Role of Russia

Siberia said:
I don't think it makes any sense to reply to Antony's carefully selected replies (while ignoring what he doesn't want to acknowledge) and his obvious double or multiple standards, at least for me. It's all the usual PTB talking points.
SeekinTruth] Indeed said:
"Interesting" discussion indeed, truly "objective". I really hoped for an open minded polemics with elder brothers and sisters with facts and arguments in hand. But what do we have?
As I see it you have not really come here to network with us. You actually seem to have little or no idea what networking really is. The dictionary defines"Polemic" as "the art or practice of disputation or controversy", which is apparently what you have in mind. Essentially a debate or argument, probably just for the 'fun of it'. So far you have not at all shown that you have an "open mind" and are willing to discuss, learn and share that learning with us. This is not a debating club, and if that is your intent, perhaps as has been mentioned, you are at the wrong bar.
Hi Anthony,
Your line of arguments are familiar to me as I watched these dynamics, as part of being in world's largest democracy (people continuously argue on party lines - religion, caste, Politican, movie hero/heroine's and some even ready to die for that argument). At this point, It looks nothing will change your opinion, since you are so emotionally invested in specific outcome. Nothing new. Why you are invested in that, only you can explain, of course If you want. Probably, you can write down your best ideals and share and see your expectation and see how different player fare.

Antony said:
(in comparison to РСФСР/ Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic in 1990 г.)
Electricity - 97%
Comparing current Russia to 1990 SU is comparing apples to oranges. Instead compare it with Russia before Putin came to power to current Russia.

In any role, you can't satisfy every body (even as a father to your children). You can try your best to follow certain rules which is less harmful to the parties in the situation. You can't fire and hire people easily and at best, one can show the direction, it is up to the people to do or die. Of course, by its nature, leadership gets credit for it Good or bad according the forces in play.

It reminds me a situation. When ever a one popular politician(Popular for trying to change things for positive direction with creative and bold moves) comes on TV, my father go ballistic saying 'B***ARD'. We, as kids used to laugh and even call that Politician 'Dad's B**ARD'. My father is not bad either, he can go many lengths to help others. He was HURT, as this politician tried to reduce the govt. employee retirement age by 5 or 7 years to open more jobs for unemployed. This is a devastating move for govt. employees who live on month to month wages. Though retirement age is restored back within months, my father could never able to let go the anger to this day(after 30 years).

As already mentioned, it is the bigger picture that matters. Russia doesn't have petrodollar US has, that comes out of thin air. US has bases in 150 countries to enforce its hegemony for its elite's greed at the expense of every body else. What Russia has is the history that barely survived the utter devastation that ensued in 90's. Compare before Putin Russia to current Russia. Divide it into certain measures you think important, give weight to measure and see at the end what comes out. If you want to share, share. Russia is not Putin's minecraft, to change everything, he just a leader of hundreds of million people, trying his best, which no body else in this planet was able to do against greedy empire. That matters a LOT.
Laura – no, I did not know what Hasbara mean. (Live a century – learn a century!). Just googled it. Jews are smart guys. Good definition of “explaining things” for external audience hiding it’s real substance.

Kniall – I thought I wrote an answer earlier. Though indeed it was indirect and more of a question itself. As we have seen from the history, let’s say starting from 2001, US/Israel or better say clans behind them started to think of employing a worldwide distraction campaign (9/11 and related events that followed such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya etc.) of population. Several reasons for that: economic slowdown, need to scare people (frightened masses in search for the security would be willing to accept the totalitarian measures such as Patriotic act – lately steadily leading to surveillance (Big brother) programs and all that implies). Along the line it would enable them to solve geopolitical tasks. The bogey of “terrorism” achieved it’s primary aim well enough for the last decade. As the earth changes started to unfold more rapidly and the patocrat’s drive for total domination became completely relentless (there might be a sort of a “road plan” from 4d STS supervisors of things to accomplish before the wave arrives), imo, they needed to turn the ‘noise’ volume up. Conflict with Russia (real or staged) as with the main historical enemy might do the trick of keeping the people’s “heads down”.
Laura said:
happyliza said:
Laura said:
happyliza said:

Just came across the above picture on FB. Bush Putin and President of China all together in full Grand Lodge Masons Regalia!

Where do you come up with some of your hare-brained ideas? Sometimes you post such utter nonsense that I wonder if you are really paying attention.

Masonic regalia??? Oh, puh-leeeze!

This was NOT my idea. It was posted on FB and I do not know masonic regalia so posted for feedback.

That's not how it came across. You did not ASK for feedback, you made the proclamation: "Bush Putin and President of China all together in full Grand Lodge Masons Regalia!"

