Richard Dolan

Perceval said:
Former British MOD (Ministry of Defence) employee and long-time UFO author Nick Pope is my "friend" on Facebook. The other day he posted a link to an article on the MOD web site:

Pride of the Armed Forces recognised for outstanding gallantry

24 Sep 10

A soldier who selflessly risked his life by throwing back an enemy grenade to save his colleagues, and a High Threat IEDD (improvised explosive device disposal) Operator who neutralised 42 devices in 72 hours, are among a number of brave Service personnel to be recognised for gallantry in the latest Operational Honours and Awards List.

I'm not sure what to think. Maybe it's a common factor among UFO researchers that they're not really in it for the Truth of anything else other than "disclosure". Or maybe, given Nick Pope's background, he is a conscious agent of the MOD? Certainly stranger things have happened.

Well Nick has a post today titled hero of the day here!/profile.php?id=735809743&v=wall&story_fbid=155577931130546
which ive commented on. It really is disappointing to see this guy leading people down the wrong path. No actually its infuriating. Maybe others who may be friend with Nick on facebook should maybe make a comment.

Cointelpro ? Fascist ? Both? or just uninformed. Hmmm.
Then again, maybe they don't want to lose their food source? And with psychopaths in power, they've gotta be careful!

I think this is the main reason but C's also mentioned that Roswell was a reconnaissance mission and testing of effects of radioactive rays on human and gray/reptilian genetics. Also this reminded me of admiral Byrd and his expedition to North pole, where he got information from Nordics that are "concerned" about our nuclear program after Hiroshima and Nagasaki and they want to "help" humanity, but never mind that they killed some men of his crew just to show how are they serious about and "benevolent" in that matter, and gave refuge to Nazis. So I think this will be good card they can play on when they show themselves, if they show themselves and Dolan is playing on their hand by saying quotes like that which Deedlet mentioned and little by little showing his true colors.
What is interesting to me is the fact that, with all his tracking of gov documents and conspiracies and so on, it seems that no one has mentioned to Rich exactly HOW interested the gov actually is in cometary impacts - the thing that he didn't like hearing about from me.

On 4 November 1996, Edward Teller wrote to then British Prime Minister, John Major:

Every few human lifetimes, there is a bombardment event like that which occurred in Siberia in 1908, wiping out most life over an area of about 10,000 square miles... Quantitatively, the time-averaged loss-of-life is comparable to that due to large floods, earthquakes and aeroplane crashes... The advent during the last half-century of reasonably large-scale rocket propulsion has given us the technological means necessary to avert such impacts.

Teller, apparently, believed that the greatest threat to humankind is not nuclear war, but asteroid or comet impact.

Some groups within the military believe that problem to be very serious, indeed. A document on the subject of impact threat - now cleared for public release but formerly classified - was prepared by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1996. (Planetary Defense: Catastrophic Health Insurance for Planet Earth, 1996)

Due to a lack of awareness and emphasis, the world is not socially, economically, or politically prepared to deal with the vulnerability of impacts and their potential consequences. Further, in terms of existing capabilities, there is currently a lack of adequate means of detection, command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C41), and mitigation...

In terms of courses of action in the event of a likely impact of an ECO, {earth crossing object}, other than a nuclear option, no defensive capability exists today. However, new technologies may yield safer and more cost-effective solutions by 2025. These authors contend that the stakes are simply too high not to pursue direct and viable solutions to the ECO problem. Indeed, the survival of humanity is at stake.

Dr. Jasper Wall, director of Britain's Royal Greenwich Observatory, Cambridge noted that the Tunguska blast could have had far more serious consequences, would have changed history, if it had occurred at a different time.

Had Earth moved for another three hours or so before the impact occurred, the target would not have been a barely populated corner of Siberia, but Moscow itself. Ten million people would have died. {interview conducted by Austen Atkinson, 1998}

Tunguska sized events occur every 30 to 100 years and smaller incidents occur more frequently. Just such an event occurred in Brazil in 1931, too. They seem to be increasing, so any day there could be another Tunguska anywhere on the planet... or multiple Tunguska size events.

The technology needed to detect and deflect these "small" high-speed objects simply does not exist.

