Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

"President Obama and President Putin of Russia held a constructive discussion on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Antalya, Turkey," the White House said Sunday.

Putin, Obama Agree Need for UN-Brokered Syria Talks

Earlier today, the two presidents held informal talks on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Turkey's Antalya.

"President Obama and President Putin agreed on the need for a Syrian-led and Syrian-owned political transition, which would be proceeded by UN-mediated negotiations between the Syrian opposition and regime as well a ceasefire," the White House statement reads.

Obama welcomed efforts by all countries in confronting Islamic State, noting the importance of Russia's military efforts in Syria focusing on the group, the statement reads.

The Kremlin was also positive about the talks with Putin's aide Yury Ushakov saying that Russia and the US have similar strategic objectives in the fight against terrorism, though there are differences in tactics.

In addition, President Obama offered his condolences for the loss of Russian life stemming from last month's Metro Jet crash, the White House said in its statement.

A joint Russian and Armenian air defense system project (started back in 1990's) and is not connected to the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East will allow for the monitoring of Armenian airspace.

Joint Russian-Armenian Air Defense Shield to Cover Middle East

Russia President Vladimir Putin ordered to sign an agreement on the creation of a joint air defense system of Russia and Armenia. The decree was published Wednesday.

The system will allow for protecting the airspace far to the south of the Russian borders, political analyst Sergei Minasyan said.

"The system will comprise air defenses and Russian combat jets deployed to the Southern Military District. This would allow for monitoring the airspace far from the Armenian borders.

"It has been in the development for over 10 years. And now it’s just a coincidence with the Syrian conflict. The situation in the so-called Greater Middle East just proves that the measures are effective," the analyst said.

Minasyan underscored that Moscow and Yerevan laid groundwork for the project back in the 1990s.

(Killing off their own Intelligence?)
US conducts airstrike in Libya against ISIL leader

The US military has conducted an airstrike in Libya targeting a senior leader of the Islamic State militant group.

US Defense Department Press Secretary Peter Cook said in a statement on Saturday that the operation the previous day targeted Abu Nabil, an Iraqi national also known as Wissam Najm Abd Zayd al Zubaydi.

Cook said the operation was authorized before Friday's terrorist attacks in Paris.

Pentagon officials are still assessing the results of the airstrike. They say Nabil's death will degrade the ability of the Islamic State group to meet its objectives in Libya.

The operation followed a drone strike by the US-led coalition in northern Syria on Thursday that targeted the Islamic State militant known as "Jihadi John." The coalition believes it is reasonably certain that he died.

"Jihadi John" purportedly killed a number of captives, including Japanese journalist Kenji Goto.
Thanks, angelburst29 for the updates on the upcoming G20 talks, the Armenian Defense Shield and the probable attempt of the US to cover it's tracks by killing off the ISIS leaders who could say too much.

I just noticed one reaction to the Paris bombings here:

French airstrikes pound Islamic State positions in Raqqa, Syria
RAQQA, Syria, Nov. 15 (UPI) -- French warplanes on Sunday conducted a series of airstrikes against Islamic State positions in the group's self-proclaimed capital of Raqqa, Syria, officials said.

The strikes come two days after IS claimed responsibility for coordinated terrorist attacks in Paris that killed at least 129 people and injured hundreds of others.

CNN quoted Mickael Soria, press adviser for France's defense minister, as saying 12 aircraft delivered at least 20 bombs that destroyed an IS command center, an arms depot and training and recruitment locations used by the militants.

France has targeted IS forces in Iraq since the U.S.-led coalition formed against the terrorist group in September 2014, but French warplanes did not begin bombing IS positions inside Syria until September 2015.

French President Francois Hollande on Friday called the Paris attacks an "act of war" and promised a "merciless" response.

The Wall Street Journal reported the United States, following the Paris attacks, began sharing "targeting packages" with France in order for French aircraft to identify IS positions with greater ease.

The U.S.-led coalition, whose effort is known as Operation Inherent Resolve, has directed many of its airstrikes against Raqqa, which IS forces declared the capital of their territory last year.

U.S. Central Command on Friday said coalition aircraft conducted eight airstrikes in Syria the day prior, including one against an IS tactical unit near Raqqa.

The Sunday airstrikes coincided with reports of French authorities searching for an eighth suspect in the Paris attacks. Seven other attackers, two of whom lived in Belgian, were killed in the city-wide assaults.

