Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

[quote author=Windmill Knight]Yes, they could do that. But my guess is that NATO is going to push forward an aggressive "coallition of the willing" in Syria, and that they are counting on Russia backing down to avoid direct confrontation[/quote]

I agree, only way possible to remove Assad at this point is to send in NATO ground troops. I doubt this ‘’coalition of the willing’’ can be pushed that far. Turkey is the only candidate willing to do so I believe.

Secondly, it would certainly get a response from Putin. To prove once again that they are serious they could send in huge numbers of Russian ground troops themselves.

Anyhow, the sooner ISIS is defeated. They sooner WW3 can be prevented. This must not carry on for to long.

4STS doesn’t want to risk their farm by WW3 but considering they didn’t even saw Putin’s actions coming in Syria. Reality and the consequences of their actions are out of line and as things heat up, more unexpected things can happen.

Dangerous times indeed but it is also interesting. Clearly they haven’t given up on Syria. How many in the alliance will remain when a war with Russia is at hand? Sacrificing yourself and the planet for US hegemony. Who in their insane mind can do that.

NATO members need to choose and take a decision asap before they are being dragged into a war which could mean the end for all of us. Interesting outcome can be, it could also mean the end for NATO and US hegemony with it. Especially over Europe.
Russia has deployed its fleet of strategic bombers to double the volume of airstrikes on Islamist targets in Syria, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has announced. Vladimir Putin has ordered a cruiser to coordinate operations with French naval forces in the Mediterranean.

“We are conducting a mass airstrike campaign against Islamic State targets in Syria. We have now doubled the number of sorties, which is allowing us to conduct operations throughout the length and breadth of the country,” Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said during a Security Council meeting in Moscow chaired by the Russian president.

Shoigu said that Russia’s Tu-95, Tu-22 and Tu-160 strategic bombers have been brought into the operation, while the Air Force command added that the strike group has been bolstered with 37 new planes, including Su-34 bombers and Su-27 fighter jets.

The head of the General Staff reported that the new phase of the anti-ISIS campaign will involve 25 long-range bombers flying out of airfields in Russia.

“By conducting military missions in Syria, you are protecting Russia and her citizens,” Putin told his military chiefs. “Our air campaign in Syria must not only be continued, it must be boosted, in such a way that the criminals are made aware that retribution is inevitable.”

The Russian president has issued orders for Russia’s Moskva cruiser, covering the Russian base in Latakia from the Mediterranean Sea, to work together with a French naval group led by flagship Charles De Gaulle, a 26 fighter-jet aircraft carrier, which is departing for Syria this week.

“The French naval group, led by the air carrier, will soon reach your area of operations. We need to establish direct contact with it, and treat it as an ally,” the Russian president said. “We need to develop of a joint action plan for both sea and air operations.”

The Kremlin said that the parameters for a joint mission had been agreed upon by Putin and French President Francois Hollande, following a personal phone call.

“The two leaders focused their attention on bilateral and multilateral cooperation in combating terrorism,” a Kremlin statement said. “This includes closer ties and joint operations between the military command and intelligence services of Russia and France in Syria.”

Vladimir Putin and Francois Hollande are to meet in Moscow on November 26.
Russian Warplanes Destroy 140 Terrorist Targets in Syria
17:15 17.11.2015(updated 18:19 17.11.2015)
Russia used 34 air launched cruise missiles during the strike on the terrorist targets in Syria, Russian General Staff chief Gen. Valery Gerasimov said Tuesday. The members of the US-led coalition were informed about the operation in advance, he added.

“During a massive airstrike today, 14 important ISIL targets were destroyed by 34 air-launched cruise missiles. The targets destroyed include command posts that were used to coordinate ISIL activities in the provinces of Idlib and Aleppo, munition and supply depots in the northwestern part of Syria,” Gerasimov said.

Russian Air Forces will be strengthened with advanced 37 aircraft, including eight Su-34 bomber jets and four Su-27 fighter jets, Gerasimov noted.

"The Russian General Staff has developed a new plan of the air campaign [in Syria] which envisions deployment of 25 strategic bombers, eight Su-34 Fullback attack aircraft, and four Su-27 Flanker fighter jets," Army General Valery Gerasimov said.

