Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Notice how they are repeating that Lesin was 'Putin's friend'. I guess that the end story will be that Putin killed him because his 'one mean bad gangster' (again!)
November 7, 2015 SOTT article reports that Iraq is re-taking some ISIL territory which sounds promising to me.

Iraqi forces wipe-out 80 ISIL terrorists in Mosul and Beiji

The Iraqi army and Popular Forces killed tens of ISIL terrorists in the cities of Mosul and Beiji. The Iraqi forces killed 20 ISIL militants in the Western parts of Mosul and 60 others in the Western parts of Beiji, some 250 kilometers North of Baghdad, an Iraqi security source said.

The casualties were inflicted on the terrorist group as Iraqi forces repelled ISIL's attack on al-Sinieh region in the Western parts of Beiji. The Iraqi army and volunteer forces have pressed ahead with their military operations against the Takfiri militants in Anbar Province in the last few weeks, inflicting heavy losses on the terrorists.

Earlier today, the Iraqi Joint Forces Command Center announced that army units backed by the volunteer forces have purged 95 percent of the city of Ramadi in Al-Anbar province of Takfiri terrorists.

"Only five percent of Ramadi has remained to be cleaned of Takfiri terrorists as the army and volunteer forces have cleared most of the city," Spokesman of Iraqi Joint Forces Brigadier General Yahya Rasoul announced.

Also today, field sources said that the Iraqi army and the Hashd al-Shaabi forces had won back a strategic area in Ramadi from the control of the terrorists. According to the sources, the Iraqi forces took back the Albu Maraie area in Ramadi from the Takfiri militants.

Earlier reports said the Iraqi security forces launched a multi-pronged attack to retake Ramadi, tightening the military blockade around the city from four sides and setting the stage for a deeper assault. The Iraqi forces won control over most parts of the Western city of Ramadi during the past weeks, several months after it was occupied by the ISIL terrorists in May.

The Joint Operations Center in Iraq in a message, asked the residents of Ramadi to evacuate the city as soon as possible to remain safe from the heavy assaults of the army against the terrorists. Sabah Karhout, the head of the council of al-Anbar province's governor-general office, said on Thursday that the army, police and anti-terrorism forces have been deployed in four cross points of Ramadi to launch massive attacks on ISIL positions from all directions.
macyk said:

A prominent Russian millionaire with high-level ties to the Kremlin has been found dead inside a Washington hotel, a Russian official and a senior U.S. official told ABC News.

Mikhail Lesin, the former head of media affairs for the Russian government who's been accused of curtailing the country’s press freedoms, had been staying at Hotel Dupont when he was found Thursday, according to officials.

It's unclear why the long-time adviser to Russian President Vladimir Putin was in Washington, but the Metropolitan Police Department is now investigating his death. On Thursday, U.S. authorities notified the Russian embassy in Washington that one of its citizens had died, and Russian officials are now working with American authorities to determine the circumstances of the death, the embassy told ABC News in a statement.

Citing an ongoing investigation, an MPD spokesman would only confirm the department is conducting a “death investigation."

Lesin is credited with creating Russia Today, the English-language news network backed by the Russian government. Now known as RT, the network “provides an alternative perspective on major global events, and acquaints an international audience with the Russian viewpoint,” according to its website.

More background on Lesin:

Putin's Multi-Millionaire Media Mogul Dies Of Mysterious "Heart Attack" In Luxury DC Hotel

The takeaway here is that Lesin was most assuredly a "somebody", and when a "somebody" dies in a DC hotel room of a mysterious "heart attack" and no one knows what that "somebody" was doing in DC in the first place, you may want to start asking questions with regard to the official narrative regardless of where that narrative originates.

Of course we could be wrong.

But in honor of RT, we'll simply close by saying that it never hurts to "question more."
The possible deployment of sophisticated Russian surface-to-air missile systems to Syria may prove to be the White House's "worst nightmare", according to The National Interest.

Access Denied: Russian SAMs Able to Create Virtual No-Fly Zones Over Syria

National Interest Defense Editor Dave Majumdar believes that Russia's potential deployment of its advanced S-300 missile systems in Syria may become "America's worst nightmare" in the civil war-torn country.

