After reading the session transcript and most of the answers here, I have these questions:
1. a. Do you use AI such as Otter to transcribe the recording and then correct it afterwards (just to make it easier and less time consuming)?
1. b. Is it even wise to let AI in on the sessions? What is the stance of Laura et al?
1. c. Is there a policy against it?
2. Regarding the C's comment "... may be trumped by the real deal" - and I'm asking this question to further my understanding: Why didn't you ask a follow-up question or ask for any clarification? This could mean a lot.
Do you assume the C's won't give any more information? Do you assume you and all of us understand what is meant?
I mean, I guess it has nothing to do with Trump, as you asked about the pun. It seems like you're sure the C's mean a real deal virus or plague, but is this the case? Why was this not verified or asked about?
3. Does DEI stand for "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion"; and if so, does that imply that someone not competent or expertised enough was (co-)piloting the plane?
4. Regarding "mental blocking can protect": can anyone provide a link to a well-written, concise and clear article on this matter? So not the forum topic (
MENTAL BLOCKING) as I need something that has the above qualities.
As to one forum member's answer "Would be nice to have some ideas, in order to practice some mental blocking..if it would help.": Yes, please, what area would it be in, or, is it the case that it can literally be anything, or is it more empowering or up to us or not abridging free will to let us figure that out?