Something like 250 atomic-bom-sized detonations due to comets and asteroids have been registered by the USA's nuclear-detection system and spy satellites over the course of a single decade up through 1999. These explosions were all at relatively high altitudes, but came with a frequency of at least 2 per month. The recent closing of this data to scientists and the public suggests that there is something to be hidden.

There is a 1-in-24,000 chance that you will be killed by a comet or asteroid impact during a 70 year lifespan. The chances of you getting CJD (mad-cow disease) is 1-in 15 million during the same lifespan. Despite the fact that you are 625 times more likely to die from a comet or asteroid impact and are extremely unlikely to die from CJD, the CJD risk has been highly propagandized, British beef was banned from tables, and everyone totally ignored the far more pressing problem of possible imminent death from space rocks. The MOD has taken no action while the Ministry of Agriculture certainly did.

Why such a strange state of schizophrenia?

Perception. The people perceive that the government can do something about a disease, but can do nothing about space rocks.

Dolan's approach reflects the general lack of knowledge of the problems we face that are REAL and far more pressing than "disclosure". Mike Baillie points out that there is still enormous ignorance of the dangers even within the archaeological community. There is still no archaeological or historical paradigm to deal with the historical presence and influence of impacts. This is particularly troublesome in regards to Dolan et al since "strange sightings" in the skies, strange beings and events, historically accompany cometary events. It's as though there is some dimensional doorway opening capacity connected to the comets/asteroids.

Mike Baillie once asked for a show of hands at an archaeological conference, when he asked the audience if they were aware of the impact phenomenon and its probable role in killing off the dinosaurs and its relevance to human history. Only 10% raised their hands.

Is this an example of "ignorance is bliss"??? Do people really think that all will be well if we close our eyes and minds to reality? Unfortunately, Nature is not usually very kind to the slothful or apathetic. It's not adaptive and such individuals may not pass on their genes to future generations.

Because of the hold that religious uniformitarianism has on the minds of most members of our civilization, the concept of cometary impacts has been relegated to popular fiction and entertainment. The scientific community has been "uniformly slow" in understanding the wider implications across disciplines from astronomy to geology to economics and history.

It all seems so remote to them... what with our Earthly troubles, politics, war, economic troubles, etc. If people could only step back for a moment and really understand that those problems are meaningless in the context of the fact that it all could come to a sudden, fiery end in an instant; death that is unwelcome, terrible, and without mercy.

In 1979, Victor Clube and Bill Napier published their seminal scientific paper in the British journal Nature, titled "A Theory of Terrestrial Catastrophism." There was little notice paid to this paper. It was seven months later that Luis Alvarez and his son, Walter, linked this theory with their geological mystery: the extinction of the dinosaurs. They published their work in 1980 in the American journal, Science. There was an uproar and an immediate backlash from the Uniformitarian school. In 1990, ten years after the Alvarez paper, the K/T impact crater was found in data obtained from oil drilling geophysicists. Here we notice that it is private industry that is controlling the scientific data that is needed so desperately by all of humanity. This should change!

Nowadays, the detractors of the impact theory are in the minority and look increasingly like lunatics in denial. The Uniformitarian view has gripped science for so long that some of them will go to their graves denying the overwhelming evidence. Some of them will accept the K/T impact, and then comfort themselves with the idea that it only happens at millions of years intervals.

Not so.

We must not be seduced into thinking that this is a threat that is remote from us, nor be hypnotized by thinking only about large, global extinction impactors such as the K/T event. The primary threat is that of the deathrock in the size range of 300 meters to 2 kilometers. The risk from these objects is very, very real and can produce catastrophes that kill millions, if not billions, and render vast tracts of the globe uninhabitable for long periods.

Tree-ring chronologies along with ice-cores have been very valuable in assessing the possibility that impacts have been far more frequent, and dangerous, than ever previously suspected. Many events have occurred since 2345 BC and have continued to the present day.

Historical records can also provide precious clues if they are looked at properly. There are many historical accounts of what can only be understood as impact phenomena in history that have been, up to now, wrongly interpreted.

The only way to develop coherent understanding and theories about these matters is via cross-disciplinary studies. There is so much information available in all fields that, if it is all cross-referenced and correlated, a true picture of our past - and future - can be had.