Sorry you are right once I read it again. I should have been more explicit on what i was thinking. Thank you for the mirror and feedback. (Going through serious emotional turmoil ATM so will take a break and go to my village. I have good supportive friends there. After I will make a post in the swamp and refrain from posting until my mental state improves. Am reading In an Unspoken Voice which explains everything like a long lost friend!)

Also on looking at the clothes they seem more Chinese style and nothing like the photo kindly posted above of what it does look like.

I apologize for the unnecessary noise especially with so much going on out there and with FOTCM.

I have had a PM reply waiting to post to you, but more events kept unfolding, so will get that done shortly too.
Another thing that is striking about Putin is that he could have used the "War on Terror" shtick to the max to do all sorts of things (inside the country and all around the world), but he didn't.
Keit said:
Ok, I think I understand the confusion, at least with some of the Russian posters. Correct me if I am wrong.

What seems to me, that for a very long time (for the whole time of the Soviet Union, not to mention after) Russian people faced a lot of hardships and suffered them in silence, primarily because they couldn't really speak up without being punished. After the SU collapse, and when the situation became extremely dire, finally they were able to speak up and express all the frustration that accumulated during all this time.

Yes, I think this factor played its role. And probably also another one: people got used to blame the government. All of the recent leaders (Khruschev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, Yeltsin) contributed to the collapse of the USSR and later decline of Russia. And during all those years of trials and tribulations people got sort of addicted to it. So, it became a habit, a mindset - to always blame the government.

And when Putin came and Russia finally started rapidly developing, those people just were unwilling or unable to see the changes. They were confused by such an unusual turn of events. And instead of accepting the new reality, they started looking for appropriate confirmations of their old views.

Critics is okay, but these people prefer to simply deny all the achievements and only see the yet unsolved problems. Such critics is subjective and far from reality. And it is destructive in its essence, I think. Because critics can be different: one can notice the weak points and suggest appropriate solutions, or one can only blame and complain and deny any, even the obvious, success.

This accusative "let's blame it all on Putin" mode of thinking is very convenient: no need to go deeper and analyze all the ramifications. All you need is to find the appropriate target - and voila, here we have the image of "enemy." An infantile and narrow-minded approach, imo.

Soluna said:
I showed it to my husband thinking it might spark a thought - he is interested in politicians - however his comment was that these powerful people had to do as they were told because otherwise Putin would "have them killed".

I sighed and didn't say anything - I just don't know how to constructively answer comments like this. But a part of me - despite high scepticism - wonders if it could be true.

A response might be: "It is true, although there are probably several levels of intimidation before they are "offed". It' pretty much the same in the US and UK and elsewhere."
The astronaut paid taxes from space

"Russia became the only country which could collect a tax on the person who is in space."


  • 69qqGqbipNI.jpg
    55.3 KB · Views: 253
Lumiere_du_Code said:
The astronaut paid taxes from space

"Russia became the only country which could collect a tax on the person who is in space."

Nah, not the only one. In Israel, doesn't matter where you are, space, another dimension...doesn't matter if you work, long as you are a citizen and alive, you have to pay a mandatory social insurance, basically a health tax. Trust me, I know. ;)
Keit said:
Nah, not the only one. In Israel, doesn't matter where you are, space, another dimension...doesn't matter if you work, long as you are a citizen and alive, you have to pay a mandatory social insurance, basically a health tax. Trust me, I know. ;)

well, Israel is a clinical case, nothing surprised me about this state-of misunderstanding
Did anyone check out the latest article by Lada Ray, I've read
parts of it, in the meantime here's the link.

Is Putin Part of NWO?
Anthony said:
Did anyone check out the latest article by Lada Ray, I've read
parts of it, in the meantime here's the link.

Is Putin Part of NWO?

I've been reading on and off Lada Ray's articles and writings, and I have to say that I don't quite trust her. It appears to me,that she is becoming increasingly egocentric, full of herself. Compared to what she wrote some months ago, the writing sounds almost like gospel or something. I guess she's fallen for the old trap of feeling "speshul". Also,the lack of criticism, or even mentions of Israel/Zionists is glaring, and makes me suspicious.
Aragorn said:
Anthony said:
Did anyone check out the latest article by Lada Ray, I've read
parts of it, in the meantime here's the link.

Is Putin Part of NWO?

I've been reading on and off Lada Ray's articles and writings, and I have to say that I don't quite trust her. It appears to me,that she is becoming increasingly egocentric, full of herself. Compared to what she wrote some months ago, the writing sounds almost like gospel or something. I guess she's fallen for the old trap of feeling "speshul". Also,the lack of criticism, or even mentions of Israel/Zionists is glaring, and makes me suspicious.

Maybe she is too emotional in her judgments. But who of us hasn't fallen into this trap? ;)

She sounds irritated by the Western "blindness", but this is quite understandable after all those decades and even centuries of trolling and demonizing of Russia. And now she finally has the chance to be proud of her country and its leader, and I can understand her pretty well in this respect.

