Session 10 February 2018

Really interesting session with many things to consider. And the replies it has generated gives us a lot to think about.

Thanks to all the team.
goyacobol said:
Wow! I think that is one of the best sessions ever. Thanks to all of you for the great questions!

I also found Nienna's quote to be really exciting:

Nienna said:
Q: (L) Well, they said the power for changing reality lies in the belief center of the mind. But then they also said something about emotions. Emotions that are limiting, and then emotions that help to progress... So, maybe the belief that one needs to cultivate - if any - is the belief in unlimited possibilities AND also in the benevolence of the universe and the process. Maybe that's what it is?

A: Yes yes yes!


And also particularly this one on neurofeedback:

(L) And those are the kinds of things that probably the neurofeedback can fix more easily than anything else because those are things that produce certain brain waves that persist over time. There's no other way to get to them because you can't TALK your way through something that's preverbal! You can get into some kind of body therapy and spend years with a therapist, but why do that when you can just go directly and change the brain waves? And if you change brain waves, the brain's going to change. Right?

A: Yes yes yes!

So many possibilities! :clap:

I could not say it better than Goyacobol has , above. This really was one of the best sessions..IMO, too.

So, you guys are also doing neuralfeedback..hmmmm....interestink..beerrry , beeerry

And here we are, once again, it's Laura's Birthday..Happy Birthday, Laura. Thank you for being here on the planet...big smiles and a warm hug.. I know you get lots of flowers each year..sending instead a sweet little song-bird over the wire..she says " Good Morning and Happy Birthday, Laura....what a great day to be alive on planet Earth".

Hope all is good where you all are and "be"...much love and gratitude for all that y'all do....

B588 :cool2:
The one takeaway from Prof Sutton's videos I watched, was that the SG/Satanists in whatever form, worked both sides simultaneously.... setting up the field of play here in Purgatory for the game that would follow.
The Nazis were Socialists... leftists.... like the Bolsheviks.... all Jewish revolutionaries... that documentary on youtube was a nice compilation of most of this data: SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary ... posted there by some religious type it seems, but the documentary is a good compilation:

And with their 'chosen' status as 'Satanists'... their role in this game seems 'natural' or innate... add in all the psychopathic tools in setting up and running the field of play and it seems to fit. All the other 'birds of a feather' join in, with whatever name they want to give themselves, which changes as Laura's research has found... but the same mindset of the group remains doing the same 'work'. That documentary had most of the pieces fitting rather well.... it only takes a select group and then their followers to run it all.. the others join in to enjoy the spoils that reflects their innate nature... They setup the pograms to move Jews/other peoples around... wars do the same thing, then and now... manipulating the masses.... refugees or migrants... the results are so obvious from the beginning.. a bunch of single dudes.... Imagine the results? and the people in Europe didn't protest soon enough, they let it go... .so the game continues to this day.... the 'bidding'.. testing and basic experiences that lead to bias that lead to choice etc.. major arcana of the Tarot that Ra mentioned to the LLResearch group... and the 'new mind' they called the need to maintain balance.... 'open' mind... like a child... but the innate nature is there from previous incarnations of course.... same with wanderers having a certain predisposition in the mind.. innate nature expression .... This new mind seems to be the reaching for the subconscious... necessary for further development in higher levels of this game.... as the self merges with Self... Higher Self... with other Higher Selves of their SMCs etc.... would that be the 'archangels'? :/

These 'masters of our universe', the Satanists, are training for STS service... setting up our obstacle course in consciousness... 100x more 'vivid' as Ra called it... imagine how boring it would be otherwise? :(
I still like that film analogy for time... as the C's said about the light passing through the projector.... that is 7d consciousness projecting life or time for us... one frame at a time.... but all the rest is there... always has been and will be... and always subject to change.... a work in progress.... take away the frame of 3d physicality and the light is still pushing consciousness around, no? Just different without the framing aspects.. the realm borders of consciousness... or whatever. :lol:

It seems that as the end approaches, we are really seeing the 'outing' of the STS system that has been hard at work setting things up all this time here in 'Purgatory'.... the veil is lifting... as the OWO isn't needed anymore... not in their NWO... so all the tools, puppets and pawns aren't necessary for anything but chaos generation... suicide... destruction of the OWO.... to create 'liftoff' to use Laura analogy.
This session just revealed how much reading and researching one must be undertake to activate our DNA. This shows how important and beneficial it is to spend quality time seeking knowledge. Great food for the soul. Excellent work from the team,it appears that you are so closely align with the C's. Yes,yes, yes. May the powers that be continue to bless you all .
Thank you so much, much to digest. I may come back with an offering, but for now I must go to bed. merci, it was fantastic! :D
Rhythmik said:
Thank you for the session.

What % of Israelis (Jewish) are Semitic?

