Richard Dolan

I'm wondering, has anyone gotten the book and read it, or is in the process of reading it? Maybe Dolan sent a copy to Laura and SOTT team? ;)
Here's the introduction:
Here's the latest article on the A.D. After Disclosure site about the The Event television show:

new video from Richard Dolan called" The UFO Cover-Up in 10 Minutes ":

last statement from Dolan: "the UFO secrecy, very soon, is going to be a thing of the past"
Pashalis said:
new video from Richard Dolan called" The UFO Cover-Up in 10 Minutes ":

last statement from Dolan: "the UFO secrecy, very soon, is going to be a thing of the past"

I think he's going to regret going out on that limb.
Laura said:
Pashalis said:
new video from Richard Dolan called" The UFO Cover-Up in 10 Minutes ":

last statement from Dolan: "the UFO secrecy, very soon, is going to be a thing of the past"

I think he's going to regret going out on that limb.

That's exactly what I thought. I actually enjoyed the 10min run down on the cover-up and it's a great way to make people think about this topic, but he shot himself in the foot with that statement at the end.
It baffles me, that someone with such an in-depth knowledge about the UFO phenomena (maybe not deep enough?) comes to such a conclusion. Sure, the government and other public groups may be "disclosing" something at one point, but the TRUTH? I don't think so......
I've been rather interested in all of this disclosure talk flying around the net, not from the point of view of the disclosure itself, which will be something akin to wikileaks, but as a temporal marker for how far along we are in the Cassiopaean "prophecy." There are certain "signs" that they gave as a sort of ramping up of activity leading up to the wave. There was a sort of order to it like:
1. Accelerating freak weather patterns.
2. War leading to global totalitarianism.
3. Economic Collapse.
4. Cometary bombardment.
5. Ice Age.
6. Pole Shift.
7. Aliens masquerading as gods.
8. The Wave Comes.
9. Return of "Christ."

I don't know if that's necessairly the right order, I just decided to list them by increasing "weirdness factor." I thought it was interesting that 10 or more years ago, when the sessions were done, all of these predictions were a little off the wall and not really evident except perhaps for some hints of #1. While none of these predictions have come true in their entirety yet, the first six are well on their way, and #2 and 3 could conceivably come true any day now. It seems that in order to accomplish their agenda, the aliens will have to come "out of the closet" eventually. However, I think one could make a strong argument that the "aliens as gods" event won't happen until after the wave. It would seem imprudent for the aliens to come forward in a world where people are blindly devoted to the various pathetic religious control systems that proliferate around the planet. Why risk shaking them awake with a control system that is more intricate, but closer to the truth, when the older simpler one will do? To the people who "ascend" after the Wave, who should be fairly liberated from this type of thing however, it is obvious where a better control system will be needed to keep them under control. On the flip side, if the PTB screw up enough to discredit religion (some of the things that have come out about the Catholic Church are approaching mainstream awareness) then the "aliens as saviors" meme may need to be propagated to prevent people from doing some serious soul-searching and breaking free of the matrix. As the world's social institutions collapse, the aliens can come down like they did in V and give us technology, clean up pollution, and unite the planet.

Or the PTB could admit that there were aliens, a deal was reached with them, we acquired some technology, and then we took charge, shot 'em up a bit, and now everything is more or less under control like in Bill Ryan's interview of "Charles." The military-industrial complex is really the good guys, despite our secrecy, which was "necessary" until such time as the world was "ready" etc. Just keep sending us your money so we can continue to protect you. The military-industrial complex is then idolized above all else because it has made all of these "breakthroughs" over the years upon which are survival is totally depenedent. The people accept it and the M-IC is then free to consume 100% of society's resources with little more than a few whispers of angst from the more aware members of the population. The PTB can then have their totalitarian dream with very little mess because they have convinced everyone that we need them to stay on top of this alien situation, while they are actually secretly working for the aliens. Of course, hyperdimensions or anything along that line will be far too explosive to touch with a 10 foot pole and will not be mentioned. The aliens will be presented as human as possible, just with some advanced technology to dissuade people from guessing the true nature of reality. I wonder if THAT is the type of disclosure that intelligent rationalists like Dolan are being set up for.

Based on recent events, do you guys think that the government is preparing for some type of immenent quasi-disclosure along these lines or is it still some ways off? Personally, I think the PTB will keep it under wraps as long as possible until either the economic collapse/earth changes makes things so bad that the minion class starts to squeal and the secrets become impossible to keep, or 4D STS decides to announce their presence because they feel it is the optimal time for "shock and awe."
Well, I think that "Disclosure" is more or less related to the alien "invasion" idea and whenever I think of that, I remember this:

19Nov1994 said:
Q: (T) Is the government planning to stage an invasion by
aliens to cause the populace of the world to go into such
a fear state that they will accept total control and

A: Open. But if so, will "flop".

