Richard Dolan

Laura said:
Some years ago I wrote a couple of articles about Picknett & Prince and their book "The Stargate Conspiracy." I thought it was a pretty good book as far as it went (which wasn't that far, actually), and if the reader understood that the authors had certain biases and a fairly obvious agenda: to support the status quo. Anyway, much of what I wrote then applies equally to Dolan at the present so maybe I'll just quote it here as a record.

Laura, thanks for reprinting such an excellent summary of the very complicated web that's ensnared humanity. It's daunting to discover that web, and even more daunting to find others open to such unpleasant news. But your concise outline will come in handy whenever I do.

On another note, all this discussion of Dolan's book about ET disclosure prompts me to ask about another book, Phase Two by C. Scott LIttleton. Last year, when I saw this book, I was intrigued what direction it would take, given it was sold through Red Pill Press. But after reading it, I've been more baffled than intrigued because it seems to promote "the loving space brothers are coming to save us... the aliens are good" (theme) running through the Disclosure movement" (as PopHistorian phrased it in Reply #91).

To be fair, Littleton did a good job of weaving many factual details into a decent fictional drama, as did Speilberg in his Taken series, but unfortunately, both were spoiled IMO by ending with a schmaltzy "group hug" with benevolent ET's come to save us.

So am I confused or correct about this seeming inconsistency?
LiveScience summed up that conference by Hastings&Salas:

Did UFOs Disarm Nuclear Weapons? And If So, Why? (now, on SOTT)
Benjamin Radford
Thu, 30 Sep 2010 10:17 CDT

At an unusual press conference recently held in Washington, D.C., a UFO author and a half-dozen or so former U.S. military airmen asserted that "The U.S. Air Force is lying about the national security implications of unidentified aerial objects at nuclear bases and we can prove it." They claim that since 1948, extraterrestrials in spaceships have not only been visiting Earth but hovering over British and American nuclear missile sites and temporarily deactivating the weapons.

UFO author Robert Hastings, who organized the news conference, said, "I believe - these gentlemen believe - that this planet is being visited by beings from another world, who for whatever reason have taken an interest in the nuclear arms race."

Hastings claims that a global conspiracy exists in which all major governments have been covering up evidence of UFOs for decades.

Despite claims that the airmen were "breaking their silence," there was very little new information presented at the press conference; in fact many of the UFO reports they cited date back 30 or 40 years, and had appeared in magazine articles, books, and websites. Instead of any new evidence or real proof they offered merely a rehashing of old, discredited reports that didn't yield any significant evidence when they were originally reported decades ago.

These "revelations" in fact raise more questions than they answer.

For example, if extraterrestrial intelligences have been watching over humanity and are so concerned about nuclear weapons, why didn't they prevent the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II? Preventing those bombs from exploding - instead of demonstrating the atom's awesome destructive power to the world - could have been a much more effective way to head off a nuclear arms race.

Furthermore, the point of the press conference is muddled in contradictions. On one hand, the stated purpose was to encourage governments of the world to finally publically admit that they are aware of aliens, presumably because they pose a threat to national security. On the other hand, the larger message seems to be not to worry about nuclear proliferation, because our alien space brothers will take care of us and avert any potential nuclear attacks (at least in the US and UK - no word on if the aliens are concerned about Iran's nukes).

If that's true, then the aliens would not really be a threat to national security since they seem to be playing galactic peacekeepers.

The information presented at the press conference is only the most recent in a long line of similar claims.

UFO folklore and reports - especially from the 1960s and 1970s - often contained supposed messages from our peace-loving and ecologically aware space brothers warning us quarrelsome and destructive earthlings to treat the planet better and seek world peace. That is undoubtedly good advice (regardless of whether its origin is terrestrial or extraterrestrial) though if Hastings and his colleagues are right, the aliens - if they exist - may have everything under control.
Benjamin Radford is managing editor of the Skeptical Inquirer science magazine. His new book is Scientific Paranormal Investigation; this and his other books and projects can be found on his website. His Bad Science column
appears regularly on LiveScience.
Possibility of Being said:
LiveScience summed up that conference by Hastings&Salas:

Did UFOs Disarm Nuclear Weapons? And If So, Why? (now, on SOTT)

Ya'll also check this one out:

Looks like the same type of drama with Dolan and Disclosure. Not saying that either Dolan or Assange are aware of the role they are playing, but it sure is a big smoke-screen. That means we need to look around and see what they are trying to distract our attention away from!
That means we need to look around and see what they are trying to distract our attention away from!

