Session 09 June 2009

RyanAM said:
I want to apologize, I've gained much knowledge from your work and find much of it to be valid. I wanted to delete that post after i wrote and read again the post before it. This is why I appear to be as confused as i was. I would really enjoy hearing from the C's about our current global situation, i feel it isn't pretty.

I think it is often the case that after years of interacting in this world led by psychopaths, that we learn to react in certain ways to certain things. Because this is so deeply ingrained, we project our own learned reactions onto other people - in other words, "if I answered that in that way, I'd be pissed, and she/he should be pissed because that guy was a jerk!"

So, that is how we read responses/threads - through the lens of our own experiences and understandings.

It can be an shocking adjustment to learn that not everyone else reacts the way we do - even when they've also been kicked in the teeth by this psychopathic world. With time - Work - and practice, we can learn that not all words spoken strongly are words spoken in anger. Not all points made well, and finally, are points made with the heat of 'being worked up' behind them.

When we learn this, all communication here takes on a different flavor because we learn to subtly discern the energy behind the words, not just the words themselves - and we no longer read them as if WE wrote them.

That's just my current understanding, which might change with time.
Hello anart,

This is a great post!
I bookmarked it for a reminder of what this Forum is for.
Also I noticed your energy is different today.
(Something is transformed in you, maybe? (or I am just seeing myself through you... I am not sure though...))

RyanAM said:
I want to apologize, I've gained much knowledge from your work and find much of it to be valid. I wanted to delete that post after i wrote and read again the post before it. This is why I appear to be as confused as i was. I would really enjoy hearing from the C's about our current global situation, i feel it isn't pretty.

Hello RyanAM,

It is a great opportunity to post into the Forum, isn't it?
By posting into the Forum (with the help of "Big 4"), I see myself more especially those I usually don't want to see also. :cry:
GotoGo said:
Hello anart,

This is a great post!
I bookmarked it for a reminder of what this Forum is for.
Also I noticed your energy is different today.
(Something is transformed in you, maybe? (or I am just seeing myself through you... I am not sure though...))

Hello GotoGo,

This question strikes me as odd. Personally I didn't perceive anything different behind Anart's words, or in her "energy". Anyway why making such personal inquiries? I apologize if I seem rude, but this question is really off topic, and it sounds to me like fishing and a sort of attempt to feed. So thanks for clarifying.
Gimpy said:
If I remember correctly, Gewlan is a former member of OnNousCacheTout - a now defunct French discussion forum that was run by an idealistic couple we knew here who have since disappeared to live a more "earth friendly" life in the belief that if everybody does this, everything will just automatically fix itself, and if it doesn't, at least they will have had some peace and New Age fun in the meantime. Anyway, Gwelan came with them to visit us here a few years ago.

The chief thing I recall about Gwelan was that he really didn't "like" the idea of OPs.

So, speaking of one head with several bodies, and that one head buried in the sand... it strikes me that we have here the attitude of someone similar to what is evidenced in this thread ... and my comments to and about Amir may be similarly applied. (As well as Amir's opinion of me!)

So Gwelan isn't poking fun and reminding people to do their 'homework'.....?

Hi Gimpy,

That's how I see it:

Gwelan said:
I wonder if, in a way, we're not actually receiving a lesson like : "are we really to play Simmon says ?" :whistle:

In this sentence, He / She is throwing a stone, waiting for an emotional reaction.

Gwelan said:
I have a deep respect for Laura and her work, but with what happenned lately,

The first sentence is a total lie, if not he/she would'nt use later the word BUT.
When one don't want to be clear uses the word BUT a lot, the first sentence to make others beliebe he/she has a human emotion, and the latter to launch the pump.

Gwelan said:
I had the impression to see several bodies, with only one brain! (hers). :huh:

You see, here is the pump

Gwelan said:
I think we should seriously think about that : can it be right ? When we let someone do the thinking for us, can we get any understanding from that ? Well, she cannot be the only one who works ! :grad:

And after make you beliebe he/she had emotions, after launch a pump, he/she told you what you have to do, and how you should think about the subject.