It looks like a save-face measure to share "targeting packages" with France instead of directly sharing with Russia. :mad: :curse: :headbash: :cool2: :cuckoo: :cool2:
It's not a face saving measure, it's a slap in Russia's face.
Laura said:
It's not a face saving measure, it's a slap in Russia's face.

I'm trying not to give them that much credit, but yes you could look at it that way too. I guess we'll have to see Putin's counter-measures. And yes I'm a bit angry as I watch too! :mad:
goyacobol said:
French airstrikes pound Islamic State positions in Raqqa, Syria
RAQQA, Syria, Nov. 15 (UPI) -- French warplanes on Sunday conducted a series of airstrikes against Islamic State positions in the group's self-proclaimed capital of Raqqa, Syria, officials said.

The strikes come two days after IS claimed responsibility for coordinated terrorist attacks in Paris that killed at least 129 people and injured hundreds of others.

CNN quoted Mickael Soria, press adviser for France's defense minister, as saying 12 aircraft delivered at least 20 bombs that destroyed an IS command center, an arms depot and training and recruitment locations used by the militants.

France has targeted IS forces in Iraq since the U.S.-led coalition formed against the terrorist group in September 2014, but French warplanes did not begin bombing IS positions inside Syria until September 2015.

French President Francois Hollande on Friday called the Paris attacks an "act of war" and promised a "merciless" response.

The Wall Street Journal reported the United States, following the Paris attacks, began sharing "targeting packages" with France in order for French aircraft to identify IS positions with greater ease.

The U.S.-led coalition, whose effort is known as Operation Inherent Resolve, has directed many of its airstrikes against Raqqa, which IS forces declared the capital of their territory last year.

U.S. Central Command on Friday said coalition aircraft conducted eight airstrikes in Syria the day prior, including one against an IS tactical unit near Raqqa.

The Sunday airstrikes coincided with reports of French authorities searching for an eighth suspect in the Paris attacks. Seven other attackers, two of whom lived in Belgian, were killed in the city-wide assaults.
The very fact that the US apparently had coordinates ready and yet in a whole year did not themselves target the socalled Capital of IS, says a lot about whom the US supports. Why did the US wait and why did they choose the French to be the executioner? Why did the US not share these coordinates with Russia? These are of course all rhetorical questions :rolleyes: and yet they should give a Western audience something to think about.
Aeneas said:
goyacobol said:
French airstrikes pound Islamic State positions in Raqqa, Syria
RAQQA, Syria, Nov. 15 (UPI) -- French warplanes on Sunday conducted a series of airstrikes against Islamic State positions in the group's self-proclaimed capital of Raqqa, Syria, officials said.

The strikes come two days after IS claimed responsibility for coordinated terrorist attacks in Paris that killed at least 129 people and injured hundreds of others.

CNN quoted Mickael Soria, press adviser for France's defense minister, as saying 12 aircraft delivered at least 20 bombs that destroyed an IS command center, an arms depot and training and recruitment locations used by the militants.

France has targeted IS forces in Iraq since the U.S.-led coalition formed against the terrorist group in September 2014, but French warplanes did not begin bombing IS positions inside Syria until September 2015.

French President Francois Hollande on Friday called the Paris attacks an "act of war" and promised a "merciless" response.

The Wall Street Journal reported the United States, following the Paris attacks, began sharing "targeting packages" with France in order for French aircraft to identify IS positions with greater ease.

The U.S.-led coalition, whose effort is known as Operation Inherent Resolve, has directed many of its airstrikes against Raqqa, which IS forces declared the capital of their territory last year.

U.S. Central Command on Friday said coalition aircraft conducted eight airstrikes in Syria the day prior, including one against an IS tactical unit near Raqqa.

The Sunday airstrikes coincided with reports of French authorities searching for an eighth suspect in the Paris attacks. Seven other attackers, two of whom lived in Belgian, were killed in the city-wide assaults.
The very fact that the US apparently had coordinates ready and yet in a whole year did not themselves target the socalled Capital of IS, says a lot about whom the US supports. Why did the US wait and why did they choose the French to be the executioner? Why did the US not share these coordinates with Russia? These are of course all rhetorical questions :rolleyes: and yet they should give a Western audience something to think about.

