Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

goyacobol said:
Charade said:
angelburst29 said:
This short (less than 3 minute) video of a Russian Grandmother giving President Obama advice - is absolutely Priceless!

A Russian babushka (grandma), gives Obama advice, in rhyme!, in the best Russian tradition. (English sub-title)

I love that she sees the bigger picture and has such a sweet heart. But aren't they giving the US their energy by praying for them? She said she was speaking to his conscience....but we know he doesn't have one. :(


You are probably right about Obama not having a conscience:

Session 30 January 2010
Q: (L) I wonder if there were any UFOs associated with them? (Joe) Is Obama a psychopath?
A: No, more like schizoidal
Q: (L) Well, that's a type of psychopath.
A: More or less
Q: (L) I don't think I would have pegged him as schizoidal. Well...
(Joe) You don't see much of him.

He may not be a full-blown psychopath but "more or less" is close enough I think.

The video is probably carefully staged but I still liked the truth it tries to portray. Of course for it to pull on your heart strings you have to have a heart. :(


Thanks for the reference. I don't think I've read that particular transcript. I'll definitely go through it.

Here's a brief description of Schizoid Personality Characteristics. Definitely not traits you would want for the leader of the US, but one that can be manipulated to do the bidding of the American Empire.

People with SPD are often aloof, cold and indifferent,which causes interpersonal difficulty. Most individuals diagnosed with SPD have trouble establishing personal relationships or expressing their feelings in a meaningful way. They may remain passive in the face of unfavorable situations. Their communication with other people may be indifferent and terse at times. Because of their lack of meaningful communication with other people, those who are diagnosed with SPD are not able to develop accurate impressions of how well they get along with others.[3]

Such images are believed to be important for a person's self-awareness and ability to assess the impact of their own actions in social situations. R.D. Laing suggests that when one is not enriched by injections of interpersonal reality, the self-image becomes increasingly empty and volatilized, which leads the individual to feel unreal.[3]

When the individual's personal space is violated, they feel suffocated and feel the need to free themselves and be independent. People who have SPD tend to be happiest when they are in a relationship in which the partner places few emotional or intimate demands on them. It is not people as such that they want to avoid, but emotions both negative and positive, emotional intimacy, and self disclosure.[4][full citation needed]

This means that it is possible for schizoid individuals to form relationships with others based on intellectual, physical, familial, occupational, or recreational activities as long as these modes of relating do not require or force the need for emotional intimacy, which the affected individual will reject. Donald Winnicott explains this need to modulate emotional interaction by saying that schizoid individuals "prefer to make relationships on their own terms and not in terms of the impulses of other people." Failing to attain that, they prefer isolation.[5][full citation needed]

The 'secret schizoid' Edit
Many fundamentally schizoid individuals display an engaging, interactive personality that contradicts the observable characteristic emphasized by the DSM-IV and ICD-10 definitions of the schizoid personality.[6][full citation needed] Klein classifies these individuals as "secret schizoids",[6] who present themselves as socially available, interested, engaged and involved in interacting yet remain emotionally withdrawn and sequestered within the safety of the internal world.

Withdrawal or detachment from the outer world is a characteristic feature of schizoid pathology, but may appear either in "classic" or in "secret" form. When classic, it matches the typical description of the schizoid personality offered in the DSM-IV. It is however "just as often" a hidden internal state: that which meets the objective eye may not match the subjective, internal world of the patient. Klein therefore cautions that one should not miss identifying the schizoid patient because one cannot see the patient's withdrawal through the patient's defensive, compensatory interaction with external reality. He suggests that one need only ask the patient what his or her subjective experience is in order to detect the presence of the schizoid refusal of emotional intimacy.[6]

Descriptions of the schizoid personality as "hidden" behind an outward appearance of emotional engagement have been recognized as far back as 1940 with Fairbairn's description of "schizoid exhibitionism," in which the schizoid individual is able to express a great deal of feeling and to make what appear to be impressive social contacts yet in reality gives nothing and loses nothing. Because he is only "playing a part," his own personality is not involved. According to Fairbairn, the person disowns the part which he is playing and thus the schizoid individual seeks to preserve his own personality intact and immune from compromise."[7][full citation needed]

Further references to the secret schizoid come from Masud Khan,[8][full citation needed] Jeffrey Seinfeld[9][full citation needed] and Philip Manfield,[10][full citation needed] who give a palpable description of an SPD individual who actually "enjoys" regular public speaking engagements but experiences great difficulty in the breaks when audience members would attempt to engage him emotionally.[11] These references expose the problems involved in relying singularly on outer observable behavior for assessing the presence of personality disorders in certain individuals.