Unfortunately, very few scientists are studying the matter in a polymathic way. I'm not a scientist, but I guess I'm a polymath. More of such are needed, desperately.

The U.S. Military is, apparently, as I've already noted, quite concerned about these matters and it is surprising that Dolan has missed this fact. A 1 kilometer asteroid travelling at an average speed of 50 km/s will impact the Earth with an explosive force equivalent to 30,000 megatonnes of TNT. That is the equivalent of 2.5 MILLION Hiroshima-sized bombs!!!

Smaller impactors in the 50-to1-- meter range can generate H-bomb-sized explosions, the equivalent of 10 to 20 megatons of TNT. Tunguska experienced just such an event in 1908, as did Brazil in 1931.

The Tunguska event produced a global scattering of iridium discovered in the Greenland ice cores.

As noted, you have a 1-in-24,000 chance of being killed by a comet or asteroid. This is about the same risk factor you experience when you get on an airplane. See the problem? An enormous amount of money is spent on aircraft safety, and virtually none spent on the same time-averaged risk of impact threat.

Since Dolan has gotten so close to the military technology people (according to him), perhaps he is aware that military contractors such as Lockheed Martin and government agencies such as NASA, have become extremely concerned by the potential impact threat. Lockheed Martin used its energy laboratory at Sandia to research the impact threat. Using energy equations similar to those developed by Teller, which take into account environmental and atmospheric factors, Sandia's team of scientists were able to create virtual-reality simulations of a catastrophic impact. This project was led by David Crawford and Arthurine Breckenridge. They modeled the impact of a 1.4 kilometer-diameter comet, weighing approximately 1,000 million tons and traveling at 60 km/s as it strikes the Atlantic Ocean 25 miles south of New York. This work was done with the most advanced computation equipment on the planet. This was no computer game: Sandia's team also modeled the impacts of Shoemaker-Levy on Jupiter with stunning accuracy.

The conclusions were horrifying.

The comet impacts with the ocean and instantly vaporizes 300 to 500 cubic kilometers of water forming a temporary cavity in the ocean. The equivalent of 300 gigatons of TNT energy is released at that instant - ten times the explosive power of all the world's nuclear weapons together. The heat generated is in excess of 5,000 degrees Celsius.

Five seconds after the comet hits the ocean, a tremendous impact plume composed of superheated debris, earth and water, smothers most of Long Island.

Eleven seconds after impact, the New York coastline is swept by superheated steam and ejected debris. At the same time, a large proportion of the ejected debris has now penetrated Earth's atmosphere in sub-orbital trajectories. Molten ejecta begins to fall on New York and the heat generated by the impact has begun to incinerate everything in its path - entire cities and forests are turned into cinders almost instantly.

Finally, the global debris cloud rapidly lowers temperatures worldwide and this is followed by the moisture evaporated into the atmosphere starting to fall as snow. David Crawford, leader of the Sandia team, said:

It's almost like doing an experiment - one you could never do. One you would never want to do. {Sandia National Laboratory, PR: 5 May 1998}

What is interesting is how our "fearless leaders" are looking at this problem. Their question is: "Is Earth and its human population worth saving?"

My guess is that they are trying to get everything locked down so that they can eliminate a lot of people with plausible excuses, and get away with it; that is, do it without risking the entire population turning against the PTB itself. And so, they play war games, they create terrorism, they play out farces of being at odds with one another when it is really the average human being in all countries who is the enemy of the leaders, all of whom - even if they play at being opposed to one another - are in the same club.
Laura said:
The conclusions were horrifying.

You know, I don't think I've said this before (in this context)...but thank you for the EE program. I would not be capable of facing (without rejecting) such conclusions without it.

Had Earth moved for another three hours or so before the impact occurred, the target would not have been a barely populated corner of Siberia, but Moscow itself. Ten million people would have died. {interview conducted by Austen Atkinson, 1998}

From the New York Times 10 years after that interview...

Dear Sasha & Tatiana:

Well, 100 years have now passed and I finally feel comfortable in letting you know that I really appreciate the sacrifice you made (or your family that might have been made) when I slowed the Earth’s rotation momentarily back in late June 1908. That’s not something I normally do(!) but in that case I really felt I had to intervene.