A thinking Western audience, boy would that ever be nice! :P :curse: :deadhorse:
goyacobol said:
A thinking Western audience, boy would that ever be nice! :P :curse: :deadhorse:

Tell me about it. It really has not got better. You see it with every big terror attack: the airwaves are filled with what passes for "debate" in Western society. This time it is particularly bad and it has been the final nail in the coffin for my dwindling hope for humanity. Not to be a downer or anything ;)
It looks like a save-face measure to share "targeting packages" with France instead of directly sharing with Russia.
quote from goyacobol

Also, beyond the first degree, it looks like they are going to push this brain dead scheme until Russia clashes head on with one of their proxies, which in turn, they could use as an excuse to start an all out aggression of Russian interests, army, etc in the region. We've seen them (Western powers) try everything in their power to do the same in Ukraine, and elsewhere... i am just afraid that Russia will lose their cool? i know i would have a long time ago already were i in President Putine's shoes!

That was my fear since the start of Russian intervention in Syria, which is now overlapping into Syrak... The coming days will tell but there is no uncertainty left about the real motives behind the so-called western coalition towards Russia. It is starting to look like the whole musical chairs game between François Hollande, Angela Merkel and Russia (Putin) was a way to abide time while they pushed Russia"s buttons, all of their buttons at once?! Keeping in mind how much they have managed to isolate Russia in what used to be the USSR countries. Behind the so called iron curtain, they have set up major biological weapons factories, and much scarier stuff. Now with the outright use of sophisticated energy weapons as used to down the Russian plane over the Sinaï we can expect some horrendous stuff coming down the pike, which i am certain is already happening while all eyes are looking in the opposite direction. How will Russia overtly react to this covert war?

And i hope i am wrong in my assessment.
Yet, if this is all part of a greater plan, by the silent/ invisible one world government, this would be the goal all along. All out war, in order to depopulate massively, Europe, North Amerdica, Middle-East, so they can set-up shop on the ashes? And that is starting to make more and more sense...
Carl said:
goyacobol said:
A thinking Western audience, boy would that ever be nice! :P :curse: :deadhorse:

Tell me about it. It really has not got better. You see it with every big terror attack: the airwaves are filled with what passes for "debate" in Western society. This time it is particularly bad and it has been the final nail in the coffin for my dwindling hope for humanity. Not to be a downer or anything ;)


Nope, you are not a downer, just observing reality left and right I think. But maybe if we hold on long enough we will get to see at least the point/points at which the PTB/STS controllers fail. It is difficult to "hold the frequency" while this drama unfolds. It helps just to know that you and many on this forum do see the reality of the situation. The Cs say it is "darkest before dawn". I am not saying it won't get worse before the dawn but I see more and more the same tactics and even whole programs that are being played over and over. This is a great weakness even for 4D STS I think. Their only reality is what they "wishfully" think.

romochar said:
It looks like a save-face measure to share "targeting packages" with France instead of directly sharing with Russia.
quote from goyacobol

Also, beyond the first degree, it looks like they are going to push this brain dead scheme until Russia clashes head on with one of their proxies, which in turn, they could use as an excuse to start an all out aggression of Russian interests, army, etc in the region. We've seen them (Western powers) try everything in their power to do the same in Ukraine, and elsewhere... i am just afraid that Russia will lose their cool? i know i would have a long time ago already were i in President Putine's shoes!

That was my fear since the start of Russian intervention in Syria, which is now overlapping into Syrak... The coming days will tell but there is no uncertainty left about the real motives behind the so-called western coalition towards Russia. It is starting to look like the whole musical chairs game between François Hollande, Angela Merkel and Russia (Putin) was a way to abide time while they pushed Russia"s buttons, all of their buttons at once?! Keeping in mind how much they have managed to isolate Russia in what used to be the USSR countries. Behind the so called iron curtain, they have set up major biological weapons factories, and much scarier stuff. Now with the outright use of sophisticated energy weapons as used to down the Russian plane over the Sinaï we can expect some horrendous stuff coming down the pike, which i am certain is already happening while all eyes are looking in the opposite direction. How will Russia overtly react to this covert war?

And i hope i am wrong in my assessment.
Yet, if this is all part of a greater plan, by the silent/ invisible one world government, this would be the goal all along. All out war, in order to depopulate massively, Europe, North Amerdica, Middle-East, so they can set-up shop on the ashes? And that is starting to make more and more sense...


