust tower. The shift commander nearly ordered the guards to shoot the object down, and just before he called the national guard, it moved away. One wonders how effective shotguns from the security personnel would have been.

And so it goes. There are many more of these stories, and there is no point in banging you over the head with them all. Presumably, you get the idea. However, it’s worth noting that, as far as we can tell, these types of encounters continue to the present.

For instance, on December 9, 1997, we have a report of a UFO hovering over the CARB French nuclear waste facility. This plant was about 100 miles east of Paris, near Brienne-le-Chateau. The security guard who saw it described it as a “luminous object” that seemed to halt briefly, then emitted a series of light beams, and then moved off to the southwest. Four days later, two employees at the plant reported two unusual luminous objects over the plant. This was reported at the time in UFO Roundup, a news service managed by Joseph Trainor.

The July 1999 triangular UFO seen over the Israeli cities of Tsfat and Yokneam, which was videotaped from several locations, is also interesting because they were near the Israeli special Air Force Base at Palmachim-Yavne, south of Tel Aviv, which has been subject to speculation of being a secret nuclear base.

In 2004 and 2005 there were several reports of UFOs in the Himalayas, which is believed to have large numbers of nuclear missiles from India and China. In recent years, a number of UFO reports have come from near Iranian nuclear installations, many of which are seen at low altitudes.

It’s certainly possible that some of these UFOs are secret aircraft, perhaps unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that are probing such sensitive areas to gain information. But judging from the behaviors described of UFOs from earlier eras, derived from U.S. military reports, it would seem a reasonable guess that some of the recent UFOs are also “not ours.”

By its very nature, nuclear power has transformed our world. It has given us the ability to extinguish our species and destroy the global environment for millennia to come. If harnessed safely – such as through the Holy Grail of safe, controlled nuclear fusion – it would be a source of energy that might well put us on the intergalactic map in a big way. For controlled nuclear fusion would not only vastly increase our energy availability, but would be clean.

Therefore, knowing that UFOs are real, and assuming that some of them are “not us,” how could they not be interested in our nuclear technology? The fact that they can disable it, possibly at will, indicates that they are showing a great deal of restraint. After all, there are roughly 23,000 nuclear warheads in the world today, according to the Federation of American Scientists. Although that is about the same total that the U.S. had by itself fifty years ago, it’s still a frightening total. We are lucky that there has also been restraint by the nations controlling these nukes. We are, after all, still here.

Nevertheless, the issue of UFOs and Nukes is central not only to the history of the UFO phenomenon, but to our world today. Future historians will undoubtedly be studying this issue with great care. We would do well to study it today.

(by Richard M. Dolan, author of UFOs and the National Security State, September 26, 2010)

Reading the bold part above gave me a bit of a chuckle. I personally don't see anything of our 3D life could be 'terrifying' or anything else for that matter to those steering the UFOs (most likely 4D STS). We are their food, not vice versa. So if they're hovering around places of nuclear energy it probably isn't because they're frightened of what we're capable of, but most likely something they have their paws in osit.

Nevertheless, tomorrow will be an interesting day. Looking forward to reading what those Air Force people have to say.
Deedlet said:
Reading the bold part above gave me a bit of a chuckle. I personally don't see anything of our 3D life could be 'terrifying' or anything else for that matter to those steering the UFOs (most likely 4D STS). We are their food, not vice versa. So if they're hovering around places of nuclear energy it probably isn't because they're frightened of what we're capable of, but most likely something they have their paws in osit.

Then again, maybe they don't want to lose their food source? And with psychopaths in power, they've gotta be careful!
Approaching Infinity said:
Deedlet said:
Reading the bold part above gave me a bit of a chuckle. I personally don't see anything of our 3D life could be 'terrifying' or anything else for that matter to those steering the UFOs (most likely 4D STS). We are their food, not vice versa. So if they're hovering around places of nuclear energy it probably isn't because they're frightened of what we're capable of, but most likely something they have their paws in osit.

Then again, maybe they don't want to lose their food source? And with psychopaths in power, they've gotta be careful!

