Russia's behavior in these crazy times

Maybe, as adults, we can see past a poor choice of words and actually take time to find out where the original poster is coming from, before passing judgements. And then, discuss and exchange ideas.

Just a thought. 🙂

Just my outside-the-circle observation: GreyCat got some pretty harsh push back for doing nothing more than asking questions and sharing ideas. You know, wanting to have a discussion in a discussion forum. GreyCats only mistake perhaps was not properly reading the audience before venturing in, and making adjustments accordingly.

Those are not ideas, it is to find validation of a confirmation based on a biased thinking to something that can be answered by itself and that strangely other members also demonstrate their own contradictions excusing the indefensible. I find it childish that there are members who excuse themselves and hide behind their date of joining the forum as if that were a guarantee that they are already enlightened on the subject.

From the beginning, those are not honest ideas or questions or motivated by research, it seems more like a distraction and attraction for those who have not done their work and feel good with each other chasing each other's tails.

It is self-explanatory:

“In ordinary thinking, people do not distinguish understanding from knowledge. They think that greater understanding depends on greater knowledge. Therefore they accumulate knowledge, or that which they call knowledge, but they do not know how to accumulate understanding and do not bother about it.” - G.I. Gurdjieff
I don't believe anything my government (US) says, which makes me prone to believe that Putin is a good guy. He may be. Or not. But as James Corbett says in his latest post, there are more than two sides to the story. The Ukraine Crisis: What You Need to Know
Thanks for the link SevenFeathers. Taken from the Conclusion, a wise point of view...
"The uncomfortable truth, as always, is that the war has not just begun. It's been going on for generations. And it's not a war of nation against nation, or even valiant "anti-globalist crusaders" like WEF-connected, biosecurity-promoting, false flag-perpetrating, political opponent-assassinating Vladimir Putin against the global control structure. It is a global war against you. To the extent that wars are being waged between the elitists, they are only being waged to determine which group of elitists get to rule over you and in what way.

Now more than ever it is important for those of us who have escaped the mainstream narrative "Team NATO" trap to reject the "alternative" narrative "Team BRICS" trap and redeclare our personal sovereignty. A choice between the two wings of the same bird of prey is no choice at all. Or, to put it in a more familiar way: "It's a big club, and you ain't in it."

So, let's keep the real background of these events in mind as we watch this military spectacle play out on our computer screens and let's avoid getting caught up in cheerleading for the army of one branch or another of the global elitist class."
Here's my short-as-possible summary of the situation:

Ukraine started the war in 2014. Russia could have joined in full force to support LPR/DPR, but didn't. The war has been going on for 8 years. Diplomacy and a political solution failed. So Russia was left to intervene more forcefully and bring about a military solution. Given Ukrainian intransigence, war was the inevitable outcome.

Like it or not, warfare is an ever-present feature of politics - whether in the background during peace, or in actual conflict. Always has been, always will be. If everyone gets a chance, they should read Machiavelli's Prince. It's short, and while it's a product of its time, many of the principles there still apply.
So, is it just me, or it is also obvious to everyone else that Putin has lost his compass?

You simply cannot do what he did, cause a war, kill people, and to be in the right.

Also, postering and threatening other countries, I wouldnt shed a tear if NATO was to obliterate him into dust.

Now, to be clear, I dont like too much either NATO or Russia, to me they both are pretty much the same, but, this Russian behaviour reeks of insanity. Who are they to think they have the right to kill other people?

It seems to me at least, that these days Russia poses a much greater threat to world security then NATO does.

USA.used to take the guts out of innocent civilians and their sons remotely, with drones or hellfire missiles and no problem.
Compared to Libia, Siria, Iraq Afganistan, Vietnam and many others, Ukranie is a picnic.
NATO acted on Russian borders ( with coups de etat) supporting the shelling of civilians in Donbas forcing Russia to stop the agression, and to have an excuse to isolate her in a way they have the support of the local people. The use the mass media to have the people thinking your way, that is, spotting the ant and not being capable of see the elephant.
Many Europeans openly admits that they want to destroy Russia, even a french minister was cosmetically fired for saying this includes Russians.

A bridge was burned. There was two posibilities for Europeans, in a complicated world: being Russian alys now, or China vasalls in the near future. The first posibility has vanished 22/2/2022
I have noticed this as well. It is a pretty common occurrence AFAIKS.
Yes, there is a difference between someone who keeps a constant friction on pretexts in addition to feeling right because other members make a school group and surround it for various reasons that make me noise, and rather help him to stay fixed in a position that does not favor him in any way if he really wants to know what is going on and that is not something that should be said deserves credit or seen as a "brave question".

Unlike someone who is going through a natural process of emotional confusion but with a sufficient degree of consciousness, little, but enough or common sense or as an "adult" to know how to say "I am receiving a wake-up call, I must stop now and pay attention to what they point to me". Starting the forum, it is possible to give the benefit of the doubt, but 10 years later claiming that you "know" just for that... it has no feet or head (it makes no sense). It's thinking like a frog and you know what the cass said about frogs. It remains for everyone to be honest with themselves and to study properly.

It also happens that if you do not have knowledge about these subtle psychological aspects, the person continues to justify their actions as honest or simply is what it is and is not precisely the one who seeks to understand the knowledge that is being provided practically on a plate served because nowhere else will provide so much objective information and much more than that.

If more time is lacking to process all that, which is understandable and part of the process, in time his actions will indicate it to those who read it and he will only come to recognize it in themselves and re-direct himself, if he is in his way.
Actually, the situation is not that difficult to understand; if Russia had wanted to take over and destroy Ukraine (as the west MSM wants us to think), It would have already happened taking into account Russia's military power. So, the question is, why isn't it happened? Simple, because Putin wants to avoid civilian casualties.
Here's my short-as-possible summary of the situation:

Ukraine started the war in 2014. Russia could have joined in full force to support LPR/DPR, but didn't. The war has been going on for 8 years. Diplomacy and a political solution failed. So Russia was left to intervene more forcefully and bring about a military solution. Given Ukrainian intransigence, war was the inevitable outcome.