You see, what’s now referred to as the Tunguska impactor, a smallish asteroid about 40 meters in diameter, was headed for an impact with Earth, directly over Moscow. It would have been a disaster of truly huge proportions, and I just couldn’t stomach that given what Russia was going through at the time. So I slowed the Earth down for a bit… just a few minutes per day for a few weeks. As a result the asteroid hit way out in the middle of Siberia instead of directly over Moscow.

Now there are surely millions of present day Muscovites who owe their lives to the sacrifice that your great-grandfather made in taking the hit for them. In all likelihood he and your great-grandmother would have had many more children than just your grandmother, but there he was in the most desolate section of Siberia, tending his reindeer herd, far, far from everyone else. I’m truly sorry that you don’t have many more cousins to celebrate the holidays with, but in the larger scheme of things it seemed to be the right thing to do at the time.

But I’m really tired of this kind of intervention; it just takes too much out of old fate to pull of this kind of thing in the future. Since so much has happened in the past 100 years in terms of technology development, you and your fellows around the planet are really able to handle this kind of thing yourselves. I mean, after all, your telescopes are now finding the larger asteroids that make close passes by Earth, and soon they’ll be finding the smaller ones like the Tunguska impactor. At least they could be doing that.

And as you know shoving an asteroid slightly off its course is far simpler (and cheaper) than going out to take pictures of yet another of Saturn’s moons!

So I’m pretty content to let the celestial clockwork and human ingenuity run their course undisturbed by pro-active fate. From my perspective it seems that with all the tools required, both an early warning capability and the ability to intervene to slightly alter an asteroid’s orbit, humanity ought to be able to get the job done without me mucking about with space-time.

So good luck. All it really takes is for you to convince your fellow human beings that they really are all related and really can, by coming to a simple agreement to act in concert, protect both themselves and future human (and fellow creatures’) generations by sharing the risk of slightly shrinking or enlarging any threatening asteroid’s orbit so that it misses the Earth. Really, you can do this, provided you can all get together. Yes, I know, that’s a big challenge. But let me tell you, it’s a far smaller feat for you to slightly alter the shape of the local universe than it is for me to slow down the rotation of the Earth!

Good luck.


NEOs are part of nature. A NEO impact is a natural hazard in much the same way as are hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, etc. NEO impacts are deceptively infrequent, yet devastating at potentially unimaginable levels. NEOs are however not our enemies. We do not need to “defend” against NEOs, we need to protect ourselves from their occasional impact, as we do with other natural hazards. Unlike other natural hazards, however, NEO impacts can be predicted well ahead of time and actually prevented from occurring. If we live up to our responsibility, if we wisely use our amazing technology, and if we are mature enough, as a nation and as a community of nations, there may never again be a substantially damaging asteroid impact on the Earth. We have the ability to make ourselves safe from cosmic extinction. If we cannot manage to meet this challenge, we will, in my opinion, have failed to meet our evolutionary responsibility.

Laura said:
What is interesting is how our "fearless leaders" are looking at this problem. Their question is: "Is Earth and its human population worth saving?"

My guess is that they are trying to get everything locked down so that they can eliminate a lot of people with plausible excuses, and get away with it; that is, do it without risking the entire population turning against the PTB itself. And so, they play war games, they create terrorism, they play out farces of being at odds with one another when it is really the average human being in all countries who is the enemy of the leaders, all of whom - even if they play at being opposed to one another - are in the same club.


While the detection technology has sped ahead, international mechanisms for dealing with an asteroid threat are still stuck in first gear.

"At this point, we don't even know enough to alert the right global authorities if we detected one," says Harvey, program manager of the NEOSSat office.

Nor would those in authority have much of a handle on what to do.

"We don't know what size asteroid would take us across the survival threshold by killing most of the standing vegetation so there would be mass starvation," says Hildebrand.

As well, it's not clear that any warning would come in enough time to launch a space mission to alter the asteroid's orbit, or how that might be accomplished.

"If we haven't got the time or the means then we will have to make hard choices about whose lives you are going to try to save," says Hildebrand, a hint of emotion creeping into his normally restrained tones.