Exactly.....can't have mass destruction of the crop until the timing is just right to get maximum energy output (for soul smashing). The harvest needs to be ripe before annihilation of a large part of it (if not the entire thing)....something wicked this way comes.
Ex-Air Force officiers briefing on UFOs
Several former Air Force officiers talk to the National Press Club in Washington on alleged UFO sightings.
Live on CNN right now:

Let's see how they spin this.....
Approaching Infinity said:
Then again, maybe they don't want to lose their food source? And with psychopaths in power, they've gotta be careful!

Exactly what I was thinking. I caught the last part of the video indicated by Spiral Out (Big thanks :)) and it was definitely spin central. Also, one of the Air Force men ( with the glasses and the beard) seemed pretty P'd off about the line of questioning. His finger wagging to the journalist suggested to me "Sir, you have said too much". The implication that no-one is "above" the Pentagon and the constant referencing of just the US and Moscow was telling also.
Just saw about 20 min of this. Nothing new. They talked about UFO's shutting down nuclear weapon facilities 30 years ago or so, which some of the witnesses saw as proof that the UFO's are good and our friends. Others said that they didn't know what the visitors want or where they came from, be it from another planet, inner earth, or other dimension. Someone said that Disclosure would be up to "them" and not the Government. A journalist asked if any of the witnesses was threatened not to participate at this press conference, which everyone said no to (surprise!).

Interesting how much attention this topic is being given in public and mainstream media as of late:

Laura said:
Interesting development.

This is from PRNewswire where about anybody can pay to issue a press release. What is interesting is that Reuters has picked it up.

U.S. Nuclear Weapons Have Been Compromised by Unidentified Aerial Objects
PR Newswire

All this, the bizzare article about the 'UN appointed space ambassador to greet alien visitors', Dolans upcoming book, etc......all happening at the same time.
What will be next? Just a hype, more "programming" or getting ready for a faux Disclosure?
Spiral Out said:
Ex-Air Force officiers briefing on UFOs
Several former Air Force officiers talk to the National Press Club in Washington on alleged UFO sightings.
Live on CNN right now:

Let's see how they spin this.....

live on CNN??
of course only the truth :rotfl: :lol2:
The plot thickens


Astrophysicist Denies She is UN's New 'Alien Ambassador'
Is the United Nations taking a break from earthly pursuits to appoint an "alien ambassador" who would be charged with greeting any extraterrestrial guests who might make their way to our planet?

While that would make for a good Monday morning story, the Malaysian astrophysicist at the center of the story denies that she will be adding alien liaison to her resume.

"It sounds really cool, but I have to deny it," Mazlan Othman said in an e-mail to The Guardian.

Reports about a UN alien ambassador got started when the Sunday Times reported that Othman was in the running to be the first point of contact for alien visitors. Othman was reportedly set to appear at a Royal Society conference to say that extraterrestrial contact was more likely than ever, and that Earth needed a plan to deal with their arrival.

Othman, however, told The Guardian that she will instead be talking about "near-Earth objects" at the conference rather than close encounters of the little green men kind.
"You hear everyone out, you weigh everything up and you trust no one.Every source has something to tell you, not all of them are simply lying through their teeth and nobody is telling you the whole truth because nobody can. An erroneous account may indicate that someone is lying or has been produced by fallible beings. Always doubt the official story but keep an open mind and apply the same scepticism to all the alternative versions. As new evidence comes in shift positions, never wholly endorse anything or dismiss it. Somethings are true even if you read them in"........".the influence of prejudice creates your choice .

Diversiya is a Russian term for Diversion.Diversion is a formal component of military doctrine in the Interdependent Armed and Ideological Struggles. It includes Agitation, Propaganda and Provocation. It involves control of the means of communication.
"It is suspected that"...."It is believed that"......"There is growing evidence that"....."A growing body of opinion"...."Reports indicate that"....."There is mounting suspicion that"....etc etc etc.
When This old World Order mentions Disclosure I cannot but help to think of Diversion. The same as when it mentions Nation Building or Reconstruction. What
they really mean is mayhem , terror, theft, ruthlessness, savagery, theft and genocide. Not long now. Free Fall .Big Bad. And it all comes down to a trial by fire before the other fire comes.
When my friends discuss Disclosure I am always reminded of that joke about Hitler. They found him alive and very old and living in luxury and incognito. They asked him what he was planning and he answered them"the third world war..but believe me... next time no more good guy".
Like they say "Beauty fades but dumb is forever".
Watching from the scrap heap. mantle.
Guardian said:
Perceval said:
Can anyone point to someone or some group who decided that the media should start pushing stories like this?