I find myself watching clips of Putin speaking just to hear a leader with a voice of sanity. It's like coming up for air after being held under water. I am grateful to all at Sott for being a life raft in the turbulent sea of propaganda, disinformation and lies.
Charade said:
Here's a brief description of Schizoid Personality Characteristics. Definitely not traits you would want for the leader of the US, but one that can be manipulated to do the bidding of the American Empire.

And here is the description of schizoidal psychopathy as it appears in Political Ponerology:


“[Schizoids] are hypersensitive and distrustful, while, at the same time, pay little attention to the feelings of others. They tend to assume extreme positions, and are eager to retaliate for minor offenses. Sometimes they are eccentric and odd. Their poor sense of psychological situation and reality leads them to superimpose erroneous, pejorative interpretations upon other people’s intentions. They easily become involved in activities which are ostensibly moral, but which actually inflict damage upon themselves and others. Their impoverished psychological worldview makes them typically pessimistic regarding human nature.” (Lobaczewski, 123-4)

Emotional Unreality: The main features of schizoidia (or schizoid personality disorder) are dull emotions and a lack of feeling for psychological realities, and it is probably inherited autosomally. Their lack of emotion allows them to develop their speculative reasoning, which is useful in non-humanistic disciplines (e.g., economics and political theory).

Psychotic States: Under experiences of extreme stress, schizoids collapse into a state closely resembling schizophrenia, stifling their capacity for thought.

Schizoidal Declaration: Schizoids often betray their characteristic view of human nature in their statements and writings. “Human nature is so bad that order in human society can only be maintained by a strong power created by highly qualified individuals in the name of some higher idea.” Ironically, normal people, under the influence of schizoids and their twisted view of reality, will tend to fulfill such a view of human nature. Such open schizoidal declarations are apparent in the works of Marx and Engels, Hobbes, and various leading neoconservative intellectuals.


In Relationships: Schizoids often cause their families much trouble and are often poor parents. They are easily manipulated for the benefit of more clever individuals, often playing the role of “patsy”. Their simplistic “black or white” view of human reality often turns their good intentions into bad results.

On Humanity: If schizoidal views are published and widely distributed (like the writings of Marx, or of Leo Strauss), they can play a large role in the origin of evil on a mass scale. When normal people read the work of a schizoid, they are often unaware of the true nature of the author they are reading. Due to their richer psychological worldview, they tend towards a ‘corrective interpretation’ of writing which is, in fact, pathological. In this way, the deviant psychology can also be accepted by naïve individuals. Only with a proper understanding of the pathological nature of this material can one effectively read through it and immunize oneself against infection.
Russia outlines plan for steering Syria out of conflict

Russia has circulated a document on ending the nearly five-year-old Syrian conflict that calls for drafting a new constitution in up to 18 months that would be put to a popular referendum and be followed by an early presidential election.

The document, obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press, makes no mention of Syrian President Bashar Assad stepping down during the transition — a key opposition demand. It only mentions that "the president of Syria will not chair the constitutional commission."

It calls for UN special envoy Staffan de Mistura to launch a political process between the Syrian government and "a united delegation of the opposition groups" on the basis of the June 2012 communique agreed upon by major powers in Geneva calling for the establishment of a transitional governing body for Syria with full executive powers, leading to elections.

Russia's deputy UN ambassador Vladimir Safronkov, who expressed regret that the document had been leaked, told The Associated Press: "It's our vision — it's our proposal."

"And of course we are receptive for proposals from the other side. It's just Russian contribution, how we launch a political process ... to make parties work together, government and opposition," he said.

The document was circulated ahead of a second round of talks in Vienna on Saturday among key governments on both sides of the Syrian conflict. De Mistura told reporters after briefing the UN Security Council late Tuesday that his message to the 15 members was "one word — momentum."