The emoticons in this case serve her/him to give emfasis to his/her supposed emotions.
Carcosa said:
Hello GotoGo,

This question strikes me as odd. Personally I didn't perceive anything different behind Anart's words, or in her "energy". Anyway why making such personal inquiries? I apologize if I seem rude, but this question is really off topic, and it sounds to me like fishing and a sort of attempt to feed. So thanks for clarifying.

Hello Carcosa,

I see.
First of all I did not mean what I wrote "(Something is transformed in you, maybe? (or I am just seeing myself through you... I am not sure though...))" was a question to her. The last quotation mark was because I was not sure about what I "saw". And what you said "I didn't perceive anything different behind Anart's words, or in her "energy". " gave me a clue that I might be very "subjective".

I think, WHY and HOW I saw this way is because (please forgive me to explain with bullet points):
1. I did ask a different question to her at my comment on the thread of "Imitation Fourth Way Groups Started by Gurdjieff Rejectson" on June 15, 2009 but did not get reply from her yet.
2. My question was for anart's comment that seems a kind of "harsh" to me (this reaction can be from my "program" also, I am speculating now...)
3. But today I saw this her comment that seems to me with very different tone of voice.
4. So I checked her recent posts through the following link (contents of this link change in time so I added 2 lines after that indicate what I "saw" at that time):
from "quote author=anart link=topic=12186.msg91014#msg91014 date=1245295588" on: Today at 11:26:28 AM
to "quote author=anart link=topic=12664.msg90671#msg90671 date=1245005452" on: June 14, 2009, 02:50:52 AM
5. Then I observed something is different after one day break from the coment.
6. So I "guessed" something in her is refreshed or something by this one day break.
7. I think I noticed this "one day break" because I was waiting for her reply but I did not see her yesterday at all so...
8. And then I wanted to say about what I noticed.

Right. why I "wanted" to say that?
I think I need to "observe" myself more about this point, which can be related to what you observed saying "it sounds to me like fishing and a sort of attempt to feed".
Actually I do this sometimes, a kind of "pattern".

Let me give some time to "observe" and "think" about it.
I feel this is giving me a new door for me.

anart, I am sorry if I did something wrong to you without being aware what I am doing. :-[

(Please forgive me if my English is not clear enough also)
lara4unow said:

All throughout the session I connected with the thread of clues the “C’s” were giving, which Laura highlighted. For me, uniting (combining) specific techniques (use the right ingredients, recipies, actions accelerate growth) to connect to “a higher source” (the mother stone) for guidance through the Crown Chakra (the Orion reference) by moving (uniting) energy from a selected lower chakra level in order to communicate with the “source” to acquire knowledge, so as to accelerate growth. The “C’s also said
that as people learn the practice and implement it, their own awareness can grow along with “being”. And if there is parallel growth in knowledge then the Kriya ( Breathing technique) will enhance this knowledge, thus the protection.

Finally, the references to Paleochristianity made me think that possibly these early human groups had successfully combined the physical techniques, we are trying to identify and learn to do, in balance with their knowledge accumulation to be able to connect to a “Higher Source” for guidance.


The C’s also talk of Stonehenge being used to receive coded communications and , when resonating to tonal rill, the otherwise unteachable could obtain wisdoms entered psychically through their crown charka tranceiving system.

Further they state that when properly sculpted [shaped], the molecular structure of the rock will sing to you. [with tonal rill?]

So the ingredients include the “work”, stones of a Stonehenge like arrangement and content in a form of Sudarsharn Kriya as an accelerator.

It appears to me currently, that it is by connecting with this Orion reference via the charka tranceiving system, that we achieve network status. It is that network status, that intimate communion with other facets of the real self. It is that reunion with the transcendent consciousness that is synonymous with receiving coded communications which completes the cycle.

Perhaps the “Orion” is none other than true self, and we humans, once reconnected with our pre-fall state, are the Grail that may contain it.

With a view to properly sculpt rock, so it will sing to us; if we were to model the Stonehenge in some way, would we need to use the specific spotted dolerite and sandstone used there? Which formation of stones would we use, the earlier bluestone(spotted dolerite) or the sarsen limestone blocks or both?

Lucas: Best way will be wait to next C'S session and ask about video / music / practice and other stuff That help to make" C's Breathing technik with + ........... " FAQ ;] .At this point better is Read watch and gartering knowledge about this technik .