Syrian army with the assistance of the Russian aviation managed to liberate 80 towns and regain control of the territory more than 500 square kilometers.

the Northern Syrian Province of Aleppo Syrian Army liberated 40 towns. Government troops deblocked Kweiris airbase and continue to expand security zone near the airport," Gerasimov added.

Ten imagery and signals intelligence spacecraft were deployed in order to improve the space intelligence capabilities in Syria, Russian General Staff chief Gen. Gerasimov said.
“Ten satellites are deployed. By redirecting several spacecraft and adjusting their orbit we now can photograph Syrian territory at required intervals,”
he said.

The Islamic State militant’s ability to illegally export energy resources was severely hampered by Russian airstrikes, chief of Russian General Staff General Valery Gerasimov said.

"Several elements of the enemy infrastructure, including two fuel tanker truck columns, were destroyed by Russian Aerospace Forces aircraft, which resulted in “a severe decrease in militants’ ability to illegally export energy resources," Gerasimov said Tuesday during a report to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin at the National Defense Control Center.

Russian warplanes have destroyed 140 ISIL targets in Syria, Sergey Shoigu said. The number of sorties doubled, Shoigu added.
"The number of sorties was increased two times which allows us to launch powerful precision strikes against ISIL militants deep within the Syrian territory," the Russian Defense Minister said while briefeng the president on Syrian operation in the Russian National Defense Control Center.

Strategic bombers Tu-160, Tu-95MC and Tu-22 are involved in the Russian operation in Syria, the Russian Defense Minister said.

"Tu-160, Tu-95MC and Tu-22 strategic bombers with standard strike aircraft are involved in destroying of terrorist targets in Syria," Shoigu said.

Twelve Russian bomber jets Tu-22M3 have hit ISIL targets in the Syrian provinces of Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor, Shoingu said.

“Today, from 2:00 till 2:30 GMT, twelve Tu-22M3 long-range bomber aircraft carried out strikes against ISIL targets in the provinces of Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor,” Shoigu said.

Russia will continue massive airstrikes on terrorist targets in Syria. Russia's actions in Syria made it possible for Syrian army to begin an offensive against terrorists.

Russian warplanes launched airstrikes against Islamic State (ISIL) and other militant groups at the request of Syrian President Bashar Assad on September 30.

Since the beginning of the air campaign, Russian Aerospace Forces have carried out around 1,800 sorties, destroying some 2,700 terrorist targets, according to the General Staff. Several hundreds of militants have been killed, and dozens of command centers and depots have been destroyed.

Streamed live on Nov 17, 2015

Массированный удар самолетами Дальней авиации по объектам инфраструктуры ИГИЛ в Сирии
Published on Nov 17, 2015
Bing Trans.
Massive attack planes of long-range aviation infrastructure IGIL in Syria



Biggest, mightiest supersonic bomber on Earth, and with the ability to change the configuration of the wings.
Supposedly, better than the American B-2 in every way (pasted)

Angry Putin Vows Vengeance: No matter where you are hiding, we will find you and kill you!
Published on Nov 17, 2015

Russian insider
Vladimir Putin pledged to step up military strikes in Syria to punish those who implemented one of the most bloodiest terrorist attacks on Russians, after it was confirmed the Russian passanger crash on Sinai was blown up in the air by terrorists. The Russian president also vows to search for those accountable anywhere they might be, find them in any part of the globe and scourge them. On their website, FSB issued a statement offering $50 million reward for “information helping to arrest the criminals” behind the attack.
Russsia seems to be doing fine all by itself. Their strikes appear to be carried out with great precision. I am wincing at the thought of French/NATO meddling and confusing the situation.

loreta said:
Me too I was thinking about how sophisticated this attack was, something with a very touchy plan, long time in advance made and the murders at the Bataclan shows even sadistic tendency. For the rest it reminds me terrorists attacks in Algeria, people being the targets in bars and terrasse-café. I think everything was studied like a perfect scenario to really touch the subconscious of French. Many people remember the war in Algeria and will be very afraid. There are a lot of Algerians in France. Perversion is in this attack. What about the refugees? And all the Muslims and Arabs and Africans in France? Oh, my my. How sad I am and also so angry to see their hypocrisy, their sick mind and I can not imagine what they have in their baggage for everyone....