British Ambassador Matthew Rycroft said the Russian document was not discussed at Tuesday's council meeting "but we're aware of the Russian proposals."

We welcome their engagement in the Vienna talks," Rycroft said of Russia. "We welcome any constructive ideas that will accelerate an end of this terrible conflict."

At the initial talks in Vienna on Oct. 30, the U.S., Russia, Iran and more than a dozen other nations agreed to launch a new peace effort involving Syria's government and opposition groups. But they carefully avoided the issue of when Assad might leave power — a dispute at the heart of the conflict that has claimed more than 250,000 lives and flooded neighbouring countries and Europe with more than four million refugees.

The Russian document, entitled "Approach To The Settlement of The Syrian Crisis," focuses on both opposition and "terrorist groups," and the need to differentiate between them.

Referendum on constitution proposed

It calls for the Security Council to agree to list the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria extremist group, also known as ISIL, as "a terrorist organization," and agreement on an additional list of terrorist groups.

US-Turkey Invasion Derailed by Syrian Army Triumph at Kuweires

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) achieved its greatest victory in the four year-long war on Tuesday when it recaptured the strategic Kuweires military airbase in North Syria. Hundreds of ISIS terrorists were killed in intense fighting while hundreds more were sent fleeing eastward towards Raqqa. The victory was announced just hours after Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said in an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that Turkey would be willing to invade Syria as long as Washington agreed to provide air support, create a safe zone along the Syrian-Turkish border, and remove Syrian President Bashar al Assad.

Now that Kuweires has been liberated, Davutoğlu will have to reconsider his offer taking into consideration the fact that Russian warplanes will now be within striking distance of the border while troops and artillery will be positioned in a way that makes crossing into Syria as difficult as possible. The window for Turkish troops to enter Syria unopposed has closed. Any attempt to invade the country now will result in stiff resistance and heavy casualties.

Israel warplanes strike near Syria airport: Report

Israeli warplanes have struck targets near the international airport in the Syrian capital, Damascus, Syrian media says.

The reports said the attack happened Wednesday morning.

There were no immediate comments from the Syrian government on the issue.

In October, the Israeli military launched a number of artillery attacks against Syrian army posts in the Golan Heights.

Syria says Israel and its Western and regional allies are aiding Takfiri militant groups operating inside the Arab country.

The Syrian army has repeatedly seized huge quantities of Israeli-made weapons and advanced military equipment from the foreign-backed militants inside Syria.

The Tel Aviv regime has a long history of supporting militant groups against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad over the past few years of turmoil in the Arab country.

Reports say Israel has set up field hospitals in the occupied Syrian territory of the Golan Heights for the treatment of injured militants.

Back in June, locals in the Golan intercepted an Israeli vehicle transporting two members of the al-Nusra Front terrorist group on the road between al-Sheikh Mountain and the village of Majdal Shams

Report: IAF strikes Damascus Airport

Arab media reports Israeli fighter jets hit Damascus international airport, taking out electricity and halting flights - target unclear.

Arab media reports on Wednesday that Israeli Air Force (IAF) fighter jets struck the Damascus Airport in the morning hours.

According to the reports, powerful explosions were heard in the international airport. In parallel, the airport's electricity went out completely, and flight traffic was temporarily halted.

It is not clear whether the target of the alleged strikes were an arms shipment, or a terror cell planning attacks against Israel.

Just last week Arab media quoted sources in Syria reporting that the IAF struck a transfer of Scud missiles to the Iran terror proxy Hezbollah in Lebanon, in strikes that took place in the Qalamoun mountainous border region.

That report followed on the heels of Syrian media reports the previous Saturday of an alleged Israeli airstrike in the Qalamoun region, targeting Hezbollah and Syrian regime forces.

Last April, it was reported in Arab media that IAF jets struck a Scud missile shipment as it was leaving the Syrian capital of Damascus.