Yes, it's better to gather knowledge and wait for more guidance.

Lucas: Hm sitta I fell that we have time to the end of October 2010 . But dont know how long we must practice it to make good progress ? then better start it faster.For me time is not so much problem , then I'm open to metting with group - with C'S + Sott + Laura FAQ about this technik .

I'm unable to do it faster as I won't be in Poland until end of september.

MilkoJanovich: Meeting is not a bad idea but is it fully safe to meet with ppl you don't know well enough?

It's a valid concern, and I think we should keep anart's advice in mind:

anart: In short, meeting physically with people who you just know from this public forum, no matter how nice they seem, is not something that is encouraged - and vigilance is key. The point being that this is a public forum and that means that one must take the same care with interacting with members of it as they would with interacting with anyone else.

MilkoJanovich thank you fot the link. I'll check it out, and compare with other materials I gathered so far.

I'm also curious why do you feel we have time till "end of October 2010". I made a quick search and didn't found anything pointing to this date :huh:.
Hi GotoGo,

GotoGo said:
I see.
First of all I did not mean what I wrote "(Something is transformed in you, maybe? (or I am just seeing myself through you... I am not sure though...))" was a question to her. The last quotation mark was because I was not sure about what I "saw". And what you said "I didn't perceive anything different behind Anart's words, or in her "energy". " gave me a clue that I might be very "subjective".

Yes, you are subjective, but that's not uncommon at all, it is our 'default state'.

g said:
I think, WHY and HOW I saw this way is because (please forgive me to explain with bullet points):
1. I did ask a different question to her at my comment on the thread of "Imitation Fourth Way Groups Started by Gurdjieff Rejectson" on June 15, 2009 but did not get reply from her yet.

In threads where others have clearly explained the dynamic present, and I don't think anything else needs to be added, I don't respond. Since this forum isn't about 'me' and more words often equal more noise, the network is often sufficient to fill in all the blanks. In the thread to which you are referring, Laura summed up what I considered to be the main point and I don't think anything else needs to be added.

As far as you reading my words as alternately 'harsh' or 'not' - you are doing exactly what RyanAM was doing - coloring everything you read as if it was written by you - self-referencing - and seeing through a distorted lens.

Consider that what you read as 'harsh' is no more 'harsh' than what you read as 'friendly' is 'friendly' - the energy behind it has not 'changed', your reading of it has. It's a great example of how strongly we color everything in our lives with our own subjectivity and see very little for what it actually is.
Laura said:
I would suggest ya'll hold off learning the Kriya with any of the AoL groups until we have more guidance from the Cs. We'll be getting into some detailed questions next session, so stay tuned!

Laura said:
If you have the time and money, go ahead and report back. Just be on alert and observant.

I've just discovered that a 5-day Art of Living course begins in my country tomorrow evening. I don't really have the time or money, but upon enquiring I was told that while there may be another course later this year, the last one was 8 months ago. So this could be my 'chance'.

At first I thought: "fortuitous timing!"

Now I wonder if I want to spend around 22 hours over 5 days in varied states of consciousness at the hands of someone I don't know...

I also enquired about the non-disclosure requirement. It amounts to two lines on the application form (which you sign, so I suppose it's legally binding):

AoL said:
You are asked not to disclose the content of the course or attempt to instruct others in any of the techniques. This is to avoid any mis-instruction and to encourage others to experience the benefits for themselves, rather than merely hearing about them.

Hmmm, to breathe or not to breathe?
Since you said you have neither the time nor the money, forget about it.
Apropos breathing and sound (e.g. singing) I found this article:



In a study reported in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (2002; 166: 144-145),researchers at the Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden found that nitric oxide levels in the sinuses were 15 times higher during humming than during normal, quiet exhalations. Nitric oxide (NO) helps to dilate the capillary beds and increase blood flow. Humming had the effect of dramatically increasing the gas exchange in the nasal sinuses. In fact, during normal exhalation the gas exchange between the nasal passages and the sinuses was about 4 percent. When the volunteers (all "healthy") hummed, the gas increase increased to about 98 percent.