Like it or not, warfare is an ever-present feature of politics - whether in the background during peace, or in actual conflict. Always has been, always will be. If everyone gets a chance, they should read Machiavelli's Prince. It's short, and while it's a product of its time, many of the principles there still apply.

Ya know, its easy, oh-so-easy for someone who never experienced war firsthand, to talk this way. To talk so detached and on the surface, objectively about something that, in essence, is a gore fest, a lot of blood, a lot of detached limbs, dead bodies, and the stench. Oh the stench.

But the truth is that war has nothing to do with a pretty picture that is always drawn around it. There is NO excuse for a war, period.

I have seen people disintegrate from a direct mortar hit. Its not a "solution". Its unfathomable savagery. Whoever starts a war is a murderer in my eyes, and cant and wont be anything else. You can paint the pretty pictures, and try to reason it isnt murder. But it is murder, plain and simple. Its inexcusable. I dont care what someone says, Ive been there and I know what a blody mess itcan be.
But the truth is that war has nothing to do with a pretty picture that is always drawn around it. There is NO excuse for a war, period.

What in a Teletubie Lala fantasy world you think you live in? Of course no one would want war but that’s not the real world we are part of. Sadly sometimes these measures are the ones needed.
So let me ask you, enlighten us then; If you were Putin/Russia and you see NATO/Western Allie’s investing in armaments, creating labs to construct biological weapons and even investing in nuclear weapons in areas near the border of your country, planing to put more militar bases in your neighbor (with the conversation of making it officially part of NATO), you say that they are breaking the rules because they promised that NATO won’t expand near your borders but nobody is listening, then they accuse you of everything for years and years and at the same time they keep breaking rules, acting like the Minks deal never existed. And you warns them to keep distances and to not get close to Russia but again no one is listening, they act like you said nothing and you keep witnessing that psychopaths are taking totally control of your neighbors every minute that pass by putting your people in danger and btw they keep accusing of you of lies when you haven’t done anything they are accusing you of in the first place. What would you do? Tell me.
What in a Teletubie Lala fantasy world you think you live in? Of course no one would want war but that’s not the real world we are part of.
Enlighten us then! If you were Putin/Russia and you see NATO/Western Allie’s investing in armaments, creating labs to construct biological weapons and even investing in nuclear weapons in areas near the border of your country, planing to put more militar bases in your neighbor (with the conversation of making it officially part of NATO), you say that they are breaking the rules because they promised that NATO won’t expand near your borders but nobody is listening, then they accuse you of everything for years and years and at the same time they keep breaking rules, acting like the Minks deal never existed. And you warns them to keep distances and to not get close to Russia but again no one is listening, they act like you said nothing and you keep witnessing that psychopaths are taking totally control of your neighbors every minute that pass by putting your people in danger and btw they keep accusing of you of lies when you haven’t done anything they are accusing you of in the first place. What would you do? Tell me.

I would wait. I would avoid bloodshed until the last moment I can. I would defend myself with all Ive got if I got attacked. Thats what I would do.
What in a Teletubie Lala fantasy world you think you live in? Of course no one would want war but that’s not the real world we are part of. Sadly sometimes these measures are the ones needed.
So let me ask you, enlighten us then; If you were Putin/Russia and you see NATO/Western Allie’s investing in armaments, creating labs to construct biological weapons and even investing in nuclear weapons in areas near the border of your country, planing to put more militar bases in your neighbor (with the conversation of making it officially part of NATO), you say that they are breaking the rules because they promised that NATO won’t expand near your borders but nobody is listening, then they accuse you of everything for years and years and at the same time they keep breaking rules, acting like the Minks deal never existed. And you warns them to keep distances and to not get close to Russia but again no one is listening, they act like you said nothing and you keep witnessing that psychopaths are taking totally control of your neighbors every minute that pass by putting your people in danger and btw they keep accusing of you of lies when you haven’t done anything they are accusing you of in the first place. What would you do? Tell me.
Also, please, keep such comments to yourself. I live in a world where I was in a pointless brother-killing war, where I full well know what such maddness brings. I have shot at others, I was shot at, I was in the middle of all that crap, and I have to say, you simply dont know what you are talking about. You dont have a clue.

No war is justified. It is the ultimate demonstration of maddness that is installed by default in human race.
I would wait. I would avoid bloodshed until the last moment I can. I would defend myself with all Ive got if I got attacked. Thats what I would do.
Next question. Your neighbors and family members have been maimed and killed for 8 years and at the same time they continue to prepare, they are going to attack you and do not hide it all this time. Keep talking, what would you do?

Следующий вопрос. Твоих соседей и членов семьи калечат и убивают 8 лет и при этом продолжают готовиться, собираются напасть и на тебя и не скрывают этого все это время. Продолжай говорить, чтобы ты сделал?
I would wait. I would avoid bloodshed until the last moment I can. I would defend myself with all Ive got if I got attacked. Thats what I would do.

Guess what? That’s exactly what Putin/Russia has done, they waited a long time, they tried to defend themselves big time against all accusations, doing everything they can on the legal way, and on top of that they got sanctioned… Trying to avoid big bloodshed is what Putin is doing right now, If they (Russia) don’t act now it would be way worse and too late later. Basically enough is enough.

And btw who says that there is a bloodshed caused by Russia right now? When the majority of targets are militar bases, labs an political buildings? What about the bloodshed Ukraine is causing since 8 years ago to Donbas and the another areas? You have been brainwashed!
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