Session 10 February 2018

Such a fascinating and insightful session to kick 2018 off with! A big thank you to everyone for this great, informative session and the discussion :thup: :flowers:
Incredible Session!!!
Cannot tell you how thankful I am for sharing this. It was the most exciting Session for me to read. Thanks to All.
lunar7 said:
I am curious if anyone has more information about the InfraBed. It was the first time I'd heard of it.

It will be great to continue the discussion about receivership as well. There seems to be a formula for enabling receivership and once there are many channels open, it will be very interesting times indeed.

There are many with receivership out there who stay fairly quiet about it already.

Hi lunar7, there's thread on the Infrabed here. As for the receiver capability, it's been discussed or referred to in multiple places on the forum too, the search function should provide you with plenty of 'food for thought' :)
Today it is popular for the right movement to spread hatred against other people, migrants, other religions, "leftists" (practically all who disagree with them are leftists, liberals, communists, Nazis). I am particularly concerned about the kind of energy that is being created: negative energy, the one who makes the destruction, attracts destruction. I'm talking about the general appearance of this movement, not about individuals.

Think about the right/left movements from aspect of this:
Session 14 March 2015

Q: (L) What was that article we read a week ago where somebody was writing that the reason everything is falling apart is because that's what they want it to do?
(Perceval) Dmitry Orlov. He was basically just saying that chaos and destruction was on purpose or intentional. (...)
(L) But that doesn't make any sense.
A: It makes sense only from a 4D STS perspective. (...)
(Perceval) Mass migrations, mass movements, food fights, violence in the streets, crackdowns...
(L) Pestilence, plague...
(Perceval) Police state goes into overdrive.
(Andromeda) Confiscations.
(Perceval) People might go to war.
(Andromeda) Beheadings.
A: And in the present time, all those energies are amplified cosmically.
Q: (Galatea) So it'll be like that, but times ten.
(Perceval) Basically, the idea would be economic crash, then in a relatively short period of time, you'd have social chaos, suffering, police state goes after hungry mobs, people rioting, lots of people killed, etc. And that energy is magnified and maybe it attracts a big load of space rocks.
A: Yes. (...)
A: Notice that the USA is exhibiting all the symptoms of a "Color Revolution".
Q: (Perceval) So, someone in a position of power somewhere in the US is planning to sort of stage-manage the social unrest or revolution after an economic collapse?
A: More or less. However all may not go as planned.
Q: (Perceval) Well, the whole Ferguson, Missouri shooting last year...
A: Outside influences may intervene.
Q: (L) What do you mean "outside"?
A: Cosmic.

So, it seems to me that the right movement will not hinder anything bad, but will be part of bad events. Cosmic events supposedly break the course of things, not right-wingers which will probably be part of the planned chaos and with negative energy input - exacerbators. So if you create hatred in your heart in the name of fighting the system, and hating other people, if you encourage hatred and attacks on other people because of the color of the skin etc., it goes to your own and the general harm.
Thanks for the enlightening session! Interesting that PK involves the transmission of information - not necessarily the transmission of physical force. The space-consciousness continuum... Well, the Cs said time doesn't really exist and time is often thought of as a very subjective perception. Much to think about and study!

The forum is really speeding up in a way - lots of threads and dots connecting on here as chaos in the world increases.
Mark said:
The forum is really speeding up in a way - lots of threads and dots connecting on here as chaos in the world increases.

My feelings exactly! Thank you for putting it into words. And thank you so much crew for this session. Much to consider and ponder. Interesting, but also exciting times in a way.
Thank you for the session! :)
I found this interesting:
Laura said:
(Joe) You have to get rid of all of your beliefs and then you can change reality if you don't have any limiting beliefs. You have to be completely open, and then you can maybe read from the information field or something. And then you might be able to change something.

(L) It's like getting rid of expectations or assumptions about how things are going to be.

(Joe) Because they're limiting, and you don't have the whole banana. It's just not how it works. People think they're going to change reality like by a light beam coming out of my head and I can change anything I want. But it seems to be more like a 2-way process where you engage with something else. You have to get in tune with something that already exists that's objectively real in order to manifest that potential for change. It's not like you can just dream up anything and make it happen. Right?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, they said the power for changing reality lies in the belief center of the mind. But then they also said something about emotions. Emotions that are limiting, and then emotions that help to progress... So, maybe the belief that one needs to cultivate - if any - is the belief in unlimited possibilities AND also in the benevolence of the universe and the process. Maybe that's what it is?

