Session 1 March 2025

Thanks for the session
I have a question. What is the difference between a universe and a galaxy, aren't they the same ?
How can the wave be universal but not galactic?
What is it I'm not getting?
Think of it as this way. At the beach you have grains of sand. The universe would be all of the grains of sand while a galaxy is one grain of sand. As we are still in 3D, understand the properties on how the wave works would go beyond all level of understanding. But we do see the effects to some degree . At this moment in time the wave is interacting with our galaxy and solar system. We may be bouncing in a way up and down as it passes though.
(Altair) Who is usually being transferred from 3D to 5D by means of these "high-tech" elevators, which were mentioned in the January 25th, 2025 session?

A: What you know of as "angels" or "demons".

Q: (L) Like Jacob's ladder.

A: Yes

Eliade in his book Shamanism talks alot about the axis mundi - the center of the world used by shamans to travel to the spirit world and for spirits to travel to our world. Within a shamanic context, the spirits do not embody in corporeal form when they travel here, and it is the shamans soul (psychic body) that travels to the spirit world, not his physical form.

This "axis at the center of the world" is a natural phenomenon. What it seems is being discussed here is a technological construct that 4D and 5D entities to manifest in full corporeality in our 3D plane of existence, and vice versa.

That's a pretty disturbing thought if you consider the psychic power that a powerful 4D or 5D entity would possess by virtue of their nature.
Thank you for the session.

If the real pandemic should occur sometime in the future, it can be expected WEF, WHO and other globalist cabal anyway will seize the chance to implement their digital technocratic dream of control all with vax passports, total control of everyone, lockdowns etcetera.
No, a real deadly plague would trump their plans and make their plans fall apart as everything falls apart.

What is the difference between a universe and a galaxy, aren't they the same ?
A galaxy is 1 galaxy, like the Milky Way Galaxy. The universe is all the galaxies and everything between the galaxies.
Thank you all for the session :flowers:

Thanks for the session!

Regarding DEI, found this article about the plane crashes and DEI very interesting. She raises some good points about cockpit dynamics - basically it's not just that they might hire/promote underqualified women/minorities in order to brag about their inclusivity (although that's of course an issue), but also that having young women alongside older men in the cockpit can create awkward situations. Maybe the man starts becoming flirty, or on the contrary feels awkward and wants to avoid any sign of flirtiness, or he might be reluctant to give harsh reprimands/commands (needed in such situations) for fear of being labelled a "mansplainer", maybe the woman starts getting flirty etc. This can be catastrophic in a high-stakes environment. Also, such awkward situations create a lack in awareness which might be exploited. Anyhow, interesting read IMO:

John Carter also has an interesting thread exploring the strength differences between men and women and how most women underestimate the comparative strength of men because most men hold back when competing, working or playing with women. In other words, they're gentler with or around them.

One person who commented in the discussion referred to a Swiss study on firefighters during fitness and training exercises:
- 72 - 85% of men pass the exercises
- only 5% of women pass if they're full-time, less if they're part-time.

Anyway, shows further how DEI can contribute to catastrophic outcomes.
Thanks for sharing this great session! ❤️

(Altair) Who is usually being transferred from 3D to 5D by means of these "high-tech" elevators, which were mentioned in the January 25th, 2025 session?

A: What you know of as "angels" or "demons".

Q: (L) Like Jacob's ladder.

A: Yes

Q: (L) I see. So it would be like 5D angel/demon types that would use them to come and go, but it's not... Well, I don't know what to say. Okay. Two:

(Altair) What is the most common purpose of transferring somebody from 3D to 5D by means of these "high-tech" elevators?


Q: (L) And I guess, number three is kind of already answered, the question being:

(Altair) Who operates such elevators, apart from 4D STS beings?

(L) So I guess if we're talking about from 3D to 5D, we're talking about demons or angels. And if we're talking about people, I mean, is this how people go to 5D when they die?

A: Not exactly.

Q: (L) So when people die, they transfer through their own kind of silver cord to their 5D self and that's a different activity. Is that correct?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But 4D can also use these because they exist or maybe they exist because of angels or demons that come into and out of our world. Is that true?