Meanwhile the vengeance is in action in Syria with strikes that kill poor innocents. Did you see this video?


I the video in above post is factual it looks like the French strikes are killing civilians. After all NATO destroyed as much infrastructure as they could in Iraq and Libya. They will probably just blame it all on the Russians if there are civilian casualties. That is just my opinion. FWIW
goyacobol said:
Russsia seems to be doing fine all by itself. Their strikes appear to be carried out with great precision. I am wincing at the thought of French/NATO meddling and confusing the situation.

loreta said:
Me too I was thinking about how sophisticated this attack was, something with a very touchy plan, long time in advance made and the murders at the Bataclan shows even sadistic tendency. For the rest it reminds me terrorists attacks in Algeria, people being the targets in bars and terrasse-café. I think everything was studied like a perfect scenario to really touch the subconscious of French. Many people remember the war in Algeria and will be very afraid. There are a lot of Algerians in France. Perversion is in this attack. What about the refugees? And all the Muslims and Arabs and Africans in France? Oh, my my. How sad I am and also so angry to see their hypocrisy, their sick mind and I can not imagine what they have in their baggage for everyone....

Meanwhile the vengeance is in action in Syria with strikes that kill poor innocents. Did you see this video?


I the video in above post is factual it looks like the French strikes are killing civilians. After all NATO destroyed as much infrastructure as they could in Iraq and Libya. They will probably just blame it all on the Russians if there are civilian casualties. That is just my opinion. FWIW

If the video is legit, that is indeed sickening but unfortunately quite predictable. The agenda of Western countries has never changed; they just bomb whatever moves, people, hospitals, essential infrastructure to destabilise even further the country and maybe even fund big corporates to clean up the mess afterwards, if they can. The worst part is that many people here in Europe now turn a blind eye to such actions after the attacks in Paris, as their emotional reactions are still running rampant and they are unable to understand the longer term consequences.

As the bombings progress, it will be interesting to see how this will play out. Will they be able to hide these tragedies with Russia next to them?
Eboard10 said:
goyacobol said:
Russsia seems to be doing fine all by itself. Their strikes appear to be carried out with great precision. I am wincing at the thought of French/NATO meddling and confusing the situation.

loreta said:
Me too I was thinking about how sophisticated this attack was, something with a very touchy plan, long time in advance made and the murders at the Bataclan shows even sadistic tendency. For the rest it reminds me terrorists attacks in Algeria, people being the targets in bars and terrasse-café. I think everything was studied like a perfect scenario to really touch the subconscious of French. Many people remember the war in Algeria and will be very afraid. There are a lot of Algerians in France. Perversion is in this attack. What about the refugees? And all the Muslims and Arabs and Africans in France? Oh, my my. How sad I am and also so angry to see their hypocrisy, their sick mind and I can not imagine what they have in their baggage for everyone....

Meanwhile the vengeance is in action in Syria with strikes that kill poor innocents. Did you see this video?


I the video in above post is factual it looks like the French strikes are killing civilians. After all NATO destroyed as much infrastructure as they could in Iraq and Libya. They will probably just blame it all on the Russians if there are civilian casualties. That is just my opinion. FWIW

If the video is legit, that is indeed sickening but unfortunately quite predictable. The agenda of Western countries has never changed; they just bomb whatever moves, people, hospitals, essential infrastructure to destabilise even further the country and maybe even fund big corporates to clean up the mess afterwards, if they can. The worst part is that many people here in Europe now turn a blind eye to such actions after the attacks in Paris, as their emotional reactions are still running rampant and they are unable to understand the longer term consequences.

As the bombings progress, it will be interesting to see how this will play out. Will they be able to hide these tragedies with Russia next to them?