The IDF has taken a policy of preventing advanced rockets from reaching Hezbollah on Israel's northern border, which already is said to have a rocket arsenal ten times that of Hamas in Gaza. Russian television said it was a mistake show a secret weapon, but I tend to believe that it is voluntary on the part of Putin ...
Windmill knight said:
Charade said:
Here's a brief description of Schizoid Personality Characteristics. Definitely not traits you would want for the leader of the US, but one that can be manipulated to do the bidding of the American Empire.

And here is the description of schizoidal psychopathy as it appears in Political Ponerology:


“[Schizoids] are hypersensitive and distrustful, while, at the same time, pay little attention to the feelings of others. They tend to assume extreme positions, and are eager to retaliate for minor offenses. Sometimes they are eccentric and odd. Their poor sense of psychological situation and reality leads them to superimpose erroneous, pejorative interpretations upon other people’s intentions. They easily become involved in activities which are ostensibly moral, but which actually inflict damage upon themselves and others. Their impoverished psychological worldview makes them typically pessimistic regarding human nature.” (Lobaczewski, 123-4)

Emotional Unreality: The main features of schizoidia (or schizoid personality disorder) are dull emotions and a lack of feeling for psychological realities, and it is probably inherited autosomally. Their lack of emotion allows them to develop their speculative reasoning, which is useful in non-humanistic disciplines (e.g., economics and political theory).

Psychotic States: Under experiences of extreme stress, schizoids collapse into a state closely resembling schizophrenia, stifling their capacity for thought.

Schizoidal Declaration: Schizoids often betray their characteristic view of human nature in their statements and writings. “Human nature is so bad that order in human society can only be maintained by a strong power created by highly qualified individuals in the name of some higher idea.” Ironically, normal people, under the influence of schizoids and their twisted view of reality, will tend to fulfill such a view of human nature. Such open schizoidal declarations are apparent in the works of Marx and Engels, Hobbes, and various leading neoconservative intellectuals.


In Relationships: Schizoids often cause their families much trouble and are often poor parents. They are easily manipulated for the benefit of more clever individuals, often playing the role of “patsy”. Their simplistic “black or white” view of human reality often turns their good intentions into bad results.

On Humanity: If schizoidal views are published and widely distributed (like the writings of Marx, or of Leo Strauss), they can play a large role in the origin of evil on a mass scale. When normal people read the work of a schizoid, they are often unaware of the true nature of the author they are reading. Due to their richer psychological worldview, they tend towards a ‘corrective interpretation’ of writing which is, in fact, pathological. In this way, the deviant psychology can also be accepted by naïve individuals. Only with a proper understanding of the pathological nature of this material can one effectively read through it and immunize oneself against infection.

Yes, doesn't that paints a clear picture. I started Political Pornerology once and wasn't comprehending it well. The post above is plain to understand. Maybe it's time to put it at the top of the reading stack again. I am working through Debugging the Universe right now. A page turner for me at this point.

Thank you, Windmill Knight :)
bjorn said:
[quote author=angelburst29]Putin also emphasized that any attempts to scare Russia would be futile.

[quote author=Windmill knight]Interesting and encouraging, considering the last session with the Cs.

Indeed, he isn’t just dealing with the US/Israel or the Gulf anymore. The higher echelons of the consortium just made their entre and Putin is calling their attempts futile. I don’t think they are used to resistance at all.

War with Russia is out of the question I think since it will result in the lose of their 3D earth farm by mutual destruction. Did the consortium wishfully think Putin would back of in Syria by activating such a high tech weapon on a Russian target?

Who is going to make the next move now that the consortium made their mark.

My thought was that if more countries took a stand to support Putin's efforts, collectively, it could possibly tip the scales in favor of humanity. A uniting of forces in a show of strength for what is truely good for humanity. Maybe, then, we earn our way out of the farm and deserve not to be food.
Windmill knight said:
Charade said:
Here's a brief description of Schizoid Personality Characteristics. Definitely not traits you would want for the leader of the US, but one that can be manipulated to do the bidding of the American Empire.