What you mention is are true possibilities I think. I do think we will know more as Putin, Russia and China react. Having front row seats is kind of scary but I am routing for the many encouragements given in the sessions by the Cs such as this one (hope I don't get too boring):

Q: (L) Well, since there is so many of us here, why don't they just
move in and take over?
A: That is their intention. That has been their intention for quite
some time. They have been traveling back and forth through time as
you know it, to set things up so that they can absorb a maximum
amount of negative energy with the transference from third level to
fourth level that this planet is going to experience, in the hopes that
they can overtake you on the fourth level and thereby accomplish
several things. 1: retaining their race as a viable species; 2:
increasing their numbers; 3: increasing their power; 4: expanding
their race throughout the realm of fourth density. To do all of this
they have been interfering with events for what you would measure
on your calendar as approximately 74 thousand years. And they have
been doing so in a completely still state of space time traveling
backward and forward at will during this work. Interestingly enough,
though, all of this will fail.
Q: (L) How can you be so sure it will fail?
A: Because we see it. We are able to see all, not just what we want
to see. Their failing is that they see only what they want to see. In
other words, it's the highest manifestation possible of that which you
would refer to as wishful thinking. And, wishful thinking represented
on the fourth level of density becomes reality for that level.
You know
how you wishfully think? Well, it isn't quite reality for you because
you are on the third level, but if you are on the fourth level and you
were to perform the same function, it would indeed be your
awareness of reality. Therefore they cannot see what we can see
since we serve others as opposed to self, and since we are on sixth
level, we can see all that is at all points as is, not as we would want it
to be.

I know this is kind of a simplistic response but if it wasn't for the Cs clue about Putin I wouldn't even being posting on this topic.
I am actually kind of excited to see what happens next even thought it might be more turmoil/chaos. :/
romochar said:
It looks like a save-face measure to share "targeting packages" with France instead of directly sharing with Russia.
quote from goyacobol

Also, beyond the first degree, it looks like they are going to push this brain dead scheme until Russia clashes head on with one of their proxies, which in turn, they could use as an excuse to start an all out aggression of Russian interests, army, etc in the region. We've seen them (Western powers) try everything in their power to do the same in Ukraine, and elsewhere... i am just afraid that Russia will lose their cool? i know i would have a long time ago already were i in President Putine's shoes!

Yes, they could do that. But my guess is that NATO is going to push forward an aggressive "coallition of the willing" in Syria, and that they are counting on Russia backing down to avoid direct confrontation, effectively pushing them out of the picture. Then, after a while of bombing (or pretending to bomb) ISIS, with their forces already in place, they will simply switch their attention to the Syrian government under some other excuse, probably in defense of the mythical "moderate rebels". The Vienna talks would have the purpose of buying them some time.

Putin has a team of smart people so it will be interesting to see how they respond. For example, they could maneuver themselves into leading or even creating such coallition, but that is going to be very hard with all the pressure and power the US has over its 'allies'.

Interesting and dangerous times.
Windmill knight said:
romochar said:
It looks like a save-face measure to share "targeting packages" with France instead of directly sharing with Russia.
quote from goyacobol

Also, beyond the first degree, it looks like they are going to push this brain dead scheme until Russia clashes head on with one of their proxies, which in turn, they could use as an excuse to start an all out aggression of Russian interests, army, etc in the region. We've seen them (Western powers) try everything in their power to do the same in Ukraine, and elsewhere... i am just afraid that Russia will lose their cool? i know i would have a long time ago already were i in President Putine's shoes!

Yes, they could do that. But my guess is that NATO is going to push forward an aggressive "coallition of the willing" in Syria, and that they are counting on Russia backing down to avoid direct confrontation, effectively pushing them out of the picture. Then, after a while of bombing (or pretending to bomb) ISIS, with their forces already in place, they will simply switch their attention to the Syrian government under some other excuse, probably in defense of the mythical "moderate rebels". The Vienna talks would have the purpose of buying them some time.

Putin has a team of smart people so it will be interesting to see how they respond. For example, they could maneuver themselves into leading or even creating such coallition, but that is going to be very hard with all the pressure and power the US has over its 'allies'.

Interesting and dangerous times.

Just to clarify the quote from goyacobol applies to the "targeting packages" part above it. The part below that is romochar's comments.