Is it correct that Semitic Jews have more in common with Arabs than they do with the Ashkenazi Jews?


Are those questions even relevant after reading this session? You can find some of the answers by just using Wikipedia Ashkenazi Jews

Our understanding of Semitic is so different from the standard one that focusing on percentages for semites in specific populations is ignoring the meaning and symbolism of the term.

It makes me wonder if you read the whole thread before asking the questions. :/
goyacobol said:
Our understanding of Semitic is so different from the standard one that focusing on percentages for semites in specific populations is ignoring the meaning and symbolism of the term.

Laura's Secret History book (first volume) has an intro and general information about Semitic people from way back then, when the state of Israel didn't even remotely existed.

Semitic, half of one thing and half of the other.
Altair said:
Ant22 said:
I am very interested to learn more about the processes that resulted in all the atrocities of the 20th century. I was wondering what books would be best to read to get a clearer picture of that time?

I already have the Psychopathic God: Adolf Hitler and although I haven't read it yet it seems to be more focused on Hitler rather than the social and political processes.

The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

I've been reading "Stalin's Daughter" by Rosemary Sullivan, an autobiography published in 2015. I was surprised about the psychological depth that can be fathomed from this book and how it applies even to my family dynamics coming from the former Soviet Union. Living in a deeply pathological society and being raised by a characteropath does leave its scars for sure.

I cannot account for the accuracy of the American part and/or if there is American propaganda there, I haven't reach that part yet. But after reading the first 4 decades of Stalin's daughter life in the Kremlin and in Moscow, I can say that it was very eye-opening to say the least. The author lists all the resources she used, including interviews, public records, etc. It's hard to put this book down.

A reader review:

In trivial pursuits years ago I would have been the only one in the group to have recognized the name Svetlana Alliluyeva. For some reason I have always been fascinated by the fact that the only daughter of Russian dictator Joseph Stalin lived--in all places of the world--the United States! But I had to wait until now to the learn the riveting tale behind this unusual fact. The wait had been worth it.
Rosemary Sullivan, a gifted writer and scholar, has produced a fascinating account of Alliluyeva's improbable journey from inside the walls of the Kremlin to the United States. As much as I had hoped it would be a happy story, I was chagrined to learn it was anything but. Nonetheless reading this book is a pleasure. No only does author Sullivan provide a sympathetic and riveting account of Alliluyeva's life but reading the book is like entering a time portal back to the incredible days of the Cold War. I'm amazed we survived the era and now I understand that among Stalin's victims was his own daughter.

What the reader comment mentions about surviving is wishful thinking, specially now more than ever.

How can people in the West not recognize the same phenomenon that destroyed millions of lives unfolding again right in front of their eyes is proof of people's capacity for self-denial, wishful thinking and poor psychological knowledge. While reading the book, I got the impression that it takes at least 2-3 generations to recover from the impact of being touched by this kind of evil. If things unfold anywhere near as it did in the past, then people would face a crude awakening that might take generations.

My 2 cents.
Gaby said:
goyacobol said:
Our understanding of Semitic is so different from the standard one that focusing on percentages for semites in specific populations is ignoring the meaning and symbolism of the term.

Laura's Secret History book (first volume) has an intro and general information about Semitic people from way back then, when the state of Israel didn't even remotely existed.

Semitic, half of one thing and half of the other.

Yes, I have read it. I can't speak for Rhythmic. I wasn't clear about "Our understanding". I was speaking in terms of what the Cs have said in previous sessions about the semites and are mentioned also in this same session and thread. All of these are available to read.
Incredible Session. Thanks and much gratitude to everyone. The questions were brilliant. The clarification on our psychological journey was timely and hugely encouraging. Thank you to Laura for following your nose on the book choices. I am on The Idea of History set and cannot wait to receive the Neurofeedback and Healing Developmental Trauma group of books.

Substituting Universal Consciousness for Time is an incredible discovery which makes far more sense. Amazing.

Jordan Peterson has truly been a 'Godsend' for me- and humanity. He is so easy to understand. Certainly a 'brain-changer' as I was finally able to connect the psychological dots and wider perspective thanks to him and all the latest psychology threads.

The timing for this 'help' was paramount with all the depressing and potentially demotivating things happening in our world today - it has certainly strengthened my aim and resolve.

My next goal is to save for the Neurofeedback sessions. More importantly, to also get feedback from everyone, to consider the possibilities and potential benefits of training and procuring the machines to offer this service - where it is currently not available - by group members who may be interested. We certainly have nobody operating here, which means I would have to travel back to UK in order to have the sessions.

The idea of being able to help so many people who are suffering - combined with our latest knowledge/book discoveries, including Jordan's U-tube lectures and interviews, it sure can change people's external and internal views/beliefs. Well, those who are not addicted to their suffering that is.