Humming also holds in more oxygen as you exhale making each breath more efficient in terms of blood oxygenation. It helps extend the exhale which often slows the breathing down allowing for more oxygen to be extracted from the air we breathe thus decreasing the oxygen cost of breathing.

You may have noticed that people who often hum seem relaxed and at peace. Humming also tends to utilize the "larger" part of the breath that I associate with the Bel Canto aspect of classical voice.

Humming also helps the sinus cavities. For sinus troubles SinuCleanse may be considerably more effective.

Hum more - live longer. Optimal Breathing-Development

Here's the abstract of the original article citing the research at Karolinska Hospital:


Humming Greatly Increases Nasal Nitric Oxide
Eddie Weitzberg and Jon O. N. Lundberg

Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Karolinska Hospital, and Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Dr. E. Weitzberg, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Karolinska Hospital, S-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden. E-mail: eddie.weitzberg{at}

The paranasal sinuses are major producers of nitric oxide (NO). We hypothesized that oscillating airflow produced by humming would enhance sinus ventilation and thereby increase nasal NO levels. Ten healthy subjects took part in the study. Nasal NO was measured with a chemiluminescence technique during humming and quiet single-breath exhalations at a fixed flow rate. NO increased 15-fold during humming compared with quiet exhalation. In a two-compartment model of the nose and sinus, oscillating airflow caused a dramatic increase in gas exchange between the cavities. Obstruction of the sinus ostium is a central event in the pathogenesis of sinusitis. Nasal NO measurements during humming may be a useful noninvasive test of sinus NO production and ostial patency. In addition, any therapeutic effects of the improved sinus ventilation caused by humming should be investigated.

The full article can be found here: _

The humming breath is one of the yoga pranayamas and is known as Brahmari or Humming Bee Breath.

Here's a description of a basic humming technique from _

Humming Breath

Lie down in a comfortable position (tuck pillows under your neck and knees for extra comfort.)

Put your hands on your stomach, at the base of your rib cage.

Take a slow deep breath, filling the lower abdomen.

As you begin to exhale, make a humming sound, drawing it out as long as possible.

Relax and breathe in, repeat this exercise for 2-3 minutes.


* Completely relaxes the body
* Increases overall energy
* Keeps the mind peaceful

These instructions are aimed at pregnant women, hence suggest lying down, but the yoga method is done sitting.
Time & money often comes up on the forum, and it always makes me think of Gurdjieff's words:

In Search of the Miraculous, p. 19

In regard to his work in Moscow G. said that he had two groups unconnected with one another and occupied in different work, "according to the state of their preparation and their powers," as he expressed it. Each member of these groups paid a thousand roubles a year, and was able to work with him while pursuing his ordinary activities in life.
I said that in my opinion a thousand roubles a year might be too large a payment for many people without private means.

G. replied that no other arrangement was possible, because, owing to the very nature of the work, he could not have many pupils. At the same time, he did not desire and ought not—he emphasized this—to spend his own money on the organization of the work. His work was not, and could not be, of a charitable nature and his pupils themselves ought to find the means for the hire of apartments where they could meet; for carrying out experiments; and so on. Besides this, he added that observation showed that people who were weak in life proved themselves weak in the work.

"There are several aspects of this idea," said G. "The work of each person may involve expenses, traveling, and so on. If his life is so badly organized that a thousand roubles embarrasses him it would be better for him not to undertake this work. Suppose that, in the course of the year, his work requires him to go to Cairo or some other place. He must have the means to do so. Through our demand we find out whether he is able to work with us or not.

"Besides," G. continued, "I have far too little spare time to be able to sacrifice it on others without being certain even that it will do them good. I value my time very much because I need it for my own work and because I cannot and, as I said before, do not want to spend it unproductively. There is also another side to this," said G. "People do not value a thing if they do not pay for it."

Gurdjieff also didn't tell pupils when meetings will be held in advance, but rather on the 'spur of the moment', like in the afternoon before the evening meeting. Some might say he purposefully inconvenienced people so that effort played a part in their attendance. This might be so, but as a 'spur of the moment' person myself, I didn't necessarily consider that to be the case.