Q: (T) Why?

A: Many reasons:
1. Visual effects will be inadequate and will have "glitches".
2. Real invasion may take place first.
3. Other events may intercede.

Q: (T) Such as what?

A: Earth changes.

Q: (T) Am I correct in assuming that some of these hot-shot,
big-wig guys in the government who have plans for taking
over the whole world and making everything all happy and
hunky-dory with them in charge, are just simply not in
synch with the fact that there are some definite earth
changes on the agenda? Are they missing something here?

A: Close. They are aware but in denial.

Q: (T) Are these earth changes going to occur prior to the
arrival of the cometary cluster?

A: No. But "time" frame is, as of yet, undetermined.

Q: (T) Am I correct in saying that if they knew what was
really going to happen that they would still continue with
their stupid little plans to make money and try to control
the world?

A: Yes. Greed is a sickness.

Which is reiterated, so to say, in the following:

28Feb1998 said:
Q: (L) I want to know something about this weird weather.
There have been a LOT of sightings in Gulf Breeze and
falling fireballs out in Colorado, strange weather, but,
to open the doot to this, is there anymore to be said
about the increased UFO activity and the weather and all
the other things going on at present?

A: Review early transcripts and predictions, leaving aside
"time" frames.

Q: One of the earlier sessions made the statement 'space
invasion in 4 to 6 years.' That was said in 1994, which
is 4 years ago. What is the deal on the space invasion

A: Lessons are to be learned by observation closely.

Q: So, you are not going to give us any more on this idea of
the space invasion?

A: See last answer, then wait and see.

ADDED: From my point of view, the world being taken over by psychopaths is as good as an alien invasion!
[quote author=Laura]ADDED: From my point of view, the world being taken over by psychopaths is as good as an alien invasion![/quote]

There's more exposure now regarding psychopathy and its scope in political/corporate affairs, even the MSM can't avoid it entirely. UFO "disclosure" could provide both a diversion and something like a "common enemy" - a new mask for psychopaths in a wishful thinking fashion.

A long shot, but possible.

It could also be by 4D STS design to continue the shaping of humanity's perception as always; it could function as a straw man on a global scale leading to a pretty nasty reshaping.
Jerry said:
[quote author=Laura]ADDED: From my point of view, the world being taken over by psychopaths is as good as an alien invasion!

There's more exposure now regarding psychopathy and its scope in political/corporate affairs, even the MSM can't avoid it entirely. UFO "disclosure" could provide both a diversion and something like a "common enemy" - a new mask for psychopaths in a wishful thinking fashion.

A long shot, but possible.

It could also be by 4D STS design to continue the shaping of humanity's perception as always; it could function as a straw man on a global scale leading to a pretty nasty reshaping.

Good points.

So, what if the REAL "alien invasion" is the takeover by psychopaths. (They are, after all, like cybergenetic extensions of 4 D STS.)

Then, the psychopaths create a fake disclosure to distract attention away from psychopaths.

The fake disclosure/invasion is exposed, and the psychopaths put their man up for leadership in some way? Or simply change the whole scenery somehow. People can be convinced to believe anything when they are in a state of shock (witness 9-11) and once they believe it, it's almost impossible to change.

I've always had a feeling that things that are "predicted" do not turn out exactly as we imagine they might...
Laura said:
I've always had a feeling that things that are "predicted" do not turn out exactly as we imagine they might...

In my experience, looking at an event in hindsight that has been predicted in some way is usually accompanied by a resounding forehead slap and a "Oh! So that's what they meant!" :)
WhiteBear said:
Laura said:
I've always had a feeling that things that are "predicted" do not turn out exactly as we imagine they might...

In my experience, looking at an event in hindsight that has been predicted in some way is usually accompanied by a resounding forehead slap and a "Oh! So that's what they meant!" :)

Exactly! So I'm trying to leave all possibilities open though I suspect that the ones that most people subscribe to are not very viable or likely.
I think the staged, fake alien invasion theory is very likely possible, because with the black budget the psychopaths could be sitting on mind-boggling technology, any kinds of mass projections to whip people into a psychotic frenzy of panic and fear.

However, I know I am not alone in having seen very strange things over the years, and the key point here is that some of them feel more tangible than others. So, could the real invasion and the fake invasion be going on simultaneously?