Ok, I stand corrected, I see that Mr yellow smiley with the exclamation sign has indeed pointed to the culprits... ;D
RedFox said:
Approaching Infinity said:
Deedlet said:
Reading the bold part above gave me a bit of a chuckle. I personally don't see anything of our 3D life could be 'terrifying' or anything else for that matter to those steering the UFOs (most likely 4D STS). We are their food, not vice versa. So if they're hovering around places of nuclear energy it probably isn't because they're frightened of what we're capable of, but most likely something they have their paws in osit.

Then again, maybe they don't want to lose their food source? And with psychopaths in power, they've gotta be careful!

Exactly.....can't have mass destruction of the crop until the timing is just right to get maximum energy output (for soul smashing). The harvest needs to be ripe before annihilation of a large part of it (if not the entire thing)....something wicked this way comes.

Good Point(s). Thanks for sharing, gave me food for thought. :cool2:
Corto said:
The plot thickens


Astrophysicist Denies She is UN's New 'Alien Ambassador'
Is the United Nations taking a break from earthly pursuits to appoint an "alien ambassador" who would be charged with greeting any extraterrestrial guests who might make their way to our planet?

While that would make for a good Monday morning story, the Malaysian astrophysicist at the center of the story denies that she will be adding alien liaison to her resume.

"It sounds really cool, but I have to deny it," Mazlan Othman said in an e-mail to The Guardian.

Reports about a UN alien ambassador got started when the Sunday Times reported that Othman was in the running to be the first point of contact for alien visitors. Othman was reportedly set to appear at a Royal Society conference to say that extraterrestrial contact was more likely than ever, and that Earth needed a plan to deal with their arrival.

Othman, however, told The Guardian that she will instead be talking about "near-Earth objects" at the conference rather than close encounters of the little green men kind.

That is strange because have a look here at UNOOSA (United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs) where Ms. Mazlan is listed as the "Director" since 2007 and others have been there before and this is the second time around for Ms. Mazlan.
Now another article in the UK tabloid press (Daily Express) running the story about ufos and military bases. I wonder if any of the serious uk press ( Times, Telegraph, Guardian and Independent) will run with this?



UFOs interfered with nuclear weapon installations in Britain and America, according to claims

Tuesday September 28,2010

By Joanna Walters in New York

ALIEN spacecraft have interfered with nuclear weapon installations in Britain and America during more than 60 years of visits to Earth, top military officers claimed yesterday.

At one base where a craft was seen, it is claimed that nuclear missiles were mysteriously put into launch mode until they were over-ridden by frantic commanders.

The former officers have demanded full government disclosure about the top-secret reports.

At a dramatic conference in Washington yesterday, they revealed how they had witnessed high-velocity, disc-shaped aircraft hovering over nuclear weapons bases and in some cases shutting down or activating missiles.

They claim that a number of incidents in Britain and the US dating from 1948 to as recently as 2007 have been covered up by the armed forces and lied about by the authorities – and should now be disclosed.

One retired US colonel said he had been a “UFO-sceptic” until he saw an alien craft descend near the former nuclear base at RAF Bentwaters in Suffolk, where he had been stationed.

“I was called upon to investigate a very strange occurrence in the woods near the base that was disturbing the security police,” said Colonel Charles Halt. “They had seen a triangular craft sitting on three legs then rapidly manoeuvring through the trees. It quickly and silently vanished at high speed.” A few weeks later, told that the lights were back, he went back into the forest with a two policeman, a camera and a cassette recorder.

At the site he saw “indentations of around six to eight feet wide” and increased levels of radiation as well as broken branches on the trees.

The incident is said to have occurred in late 1980 when Bentwaters was the largest depot in Europe for storing tactical nuclear missiles designed to be fitted to bomber aircraft, and Colonel Halt was the deputy commander.

He said: “Milling around, one of the individuals saw a bright glowing object like an eye. It would appear to be winking and was shedding molten metal and silently moving through the trees and at one point it actually approached us.

“I observed a bright orange light blinking, which, when approached, broke into five white objects.”

Col Halt and his men then saw several strange craft in the sky.

“They were brightly coloured changing from elliptical to round as if they were moving at very high speed,” he said, and one of the objects then “sent down a light, like a laser beam, at our feet”.