First and foremost, Majumdar pointed out that the reports on the deployment are unconfirmed and that in any case, the very possibility of Russia's version of the Almaz-Antey S-300 series being stationed in Syria "would massively complicate air operations for US and allied forces."

Majumdar recalled that there are two versions of the S-300 missile systems, the 300PMU2 and the S-300VM.

"Both have a range of more than 120 miles and can hit targets as high as 100,000 ft. The weapons can engage half-a-dozen or more target simultaneously," he said.

He quoted a senior US Marine Corps aviator as saying that the S-300 remains "a deadly threat to everything except the most advanced stealth fighters and bombers."

The aviator says the missiles are "a complete game changer for all fourth-gen aircraft [like the F-15, F-16 and F/A-18]. That thing is a beast and you don’t want to get near it," the aviator said.

Majumdar, for his part, suggested that apart from the S-300, Russia may deploy "the far more capable S-400 strategic surface-to-air missile defense system to Syria."

"It could effectively render entire swaths of Syria into de facto no-fly zones for US and allied aircraft," he warned.

According to him, only the US Air Force's Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor and Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit stealth bomber are technically capable of operating safely inside areas protected by the S-300 and the S-400.

PM Netanyahu meets with US President Obama

Published on Nov 9, 2015
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with President of the United States, Barack Obama at the White House. (8 min. video)

This short (less than 3 minute) video of a Russian Grandmother giving President Obama advice - is absolutely Priceless!

A Russian babushka (grandma), gives Obama advice, in rhyme!, in the best Russian tradition. (English sub-title)
angelburst29 said:
This short (less than 3 minute) video of a Russian Grandmother giving President Obama advice - is absolutely Priceless!

A Russian babushka (grandma), gives Obama advice, in rhyme!, in the best Russian tradition. (English sub-title)

Thank you for sharing, angelburst29

This is so funny! :clap: and at the same time true ;D

Here is another video. This speech is from late 2014, but it still holds its significance today.
UNESCO has not accepted Kosovo as a member; the proposal failed to gain a two-thirds majority at the organization's General Conference in Paris on Monday.

142 countries voted - 92 in favor, 50 against, while 29 abstained. Pristina's bid required 95 votes in favor to be successful.

And after Russia helped Serbia to stop Kosovo from joining UNESCO, somebody make this cute image. :D


  • Russia and Serbia.PNG
    Russia and Serbia.PNG
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According to the Russian president, the true goal of the US missile defense shield is to neutralize Russia’s nuclear potential.

Putin: Russia to develop strike systems capable of penetrating any missile defense shield

Tuesday Nov. 10, 2015 - Russia will be developing strike systems capable of penetrating any missile defense shield, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday.

"We’ll be working on the anti-missile defense system as well, but at the first stage, as we have said on many occasions, we’ll also be working on strike systems capable of penetrating any anti-missile defense shield," Putin said at a meeting on the development of the Russian Armed Forces.

Putin said the meeting would discuss the development of such weapon systems that would determine the outlook of the Russian Armed Forces for the next decade and will become a response to the challenges confronted by Russia.

"The references to the Iranian and North Korean nuclear threats only disguise true plans. And their true purpose is to neutralize the strategic nuclear potential of other nuclear states, except the United States and its allies, first of all, the nuclear potential of our country, Russia," Putin said.

The United States and its allies continue building the global missile defense system, the Russian president said.

"Moreover, unfortunately, they are not taking into account either our concerns or proposals for cooperation," Putin added.

No talks on helicopter supplies to Egypt until Russian Mistral equipment is dismantled

DUBAI, November 9. /TASS/. Russia and Egypt may launch substantive negotiations on the supplies of Kamov Ka-52K Katran reconnaissance and attack helicopters for the Mistral class helicopter carriers only after the dismantlement of Russian equipment from the warships is completed, head of Rostec State Corporation Sergey Chemezov said on Monday.

The aggregate value of the dismantled equipment exceeds $10 million. In October, the first batch of the Russian-made equipment was removed from the helicopter carriers and sent to Russia - it comprises combat information management systems and missile weapons and artillery control systems. The communications systems will be next.