A: Yes

Excellent questions Altair, thanks for asking them.
It looks like reading about “Jacob's ladder”, will be of great help to understand more about this issue. 👍
Just an FYI, there's a lot of disinformation out there about high cholesterol being unhealthy. Gaby wrote an excellent forum diet research summary a while ago, and it provides details on the vital importance of cholesterol. The whole thing is excellent, but below is a section on cholesterol specificially:

I like the metaphor used above describing cholesterol as the body's firefighters that put out the flames of inflammation. So it could be that when your cholesterol went up, it may have been a sign your body was healing? Food for thought.

Even just talking about it like this without going into details is a good first step. I know how scary it can be to share sometimes. So take your time. It is important to talk about such things eventually, though. So if sharing here doesn't seem to feel right, speaking with a professional counsellor is another good option. Take care!
Hi iamthatis, bless your heart.

I really appreciate the time you spent making this post, it's really very helpful.

I have thought about getting counseling for a while now and probably should have done this a long time ago! Although because of the dynamics there are probably some things that only you guys can understand. Anyway thanks again so much! Take care too 🌹
(Gaby) Well, how come that in the US abridging of free will is very dangerous, so the election cannot really be rigged, but in Europe it's fair game, with Le Pen, and now the AfD won, and they rig the election every time? Why?

(Niall) Well, they rigged it in the US but the abridging of free will was the assassination of Trump.
Think from their level manipulation is not seen as abridging of free will because you are not forced to accept something against your belief and choice, people accepted the results that were presented as factual because of programmed trust in authorities so nobody forced them, it does not matter if one is informed or not, it is up to recepient to do that part, so manipulation and lies is basic tactic of STS to get what they want and go with that universal law. Trump case on another hand was forced because most people in US wanted him to live and win, and they miscalculated with their wishful thinking and serious consequences for them because of wanting to abridge the free will.

Thanks for one more very informative session.
Thanks for the session
I have a question. What is the difference between a universe and a galaxy, aren't they the same ?
How can the wave be universal but not galactic?
What is it I'm not getting?
Like @benklerk answer, I think the C's want to remember us the Wave is not local to our part of the universe.

According to Wikipedia:
A galaxy is a system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter bound together by gravity.

Supermassive black holes are a common feature at the centres of galaxies.
So it's just a (small) part of the universe.

I do know that but I asked the question because I thought the Wave can have anyway visible side effects on celestial objects. And I thought black holes were especially good candidate due to their portal nature. Look like it's not the case. I think I was not reasoning at the right granularity.

I guess the effects of the Wave are more subtle, affecting the whole. A black hole activity just not being at the right level of reasoning.

And thanks to @Niall to have catch the ball on the bounce!
Think from their level manipulation is not seen as abridging of free will because you are not forced to accept something against your belief and choice, people accepted the results that were presented as factual because of programmed trust in authorities so nobody forced them
Well, the C's did say that stealing elections creates 'very bad juju' for the stealers and paints a target on their back:

Session Date: January 30th 2021

A: It is very bad juju for the forces of darkness to take over against the free will of the majority.

Q: (L) So in other words, the fact that the majority voted FOR Trump and he was not allowed to become the president and they took over means that they took over against the will of the people. I think that has some kind of energetic implication. There was some stuff about that in the Ra material.

(Pierre) You once asked what is the main universal rule. The C's said Free Will. At some level, energetic or informational, respect of free will of life forms is a rule. If you infringe on the rule, you expose yourself to some consequences even if you are high up 4D STS.

(L) In other words, cosmically speaking, they just painted targets on their own heads!

A: Yes
Yet apparently they keep stealing elections anyway - or at least trying to as in the US.

I don't know how exactly the karmic or energetic effects work - maybe the stealers are not aware of the 'very bad juju' of their actions.

And maybe their bosses who are aware of these effects make sure to not give the stealers any direct orders to do it? Sort of like tricking the stealers to use their own free will to steal elections? And then only the ignorant stealers get the 'very bad juju', but not their bosses?

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