And here is the description of schizoidal psychopathy as it appears in Political Ponerology:


“[Schizoids] are hypersensitive and distrustful, while, at the same time, pay little attention to the feelings of others. They tend to assume extreme positions, and are eager to retaliate for minor offenses. Sometimes they are eccentric and odd. Their poor sense of psychological situation and reality leads them to superimpose erroneous, pejorative interpretations upon other people’s intentions. They easily become involved in activities which are ostensibly moral, but which actually inflict damage upon themselves and others. Their impoverished psychological worldview makes them typically pessimistic regarding human nature.” (Lobaczewski, 123-4)

Emotional Unreality: The main features of schizoidia (or schizoid personality disorder) are dull emotions and a lack of feeling for psychological realities, and it is probably inherited autosomally. Their lack of emotion allows them to develop their speculative reasoning, which is useful in non-humanistic disciplines (e.g., economics and political theory).

Psychotic States: Under experiences of extreme stress, schizoids collapse into a state closely resembling schizophrenia, stifling their capacity for thought.

Schizoidal Declaration: Schizoids often betray their characteristic view of human nature in their statements and writings. “Human nature is so bad that order in human society can only be maintained by a strong power created by highly qualified individuals in the name of some higher idea.” Ironically, normal people, under the influence of schizoids and their twisted view of reality, will tend to fulfill such a view of human nature. Such open schizoidal declarations are apparent in the works of Marx and Engels, Hobbes, and various leading neoconservative intellectuals.


In Relationships: Schizoids often cause their families much trouble and are often poor parents. They are easily manipulated for the benefit of more clever individuals, often playing the role of “patsy”. Their simplistic “black or white” view of human reality often turns their good intentions into bad results.

On Humanity: If schizoidal views are published and widely distributed (like the writings of Marx, or of Leo Strauss), they can play a large role in the origin of evil on a mass scale. When normal people read the work of a schizoid, they are often unaware of the true nature of the author they are reading. Due to their richer psychological worldview, they tend towards a ‘corrective interpretation’ of writing which is, in fact, pathological. In this way, the deviant psychology can also be accepted by naïve individuals. Only with a proper understanding of the pathological nature of this material can one effectively read through it and immunize oneself against infection.

Wow, that says a lot about our fearless leader doesn't it:

often playing the role of “patsy”.

Thanks :shock:
angelburst29 said:
Russia outlines plan for steering Syria out of conflict

Even with all the effort Russia is making to have proposals meetings for Syria, Elizabeth Trudeau, Director of Press Relations for the
U.S. Department of State says it is "Premature" 6 times in this RT video:

It's just kind of sickening I think.

angelburst29 said:
US-Turkey Invasion Derailed by Syrian Army Triumph at Kuweires

Now that Kuweires has been liberated, Davutoğlu will have to reconsider his offer taking into consideration the fact that Russian warplanes will now be within striking distance of the border while troops and artillery will be positioned in a way that makes crossing into Syria as difficult as possible. The window for Turkish troops to enter Syria unopposed has closed. Any attempt to invade the country now will result in stiff resistance and heavy casualties.

The Turkish PM is now on the hot seat I think.

His plan was to:

PM Ahmet Davutoğlu: “A ground force is something which we have to talk [about] together. There’s a need of an integrated strategy including air campaign and ground troops. But Turkey alone cannot take all this burden. If there is a coalition and a very well designed integrated strategy, Turkey is ready to take part in all senses.”

C.A.: Including on the ground?

Davutoğlu: Yes, of course….We have to solve the Syrian crisis in a comprehensive manner.

The pressure is ratcheted up by the Syrian army successes.

angelburst29 said:
Israel warplanes strike near Syria airport: Report

Israeli warplanes have struck targets near the international airport in the Syrian capital, Damascus, Syrian media says.

The reports said the attack happened Wednesday morning.

There were no immediate comments from the Syrian government on the issue.

In October, the Israeli military launched a number of artillery attacks against Syrian army posts in the Golan Heights.

Syria says Israel and its Western and regional allies are aiding Takfiri militant groups operating inside the Arab country.

The Syrian army has repeatedly seized huge quantities of Israeli-made weapons and advanced military equipment from the foreign-backed militants inside Syria.

The Tel Aviv regime has a long history of supporting militant groups against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad over the past few years of turmoil in the Arab country.

Reports say Israel has set up field hospitals in the occupied Syrian territory of the Golan Heights for the treatment of injured militants.