Egypt signed a contract on October 10 for purchasing two Mistral-class amphibious assault ships from France, which had been built for Russia. The ships are expected to be delivered to the new customer together with landing boats in the summer of 2016. A group of Russian specialists has been dismantling the Russian-made equipment from the helicopter carriers in France since late September. The DCNS Company that built the ships said that the equipment would be dismantled completely by the end of the year.

Previously, Russian president’s chief of staff Sergei Ivanov said that Russia was planning to supply equipment and helicopters for the Mistral-class amphibious assault ships that Egypt is buying from France and that the deal might exceed $1 billion.

According to the CEO of the Russian arms exporting company Rosoboronexport, Egypt has not addressed it yet to purchase Kamov Ka-52 helicopters (NATO reporting name: Hokum-B) and the equipment being dismantled from the Mistral-class helicopter carriers at the moment.

101st Airborne Division tapped for Iraq deployment

Monday Nov. 9, 2015 - WASHINGTON – The Army’s 101st Airborne Division Headquarters will deploy early next year to Iraq to lead the American efforts to train Iraqi Security Forces to combat the Islamic State, the Army has announced.

About 500 soldiers from the Fort Campbell, Ky.-based division will deploy to Iraq and Kuwait to serve as the Combined Joint Forces Land Component Command-Iraq. It will be the unit’s second major overseas deployment in the last year. It returned in February from a five-month deployment in Liberia to assist in West Africa’s Ebola fight.

The upcoming deployment is part of a regular rotation of division headquarters, the Army said Friday in a statement. The 101st will replace the Fort Bragg, N.C.-based 82nd Airborne Division Headquarters. Since June, the 82nd has led the efforts of about 3,500 American troops to train ISF units, which are battling Islamic State militants mostly in the country’s north.

Outrage builds as dozens of Iraqis electrocuted in floods

Monday Nov. 9, 2015 - BAGHDAD — Mohammed al-Qurayshi's only son, Hassan, searched back and forth through CCTV footage to find the 12:30 p.m. mark on Oct. 31.

The video showed grainy images of two of his older sisters carrying bags of garbage through the garden and across the street. Fatima, 14, was dressed in deep blue and Rosul, 15, wore turquoise. It was then, just around the corner from their home, as they waded through a flooded street, that they were both electrocuted and killed — Fatima first, then Rosul, as she reached out to help her sister.

"These are their death certificates," the elder al-Qurayshi said, holding out a pair of thin pink slips, noting the written cause of death was electrocution but that "the true cause of death is the Ministry of Electricity and the municipality."

The Iraqi Ministry of Health said 69 people have died across the country over the past two weeks, due to a combination of the country's dilapidated electrical grid and heavy rains that overwhelmed sewer systems.

Inadequate infrastructure was one of the rallying cries behind countrywide protests over the summer that succeeded in pressuring Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to propose sweeping reforms. But in the months that followed, many of the government shake-ups have languished in parliament and while protests have dropped off, public anger has not.

[...] "That same day (they died), I drove through the Green Zone," Mohammed said, referring to the heavily fortified Baghdad neighborhood that's home to many foreign embassies and most of the country's politicians. "I saw there wasn't even a little bit of water anywhere. If it had been al-Abadi's child, then do you think the government would do something?"

Navy Launches Second Ballistic Missile Test in Pacific

Monday Nov. 9, 2015 - The U.S. Navy has launched a second unarmed ballistic missile from a submarine in the Pacific as part of a test of the technology, a Pentagon spokesman said.

It occurred around noon local time Monday and came two days after the USS Kentucky (SSBN-737), an Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine, launched an unarmed Trident II D5 nuclear missile in the Pacific Test Range off the coast of southern California.

The exercise was conducted by the Navy Strategic Systems Programs. The first launch surprised observers, some of whom speculated on social media that light from the object was a meteorite or unidentified flying object, or UFO.

“This is the second and final launch of a planned and scheduled exercise,” according to the Pentagon statement. “The test launches were a part of Demonstration and Shakedown Operations, designated DASO-26. The Navy did not release video of the Trident SLBM launch. The missiles landed in the Eastern Missile Range near Kwajalein.”

