Session 1 March 2025

And here a question arose in my mind, perhaps a question to the C's, is there an ancient prophecy whose fulfillment they are guarding? If so, what did it sound like and how does it relate to today's prophecies?
Yes, that the Quorum are watchers who "keep track of prophecies" indeed leaves some open questions:

- What prophecies do they keep track of?
- What does it mean to keep track of prophecies? Do they make sure that certain prophecies manifest?

The Quorum seem to be much more than just passive observers or watchers. Though as other sessions indicated, they seem to meet very rarely, something like once every 40-50 years. So I guess in-between they are just watching.
Perhaps it would not be contradictory if we assume that we are dealing with potentials rather than fixed things.
The problem with that assumption is that it rests upon the greater assumption that potentials cannot be contradictory. I don't think it's possible to have the potential to be both John Rockefeller and Mahatma Gandhi. This could just be the way I see it, though.
After reading the session transcript and most of the answers here, I have these questions:

1. a. Do you use AI such as Otter to transcribe the recording and then correct it afterwards (just to make it easier and less time consuming)?
1. b. Is it even wise to let AI in on the sessions? What is the stance of Laura et al?
1. c. Is there a policy against it?

2. Regarding the C's comment "... may be trumped by the real deal" - and I'm asking this question to further my understanding: Why didn't you ask a follow-up question or ask for any clarification? This could mean a lot.

Do you assume the C's won't give any more information? Do you assume you and all of us understand what is meant?

I mean, I guess it has nothing to do with Trump, as you asked about the pun. It seems like you're sure the C's mean a real deal virus or plague, but is this the case? Why was this not verified or asked about?

3. Does DEI stand for "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion"; and if so, does that imply that someone not competent or expertised enough was (co-)piloting the plane?

4. Regarding "mental blocking can protect": can anyone provide a link to a well-written, concise and clear article on this matter? So not the forum topic (MENTAL BLOCKING) as I need something that has the above qualities.

As to one forum member's answer "Would be nice to have some ideas, in order to practice some mental blocking..if it would help.": Yes, please, what area would it be in, or, is it the case that it can literally be anything, or is it more empowering or up to us or not abridging free will to let us figure that out?
2. Regarding the C's comment "... may be trumped by the real deal" - and I'm asking this question to further my understanding: Why didn't you ask a follow-up question or ask for any clarification? This could mean a lot.

Do you assume the C's won't give any more information? Do you assume you and all of us understand what is meant?

I mean, I guess it has nothing to do with Trump, as you asked about the pun. It seems like you're sure the C's mean a real deal virus or plague, but is this the case? Why was this not verified or asked about?
The C's in numerous sessions have given indications over the last few (many years now?) that a real plague virus from either space or 4D via 4D STS may or will be in the cards for us. I figure that is why no follow up questions were asked. The potential of it has already been discussed and networked about in the various C's session threads, osit. We will just have to wait and see what happens, and I figure something along those lines is how the C's would have responded to follow up question related to the subject.
3. Does DEI stand for "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion"; and if so, does that imply that someone not competent or expertised enough was (co-)piloting the plane?
Yes and yes
If the universe is a school, and the Earth is our classroom, then to me the Quorum would be kinda like the Board of Education or something. They're responsible for setting the curriculum for the lessons to be learned - what is learned, how it is learned, etc.
This is more like the 5D higher self, in 5D is where the lessons are prepared and “designed”, following that analogy, the Quorum would be more like the principal of the school, making sure the school runs with the correct amount of balance, and follows the universal guidelines.
Thank you for the session!

I wonder why C's used word "mort" instead of word "dead"?
Is it simply because she was French, so they used old french word?

Maybe that word was used because it has two genders:

Or maybe "mort" was used, because that word could be hint that could lead to discover cause of mort.
This also caught my eye, and I regret digging a bit. There are many pages of replies I haven’t read yet, so someone may have already mentioned this.
I’m not very knowledgeable on the topic of Bridgette Macron, but I am a word nerd. Here is what I found:

From Oxford Dictionary -
Mort: noun •archaic• hunting
The note sounded on a horn when a quarry is killed.