The psychopaths in charge only have one drive, and that is to look after themselves. For them who dies is not a hard choice to make....its as simple as blinking. Anyone can die as long as its not them.
Given we appear to be headed for a potential ice age/starvation as it is....any small impact that causes any large scale (thousands of) death/damage (enough to have to be reported globally)....will probably be a tipping point for the lives of millions more the way the cards are stacked at the moment.

I still see something like that as having the highest probability of the PTB introducing martial law over (after the house of cards that is the economy falls over from the shock waves of such an 'earth shattering' event). Natures shock and awe. If they know its coming it makes for a completely deniable global 'terrorist'....all they have to do is 'let it past the security check point' (not that one exists). Then publicly deny they new it was coming....and as the economy has failed they won't be able to do anything about detecting/stopping them anyway.
A sober assessment of the reality around us always attracts censure. Always fear. Accusations fly. Extreme pessimism being one.
Knowledge about the horror of comet strikes is deeply embedded in all our depths.Call it the Unconscious if you wish. It lies there like a stone.
Good and evil...what is that? You can't have one without the other. Ask that greatest of pariahs Cain . But then again truth is always brutal.
Is the close of a master cycle upon us? The polarisation of service to self or service to others that determines the harvest?
Are we... that's all folks .
If so, can you take a hit? Can you take another? Keep on taking? Go the distance...not settle for low fees?
We have tools. Working on oneself is one and the breathing program is another. We can be like Odysseus. It all comes down to a trial by inner fire before the
other fire comes. We have some tools and we have some help.
Perhaps we are all like sparrows. His eyes are on us.
Thanks for the privilege. mantle.
Ive often thought upon comet impact as an ending of sorts, along with other ways one can face the end , murdered , drowning , knocked down by that bus any day any moment. Im not saying bring it on , but a cometary impact would seem less personal if you know what i mean. The biggest horror is the thought that a number of psychopaths will survive it and it all starts up again.

Presently i am interpreting from what i am seeing , truth seekers being treated as the equivalent of the tortured and murdered so called witches of the past. Truth is so obviously the enemy to these monsters.

And in a world of maybe 50 50 regarding those who may have potentially a soul , and those who do not , the majority of possibly souled are brainwashed and can not see. They are so brainwashed that they will turn in their fellow human beings as did the Hitler youth turn in their friends and family as soon as the propaganda grows stronger to tell them to do so.

When it is shown that even white europeans can be terrorists then it will speed up. Mostly we have had only foreign sounding arabic names given out on the news as being terrorist or suspected terrorists. This will soon change and every one then will be keyed into looking out for suspicious behaviour like using cash and keeping ones curtains closed as was put out on english radio quite recently.

Madness is truly around where ever one looks , or so it seems to me.

I am personally always nauseated when i hear people justify the killing of other people . And they seem to inflate their being when spouting this justification. Come on all strong.

So many good people are going through and are going to go through such terrible times now and in the near future. This is what i feel saddened by , even though i understand that whatever will be will be , from a third density perspective.

I digress and apologise.
New article by Rich here:
What Really Happened at Malmstrom AFB in 1967?
I was wondering after reading this article about Tunguska event, how it could hit Moscow so it fell on my mind that if it actually did hit in that time some populated city people would start to look more seriously in that, especially now, so I was wondering that maybe it was somehow diverted because humans are food to 4D STS and it wasn't the right time yet, and it wouldn't have good consequences for PTB in the future. It doesn't have to be so but it's just a thought.
L said:
New article by Rich here:
What Really Happened at Malmstrom AFB in 1967?

Considering that the 'UFOs shut down nuclear missiles' story is a cornerstone to this latest 'disclosure' stage show, it follows logically that Dolan would defend the story as being true, despite ripples on the pond that it might have been faked. Just my two cents, of course. Just seems like the disclosure guys are putting a lot of weight behind that event, so it needed some 'shoring up' to keep things moving.
anart said:
Considering that the 'UFOs shut down nuclear missiles' story is a cornerstone to this latest 'disclosure' stage show, it follows logically that Dolan would defend the story as being true, despite ripples on the pond that it might have been faked. Just my two cents, of course. Just seems like the disclosure guys are putting a lot of weight behind that event, so it needed some 'shoring up' to keep things moving.