Here it would be possible to work with our Health Ministry alongside private hospitals, psychologists/psychoanalysts, including psychology lecturers I know. Also luckily we have the Da Vinci Clinic we can refer people to, which offers 5 hour non invasive holistic total body checks - including from the results, being able to recommend the best diet/eating regimes for each individual person. As we know how essential diet and detoxing is to healing.

Also working under the umbrella and supervision of a suitably knowledgeable doctor, together with the necessary insurance protection, I think, would be very prudent.

I have always wanted to train and work the GDV device invented by Professor Konstantin Korotkov of Saint-Petersburg Federal University. I think this device essentially complements the work of biofeedback. I met him over 15 years ago at a London seminar/lecture. Both my sister and I had health checks done at a clinic in Newbury shortly after the device came on the market. They are widely available now. His research and books dovetail into our own findings regarding the human body and the Universe.
The Bio-Well device uses GDV or Gas Discharge Visualization, also known as the Kirlian effect, to measure and analyze electro-photonic emissions of the human fingers. When a scan is conducted, a weak electrical current is applied to the fingertips for less than a millisecond. The skin’s response to this stimulus is the formation of a variation of an “electron cloud” composed of light energy photons. The electronic “glow” of this discharge, which is invisible to the human eye, is captured by the camera system and then transmitted and translated back in graphical representations to show energy, stress and vitality evaluations. Bio-Well illustrates the overall state of a person’s energy field. The images created using the Bio-Well system are based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. The data from each test is converted to a unique “photonic profile”, which is compared to the database of hundreds of thousands of data records using 55 distinct parametric discriminates, and charted and displayed for discussion and analysis.
LQB said:
Waite's The Psychopathic God - Adolph Hitler is a great read for understanding the greater cultural environment that helped lead to Hitler. But he introduces his book by suggesting a very unconventional approach to history to get to the heart of both the culture and the man - without getting to the heart of these two, there is bound to be serious historical error. He does a great job illustrating some of these errors by contrasting much conventional/accepted history with evidence derived from the knowns of Hitler's life.

Near the end, Waite makes the point that even with all the cultural thought biases, Hitler was no shoe-in. Some of the events that lined up in his favor suggest (to me, anyway) unseen forces at play ...

Yes, this book is quite the eye opener and those who want to really understand what is happening now and why Trump isn't Hitler (though he very well may be the opening act through no fault of his own) needs to read it.

Ant22 said:
Laura said:
Q: (L) One thing I noticed about this last little set of books that I ended up on by following my nose... It was like following bread crumbs. I ended up with this Samenow, and then the Developmental Trauma book. It seems to me that these two approaches, which pretty much focus on making the changes in the now and not so much focusing on what's wrong, are probably the most practical expressions of what we have been calling The Work - as in Gurdjieffian stuff – that we’ve ever encountered. It's like we've gone through book after book after book, each one adding a bit to the picture. But this has brought it down to such a simple, practical level that almost nobody can miss it. My feeling is that something very profound is going to come out of this particular little experiment that we're doing.

A: Indeed. All in your group should read these books in order to jump start the necessary processes for achieving receivership capability. Those who have been blocked up to the present will find unblocking therein if they are able to receive.

I'm sorry if I'm nosy but I'm really intrigued by the "following bread crumbs" reference. If it's OK to ask, how specifically did this process happen?

It's rather odd. As most of you know, I've been loading my brain to write "The Secret History of God", sort of to be my magnum opus. That meant a LOT of reading of history, religious studies, historical religious studies, etc. So, I was reading a book of biblical studies and one of the authors mentioned and quoted a book about the psychology of religion. I noted it down and soon had it and started reading. It was all about evolutionary psychology and how the human religious impulse was nothing more than this combination of brain dynamics that had evolved for other reasons, the main one being the "Agency Detector Device". That is, if a creature is in the jungle and hears a noise, it has to be able to make a quick decision about it: is it a predator or rustling leaves? Making the wrong decision means you get eaten and don't breed. So, detecting "agency" in things was highly developed, even over-developed.

I'm making this really short, and there is a lot more, but basically, the theory is that humans use the ADD to invent religions. When things happen in the world they attribute causal agency. They went overboard with it etc.

Of course, I realized as I was reading this rather simplistic explanation for why people all over the world invent religions that there was way more to the problem than just that. There are, in fact, bush tribes that do NOT attribute agency to thunder and lightning and so forth. (See Mary Douglas et al.)

I went in several directions from there, making note of books that were cited that I would get and read. I mean, this was like hundreds of books going into anthropology, sociology, psychology, cognitive studies, evolutionary psychology, etc. Out of all of this mess, I've recommended those books I thought were majorly interesting and helpful to the average person. MOST of what I read I wouldn't recommend to anybody. I may read an entire book for just one or two bits of data that are useful to me.