Back in June, locals in the Golan intercepted an Israeli vehicle transporting two members of the al-Nusra Front terrorist group on the road between al-Sheikh Mountain and the village of Majdal Shams

Report: IAF strikes Damascus Airport

Arab media reports Israeli fighter jets hit Damascus international airport, taking out electricity and halting flights - target unclear.

Arab media reports on Wednesday that Israeli Air Force (IAF) fighter jets struck the Damascus Airport in the morning hours.

According to the reports, powerful explosions were heard in the international airport. In parallel, the airport's electricity went out completely, and flight traffic was temporarily halted.

It is not clear whether the target of the alleged strikes were an arms shipment, or a terror cell planning attacks against Israel.

Just last week Arab media quoted sources in Syria reporting that the IAF struck a transfer of Scud missiles to the Iran terror proxy Hezbollah in Lebanon, in strikes that took place in the Qalamoun mountainous border region.

That report followed on the heels of Syrian media reports the previous Saturday of an alleged Israeli airstrike in the Qalamoun region, targeting Hezbollah and Syrian regime forces.

Last April, it was reported in Arab media that IAF jets struck a Scud missile shipment as it was leaving the Syrian capital of Damascus.

The IDF has taken a policy of preventing advanced rockets from reaching Hezbollah on Israel's northern border, which already is said to have a rocket arsenal ten times that of Hamas in Gaza.

I haven't seen any report on RT about the Israeli airstrikes near Damascus airport yet. I wonder what's up? :huh:
Quote from Goyacobol:

"I haven't seen any report on RT about the Israeli airstrikes near Damascus airport yet. I wonder what's up? :huh:"

May - or may not have happened?

Israel Attacks Syria Near Damascus Airport: Reports

According to a flurry of reports appearing in the mainstream and independent media, Israel has struck inside Syria once again, this time near the international airport in Damascus.

At this time, it remains unclear what the target of the attacks might have been – Syrian military installations, weapons depots, civilians/civilian infrastructure, or something else entirely. It also remains to be confirmed than an attack actually took place.

There have been no immediate comments from the Syrian government as of this time.

There is also the distinct possibility that this attack never actually took place since this writer could find no actual mention of the “Syrian media reports” cited in the flurry of international press accounts at the time of the writing of this article. Indeed, the “Syrian media reports” cited actually come from Israeli media who have cited only a “Facebook page associated with the regime.”

The latest series of attacks bring a new dimension, however, since the Russians are now engaged in their own bombing campaign against the savages supported by the United States, NATO, the GCC, and Israel.

Many have wondered whether or not the Russians would mount a response to the Israeli aggression since, in the past, it appears that the Russians have set up virtual “no-fly zones” surrounding certain areas and entrance points into the country.

Whether Israel was somehow able to enter Syria via a location that was not yet under total Russian air control or whether it simply went ahead with its treacherous mission and Russia neglected to respond or interdict accordingly is a question that will only be answered in time.

This must be borne in mind when evaluating the nature of the claims. Indeed, the “Syrian media reports” cited actually come from Israeli media who have cited only a “Facebook page associated with the regime.” This means that the reports could have been generated by Western or Israeli sources themselves to project a sense of invincibility surrounding their own military capabilities and sense of weakness surrounding the Russians and Syrians.

Regardless, Israel has undoubtedly attacked Syria repeatedly in the past. Thus, one can only wonder how long Syria and Russia can continue to allow the Israelis to act with impunity in the skies above Syria.
This story that just popped up on the RT feed got me thinking :

Kurds launch offensive in Iraq, Turks consider ground operation in Syria

Ten seconds after I heard the news about the 911 attacks, I saw a chance for the US to be introspective, to reflect and change course. I was not realistically hoping for that, but it seemed like that kind of moment. In the these days and weeks following Russia's operation in Syria, there is another such moment. Follow the popular narrative of "very bad, loose cannon, Islamic army" and coordinate with Russia to rid the world of these little ISIS turds. But seeing the story above, knowing how the US will use Turkey as a proxy if they can, we can see the American deep state is just going to keep on digging their hole.