France to send aircraft carrier to aid U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State

Friday Nov. 6, 2015 - France will deploy its only aircraft carrier to support military operations to combat the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, French President Francois Hollande said Thursday.

In a statement by the French presidency following a meeting of its defense cabinet, the government said the Charles de Gaulle warship would be sent to the eastern Mediterranean for operations against Isis in both Syria and Iraq.

The Charles de Gaulle is the largest warship in western Europe and the only nuclear-powered aircraft carrier outside the U.S. fleet. It can carry up to 40 fixed wing aircraft and helicopters.

The carrier is usually accompanied by an attack submarine, several frigates, refueling ships, as well as fighter jets and surveillance aircraft.

The aircraft carrier will enable us to be more efficient in coordination with our allies,” Hollande said at the inauguration of the new defense ministry headquarters in Paris, Reuters reported.

The statement from the president’s office said Paris supports efforts to reach a political transition in Syria, but added Syrian President Bashar Assad could not remain in the country.

France was the first country to join the U.S.-lead international coalition in Iraq and has recently provided limited logistical support to moderate Syrian rebels. French warplanes conducted their first airstrikes in Syria in late September.

Chinese and Russian Radars On Track To See Through U.S. Stealth

Back dated July 29, 2014 - A growing trend in Russian and Chinese radar could make U.S. stealth fighters easier to see and — more importantly — easier to target for potential adversaries, a former senior U.S. Navy official told USNI News.

U.S. fighters — like the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lighting II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) — are protected by stealth technology optimized for higher frequency targeting radars but not for lower frequency radars.

JSF and the F-22 are protected from higher frequencies in the Ku, X, C and parts of the S bands. But both jets can be seen on enemy radars operating in the longer wavelengths like L, UHF and VHF.

In other words, Russian and Chinese radars can generally detect a stealth aircraft but not clearly enough to give an accurate location to a missile.
But that is starting to change.

Further, new foreign rival warships are increasingly being built with both high and low frequency radars.

“Prospective adversaries are putting low frequency radars on their surface combatants along with the higher frequency systems,” the former official said.

Chinese warships like the Type 52C Luyang II and Type 52D Luyang III have both high and low frequency radars, the former official said. “All-aspect is highly desirable against this sort of networked [anti-air] environment,” he said. Secondly, the Chinese and Russians are almost certain to use cyber and electronic attack capabilities to disrupt NIFC-CA, which is almost totally reliant on data links.

Fundamentally, the Navy’s lack of an all-aspect broadband stealth jet on the carrier flight deck is giving fuel to advocates of a high-end Unmanned Carrier Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS) aircraft that can tackle the toughest enemy air defenses.

Without such capability, the Navy’s carrier fleet will fade into irrelevance, the former official said.

Russian plasma stealth fighters

First developed by the Russians, plasma stealth technology is also known as “Active Stealth Technology”. Plasma stealth is a proposed process that uses ionized gas (plasma) to reduce the radar cross section (RCS) of an aircraft. A plasma stream is injected in front of the aircraft covering the entire body of the aircraft and absorbing most of the electromagnetic energy of the radar waves, thus making the aircraft difficult to detect.

One of the most interesting Russian fighters to benefit from the plasma stealth technology is the MiG 1.42/1.44 also known as the MFI (Mnogofunktsionalny Frontovoi Istrebitel - Multifunctional Frontline Fighter). This new aircraft is a fifth generation air-superiority fighter, a rival for the American F-22 Raptor. Both aircraft have the same super-cruise capability as well as thrust vectoring for super-manoeuvrability (a capability to fly at supercritical angles of attack, at increased level of sustained and
available g-loads and high turn-angle rate, which require a greater thrust-to-weight ratio and improved wing aerodynamic efficiency). This aircraft may prove to be a milestone in aviation, as so many Russian aircraft were before.