Quarry: 1. an animal pursued by a hunter, hound, predator
2. A thing or person that is chased or sought.

So, taken in English, that has some gruesome implications.

Thanks to the crew for the session. I’ve been feeling as many on the forum have, particularly since the weekend. And things that were once just intellectual or philosophical concepts to me are becoming quite tangible. I will be praying for the best possible outcome with you all!
I’ve been feeling as many on the forum have, particularly since the weekend. And things that were once just intellectual or philosophical concepts to me are becoming quite tangible.

This is a process I've been slowly going through since around 2021. Slowly the pieces have fallen into place in my mind, we move beyond theory into the tangible as you say. This intensity will only increase in the coming years and the forecasted info from the Cs. Plus also I've been sad musing on the recent years deaths of many artistic boomer types. This will continue in the coming years, we'll lose legends of the screeen, stage and book. When you grok the true "terror of the situation", you realise that every moment and gesture has meaning. Life changes that day. It's only recently that I've made this shift but the benefits have been good. It's a lonesome world with weird weather, perverts running amok, criminals in government and war and arms sales to the roof. It's an active polar opposite to what should actually be made manifest. Knowing that too can sap the soul's enthusiasm a little. But on reflection I take the sad times in waves which pass through me, I try not to get totally identified with the processes. Sometimes we need a little sadness; it is an appropriate reaction to objective reality after all. Very sad, yes, but onwards and upwards. "Per Ardua Ad Astra".
You can find all the criteria here:

Hello Gaby and dear forum. I was surprised by this coincidence because I've spent all of 2024 paying attention to the source of my chronic fatigue, with signs of low mood, muscle fatigue, and difficulty moving, especially in the morning.

Many of my symptoms were diagnosed 10 years ago as Dysautonomia with Joint Hypermobility.

The truth is, I'm more hypermobile than average, but I don't meet any of the criteria Gaby shared for diagnosing Danlos-Ehlers syndrome. So, I want to suggest that if you took the test and didn't meet the criteria, you may still be a candidate for hypermobility, dysautonomia, or Danlos-Ehlers syndrome.

I've gone through several hypotheses for chronic fatigue, ranging from a lack of testosterone, poor cortisol hormone function, and insufficient aerobic or muscle-strengthening exercise. I also considered the effects of early emotional trauma at birth that had created a pattern of dorsal parasympathetic nervous system activation in stressful situations or emotional triggers.

I also considered that a transgenerational trauma was somatized in me to avoid responding violently to a threat or to avoid becoming a perpetrator, unlike the victim-savior role in Stephen Karpman's drama circle.

Finally, I gave up and concluded that it was a mixture of all of that and my childhood traumas.

But that wasn't the end of the story, as I met Dr. David Duarte, who promotes UNANI medicine, which made a lot of sense to me in terms of explaining chronic fatigue, or at least in terms of the solutions he proposes.

David has a podcast that briefly addresses the causes and solutions of chronic fatigue. You can watch it here, in Spanish (with subtitles): https:// www. youtube. com/ watch?v=RpXf8tx5YQg&list=LL&index=6

I asked an AI to summarize David Duarte and his Unani system, and I got this:

David Duarte, a therapist and passionate scholar of integrative medicines and ancient traditions, leads a revolutionary approach to health known as the Unani system. Inspired by classical Unani medicine, a system of Greco-Arabic origin adapted over centuries, Duarte has modernized and reimagined this knowledge by fusing it with modern medicine and other holistic disciplines to address chronic health problems from a holistic perspective. In her approach, Duarte offers an adapted methodology that focuses on balancing the body's systems through nutritional principles, biorhythms and personalized practices that seek to maximize the body's energy efficiency. In his podcast, he explores the roots of common symptoms such as chronic fatigue, debunking myths about nutrition and lifestyle that, although well-intentioned, end up damaging our health.