There was another thread on money a while ago when I wanted to quote this bit, but then decided against it. Kniall, I know it might seem a bit mean for me to quote this bit, but my intention really isn't to be mean. I hope you perceive it in the spirit that I intended it.

As long as we live in a monetary society, we need to deal with that dirty little thing called money. And as one places less and less value on it, as I have found, the desire to acquire it starts to diminish, and then it becomes a bit of a conflict. I had to shift my motivation for acquiring it.
I wonder if anybody has a take on hypnotherapy as a possible method of establishing a contact with the higher centers?

The idea is presented in a book by physician John Upledger „Your Inner Physician And You“ from 1991. The book is an introduction to CranioSacral Therapy (CST) as developed by him. In a nutshell CST is a soft form of physiotherapy aiming to release tensions in the dura mater as well as in the bones of the skull. The latter, as an example, can be the result of a birth trauma and lead to learning disabilities. Upledger had found that the dura mater has a pulse of its own, which can be examined and responds to soft manipulations. He also found that the bones of the skull of adults are still moveable to some degree for release of tensions. These and other findings led him to a wide range of possible applications and treatments of ailments which did not respond well to other methods.

Every now and then Upledger hit a roadblock with his treatments and used hypnotherapy to get closer to the cause. His procedure is basically to put the patient in trance and ask if an inner doctor is present and willing to answer. If the inner doctor does not know the answer is he then willing to get help from the subconsciousness. When the answers were yes he started his interviews, which could lead to surprising results. An interesting case is the one of a woman with glaukoma and disturbed eyesight. The inner doctor said the reason for the deteriorating eyesight are things this person did not want to see and these were gradually reveiled then. She recovered.

As I had strange health issues and would like help from my subconsciousness I decided to follow this up. I talked to two hypnotherapists and had two sessions. One of the first things I learned is that real spoken interviews with inner doctors are relatively rare. What is more common is that patients see something which is called therapeutic images which can lead to the cause resp. solution of the underlying problem. In this regard my sessions did not seem to be overwhelmingly successful. In the first session I saw some images, which I could not interprete. The second session was similar but I saw a very clear image of my inner doctor who looked like a friendly elderly bedouin. The therapist then tried the best she could do. Before ending the session she gave guidance how I could reenter a light trance state and reestablish a contact with the inner doctor/subconsciousness.
My first trials did not work too well as the fist Yes/No answers were just a mild tingling in my hands, which I could not distinguish from the Reiki tingling, which I also get when comfortable on a sofa. Then I asked my subconsciousness for a strong signal and got a response, which I felt in my left foot, the solar plexus and as a kind of rumbling in my left ear. Since then the signal in the ear has remained as the one working best.

I am still in early stages of exploring and evaluating the whole thing and I am not sure where it can lead me. Upledger mentioned that the inner doctors have a tendency of joking and leading astray a bit before they get more serious.

I am occasionally getting signals in three varieties: when I ask a question, when reading a text or moving the mouse over a keyword and as a warning signal according to situation.

So far my experience is a bit mixed.
What I perceived as negative is that I received signals on mundane subjects and leading me astray. Upledger seems to be right on this. I cannot even exclude that little „i's“ may interfere here and there. This seems to be ceasing.
On the positive side, as I interprete it, is also a number of things. I was alerted to the swine flu subject in very early stages. When the Sudarshan Krya came up I had a Reiki session and I had a warm feeling in my belly area, which guided me to improve my belly breathing.
In a personal matter I got a hint which proved to be correct. In the diet and health forum I got hits for two recipes: Ginger Ale(kidney cleanse) and the New Salsa Recipe(carotinoids).

Until further notice I remain sceptical with a slightly positive bias. Any comments are welcome.
piecing the puzzle

I think I know what the Cassiopaeans were trying to tell Laura and them to piece. Well let's see they talk about breathing, meditation, psychopaths, dimensional realities, reaching our higher selfs, going to the 4 density. This sounds like they are trying show us and tell us how to move our selves to the fourth density. Or showing us how to build ourselves conscouisly or help us control our emotions or help better them. or pin point the psychopaths and be aware of there sneaky ways so we dont get trap. Or show us there is ways to stay out of emotional trends. But actually they could of been saying many of things and I just named a few.

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