Having greater agility and range than the F-22 the aerodynamically superior MFI will have a top speed of Mach 2.6 versus Mach 1.7 for the F-22 Raptor, and the MFI will be able to cruise supersonically for a longer period. To reduce RCS it sports a heavy coating of RAM, S-shaped compressor channels, internal weapon storage, LO airframe geometry, and maybe an active radar cancellation system (RCS) or a plasma cloud stealth (PCS) system making it stealthier than the F-22 as MiG MAPO claims. Two three-dimensional thrust-vectoring Saturn/Lyulka AL-41F turbofans, capable of 44,100 lb of thrust in afterburner power the MiG 1.42. The key to the MiG-1.42 is its new Phazotron N-014 phased array fire control radar and rear-facing N-012 radar system operating in in air and ground modes simultaneously with ground mapping, search-and-track of moving targets, synthetic aperture radar and terrain avoidance it is capable of detecting any stealth aircraft without a special radar.

Armaments: Everything in VVS fighter weapons inventory, including R-77 missiles.
MFI would also have some special weapons, like ultra-long-range AA missiles (Novator).

Radar Equipment: Forward and rearward facing radars; forward-facing radar N-014 phased array with electronically-scanned antenna - simultaneous tracking of 40 and engagement of up to 20 targets; effective range against a fighter-sized target: 420km, extended AS capability, ground mapping capability; rearward-facing radar N-012.

Stealth Features: Composite RAM, S-shaped compressor channels, internal weapons storage, LO airframe geometry, perhaps an active radar cancellation system or a plasma cloud stealth system.

Take A Closer Look At The Canine Warriors Of The US Military

Today, there are 2,800 dogs actively serving around the world in some very dangerous places alongside their two-legged partners: the American marine. The modern marine takes the human-dog collaboration to a completely different level. Marine dog handlers form an intense bond with their canine companions, undergoing professional military training including obtaining the very rigorous SEAL certification. The SEAL team that captured Osama bin Laden accomplished this feat with the help of Cairo, a Belgian Malinois.
angelburst29 said:
This short (less than 3 minute) video of a Russian Grandmother giving President Obama advice - is absolutely Priceless!

A Russian babushka (grandma), gives Obama advice, in rhyme!, in the best Russian tradition. (English sub-title)

I love that she sees the bigger picture and has such a sweet heart. But aren't they giving the US their energy by praying for them? She said she was speaking to his conscience....but we know he doesn't have one. :(
Charade said:
angelburst29 said:
This short (less than 3 minute) video of a Russian Grandmother giving President Obama advice - is absolutely Priceless!

A Russian babushka (grandma), gives Obama advice, in rhyme!, in the best Russian tradition. (English sub-title)

I love that she sees the bigger picture and has such a sweet heart. But aren't they giving the US their energy by praying for them? She said she was speaking to his conscience....but we know he doesn't have one. :(


You are probably right about Obama not having a conscience:

Session 30 January 2010
Q: (L) I wonder if there were any UFOs associated with them? (Joe) Is Obama a psychopath?
A: No, more like schizoidal
Q: (L) Well, that's a type of psychopath.
A: More or less
Q: (L) I don't think I would have pegged him as schizoidal. Well...
(Joe) You don't see much of him.

He may not be a full-blown psychopath but "more or less" is close enough I think.

The video is probably carefully staged but I still liked the truth it tries to portray. Of course for it to pull on your heart strings you have to have a heart. :(
Russia's main goal, including in Syria is to carry out a successful fight against terrorism, President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday.

Putin: Russia's Main Goal is Successful Fight Against Terrorism

Putin also emphasized that any attempts to scare Russia would be futile.
angelburst29 said:
Putin also emphasized that any attempts to scare Russia would be futile.

Interesting and encouraging, considering the last session with the Cs.,40010.0.html

(Perceval) What caused the downing of the Russian plane in the Sinai?

A: External, think Mossad and energy weapons. [...]

Q: (Perceval) Does the Russian government have any idea that that's who shot the plane down?

A: Oh indeed!
[quote author=angelburst29]Putin also emphasized that any attempts to scare Russia would be futile.

[quote author=Windmill knight]Interesting and encouraging, considering the last session with the Cs.[/quote][/quote]

Indeed, he isn’t just dealing with the US/Israel or the Gulf anymore. The higher echelons of the consortium just made their entre and Putin is calling their attempts futile. I don’t think they are used to resistance at all.