I agree that it has been sickening to watch the previous NATO/French/US/Israeli/UK/etc./ demolition team results and that is why I wince just thinking about what they may really try to do. I don't know how Putin is planning to work with this coalition and it will be interesting to say the least. :curse:
Today's announcement on that plane crash being from a planted 'bomb' reminds me of how Stalin played along with our German Nazi's as long as he could to prepare the country, infrastructure, manufacturing et al. As for Paris, it seems that this usual Gladio op helps assist their 'blowback' of immigration, but in the long run, it is their last chance to exit their colonial status with the USA/Israel/etc.... 'last call' before it's 'lights out'... osis.
goyacobol said:
What you mention is are true possibilities I think. I do think we will know more as Putin, Russia and China react. Having front row seats is kind of scary but I am routing for the many encouragements given in the sessions by the Cs such as this one (hope I don't get too boring):
Putin and Russia don't react. They ponder and reflect the new possibilities that have come to light and how best to utilize this for their advantage. They likewise know what the West expects and can thus feature that into the equation. When the timing is best and the element of surprise is the greatest they ACT. For psychopathic reaction machines driven by wishful thinking this gets them every time as their plans go belly up and all they can do is kick and scream about it. :rotfl:

Russia did act today with heavy bombers, missile launches from a submarine in the Mediterranean and hit targets in Raqqa (and Deir ez-Zor). In that way, they made sure that they will also be included when it comes to Raqqa and also that actual IS targets in Raqqa will be hit, as the French bombers got their coordinates from the US and thus hit a museum, some medical clinics etc. according to some reports. The fact that Russia is upping the air strikes against IS will be welcomed by the European people and their leaders can only grudgingly accept it. Good timing!
Aeneas said:
goyacobol said:
What you mention is are true possibilities I think. I do think we will know more as Putin, Russia and China react. Having front row seats is kind of scary but I am routing for the many encouragements given in the sessions by the Cs such as this one (hope I don't get too boring):
Putin and Russia don't react. They ponder and reflect the new possibilities that have come to light and how best to utilize this for their advantage. They likewise know what the West expects and can thus feature that into the equation. When the timing is best and the element of surprise is the greatest they ACT. For psychopathic reaction machines driven by wishful thinking this gets them every time as their plans go belly up and all they can do is kick and scream about it. :rotfl:

Russia did act today with heavy bombers, missile launches from a submarine in the Mediterranean and hit targets in Raqqa (and Deir ez-Zor). In that way, they made sure that they will also be included when it comes to Raqqa and also that actual IS targets in Raqqa will be hit, as the French bombers got their coordinates from the US and thus hit a museum, some medical clinics etc. according to some reports. The fact that Russia is upping the air strikes against IS will be welcomed by the European people and their leaders can only grudgingly accept it. Good timing!

I only hope that it becomes obvious that the US/Israel objectives are targeting infrastructure and civilians. But I think you are probably correct in thinking that Putin and the Russian military are not just reacting which makes me feel a lot better too. :thup: :rotfl: :clap:
It would be best for France to really cooperate with Russians in Syria, or they really will be in deep . . . .

I too think Putin on that video talked to the real culprits for the plane downing, not terrorist.
Avala said:
It would be best for France to really cooperate with Russians in Syria, or they really will be in deep . . . .

I too think Putin on that video talked to the real culprits for the plane downing, not terrorist.

Yes, but they are getting their bombing targets from the US. But you may be correct about the downing of the plane not being attributed to any one culprit or method of downing.

I think there is a lot of "wait and see" to know how Putin and the Russian military will deal with this new coalition offer. I'm glad you are watching as many of us seem to be. It might even be kind of fun to just "wait and see" if we do it together. ;)
Putin is not going to sit in the tank or the plane, hopefully. The intensity of the strikes should be kept to a minimum, IMO, to avoid the unnecessary Russian involvement into other countries. Rattling armor is useful, but the main focus should be on diplomatic negotiations with those who are still able to think for themselves, among the NATO bloc and the European nations, etc.
arpaxad said:
Putin is not going to sit in the tank or the plane, hopefully. The intensity of the strikes should be kept to a minimum, IMO, to avoid the unnecessary Russian involvement into other countries. Rattling armor is useful, but the main focus should be on diplomatic negotiations with those who are still able to think for themselves, among the NATO bloc and the European nations, etc.