Anyway, Ark had recently taken off on his indepth study of parapsychology and PK and so forth, and I thought I would tell him what some of these evolutionary psychologists were saying about consciousness and religion. We discussed it and then he handed me the Paul Davies conference proceedings about the mind and information. Again, this book is useful in part, only, and I posted those chapters that were most useful. Much of the book was grindingly dull.

Along the way, I wanted the most up to date info about the brain as a machine, so to say, and the best place to find that is in studies of abnormal brains; along the way they will tell you what is normal. (Nobody writes books about normal brains.) Out of that selection came Raine, Ressler, Samenow... And it was in Raine that I read about the neurofeedback.

I wanted to know more about neurofeedback in general, so a few books on that topic and then, amazon suggested "Healing Developmental Trauma" because I had purchased a book about neurofeedback and developmental trauma.

Normally, I will read along for quite awhile and just share a tidbit of interest here and there; I probably read 50 to 100 books before I recommend one; but this last bit of intensive reading had yielded up quite a few that I think are essential to anyone who seeks personal or esoteric development.

I should also mention that the above bibilical studies that led me to evolutionary psychology and information theory to developmental trauma and neurofeedback, ALSO started a parallel track by referencing Collingwood. And this came after the whole period focused on Pauline studies and Stoicism.

Anyway, the bottom line is: I went from the Secret History of God to neurofeedback and PK by a very circuitous route.
Merci pour cette nouvelle séance très intéressante comme toujours...

Thank you for this very interesting new session as always...
goyacobol said:
Our understanding of Semitic is so different from the standard one that focusing on percentages for semites in specific populations is ignoring the meaning and symbolism of the term.

I'm sorry I should've thought out my questions.
I've recently gone back and read through the sessions that mention the holocaust. I had a disagreement with a close friend and cut that person out of my life as they were espousing really hateful and irrational views towards Jews and the holocaust. I understand the truth is somewhere between the official story and denial. Most of my family live in Israel and they refuse to leave or even really take me seriously. I know that everyone has their own lessons to learn and path to take but sometimes I worry for their safety.

So I was confused about the term Semitic. I was under the impression that the Ashkenazi/Khazarian Jews that co-opted the religion were trying to eradicate the "Semitic" Jews during the Holocaust. But some are saying that the Ashkenazi are descended from Semites, or are the races already so dispersed that anyone can be 'a true Semite' irrespective of how they look? Were the C's implying that the next attempted 'holocaust' will be the Zionist agenda eradicating Muslims/Jews, or will it be the radical leftists going after the awakened/people of conscience?
L) And those are the kinds of things that probably the neurofeedback can fix more easily than anything else because those are things that produce certain brain waves that persist over time. There's no other way to get to them because you can't TALK your way through something that's preverbal! You can get into some kind of body therapy and spend years with a therapist, but why do that when you can just go directly and change the brain waves? And if you change brain waves, the brain's going to change. Right?

A: Yes yes yes!

With the state of the world now, and the psychological melt-down happening in all areas of people's lives today, the role of the psychologists is in ever increasing demand and necessity. Sadly only available for those that can afford them.

With the new revelations, also, as noted above by Laura, psychoanalysis/therapy also does not benefit people so well because of the therapist's OWN belief systems, cognitive biases and lack of the knowledge/understanding that we are so fortunate to learn from the forum.

I certainly found that to be the case with my own therapy. Even though he had such useful diverse international studies, he also still was so into Freudian techniques. I know Jordan Peterson likes and quaotes Freud occasionally, but I feel his CONTEXT seems to be more justified.

Few of the therapists have the whole banana, and I am just pointing out the obvious here if I am interpreting this correctly? However, learning and applying basic Emotional Intelligence, and especially in relation to the Amygdala Hijacking, can help build a necessary foundation to the Neurofeedback sessions.

After all, redirecting intrusive thoughts and replacing them with such thoughts as 'what is the next task I can do to further my work aims' or 'who can I help that is less fortunate than me/is suffering at the moment?' not only builds new positive neural pathways after a while, but also helps pull you out of the 'self-pity', 'negativity' 'selfish' modes. As well as bringing a feeling of gratitude for what we DO actually have in our lives and the knowledge and learning that is so freely shared here - that many people do not have the benefit of finding yet.

Another way of tricking the Amygdala is the fact that the 'mind' aka thoughts, cannot truly continue when you focus on your body. So redirecting them to being 'bodycentric' such as using our breathing techniques, or noticing somatic tensions, sensations, gait, posture etc can be an effective way of re-focusing into Well-Being. This then quickly allows you to continue with the important use of your brain - and your life!

So these are some of the tools that we CAN use in our current toolkit to help us be more effective warriors in the meantime. And not forgetting our daily journals. IMHO.
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