One of the hardest acceptances has been understanding that most everything I "know", what I've read and been told, is a lie. Accepting we have been lied to takes time, becoming almost instinctual, "to the bone", a new player is generated in the realm of characters that seem to be within me. Becoming aware of new possibilities comes along with continued learning, research and contemplation. Appears as time goes by, I DO wonder...
What do they know we don't? What is being hid, if anything is indeed hidden?

Looking at the smileys, I couldn't help but notice another major distraction nowadays...
:osama: :osama: :osama:
Maybe I just didn't pay enough attention before, but it seems it's getting weirder and weirder....

I noticed a number of website publishing an article about the Mothman last days. Well, those are not the chief MSM, but sites like BBC News America,, or

Today, Thaindian News published a different item on the Mothman . The Press reported on September 23 a Mothman sighting in Nuremberg, Germany (with a photo!)

And while searching for that I came across a brilliant note on that Malaysian "alien ambassador" Mazlan Othman:

Both Charles Fort and John Keel would have loved this one. Last weekend there were plenty of news headlines about the UN appointing an Earthly ambassador to alien civilisations: [...]

However, it seems someone got their wires crossed, as official bodies knew nothing about it when queried, and Mrs. Othman herself said that though the idea "sounds really cool...I have to deny it." Besides which, there already is a group, headed by a leading scientist, dedicated to this role.

But why would Keel and Fort have loved this story so much? Mazlan Othman. M.Othman. That would only be topped by someone named Indrid Cold taking on the job....

One could wonder, what kind of world we live in?
That's kinda creepy, PoB!!! Like the hyperdimensional denizens are unleashing something to make the Disclosure folks think... if they notice, that is.
Possibility of Being said:
Maybe I just didn't pay enough attention before, but it seems it's getting weirder and weirder....

I noticed a number of website publishing an article about the Mothman last days. Well, those are not the chief MSM, but sites like BBC News America,, or

Today, Thaindian News published a different item on the Mothman . The Press reported on September 23 a Mothman sighting in Nuremberg, Germany (with a photo!)

One could wonder, what kind of world we live in?

We just watched that movie two nights ago and were wondering if there have been any recent sightings!
Towards a scientific and societal agenda on extra-terrestrial life
"Should extra-terrestrial life exist, upcoming efforts will provide living generations with a realistic chance of its detection. Even more than the scientific agenda, a corresponding complementary societal agenda needs to be debated. With a mix of invited talks and panel debates, we particularly look into the detection of life, the communication with potential extra-terrestrial civilizations, the implications for the future of humanity, and the political processes that are required"

Four panel debates include

1: Calling ET, or not even answering the phone?
2: Societal questions raised by the detection of extra-terrestrial life
3: What could studies of extra-terrestrial life tell us about the future of humanity?
4: Extra-terrestrial life and arising political issues for the UN agenda

Posted on FB today:

"If we look at the world from an informational point of view, and if we consider the many complex ways in which time and space my be structured, the old idea of space travel and interplanetary craft to which most technologists ar...e still clinging appears not only obsolete, but ludicrous. Indeed, modern physics has already bypassed it, offering a very different interpretation of what an "extraterrestrial" system might look like.

"I believe there is a system around us that transcends time as it transcends space. The system may well be able to locate itself in outer space, but its manifestations are not spacecraft in the ordinary 'nuts and bolts' sense. The UFO's are physical manifestations that cannot be understood apart from their psychic and symbolic reality. What we see in effect here is a control system which acts on humans and uses humans."

Jacques Vallee
Laura said:
Posted on FB today:

"If we look at the world from an informational point of view, and if we consider the many complex ways in which time and space my be structured, the old idea of space travel and interplanetary craft to which most technologists ar...e still clinging appears not only obsolete, but ludicrous. Indeed, modern physics has already bypassed it, offering a very different interpretation of what an "extraterrestrial" system might look like.

"I believe there is a system around us that transcends time as it transcends space. The system may well be able to locate itself in outer space, but its manifestations are not spacecraft in the ordinary 'nuts and bolts' sense. The UFO's are physical manifestations that cannot be understood apart from their psychic and symbolic reality. What we see in effect here is a control system which acts on humans and uses humans."