A: Yes yes yes!

Q: (Joe) The other phrase was that the one thing you have to do before transitioning to 4D is to think in completely unlimited terms. That doesn't mean you have to be able to think of everything that exists, but...

(L) You have to be open.

(Joe) Right, no expectations. That means getting rid of your hard and fast beliefs about things.

(L) And I think that comes back in a funny sort of way to this “Healing Developmental Trauma” book. One of the problems of early trauma is that children come to believe that the universe is not a safe place or it's scary. They just get completely wrong ideas which lead to thought errors. That's something that's preverbal…

(Pierre) And very limiting.

(L) And those are the kinds of things that probably the neurofeedback can fix more easily than anything else because those are things that produce certain brain waves that persist over time. There's no other way to get to them because you can't TALK your way through something that's preverbal! You can get into some kind of body therapy and spend years with a therapist, but why do that when you can just go directly and change the brain waves? And if you change brain waves, the brain's going to change. Right?

A: Yes yes yes!

Q: (Mikey) So, the trick is to get rid of the negative beliefs, and then find positive beliefs and everything should sort out, right?

(Artemis) No

(Joe) No, not positive beliefs.

(Andromeda) Beliefs are limiting.

(Joe) Any fixed, hard core beliefs. Think about all the books we’ve read. It's not that we're gathering information, but instead that we're discovering that all the things we thought we knew are wrong. Just the information in those books that you read that supplants the more limited beliefs, that gives you a broader perspective on things. But that's still not the whole truth. No matter how many books you read, you can never say, "I know this for sure!" So, the process of learning is about getting rid of stuff related to limiting beliefs.

(Pierre) What I understand from this discussion is that the healthy beliefs are the unlimiting beliefs, but...

(L) Why believe anything?

(Pierre) Yes; beliefs by definition ARE limiting. If you don't believe this, then you believe that. So, I guess unlimited beliefs is sort of a transcending of the very notion of belief. It's going beyond beliefs.

A: Become like little children...

Q: (Artemis) Inquisitive, but without bias or beliefs.

(L) And adventurous, open to experience, and not formed up with any beliefs. And one hopes that it's a little child that has not been developmentally traumatized! [laughter]

(Chu) I think it comes down to what the books say, really, which is that if you're in the present, you stop having the wrong beliefs. Instead of living in the past, you're in a state where you're curious again. So, it is a positive emotion in the end, but it's not the positive emotions as we normally understand them with all the wishful thinking that goes along with them.
This reminds me of a part in "The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams where the protagonists meet the Ruler of The Universe, and he is not at all what they expect from a ruler.
To me it seems similar to what was mentioned in the session above, interpreted in a humoristic way:

"The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.
To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.
To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.
This is an excerpt from The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams.

“In there?” shouted Trillian above the noise of the rain.

“Yes,” said Zarniwoop.

“That shack?”


“Weird,” said Zaphod.

“But it’s in the middle of nowhere,” said Trillian, “we must have come to the wrong place. You can’t rule the Universe from a shack.”

They hurried through the pouring rain, and arrived, wet through, at the door. They knocked. They shivered.

The door opened.

“Hello?” said the man.

“Ah, excuse me,” said Zarniwoop, “I have reason to believe …”

“Do you rule the Universe?” said Zaphod.

The man smiled at him.

“I try not to,” he said, “Are you wet?”

Zaphod looked at him in astonishment.

“Wet?” he cried, “Doesn’t it look as if we’re wet?”

“That’s how it looks to me,” said the man, “but how you feel about it might be an altogether different matter. If you feel warmth makes you dry, you’d better come in.”

They went in.

They looked around the tiny shack, Zarniwoop with slight distaste, Trillian with interest, Zaphod with delight.

“Hey, er …” said Zaphod, “what’s your name?”

The man looked at them doubtfully.

“I don’t know. Why, do you think I should have one? It seems very odd to give a bundle of vague sensory perceptions a name.”