He added: “Was this a warning? An attempt to communicate? A weapon?

“I have no idea what we saw but it was under intelligent control. My theory is that it was from another dimension or extra-terrestrial.” Col Halt and five other retired senior US air force officers presented their claims at the event they organised in Washington yesterday.

They displayed hundreds of formerly classified documents detailing the incidents.

Col Halt believes that several similar incidents occurred in England about the time of the Bentwaters sighting, but that the Ministry of Defence has refused to discuss the issue. “I believe that the security services of the United States and the United Kingdom have attempted – both then and now – to subvert the significance of what occurred at RAF Bentwaters by the use of well-practised methods of disinformation,” Col Halt said.

Former US Air Force Captain Robert Salas was on duty at a nuclear base in Montana in 1967 and claims he witnessed a UFO hover over the weapons store and by some invisible means caused 10 nuclear weapons to shut down temporarily. He said: “The missiles shut down –10 Minuteman missiles.

“There’s a strong interest in our missiles by these objects, wherever they come from. I personally think they’re not from planet Earth.”

Col Halt and the six other military witnesses yesterday said they believe hundreds of incidents occurred at the height of the Cold War. UFO researcher Robert Hastings said: “These are upstanding, dry, former military chiefs who were trusted with our nuclear security.”

Mr Hastings added that the more common explanations – that the sightings were secret tests of high-performance aircraft by the US and British military, Russian spy craft or simply absurd imaginings – did not hold up after research.

None of the military witnesses speaking yesterday had seen alien beings, just the unidentified craft themselves.
I'm presently going over parts of The Wave series in preparation for a new printing. This morning, I came across something that applies to this Dolan situation very well. It's about David Icke, but there are certain similarities that I think ya'll will pick up on:

Now, all of you know (or should by now) that I have researched the “alien phenomenon” and have received much info about it from the Cs over the years. And, you know, if you have read the web site, that it does not seem to be a very pretty picture. You also may know that I have followed many “paper trails” that relate to secret societies and conspiracies and have read many different views of these matters in an attempt to “sort out” the subject. In the end, when you delve deeply into these things, you find endless lies and confusion – layer after layer of them.

It is at this point that you have to begin to think.

What could possibly be the reason for this? And you finally realize that the very effect you have observed is the desired objective – Lies and Confusion. And that is where the rubber hits the road and you understand that if you take as truth the wrong view, you are no better than anyone who believes the most blatant and obvious lie, even if the lie you believe is far more subtle and cunningly devious. It still boils down to the fact that you have been deceived and made a fool of – if not food!

So, I understood that great caution needed to be employed in studying these matters. I also understood that the greatest minds of all time have been applied to these problems for millennia – with no real result of “waking up mankind.” So, what is the deal here? Why is it so that suddenly, at this particular point in time, different people think that they have “plumbed” the mystery – have found the “Greatest Secret” and can now expose it for the world to view and believe as true?

Well, when you consider the great machine behind these lies, the apparent (though not proven) hyperdimensional nature of the reality from which ours is manifested, you come to realize that it is not going to be that easy!

When I read David Icke’s book The Robot’s Rebellion, the main fault I found in his searches for the evidence of a global conspiracy was his reliance on what other people have said before, as well as what he was being “fed,” with very little checking of the sources or using of cerebral abilities to really think about what he was saying. I was very put off with his beginning that referred to that old hackneyed idea of the “Luciferian Rebellion” and the “out of synch” energy of evil and all that – because I had already been through that belief system and found its errors and the root of those errors. Still, I felt that this was a pretty good compilation, even if I would have liked a little less hysteria and a lot more documentation.

As it has been noted before, asking for proof of some of these things is like asking for mercury to stay between your fingers. Just isn’t going to happen. So, at best, we have “tracks” and circumstantial evidence that piles so high that it would certainly convict in a court of law, but yet the mainstream community wants the “smoking gun” or the “UFO Cadillac” on the White House Lawn. Not gonna happen.

So, when I ask for “sources,” you must understand that I mean the sources of the idea, the key to the chain of evidence that has been followed, even if that evidence is merely circumstantial. At the same time, I do realize that there are some “hard facts,” that taken together with other “hard facts,” can be connected as “circumstantial evidence” chains – and we really need to look for these things.