War with Russia is out of the question I think since it will result in the lose of their 3D earth farm by mutual destruction. Did the consortium wishfully think Putin would back of in Syria by activating such a high tech weapon on a Russian target?

Who is going to make the next move now that the consortium made their mark.
Battle Hardened Russian Spetsnaz May Tip The Balance In Syria: “They Are Formidable Opponents To Be Taken Seriously”
November 10th, 2015
Jeremiah Johnson is a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces (Airborne) and a graduate of the U.S. Army’s SERE school (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape).

The last installment gave the readers a picture of how Russia and the United States are positioning their Special Forces assets, posturing for a potential Ghost War between the two elite groups. The previous article also presented the basic role of the U.S. Army Special Forces (Airborne). Recall that Green Berets function as “force multipliers” designed to optimize civilian human resources in an unconventional (guerrilla) warfare capacity. These resources are drawn from local indigenous personnel within the combat theater of operations.

But what of their Russian counterparts, the Spetsnaz? Not too many people are aware that the Russian warriors have a long and distinguished history that effectively begins with WWII (although their inception as deep reconnaissance battalions stem further). Spetsnaz is an acronym for (phonetic) Spetsialnoygo Nazhacheniye, or Special Reconnaissance-Intelligence units.

Spetsnaz units in combat primarily operate behind enemy lines either overtly (in military uniform) or covertly (in civilian garb). They can be inserted by parachute, submarine, or travel inconspicuously to the LD (line of departure) to their destination by whatever means they see fit. Their primary missions involve assassinations of government officials and military leaders, destruction of enemy command and communication centers, intelligence (spying), counterintelligence (that involves hunting down and killing spies), and sabotage missions (hydroelectric plants, transportation hubs, airfields, etc.)

The next higher elite unit among the Spetsnaz are GRU-Spetsnaz, and the acronym GRU, or Glavnoye Razvedyvatel-noyi Upravlaniye, or Main Intelligence Directorate. Where Spetsnaz are the Operators, these men are the Specialists: extraordinarily cross-trained in the most precise and surgical techniques of assassination, demolitions, espionage, and special intelligence operations that combine all of these phases of instruction. The missions these men run are usually task organized by three man teams, or cells. Larger missions may have several cells working in conjunction with one another; however, for the most part Operators work as individuals or as cells.

Finally, there is the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia, the SVR, and this group has a special unit that is even more elite and closely-guarded (information-wise) than the previously-mentioned Spetsnaz units. The unit is the elite Special Forces unit called Zaslon, and the very existence of the unit is denied thoroughly by the government of Russia. Zaslon means “Shield,” or “Barrier,” and their mission is covert, operating under deep cover. All of the operatives are Spetsnaz qualified, having served in the two former units prior to their service in Zaslon.

The unit is used to provide protection for Russian ambassadors, conduct deep-cover intelligence and contact development, top-level assassinations, and the most delicate of all such terminations: the ones the autopsies rule to be “a death by natural causes,” leaving not a shred of evidence to the contrary. These highly trained, experienced operators have decades of experience in the former two Spetsnaz units. Handpicked for their intelligence and physical prowess, the Zaslon operatives are all fluent in several languages with extensive foreign service under their belts.

Although they answer primarily to the SVR, the Zaslon team members will sometimes be tasked as advisors or instructors (in an operational capacity, for planning and leadership control) to GRU-Spetsnaz for especially sensitive or “hairy” missions. Their equivalent(s) in the United States Military and Intelligence Services can be found in the Tactical Support Teams (TST’s), and in SAD, of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Currently in Syria, Spetsnaz has been deployed (shifted) from the Ukrainian theater of operations; therefore, in essence, redeployed, as Spetsnaz units that are not training are operating. They have been conducting raids with air assault (helicopter) deployment, in addition to intelligence gathering. Such intelligence requirements invariably involve “snatch-and-grabs” (kidnapping) for a subject to be interrogated, along with acquiring documents and photographic evidence. Their targets are reportedly “ISIS/ISIL,” but in reality they are after anyone or any group fomenting dissension or rebellion against Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.