Yes, I guess that is what I am thinking too. It is going to be unlikely that Putin is going to fall for this wishful thinking. That is why I am really paying attention to what is going to happen next. This is certainly a "wait and see" phase. :huh: :wow:
goyacobol said:
Yes, I guess that is what I am thinking too. It is going to be unlikely that Putin is going to fall for this wishful thinking. That is why I am really paying attention to what is going to happen next. This is certainly a "wait and see" phase. :huh: :wow:

What strikes me is that Putin has not made a stupid move yet. SURELY the Russians anticipated this. Hell, we all predicted a false flag soon after the "migrant crisis", although the target then seemed to be Germany. They know the MO of the western operators by now, and this Paris attack is so lacking in imagination that, strategically speaking, it shouldn't be hard to out-manoeuvre.

The only sticking point is, strategy and raw power are two different things. Strategically you can be as smart as you want, but if you get into a fight with a grizzly bear, it will probably win due to sheer force. The sheer force of public opinion and emotional energy generated by these shootings are the real weapon wielded by the West right now, in spite of their lack of creativity.

The information war for people's minds is the real battleground here. Front row seats indeed.
goyacobol said:
Just to clarify the quote from goyacobol applies to the "targeting packages" part above it. The part below that is romochar's comments.

I know. ;)

goyacobol said:
Yes, I guess that is what I am thinking too. It is going to be unlikely that Putin is going to fall for this wishful thinking. That is why I am really paying attention to what is going to happen next. This is certainly a "wait and see" phase. :huh: :wow:

Regarding Putin's next move, this was posted in another thread, which I found intriguing:

Putin: ISIS financed from 40 countries, including G20 members

President Vladimir Putin says he’s shared Russian intelligence data on Islamic State financing with his G20 colleagues: the terrorists appear to be financed from 40 countries, including some G20 member states.

During the summit, “I provided examples based on our data on the financing of different Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) units by private individuals. This money, as we have established, comes from 40 countries and, there are some of the G20 members among them,” Putin told the journalists.

Putin also spoke of the urgent need to curb the illegal oil trade by IS.

"I’ve shown our colleagues photos taken from space and from aircraft which clearly demonstrate the scale of the illegal trade in oil and petroleum products," he said.

“The motorcade of refueling vehicles stretched for dozens of kilometers, so that from a height of 4,000 to 5,000 meters they stretch beyond the horizon," Putin added, comparing the convoy to gas and oil pipeline systems.

It's not the right time to try and figure out which country is more and which is less effective in the battle with Islamic State, as now a united international effort is needed against the terrorist group, Putin said.

Putin reiterated Russia’s readiness to support armed opposition in Syria in its efforts to fight Islamic State.

"Some armed opposition groups consider it possible to begin active operations against IS with Russia's support. And we are ready to provide such support from the air. If it happens it could become a good basis for the subsequent work on a political settlement,” he said.

“We really need support from the US, European nations, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran,” the president added.

Putin pointed out the change in Washington’s stance on cooperation with Moscow in the fight against the terrorists.

"We need to organize work specifically concentrated on the prevention of terrorist attacks and tackling terrorism on a global scale. We offered to cooperate [with the US] in anti-IS efforts. Unfortunately, our American partners refused. They just sent a written note and it says: ‘we reject your offer’,” Putin said.

“But life is always evolving and at a very fast pace, often teaching us lessons. And I think that now the realization that an effective fight [against terror] can only be staged together is coming to everybody,” the Russian leader said.

According to Putin, first of all it should be decided which groups in Syria can be considered terrorist organizations and which can be attributed to an armed, but still legitimate part of the Syrian opposition.

“Our efforts must be concentrated on the battle with terrorist organizations.”

Putin also disagreed with Western criticism of Russia’s actions in Syria, where the country has been carrying out a large-scale air campaign against Islamic State and other terror groups since September 30.
goyacobol said:
A thinking Western audience, boy would that ever be nice! :P :curse: :deadhorse:
With all these syrian refugees-witnesses around in europe, its going to be damn hard to keep those testimonies of the real situation in Syria, out of the press.. On the "eenvandaag" extended newsbroadcast. Sarah Akili, speaking as an syrian refugee , but already fluent in dutch, says: "I spoke to another syrian refugee today and he thinks it is the french government that did the strikes in Paris, to attack Syria and to stay there"
Sort of slipped past the censor!
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