Jacques Vallee

It seems JV is pretty precise perhaps, close some might suspect to the reality we face.
Richard Dolan getting the treatment?

I just ran across this item. . .

Richard Dolan has apparently signed on to offer us a reality TV show.

My first thought was, "Oh darn. I can no longer point to Richard Dolan as a fall-back position when discussing UFOs with the layman."

Check out the clip. It's utterly cringe-worthy. I'm not talking about the content, which. . , who knows what survives a studio treatment?, but rather just the emotional impact and the all-important but less tangible cues. My first thought was that Richard looks like a dork. That's really unfortunate. I've made every effort in my life to not judge people by their physical attributes, to ignore my impulses and seek connection with a person's mind and soul. But in this case, especially with the style of the show clip, he comes across as a bit goofy. This demonstrated to me that I'd until now been trading heavily on the impeccable cut of his academic presence. Any newcomer to his work will now have the opportunity to look (and listen) to this version of Richard Dolan, and the emotional impact will, I suspect, be a massive net subtraction from any debate.

But then, I'm also auto-reacting here. I thought the X-Files was embarrassing and idiotic, and yet it did more to raise awareness on the subject of untrustworthy government and UFOs than any other single media project during the 90's.

So what do I know?
Re: Richard Dolan getting the treatment?

Woodsman said:
I just ran across this item. . .

Richard Dolan has apparently signed on to offer us a reality TV show.

My first thought was, "Oh darn. I can no longer point to Richard Dolan as a fall-back position when discussing UFOs with the layman."

Check out the clip. It's utterly cringe-worthy. I'm not talking about the content, which. . , who knows what survives a studio treatment?, but rather just the emotional impact and the all-important but less tangible cues. My first thought was that Richard looks like a dork.

Hiya Woodsman,

There's an interesting thread about Richard Dolan here.
Hi Woodsman,

I've merged the topic here, (same link as Guardian stated above) to keep it all in one place. :)
Vulcan59 said:
Hi Woodsman,

I've merged the topic here, (same link as Guardian stated above) to keep it all in one place. :)


I've had a bit of time to reflect. While I am a bit worried that such a program might have the "National Enquirer Effect", whereby while high-quality research and reporting was able to take place wrt UFOs, the overall presentation and the nature of the publication lent itself to automatic discredit in the eyes of much of the public, it is also worth remembering that it was Dolan himself who through his books explained exactly how that worked, noting that for many years the Enquirer was under the direction of an ex-CIA agent. So it's not as though Dolan is walking into the TV world blind; perhaps he knows exactly what he's doing.

And in fact, I find myself quite eager to see what his program offers. Any insights offered at his hand have always been well worth the attention. Still, I know for a fact that it will add a layer of complication when referring people to his works.

Wait and see, I suppose.

I just pounded through this thread. (My last post here was written before I'd done that. I need to stay more on top of things.)

I must say that Dolan's certainty wrt disclosure seemed a little shaky when I first encountered it and it left me thinking, "Well, maybe, but I think you're looking forward through filters which I don't share." But the gravity of it all didn't really sink in. Our awareness effects the steps we choose and there are millions of butterflies disturbed along even a short distance.

In considering the many observations made here, it does seem more likely than ever that Dolan has been co-opted and is in the process of being handled in order to channel public thinking along the paths chosen by the control matrix. Listening to the recent Jesse Ventura interview offered a cold reminder that TV is nothing to play around with; the control system places heavy restrictions on who says what through that medium. Did anybody else see the extra features in the "Crop Circles, Quest for Truth" DVD? -The account about how the CIA bullied its way into one researcher's life was chilling and it is never far from my mind when I consider this kind of material. I think that kind of action is probably the next level up from the kind of kid-glove manipulation Dolan is (probably) currently experiencing.

How depressing. It's too bad Dolan hasn't worked to develop a relationship network which focuses on recognizing the dangers of the predator ego. It seems he had several opportunities to benefit from that kind of work.

Still. . , and this is me considering a possible future with some hope, making mistakes is how we learn, and Richard may yet emerge with some valuable insights. It's just rough in that some people who hold high offices in the public eye can do a great deal more damage in dropping the ball than those who are nearer the ground, so to speak.
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