Just an FYI, there's a lot of disinformation out there about high cholesterol being unhealthy. Gaby wrote an excellent forum diet research summary a while ago, and it provides details on the vital importance of cholesterol. The whole thing is excellent, but below is a section on cholesterol specificially:
Diet research of the sott.net forum - A summary of the science backgroundOriginal content © 2002-2014 by SOTT.net/Signs of the Times. by Gabriela Segura, M.D. FATS Let us start without preamble by directly revealing the key for optimal health and wellbeing and the secret that was hidden al...
I like the metaphor used above describing cholesterol as the body's firefighters that put out the flames of inflammation. So it could be that when your cholesterol went up, it may have been a sign your body was healing? Food for thought.
Even just talking about it like this without going into details is a good first step. I know how scary it can be to share sometimes. So take your time. It is important to talk about such things eventually, though. So if sharing here doesn't seem to feel right, speaking with a professional counsellor is another good option. Take care!