He invited Trillian to sit in the chair. He sat on the edge of the chair, Zarniwoop leaned stiffly against the table and Zaphod lay on the mattress.

“Wowee!” said Zaphod, “the seat of power!” He tickled the cat.

“Listen,” said Zarniwoop, “I must ask you some questions.” “Alright,” said the man kindly, “you can sing to my cat if you like.”

“Would he like that?” asked Zaphod.

“You’d better ask him,” said the man.

“Does he talk?” said Zaphod.

“I have no memory of him talking,” said the man, “but I am very unreliable.”

Zarniwoop pulled some notes out of a pocket.

“Now,” he said, “you do rule the Universe, do you?”

“How can I tell?” said the man.

Zarniwoop ticked off a note on the paper.

“How long have you been doing this?”

“Ah,” said the man, “this is a question about the past is it?”

Zarniwoop looked at him in puzzlement. This wasn’t exactly what he had been expecting.

“Yes,” he said.

“How can I tell,” said the man, “that the past isn’t a fiction designed to account for the discrepancy between my immediate physical sensations and my state of mind?”

Zarniwoop stared at him. The steam began to rise from his sodden clothes.

“So you answer all questions like this?” he said.

The man answered quickly.

“I say what it occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things. More I cannot say.”

Zaphod laughed happily.

“I’ll drink to that,” he said and pulled out the bottle of Janx spirit. He leaped up and handed the bottle to the ruler of the Universe, who took it with pleasure.

“Good on you, great ruler,” he said, “tell it like it is.”

“No, listen to me,” said Zarniwoop, “people come to you do they? In ships …”

“I think so,” said the man. He handed the bottle to Trillian.

“And they ask you,” said Zarniwoop, “to take decisions for them? About people’s lives, about worlds, about economies, about wars, about everything going on out there in the Universe?” “Out there?” said the man, “out where?”

“Out there!” said Zarniwoop pointing at the door.

“How can you tell there’s anything out there,” said the man politely, “the door’s closed.”

The rain continued to pound the roof. Inside the shack it was warm.

“But you know there’s a whole Universe out there!” cried Zarniwoop. “You can’t dodge your responsibilities by saying they don’t exist!”

The ruler of the Universe thought for a long while whilst Zarniwoop quivered with anger.

“You’re very sure of your facts,” he said at last, “I couldn’t trust the thinking of a man who takes the Universe – if there is one – for granted.”

Zarniwoop still quivered, but was silent.

“I only decide about my Universe,” continued the man quietly. “My Universe is my eyes and my ears. Anything else is hearsay.”

“But don’t you believe in anything?”

The man shrugged and picked up his cat.

“I don’t understand what you mean,” he said.

“You don’t understand that what you decide in this shack of yours affects the lives and fates of millions of people? This is all monstrously wrong!”

“I don’t know. I’ve never met all these people you speak of. And neither, I suspect, have you. They only exist in words we hear. It is folly to say you know what is happening to other people. Only they know, if they exist. They have their own Universes of their own eyes and ears.”

Trillian said:

“I think I’m just popping outside for a moment.”

She left and walked into the rain.

“Do you believe other people exist?” insisted Zarniwoop.

“I have no opinion. How can I say?”

“I’d better see what’s up with Trillian,” said Zaphod and slipped out.

Outside, he said to her:

“I think the Universe is in pretty good hands, yeah?” “Very good,” said Trillian. They walked off into the rain.

Inside, Zarniwoop continued.

“But don’t you understand that people live or die on your word?”

The ruler of the Universe waited for as long as he could. When he heard the faint sound of the ship’s engines starting he spoke to cover it.

“It’s nothing to do with me,” he said, “I am not involved with people. The Lord knows I am not a cruel man.”

“Ah!” barked Zarniwoop, “you say `The Lord’. You believe in something!”

“My cat,” said the man benignly, picking it up and stroking it, “I call him The Lord. I am kind to him.”

“Alright,” said Zarniwoop, pressing home his point, “How do you know he exists? How do you know he knows you to be kind, or enjoys what he thinks of as your kindness?”

“I don’t,” said the man with a smile, “I have no idea. It merely pleases me to behave in a certain way to what appears to be a cat. Do you behave any differently? Please, I think I am tired.”