Arpaxad, it may be beneficial, to do a deeper study of the situation in Syria, it's main players, their positions and the depth of their involvement, who is allied with whom and the driving forces behind each and what they hope to achieve?

In simple terms, the U.S., Israel, Turkey, U.K., France and NATO have been supplying ISIS with weapons, ammo, food, cash and drugs while advancing them into Syrian territory, for the sole purpose of illegally removing an elected (by the people) President Assad, and installing their own puppet government, mirroring the same tactics - they used in Ukraine. During the last 4-5 years, the same players have been illegally bombing Syrian infrastructure, (residential areas, factory's, utility and water supplies) against International Law, on a sovereign Country. No War has been declared, (Officially), either by Syria, itself or International proxies or through Geneva Convention?

Syrian President Assad, personally and through diplomatic channels, approached Russian President Putin, a close Border ally, for help in neutralizing and pushing the illegal invaders out of Syria. President Putin, then consulted his Staff and the precepts of International Law, in formulating a concise plan, which was then presented to President Assad, for his and the Syrian governing body for approval. A mutual agreement was formed, whereas, Russia would provide logistics and air power, while Syria initiated ground operations with the help of other allies. Upon the Syrian Government's and Assad's approval, Russian Military entered into Syrian airspace under President Putin's supervision, coordinated with the Syrian Military. From the beginning, everything has been orchestrated through personal and Diplomatic channels, adhering to governing Laws of both Syria and Russia including International mandates.

On the other hand, U.S., NATO, etc. have entered Syria airspace and conducted ground excursions illegally, without provocation or warrant or any type of "permission" from the Syrian Government, in Act's of War and in defiance of International Law.

Due to recent events, NATO is using France, to by-pass International Law and the Syrian Government by declaring A State of Emergency in France and using that as a proxy - through request - through the U.N. to insert itself into the Syrian War via the French flagship Charles De Gaulle.

As quoted, "The Russian President has issued orders for Russia’s Moskva cruiser, covering the Russian base in Latakia from the Mediterranean Sea, to work together with a French naval group led by flagship Charles De Gaulle, a 26 fighter-jet aircraft carrier, which is departing for Syria this week.

“The French naval group, led by the air carrier, will soon reach your area of operations. We need to establish direct contact with it, and treat it as an ally,” the Russian president said. “We need to develop of a joint action plan for both sea and air operations.”

The Kremlin said that the parameters for a joint mission had been agreed upon by Putin and French President Francois Hollande, following a personal phone call.

“The two leaders focused their attention on bilateral and multilateral cooperation in combating terrorism,” a Kremlin statement said. “This includes closer ties and joint operations between the military command and intelligence services of Russia and France in Syria.”

As for "Diplomatic Relations" Russia and the Syrian Government have asked for negotiations from the beginning of the Russian air strikes and Syrian ground operation. The U.S. has stated "openly" that it wouldn't work with Russia or Syria. NATO has remained quiet in the background while the U.K. is working to find another loop-hole to enter the Syrian War, without directly asking President Assad or his Government for Permission.

Your statement, " The intensity of the strikes should be kept to a minimum, IMO, to avoid the unnecessary Russian involvement into other countries. Rattling armor is useful, but [...]" under current circumstances, more likely, the strikes will intensify. Russia isn't "rattling armor" by any means and the implication - sounds derogatory. Russia's involvement is by invitation and approval - and in co-operation with the Syrian Military. Iran and Iraq have also asked for help in fighting the terrorism in their Countries.
goyacobol said:
Avala said:
It would be best for France to really cooperate with Russians in Syria, or they really will be in deep . . . .

I too think Putin on that video talked to the real culprits for the plane downing, not terrorist.

Yes, but they are getting their bombing targets from the US
. But you may be correct about the downing of the plane not being attributed to any one culprit or method of downing.