I am not so naive as to think they would do anything else, but I think it is one of those moments where things could be done differently, where a strategic retreat from so many years of destructive foreign policy could ever so slightly reversed by just putting down the shovel. But no... They won't. They are just going to keep on digging.
angelburst29 said:
Quote from Goyacobol:

"I haven't seen any report on RT about the Israeli airstrikes near Damascus airport yet. I wonder what's up? :huh:"

May - or may not have happened?

Israel Attacks Syria Near Damascus Airport: Reports

According to a flurry of reports appearing in the mainstream and independent media, Israel has struck inside Syria once again, this time near the international airport in Damascus.

At this time, it remains unclear what the target of the attacks might have been – Syrian military installations, weapons depots, civilians/civilian infrastructure, or something else entirely. It also remains to be confirmed than an attack actually took place.

There have been no immediate comments from the Syrian government as of this time.

There is also the distinct possibility that this attack never actually took place since this writer could find no actual mention of the “Syrian media reports” cited in the flurry of international press accounts at the time of the writing of this article. Indeed, the “Syrian media reports” cited actually come from Israeli media who have cited only a “Facebook page associated with the regime.”

The latest series of attacks bring a new dimension, however, since the Russians are now engaged in their own bombing campaign against the savages supported by the United States, NATO, the GCC, and Israel.

Many have wondered whether or not the Russians would mount a response to the Israeli aggression since, in the past, it appears that the Russians have set up virtual “no-fly zones” surrounding certain areas and entrance points into the country.

Whether Israel was somehow able to enter Syria via a location that was not yet under total Russian air control or whether it simply went ahead with its treacherous mission and Russia neglected to respond or interdict accordingly is a question that will only be answered in time.

This must be borne in mind when evaluating the nature of the claims. Indeed, the “Syrian media reports” cited actually come from Israeli media who have cited only a “Facebook page associated with the regime.” This means that the reports could have been generated by Western or Israeli sources themselves to project a sense of invincibility surrounding their own military capabilities and sense of weakness surrounding the Russians and Syrians.

Regardless, Israel has undoubtedly attacked Syria repeatedly in the past. Thus, one can only wonder how long Syria and Russia can continue to allow the Israelis to act with impunity in the skies above Syria.

Thanks, angelburst29. One report sourced Syrian media and the other one just said Arab media. It makes sense that there is probably going to be some shady reporting on a continuing basis.
US scared by Russia success in Syria'
Published on Nov 12, 2015
PressTV News
The US government is afraid of Russia’s success in fighting Daesh (ISIL) and is seeking to draw Moscow into a military “quagmire” in Syria, says a political analyst and international human rights lawyer.
This is quiet interesting, a constantly updated interactive map of events happening within the Kurdistan territory.
I could not figure out how to switch it into English although there are options for several languages at the top but the site seems to work only in French.
anka said:
This is quiet interesting, a constantly updated interactive map of events happening within the Kurdistan territory.
I could not figure out how to switch it into English although there are options for several languages at the top but the site seems to work only in French.

Really nice interactive map, Anka - great find! It even defines the flags and shields of each group. I had no trouble switching to English.
Photo of a very serious Putin.

PressTV: Russia’s Putin to visit Iran in late November

Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to pay an official one-day visit to Iran later this month, the Kremlin says.

President Putin will set off for Tehran on November 23 to attend a meeting of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF), the Kremlin's top foreign policy aide Yury Ushakov told journalists on Friday.

He added that the Russian president - who last visited Iran in 2007 - will likely hold talks with senior Iranian officials.

Russia ready to support Lebanon in countering Daesh terrorists

The Kremlin says Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed readiness to cooperate closely with the Lebanese authorities in countering the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group.

A day after two deadly bombings occurred on the outskirts of the Lebanese capital, President Putin sent a condolence message to Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri and assured assistance to Beirut in its fight against Daesh terrorists, the Kremlin press service said on Friday.

Putin also said that Russia can help track down the perpetrators of the two massive explosions that hit a security post in the Borj al-Barajaneh area in a southern suburb of Beirut. Daesh claimed responsibility for the twin attacks that killed over 40 people and injured 240 others.

Also on Friday, Putin ruled out claims that Moscow will imminently end its ongoing airstrikes against militants in Syria, saying the military action will continue until the objectives of the operation are realized.
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