But, getting back to David Icke. Yes, I realized that he had followed a similar path that I did when I was researching conspiracies back in the 80’s for the writing of the Noah Syndrome. There was very little new in that book for me. But, he made rather short shrift of the “alien question.” That troubled me. He wasn’t “getting it” at the deepest level, in my opinion.

Let me explain my reasoning for this. When one deeply studies “conspiracy” theory, one comes face to face with a consortium of “Hidden Masters” who are evident in their tracks, but can never be “seen,” so to speak. We find Masons, Illuminati, Templars, Priory of Sion, Rosicrucians, Elders of Zion, and a host of other minor and major players. They come and go on the stage of history like actors playing many different parts. As soon as one “loses its force” another comes into power and holds sway for a time and then becomes “known” and obvious and is replaced.

The next thing is the “time” factor. When we consider conspiracies that have been in place for many thousands of years (and, yes, there is a pile of circumstantial evidence for this) we have to consider what I call the “pay-off” factor. We can study the lives of the various people who are supposed to have been “masters of the game” in these different secret societies that have been exposed from time to time, and determine that it is clear that they are human and that they are being used as “screens” and “red her-rings” to draw attention away from something else.

The very idea of a group of people who live and die in the ordinary way be-ing motivated to put events into motion that may benefit someone else a thousand years down the road, and who then suffer exposure and ignominious death or other unpleasant consequences would, on the one hand, bespeak someone who is devoted to serving others, yet it is clear that this is not the touted agenda. So, we can only conclude that they are serving themselves, and that leaves us with the blank as to what they get out of it!

Standard psychological theories apply here, and we realize that either these people are extremely stupid, and in that case, the whole conspiracy would fall apart rather quickly rather than having lasted for thousands of years, or we must think that these people are being used by someone or something else, for its own ends. And, in that case, we have to realize that the various proposed sources of the conspiracy, whether it is Masons or Rosicrucians or Illuminati, are merely another facet of the smoke screen.

Once we have realized that, we realize that if we jump on the bandwagon of accusations and “we have discovered the secret,” we may very well be falling for the same old Machiavellian ploy that has been used for millennia.

Well, I puzzled over this for a long time – a period in which I was not considering a hyperdimensional reality. I simply could not see the motivation for any group of men, who must be at least somewhat ordinary, to perpetrate such a plan with no apparent “payoff” Supposedly, many of them would “put a certain action” in gear that would only bear fruit a few hundred, or many hundreds, of years in the future to their time, and then they would be exposed and killed or otherwise done away with. Again, such self-sacrifice is either a symptom of pure STO, or evidence of someone else behind the scenes.

So, David Icke found these things … so have many others. It’s been fairly common stuff for a very long time. Some may be true; some may be red herrings. Of course, putting it all together in this day and time, and tracking it through the centuries is an interesting exercise – if one is then able to see the fact that there is a “puppetmaster” that has set this whole thing up to lead astray those who are more clever than others, but not yet clever enough to see the unseen element.

Well, fine and good. He wrote this book and it made a big splash. What next? Well, his next book was a huge disappointment because I could see that “they” had gotten to him. Now, just imagine this scenario: a person dis-covers all these things that he wrote about in his first book … (or thinks he is “discovering” them) – very similar to what I wrote in Noah, (but was completely unable to get it published and had no resources at the time to do it myself), and he gets it published, it gets promoted, and a lot of folks begin to think that maybe nothing is as it seems.

Well, clearly, David was going in the right direction. He might even be able to figure it out once he came to a full understanding of the “hyperdimensional” factor.

What do you think the “Puppet Masters” are going to do now?

And remember, you are not dealing with human minds here… you are not dealing with ordinary logic … you have no hope of figuring out their next “move” except to pay close attention to the action. And, I only knew this be-cause I had taken great pains to study not only the evidence, but who gathered the evidence, how and why and then what happened to them after … So, I knew that there were repercussions to speaking out. And David is a very personable and dynamic person. Not only that, I think he has a real drive for truth. (Even if he doesn’t have a “nose” for it.)

So, here he is, David Icke on the “Truth Train,” picking up a lot of passengers, and building a lot of steam. Well, I think that if a couple guys in three piece suits knocked on his door one night and said “Mr. Icke, we are here to make you an offer …” he probably would have slammed the door in their faces. At least, I would like to think that. But, maybe something like that did happen and he invited them in.