This is the problem I kept coming up against in researching UFOs and alien stuff. Lies and confusion and more lies and confusion. I was already familiar with this routine from paranormal research. Then, you find the same thing with alternative history, and that whole Rennes-le-Chateau thing.

What I finally realized was that the only way to deal with that stuff was to think about it in terms of hyperdimensional manipulation.

Yeah, I know, that is not a very satisfactory thing to do when one is just looking for a hard fact, darn it. But there it is.

And if you have hyperdimensional manipulation, then you have to figure that you are dealing with something that is way out of your league with objectives and modes of function you simply can't understand on your own.

The main objective you can discern, after a long time, is that the lies and confusion are deliberate - to conceal. And something like that which wants to be concealed, well, you can bet you ain't big enough to expose it if it doesn't want to be exposed.
Laura said:
This is the problem I kept coming up against in researching UFOs and alien stuff. Lies and confusion and more lies and confusion. I was already familiar with this routine from paranormal research. Then, you find the same thing with alternative history, and that whole Rennes-le-Chateau thing.

What I finally realized was that the only way to deal with that stuff was to think about it in terms of hyperdimensional manipulation.

Yeah, I know, that is not a very satisfactory thing to do when one is just looking for a hard fact, darn it. But there it is.

And if you have hyperdimensional manipulation, then you have to figure that you are dealing with something that is way out of your league with objectives and modes of function you simply can't understand on your own.

The main objective you can discern, after a long time, is that the lies and confusion are deliberate - to conceal. And something like that which wants to be concealed, well, you can bet you ain't big enough to expose it if it doesn't want to be exposed.

Yeah, it reminds me of the line from the 'Mothman Prophecies' movie when the researcher 'Mr. Leek' tells Richard Gere, in response to all his questions of 'what this is' and 'what it means', that "we aren't allowed to know".
dannybananny said:
I was wondering after reading this article about Tunguska event, how it could hit Moscow so it fell on my mind that if it actually did hit in that time some populated city people would start to look more seriously in that, especially now, so I was wondering that maybe it was somehow diverted because humans are food to 4D STS and it wasn't the right time yet, and it wouldn't have good consequences for PTB in the future. It doesn't have to be so but it's just a thought.

That seems like a possibility. People would have been left in no doubt about the risk of cometary impact if it had hit Russia or another heavily populated area. If outside forces where anything to do with the diversion they only acted like guard dogs protecting the livestockfood. Same with switching off of nuclear missiles.
anart said:
Considering that the 'UFOs shut down nuclear missiles' story is a cornerstone to this latest 'disclosure' stage show, it follows logically that Dolan would defend the story as being true, despite ripples on the pond that it might have been faked. Just my two cents, of course. Just seems like the disclosure guys are putting a lot of weight behind that event, so it needed some 'shoring up' to keep things moving.

What's also interesting is that this staged show continues to grow. Dolan is either oblivious to it, or is pretty much keeping his mouth shut about it. Does he really not see just how big of a role he playing in it?

Btw, is anyone familiar with the forum? I think it was the forum operator who challenged Dolan about this UFO nuke issue. I had a look at the forum and saw they were also looking into the whole Serpo charade. Interestingly they were trying to put together an interview with Alfred Webre (who wrote the hit piece on Dolan's review of High Strangeness) during the ordeal, and were planning on hosting it on Above Top Secret's website. Webre came out and said he didn't want to be associated with ATS because of Laura's article showing COINTELPRO connections. _ They seem to have had a feud with ATS and there seems some overlap of members, from what I could tell. Just funny to see some older relationships show up.
dannybananny said:
I was wondering after reading this article about Tunguska event, how it could hit Moscow so it fell on my mind that if it actually did hit in that time some populated city people would start to look more seriously in that, especially now, so I was wondering that maybe it was somehow diverted because humans are food to 4D STS and it wasn't the right time yet, and it wouldn't have good consequences for PTB in the future. It doesn't have to be so but it's just a thought.

Those same thought crossed my mind when I saw this video;

From this tread;

Double that with the disclosure movement of the last few weeks and the meteorite that felt in Columbia last month that we didn't ear any think since, something very important they want to kept under the radar. I'm thinking like you, it is to early and would be bad for the PTB but what a wake up call for the sleeping population.
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