She may also be not fully aware of the Zionists' influence, but I think that in general she is moving in the right direction. Especially regarding this part which is bolded in her article:

This is important to understand! Are they after vilifying Russia? Yes, they are. But we must be clear that the above headline, just like many others, are much more targeted. Did you notice they don’t say ‘Russia?’ THEY BLAME PERSONALLY PUTIN. If you look around the MSM output, you will see that Putin, not necessarily Russia, is in the headlines. Why? Because this is done specifically to unseat Putin. This is the strategy of convincing the world, and even certain Russians, that their leader is super-bad. Vilifying a leader who doesn’t bow to them is the long-standing strategy used by the West to soften up – to tenderize, like meat before frying – their own sheeple, as well as the population of the country to be destroyed, before the actual process of destruction of said country has begun.

Just take a look at the following video. This is Ivanovo-Frankovsk, Ukraine. A CHILDREN holiday, two days ago. The money raised from this "event" will later be sent to Ukie army to continue the war in the East. I won't translate what the people say, it's pretty clear from the video itself and disgusting.

Is Putin Part of NWO?

Was reading "Almost human" (Wave 7) today and stumbled upon the following quote. Seems like Europe (Merkel and the co.) don't fully realize how screwed they are, or WILL be.

Nash, Shapley, Shubic, and McCarthy, along with another student at Princeton invented a game involving coalitions and double-crosses. Nash called the game "Fuck You, Buddy." It was later published under the name "So Long, Sucker." Nash and the gang created a complicated set of rules designed to force players to join forces with one another to advance, but ultimately to double-cross each other in order to win. The point of the game was to produce psychological mayhem, and apparently, it worked. Sylvia Nasar records that McCarthy remembers losing his temper after Nash cold-bloodedly dumped him on the second-to-last round and Nash was absolutely astonished that McCarthy could get so emotional. "But I didn't need you anymore," Nash kept saying over and over again.

Keep this game in mind because it is the essence of Nash's ideas: to force cooperation to advance, followed by a big double cross in which only one player is the winner.

Sounds a lot like the current day craze of "survival" shows, yes? Which of course, leads us to wonder what kind of "programming," or example such things are setting up as models for human behavior. More importantly: why?

Nash's game theory was all the buzz at RAND even before he arrived there under contract. RAND had been, prior to Nash's ideas, preoccupied with games of total conflict between two players, as defined by von Neumann, since that seemed to fit the problem of nuclear issues between two superpowers. However, as weapons got ever more destructive, the idea of all-out war was seen as a situation in which both players might have a common interest. Bombing the enemy back to the Stone Age no longer made any sense because it could lead to a war of complete extermination on both sides.

Von Neumann had long believed that RAND ought to focus on "cooperative games." That is, games ought to be played "sequentially." Games should involve "moves" based on information, such as in chess or tic-tac-toe. Players ought to communicate and discuss the situation and agree on rational, joint action. In such games, there is cooperation and collaboration, and an umpire around to enforce the agreement.

Economists, however, did not like Von Neumann's ideas. They said that it was like saying that our only hope for preventing a dangerous and wasteful arms race lay in appointing a world government with the power to enforce simultaneous disarmament. As it happens, a One World Government, composed of member nations, was a very popular idea among mathematicians and scientists at the time.

But the social scientists, the economists, were doubtful of the idea that any nation, much less the Russians, would cede sovereignty to such an organization. In other words, in cooperative game theory, who's going to force the other side to cooperate?

But Nash came along and solved the problem. He demonstrated that noncooperative games COULD have stable solutions. In short, one "player" could have a strategy in which they "force players to join forces with one another to advance, but ultimately to double-cross the other players in order to win."

To put this in practical terms: a One World Government might be advocated by a major player, promoted, setup, and all the other players might follow the rules - but that one player has every intention of BEING the One World Government and overthrowing the powers of all the other players at the last instant.

Now, just what government in the world today seems to be playing Nash's strategy? Take your time. There's no hurry.
Thanks Keit for bringing this one up. It certainly applies here and I had a nice chuckle over it in recognition.

One remark, though. Would the RAND corporation have employed a few competent historians, maybe they wouldn't have needed John Nash nor his game theory.

I'm reading Flavius Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews for the Database project at the moment and I encounter via my additional researches plenty of similar coalition double crosses of old, especially after Alexander the Great had conquered the world and died without proper provisions for his succession.

That specific historical period really was a prolonged war of all against all, up until Imperial Rome came along to mop up the remainders and swallow them into subservience.

Nash formalized all those happenings into a neat theoretical and experimental framework, something historians probably wouldn't have been able to accomplish.
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