But, what is more likely is this: Somebody knocked on his door (figuratively speaking) and said: “Mr. Icke, I see that you have a great deal of courage and you are making a lot of waves, and I came to you to tell you my story about what is behind the scenes of these conspiracies that you talk about. And, I am afraid for my life, so you must be very careful and help me … so we can reveal to the world the Greatest Secret!”

And, of course, being a person who is “dedicated to truth,” and a person who wants to “save the world,” and all that, Mr. Icke invited this person onto his “truth train.” But, he didn’t realize that this person was an agent of the Puppet Masters … and that this person would secretly be slipping nuclear bombs into the firebox of the steam plant of the engine of his train… and that this nuclear power would speed the train up so fast that not only could it no longer stop to pick up new passengers, it would eventually run off the track and crash and burn.

So, what do I mean? Well, yes, we know that the Cs have talked about underground bases, about genetic experiments and the creation of a “Master Race” breeding ground for the Nephilim – they have talked about Drachomonoid controllers of our realm and they have talked about many of the same bizarre things that David Icke talks about … the difference is in the “deeper explanations” and the “mode of response.”

I will give you an example: First of all, the “sources” of David Icke’s information about the Reptilians from “the constellation Draco” are extremely ques-tionable. When I began to track this idea, the closest I could come to it was that it originated with folks who claimed to have been given this info by reptoids!

So, let’s get this straight: we are trying to uncover a conspiracy, and we go to somebody who we suspect is part of the conspiracy, and ask them what the whole thing is about? Or rather, they came to someone who then re-ported what they were told, and this became the basis for the “knowledge” about the Drachomonoids. That’s like asking Richard Nixon what was on the missing tape.

Other information he writes about relates to pedophile abuse by public fig-ures. That sets the warning bells off immediately because accusations of sexual aberration have been used throughout millennia to smear and destroy many people and groups, most notably the Templars and Cathars. Nevertheless, the inflammatory dwelling on these kinds of things in prurient and graphic detail bespeaks an almost fiendish delight in just simply talking about it. And that is not to say that I don’t think that such things go on – god only knows the awful stuff I have had to deal with in the course of doing hypnotherapy. So, that is not the issue. What IS the issue, is the creation of the “us against them” hard line philosophy that focuses on people and not the true hyperdimensional source of the control.

A couple of David’s sources include Cathy O’Brien and Arizona Wilder. Regarding the former, her accusations of truly bizarre sexual abuse, pedophilia, and assorted disgusting factors are well publicized on the net, and we have already discussed them, so I won’t repeat them here. And, yes, the Cs have confirmed that there is, indeed, something along this line going on, though with modifications to the story.

The bottom line is: we have to wonder exactly why it is that Cathy O’Brien and Arizona Wilder have been allowed to “come out of the closet?”

Think about it.

Now, one correspondent wrote to me that the revelations of Cathy O’Brien made were very carefully orchestrated so that the information came out in a way that was able to protect her from the possibility of being “hit.” In other words, if she had been killed after the book came out, it would be seen as “confirmation” of her story.

So, how to do the conspirators do damage control with Cathy O’Brien?

Well, the answer is simple: Arizona Wilder!!!

Icke tells us that Wilder “conducted human sacrifice rituals for some of the most famous people on Earth, including the British Royal Family.” Arizona says, (in Icke’s book, The Biggest Secret):

“The Queen – I have seen her sacrifice people and eat their flesh and drink their blood. One time she got so excited with blood lust that she didn’t cut the victim’s throat from left to right in the normal ritual. She just went crazy, stabbing and ripping at the flesh after she’d shapeshifted into a reptilian. When she shapeshifts she has a long reptile face, almost like a beak, and she’s off-white colour.

“Prince Charles – I’ve seen him shapeshift into a reptilian and do all the things the Queen does. I have seen him sacrifice children.”

“The Queen Mother is a lot older than people think. To be honest, the Royal Family hasn’t died for a long time, they have just metamorphised. (sic) It’s sort of cloning, but in a different way … They looked like reptiles originally, but they look like us when they get out now … The Queen Mother is ‘Chief Toad’ of this part of Europe and they have people like her in each continent.” (Icke, The Biggest Secret, 1999)
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