In the Northern part of the country, in areas such as Raqqah, Tel Abyad, and Shadadeh, the Rebels (whom the U.S. supports) are the primary opponent of Spetsnaz and the coalition they are directing comprised of (for the moment) Iranian Republican Guardsmen, Lebanese Hezbollah, and Syrian regulars serving the Assad government. The Syrian Army (after many decades of partnership with the former Soviet Union, now Russia) has many Russian-speaking operatives to assist in the operations of their ally.

The main Rebel points spread out in an upside-down crescent at the Northern border of Syria running the full length of the country and halting at Derek and Darbasiyeh, where the Kurdish forces in the Northeast hold sway. The Spetsnaz units have been conducting ground strikes on the Rebel command and control centers, as well as assassinations of key Rebel military personnel. Key areas that will come into play later as action intensifies are the Shadadi Oil Fields of Northeastern Syria, as well as the Omar Oil Field in the Southeast. In the center of Syria lies the Shaer Gas Field, a huge natural gas repository that the U.S. and NATO would love to secure for the purposes of undercutting the Russian supplies to Eastern Europe.

Zaslon (the unit that Russia has denied the existence of) has existed…and has been operating in Syria since at least May 10, 2013, as a small group of operators deployed there when Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry were trying to work on a brokered peace deal. Zaslon was sent there specifically to keep Assad from being assassinated and/or removed from power. They’re also in Syria to cover any tracks that may incriminate Russia if things “go south” for Assad, as internal security is one of their specialties.

To summarize, the Spetsnaz units are top-flight groups of extraordinary warriors dedicated to their profession and they are battle-hardened from their years with the wars in Chechnya, Georgia, and Ukraine. They are formidable opponents to be taken seriously, and their role in Syria has neither been fully developed nor clarified. They are worthy adversaries that can very well tip the balance in the region and completely offset any plans the U.S. and NATO has for the region. In the coming days and weeks, we will certainly see more of their operations and how it may tip the overall balance of power in the region and the Middle East as a whole.

Russian Spetsnaz Battle Jihadists In Dagestan
Jun 25, 2015

Russian Spetsnaz In the meantime DC supports with weapons and money ISIS in Russia Today in Dagestan eliminated terrorists from the cell ISIS, during the battle, was fatally wounded Soldier Spetsnaz Typhoon "Internal Troops". In order to implement the operational details of the balances parasite Wahhabi thugs, from 3 am on June 23 on the territory of Untsukulsky Buynaksk and districts of Dagestan regime was introduced CTO (anti-terrorist operation). Almost immediately, About half past three , DURING A Reconnaissance and search operation on the Outskirts of the Village Gimry Untsukulsky District, 200 meters down the gorge (in the gardens), law enforcement officials had found the dugout militants near the fire which ensued contact. The hopper is detected in one of the addresses. Specialists continue to work. Terrorists are large bunker, located between the village and the highway and is hidden trees (visible only ventilation pipe). Spetsnaz Typhoon under the cover of Fire Close to the Entrance to the dugout.
Spetsnaz Went to the dugout and detonated an overhead charge. Being inside, militants were crushed by the explosion and debris.
Pro-Assad forces are close to opening a direct route to a major transportation hub in north-western Syria - Salma.

Russian MoD: Terrorist's tactics in Syria have drastically changed (Graph and video's)

Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
10th November, 2015

According to local sources, the Syrian army and pro-Assad units are completing a local sweep in the Northeast province of Latakia in preparation for a major offensive against the stronghold of the group "Al-Nusra", mountain fortress city Salma.

We know that in this city are also the so-called Free Syrian Army, but the combat potential is close to zero the experts believe . To break through the enemy's defense, a striking force was created from parts of the 103rd Brigade of the Republican Guard, the paramilitary units of the National Defence Forces and Qurdaha Muqawama Souri (Syrian Resistance), as well as divisions of Syrian Social Nationalist Party.