I also asked the AI to summarize the podcast for you, and this is the result:

Causes of Chronic Fatigue​

Chronic fatigue is a multifactorial symptom related to internal imbalances and prolonged habits that affect the body from an early age. These are the main causes identified:

  1. Improper hydration:
    • Excess water: Consuming too much water without compensating with electrolytes overloads the body and decreases the electrical conductivity essential for basic functions.
    • Lack of salt: The extreme reduction of salt in the diet generates imbalances that affect key electrical organs such as the brain and heart.
  2. Nutritional imbalances:
    • Excess carbohydrates: They become toxic fat that clogs arteries and causes inflammation.
    • Lack of essential fats: It affects the central nervous system and hormones.
    • Consumption of foods with antigens: Products such as dairy products and young flours provoke immune responses that inflame the body and deplete the immune system's resources.
  3. Metabolic overload:
    • The body faces an excessive effort to produce enzymes and bile, since it can often only digest a fraction of the food consumed.
  4. Large eating windows and late dinners:
    • Eating for many hours a day, especially close to the evening, prevents the liver from carrying out its essential nocturnal regeneration, affecting both the liver and the brain.
  5. Unbalanced intestinal microbiota:
    • Harmful intestinal flora, promoted by foods such as bread and dairy, forces the body to expend resources fighting to restore balance.
  6. Constant physiological stress:
    • This biological stress includes the accumulation of tasks that the body cannot complete due to prolonged imbalances, significantly reducing its thermodynamic capacity.
  7. Menopause and early hormonal imbalances:
    • These conditions may be a reflection of total exhaustion of the body, derived from years of fighting unaddressed causes.
  8. Normalization of discomfort:
    • Physical and emotional problems are seen as inevitable or “genetic,” which perpetuates a lack of attention to the true causes.

Solutions Proposed by the Unani System​

The Unani system's approach is based on gradually identifying and correcting the imbalances that cause chronic fatigue, while prioritizing the recovery of the body as a whole. Here are the main strategies:

  1. Water rebalance:
    • Drink water only when thirsty and reintroduce an adequate amount of salt into the diet to improve the body's electrical conductivity.
  2. Diet Optimization:
    • Reduce carbohydrates and increase the consumption of good quality essential fats, essential for the nervous system and hormones.
    • Limit or eliminate foods high in antigens, such as young dairy products and flour-based products.
    • Do not make extreme changes in the diet (such as eliminating carbohydrates suddenly) to avoid adverse effects such as hypoglycemia.
  3. Respect biorhythms:
    • Avoid late dinners, allowing the liver to complete its nocturnal regeneration and detoxification process.
  4. Reduction of digestive overload:
    • Eat smaller amounts and shorten daily eating windows to give the body enough time to rest and regenerate.
  5. Strengthen the body before addressing emotions:
    • Prioritize the physical recovery of the body, bringing it to a level of thermodynamic efficiency greater than 90%, before working on complex psychological or emotional aspects.

I haven't done David Duarte's paid program; I've only followed his advice, but I've felt great. My chronic fatigue has significantly reduced.

I hope this information is useful to you, and I'll be listening to your comments.
L) All right, I see what you're asking. Okay, so he's asking about 4D STO candidates, and does that mean that there are more agents inserted around them and that there are also many psychopaths?

A: Yes.
Not only this fact but one could be an STO candidate or let’s be specific one could be developing leaning toward for STO than not and not meet any new people (inserts) BUT the ones close to them can develop or be possessed in a way so to try and derail sabotage the STO development there doesn’t have to be an insertion for there to be a betrayal. Theres so much damn nuance is this type of topic probably 12 different sides to it we ask three sides and the Cs answer would be great if they gave us more sides this would enhance our free will awareness.
Many of my symptoms were diagnosed 10 years ago as Dysautonomia with Joint Hypermobility.
What the Cs mentioned in the session is true, modern medicine loves to generalize people into one tag or another, while the reality is much more complex. Some people have hypermobility in one or two joints, yet their autonomic nervous system is very affected. COVID and other recent stressors can be particularly difficult for those who might have problems manifesting at the level of the extracellular matrix or conjunctive tissue, which is in like 80% of your body and part of every physiological and anatomical system.

I'm glad you found ways to deal with your problems!

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