Zarniwoop heaved a thoroughly dissatisfied sigh and looked about.

“Where are the other two?” he said suddenly.

“What other two?” said the ruler of the Universe, settling back into his chair and refilling his whisky glass.

“Beeblebrox and the girl! The two who were here!”

“I remember no one. The past is a fiction to account for …”

“Stuff it,” snapped Zarniwoop and ran out into the rain. There was no ship. The rain continued to churn the mud. There was no sign to show where the ship had been. He hollered into the rain. He turned and ran back to the shack and found it locked.

The ruler of the Universe dozed lightly in his chair. After a while he played with the pencil and the paper again and was delighted when he discovered how to make a mark with the one on the other. Various noises continued outside, but he didn’t know whether they were real or not. He then talked to his table for a week to see how it would react.”

I always found this excerpt reassuring, not to mention funny :)

Very interesting session and thank you!
Mandrak said:
Today it is popular for the right movement to spread hatred against other people, migrants, other religions, "leftists"......

It seems your views are the same as our main stream media. I am not sure you have been paying attention to what is being discussed here on numerous threads on the forum, and what has been talked about on SOTT.
Mandrak said:
Joe said:
Migrants in Europe and the US are being used to manipulate people of conscience and common sense to accept the same radical 'leftist' ideology that gave rise to the Nazis and Stalin. You have to keep your wits about you. The people who today call others 'Nazis' are themselves the Nazis.

I thank for the explanation, but did not the Nazis want one clean race, and exterminate all the others "sub-humans"? For this purpose, they formed concentration camps, killed Jews, gypsies, etc. So, it seams that right-wingers would easily wear Nazi uniforms. Not to mention neo-Nazis in that movement.

The people today that show most signs of seeing others as 'subhuman' are the radical lefists. Their main target seems to be heterosexual white people, although such types are likely to target anyone who does not agree with their radical "utopian" agenda.
taratai said:
Thus, new Nazism will spread in the way that the majority doesn't expect - in the name of love and tolerance, accepting differences, helping the oppressed, lead by the young and beautiful into the pink/rainbow revolution of DESTRUCTION OF ANYONE THAT LOOKS AT THEM THE WRONG WAY.
Seems like it, yeah... :| :/ :(

as the old and decrepit are cast aside, one free of/from "hate" ("STOP THE HATE"), free from oppression, and tyranny, where only "love" is allowed, and those who are not in agreement or otherwise alignment with such will not be allowed to be "a part" of said world for their "hate"... And all, including and especially the children will be "liberated", "set free" from the constraints of consent laws and other prohibitions, and any and all who stand in the way of such are nothing but controlling, dominating, "hate"-filled tyrants and oppressors who must be removed in the name of "love", "freedom", and "progress"...
(cue [unrelenting despair])
I'm so glad that you guys are finally getting on board with neurofeedback.

I went through the process almost ten years ago and I am still realizing the impacts that it has had on my mind, my environment and my increasingly powerful mental processes.

I hadn't realized it until I read it here but my own PK skills have been increasing. I have had many occurrences of looking for something and having it suddenly appear in a hand or in my line of sight. Usually it doesn't even register to me that that is odd or out of the norm. It just feels proper.

I am soon to move to the desert to begin my sojourn and I now have a specific area to focus my meditations.
Thank you very much for sharing this very fascinating session with us, Laura & Team! :flowers:

It was a very moving and stirring session for me, mainly in a positive sense. It colluded to my recent thoughts of 'there's hope' - not for the world at large, or at least not in the terms "hope" would be defined in the general sense, but for myself and (most of) the group here in terms of deep profound development or in being able to take a major curve in our learning, thus becoming a conduit for positive forces in the universe like expressed in this session.

Curiously have been thinking about 'having faith' and 'being like a child' as well over the last days, as well as how limiting emotions and beliefs can keep one being stuck where they are - as that just prevents from seeing all kinds of possibilities which would lead out of whatever dilemma one may find themselves in.

The session is definitely poking and I am going to re-read it soon again in order to 'grasp' more things.
Thank you for the session.

What % of Israelis (Jewish) are Semitic?

Is it correct that Semitic Jews have more in common with Arabs than they do with the Ashkenazi Jews?
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