There is evidence of the presence of the assault group of Iranian Revolutionary Guard motorized infantry. By taking Salma, pro-Assad forces will open a direct route to one of the major transportation hubs in north-western Syria - the city of Jisr al-Shughur in Idlib province.

Intense fighting continues in the southern outskirts of Aleppo, the country's largest city. There the army was able to repel the offensive of ISIS on As-Safir and Nasiriyah, having secured the fringes of the city captured by Sheikh Ahmad's proxies, adjacent to a key track on which the IS receives supplies. Groups managed to break the resistance of the IS in the fortified village of Kveyris Sharqi, by firing at the defenders from the rear air base. According to the military command, if the extremists withdrew in large numbers, the removal of an ongoing three-year blockade of the airbase will happen before the end of the week.

[O.R: the siege of the aforementioned airbase was lifted on the 10th November by the SAA]

It should also be noted that in recent days the army completely regained the territory that had been lost in the course of the IS counter-offensive in late October. The front at Nasiriyah and Al-Safir was recaptured, as well as Dzhabul.

The 4th Mechanized Division of the Syrian army, supported by troops of the Lebanese Shiite group "Hezbollah", captured Talaylat village on the outskirts of the strategic city of Al-Khader in southern Aleppo. The capture of the village allowed the troops into the southern part of the city of Al-Khader with almost no resistance from the Islamist terrorists of "Ahrar al-Sham" and small groups such as "Harakat al-Nuriddin" and "Sukur al-Sham."

The General Staff expects that the upcoming battle for the Al-Khader will allow the government to regain control over a portion of the Aleppo - Damascus highway; Idlib province now remains under the military control of the group "Ahrar al-Sham."

Intense fighting continued in the provinces of Latakia, Homs, Damascus, Dara, Aleppo and Hasaka. In the province of Latakia, after fierce fighting, the city of Gamam was captured. In the province of Homs pro-Assad forces are advancing in the direction of ancient Palmyra near the villages of Baraui and Aziz Aziz Samaan. In the province of Damascus a massive counterattack on jihadist positions by Syrian troops near the town of Darayya took place, which destroyed dozens of terrorists. Fierce fighting continued in East Ghouta and Dzhobar.

In the province of Daraa a training camp belonging to the group "Al-Nusra" was destroyed. In the southern province of Hasaka, a renewed joint operation of Syrian troops and Kurdish groups was announced in the Villages of Tal Serena and Rajm al-Sayyaran. US officials have said that Russia has expanded its area of ​​application of combat helicopters to a large part of the territory of Syria. Now, according to their data, Russian Mi-24 and Mi-8 are not just taking off from an air base in the province of Latakia, but also from the other three air bases in central and northern Syria.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman at a regular press briefing, informed a significant change in the tactics of terrorist groups throughout the territory of Syria. As noted by Major-General Igor Konashenkov, "gangs are not as aggressive as they were a month ago. Today, terrorists are trying to conduct flexible defensive tactics, regularly moving and dodging punches as the Syrian government troops and the Russian airforce seek and destroy."

According to the speaker of the Defense Ministry, the terrorists are now forced to constantly change routes for arms and ammunition, preferring to transport at night "using the elements to disguise them." Lebanese newspaper Ad-Diyar published an interesting article, telling about the phone call between Saudi monarch Salman Al Saud and the US President Barack Obama, in which the king reportedly bemoaned the White House's indecision, not allowing time to stop the devastating blows of Moscow to the Saud-sponsored insurgents in Syria . "We have no choice" - the newspaper quoted King Salman - "or you will allow Putin to create an immediate unconditional cease-fire in Syria to end its military campaign, and we intend to revise our alliance with the United States and unilaterally take direct efforts to overthrow Assad , including, if necessary, a military confrontation. "

In fact, the Saudis, who are stuck in the Yemeni conflict against the Houthis, do not have a real military force. Riyadh's terrorist groups are in danger of completely losing the loyal clientele among extremists in Syria, and are becoming more and more nervous. In addition to the moral satisfaction from the humiliation of the anti-Russian groups in the Middle East, Moscow should be ready for the inevitable use of Saudi's last military-technical trump card in the hope of changing the course of the fighting in their favour - the supply of modern MANPADS.
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