I think there is a lot of "wait and see" to know how Putin and the Russian military will deal with this new coalition offer. I'm glad you are watching as many of us seem to be. It might even be kind of fun to just "wait and see" if we do it together. ;)

I think that Russian says that, but in reality not relying much on data given to them by some other side, but more on their own.

Anyway, it seems that the world is changing by the day, and faster by the day, only that people doesn't release that yet. Imagine political situation like this some 6 months earlier, or even one whole year. Situation like this one was was in the area of 'unbelievable' some year ago :)
U.S., Turkey Joint Operation Designed To Save ISIS, Not Destroy It

With Russia annihilating terrorist vermin all across Syria from the air and the SAA personally mopping up the remainders in village after village, it appears the West has shifted from utter panic to an attempt to launch a Hail Mary and save its jihadist pets as well as the plan to overthrow the secular government of Bashar al-Assad.

This Hail Mary appears to be coming in the form of an attempt to secure the “Safe Zone” area discussed and agreed upon by the Turks and the United States in the past under the guise of fighting ISIS and protecting “moderate rebels” and civilians. In reality, however, the “Safe Zone” is nothing but a trafficking corridor for ISIS and other related terrorist organizations supported by NATO, financed by the GCC, and funneled through Turkey into Syria.

It is for this reason that the U.S. and Turkey have announced an agreement to “shut off Turkey’s border with Syria as part of a joint military operation.” In an interview with CNN, U.S. Secretary of State and Skull and Bones member John Kerry stated, “The entire border of northern Syria – 75 percent of it has now been shut off. And we are entering an operation with the Turks to shut off the other remaining 98 kilometers.”

Of course, the dimensions of the territory in the crosshairs of this “joint military operation” between Turkey and the United States are immensely important.

The Kurds have seized and now maintain control of an area that spans the Turkey-Syria border from its western to eastern extremities all except for one small pocket in the middle – from Jarablus in the East to Dabiq in the West. Others have described the zone in slightly different dimensions as being from Jarablus in the East to Afrin in the East. Regardless, this corridor, also known as a “safe zone,” is about the exact dimensions of the ISIS supply lines coming in from Turkey to Syria and, if either the Syrian military or the Kurds were able to capture this small section of land on the border, ISIS supply lines would be entirely cut from the North. With Assad’s forces tightening their grip in the South and Southwestern portions of the country and the SAA/Hezbollah forces cracking down on any ISIS movements on the Syria-Lebanon border, and most notably the Russian bombing campaign aiding the Syrian military in retaking full control of Aleppo and other parts of northern Syria, ISIS would essentially be cut off from most avenues of outside assistance.

It is thus important to note that the Syrian military had nearly reached the Euphrates river when the terror attacks in Paris took place.

It is for this reason – the threat the Kurds pose to ISIS – that Turkey has engaged in such a heavy bombing campaign against the Kurds, alongside an alleged campaign against ISIS, the latter campaign being one that is questionable to say the least. Remember, the American airstrikes against ISIS have largely targeted Syrian infrastructure and civilian areas. In those areas where ISIS has been struck, it has been nothing more than an exercise in death squad herding.

The “ISIL-Free Zone” should be renamed the “ISIL Free Range Zone” since it is nothing more than a hedge of protection set up over the terrorists with the United States and Turkey once again acting as the ISIS Air Force. This zone, now under the protection of NATO forces will then be used as a Forward Operating Base for terrorism deeper inside the country as Turkey unilaterally bombs the Kurds away from territory they currently hold.

Earlier this month, the Kurds launched an assault on that corridor, threatening to close the last supply route for ISIS that exists in the north. Indeed, not only one of the last, it is the main lifeline for the terrorist organization supported by the West.

With the growing awareness of the importance of the Jarablus corridor amongst researchers, observers, and the interested national parties, the recent Turkish/U.S. joint military operation agreement stands as a last ditch effort to solidify the ISIS/NATO presence in Syria. By engaging troops and military hardware over the “safe zone” of the Jarablus corridor, NATO will be able to ensure that ISIS supplies and soldiers continue to pour into Syria unabated. By placing NATO interests in the midst of the corridor and declaring the zone a “safe zone” the hope is that the Russians will see the zone as off limits.
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