If they do create this mad panic, there will likely be entities hanging around to feed on the anxiety and the fear, so the two phenomena could be intertwined? Oh man, what a messy future scenario, plus the freezing temperatures, space rocks, food shortages, martial's enough to make the mind wibble.

All those sleeping people who haven't been paying attention are in for an even bigger shocker though, and that's a big worry....
Wow this is an interesting topic, I remember I get to this place because of my interest of UFOS and those things.
In this picture how the Quorum is going to act? I remember something about keeping prophecies off track or something like that.
Like many others on this post I am an admirer of Richard Dolan and his courageous work. But like all of us, he may well have his blind spots, and disclosure seems to be his. I think to such an ordered and logical thinker, disclosure seems an inevitability (he states that over and over at present) because he cannot envisage how the system can continue in the face of its own implausible denials (i.e. UFOs are not a threat and don’t exist anyway… hey there goes another weather balloon!) Sadly I think he has too much faith in logical inevitability! The psychopathic system has learnt of late it can say anything, do anything, keep any number of ridiculous lies in the air and still get away with it, that the process of dumbing down, drugging and crippling cognitive sense through substance abuse, food poising, electromagnetic saturation, etc is doing its job just fine. They need not fear a public backlash on this one. After all if Leslie Kean’s work on UFOs and nukes didn’t get everyone hopping mad then almost nothing will (but of course the media machine white washed this ‘disclosure’ too).

Despite the continual flow of irrefutable information, the pressure for a public disclosure is way, way on the back burner for most people. As has been shown by the 9-11 story the information is out there where in effect disclosure has already taken place for those who want to look for it, but the patient at large simply doesn’t want to handle the truth (who was it said ’even if they prove 9-11 was an inside job, I wouldn’t believe it’?).

If we sit around waiting for ‘Mummy or Daddy’ to tell or confirm for us what our own abilities should be able to determine for ourselves, once more we are simply handing our power over. That’s why the impact of disclose I suspect would be minimal (those who see hoards of angry, betrayed folks storming the Whitehouse are I think deluded – haven’t they had a hundred reasons to do that since Dallas ’63 and I see no flames or broken windows?). If people are told, instead of discovering for themselves, it would sink in with the same passive acceptance shown by the masses before religious control systems. After the initial ‘my god’, everyone would sink back into the same accepting state. The buffers would kick in. Nothing much would change (look how revolutions always get hijacked by the status quo within a very brief period after any initial outburst).

Furthermore, there quite simply isn’t anything whatsoever to be gained for the PTB unless… and this of course is the big unless… it fits in with their plans, which currently it doesn’t seem to (such as ET invasion requires single world government, or our space-brothers say we need to pull together… or some such nonsense). Even Richard admits the sight of Obama on the white house lawn saying yes we have been in contact with ‘aliens’ for however long would not, in itself probably change anything.

Disclosure (thanks to COINTELPRO like Dr Richard Greer) remains another in a long line of panaceas, another salvation to be hoped for, a trap for those on the path to fall into (a slough of despond to quote Bunyan), driving them mad with frustration and impotence, as meanwhile the folks in the know continue going about their quiet business of wrecking the joint (or perhaps preparing the joint for the wrecking might be a better way of putting it)!
Laura said:
Jerry said:
[quote author=Laura]ADDED: From my point of view, the world being taken over by psychopaths is as good as an alien invasion!

There's more exposure now regarding psychopathy and its scope in political/corporate affairs, even the MSM can't avoid it entirely. UFO "disclosure" could provide both a diversion and something like a "common enemy" - a new mask for psychopaths in a wishful thinking fashion.

A long shot, but possible.

It could also be by 4D STS design to continue the shaping of humanity's perception as always; it could function as a straw man on a global scale leading to a pretty nasty reshaping.

Good points.

So, what if the REAL "alien invasion" is the takeover by psychopaths. (They are, after all, like cybergenetic extensions of 4 D STS.)

Then, the psychopaths create a fake disclosure to distract attention away from psychopaths.

The fake disclosure/invasion is exposed, and the psychopaths put their man up for leadership in some way? Or simply change the whole scenery somehow. People can be convinced to believe anything when they are in a state of shock (witness 9-11) and once they believe it, it's almost impossible to change.

I've always had a feeling that things that are "predicted" do not turn out exactly as we imagine they might...


Jesus... that makes frightening sense. People looking for alien hybrids, and they perhaps were under our collective noses all the time! Looking above waiting for greys while the planet is being taken over by psychopaths!
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