Padawan Learner
What kind of role do Norway play as this game is played out? We are not part of EU but still follow the advice of sanktions.
Which again could be followed by poking the bear to look in out direction.
We are pro america. A new deal with Norway allows the US to keep an eye on Russian subs closer to Russia's home turf
This new deal allows american military to use force against Norwegian civil population. This article is from Danmark:
I have always been facinated by prophets. In Norway we had this prophet called Lebesby-mannen. Some of his profecies are not fullfilled. Among them a war with russia. Based on my fascination I get thoughts..... well, this is some of my speculations.....
It says "at Sverige ville miste Gotland, og Norge alt land nord for Lyngen. Senere presiserte han at dette ville ikke skje før i 1953, da Norge og Sverige ville bli angrepet av en koalisjon bestående av Frankrike og Russland".
Translate :sweden will loose Gotland and Norway all the land north of Lyngen. This will happen in 1953, in a coalition between france and russia. FWIW.
It is not fare fetched to think that russia will "take" Gotland. According to information given by freepeoplesmovement (look at post in this thread) Gotland is a major hub regarding Internet traffic.
An article in the swedish paper tell that Gotland could be the craddle for WWIII.
Financial Times på Gotland: ”Här kan världskrig börja” (behind subscription Subscribe to read | Financial Times).
As for Norway and Lyngen, lyngen is close to tromsø.
May be a better look at the prophesies is in place?
Russia threatens revenge against Norway for alleged Arctic blockade
Moscow accused Norway on Wednesday of blocking the transit of goods to Russians living in the Norwegian Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and threatened Oslo with retaliation. "We demanded that the Norwegian side resolve this issue as soon as possible," Russia's foreign ministry diplomacy said in a...
Which again could be followed by poking the bear to look in out direction.
We are pro america. A new deal with Norway allows the US to keep an eye on Russian subs closer to Russia's home turf
This new deal allows american military to use force against Norwegian civil population. This article is from Danmark:
Norsk Rigsadvokat: Amerikanske soldater kan åbne ild mod demonstranter
I Norge giver base-aftale USA's militær ret til at bruge magt mod civile. Den danske regering forhandler netop nu i dybeste hemmelighed med USA's Forsvarsministerium om en lignende aftale.
I have always been facinated by prophets. In Norway we had this prophet called Lebesby-mannen. Some of his profecies are not fullfilled. Among them a war with russia. Based on my fascination I get thoughts..... well, this is some of my speculations.....
Feilslåtte spådommer
Det er egentlig forbløffende at denne vår mest berømte profet fortsatt har tilhengere.
Translate :sweden will loose Gotland and Norway all the land north of Lyngen. This will happen in 1953, in a coalition between france and russia. FWIW.
It is not fare fetched to think that russia will "take" Gotland. According to information given by freepeoplesmovement (look at post in this thread) Gotland is a major hub regarding Internet traffic.
An article in the swedish paper tell that Gotland could be the craddle for WWIII.
Financial Times på Gotland: ”Här kan världskrig börja” (behind subscription Subscribe to read | Financial Times).
As for Norway and Lyngen, lyngen is close to tromsø.
May be a better look at the prophesies is in place?
Nordkyn – Lebesby – Lebesbymannen/ The Lebesby Man | Travel-North