Session 10 May 2014

Laura said:
Actually, the Cs have a better track record than any other source I know about excluding spirit mediums who just talk to the dear departed for their relatives. The reason esoteric forums don't like the Cs is because they don't tell warm, fluffy lies that lull people into false egotism that they are going all spiritual because they eat broccoli.

Is it... Are they really that stupid...or... I'm just muddled, I think I'll never understand that approach. Cs do not provide anything negative or evil (do not know even how to name it properly or rather how 'critics' call it). Cs just describe reality as it is. You should not look too far to recognize resemblance in our very World, just smaller in scale.

When I first read transcripts initially I've instantly realized it is the truth (more o less, of course). Because information not only 'resonated'. It confirmed several thoughts and inclinations that I had at that moment. It awakened some dim memories if you wish, answered many questions and many things fell in the right place, it cleared much confusion. And I don't care by what methods information was obtained, it is secondary. I don't need 'demonstrations in your face' or even 'track records' to know it. Those who need confirmations (or even worse some 'physical tangible undeniable proof') will never believe or understand, because no confirmations will be ever enough.

What would be practical though (of course I have no right to insist here), it is information about how to measure our world's current progress. Often it is so confusing that I have hard time understanding in what month (season or part of the year) we are now. They say 'soon' and 'just wait' without any explanation or clarification, and then months and years pass. And then 'soon' again. It is confusing. I even suspect that some part of the Consortium messed with "time" illusion do delay inevitable. These year numbers (... 2011, 2012, 2013, ...) are passing rapidly but it is not feels like many "time" has passed. But Earth 3D affairs are done according to calendar and this puts a lot of stress on everybody.

28 Nov 2009 said:
A: The wave is coming, you are teaching people to surf it instead of being dragged under and out to stormy seas.

Q: (L) You once said that the wave was something like "hyperkinetic sensate". And I've often wondered if that means that it's something that massively amplifies whatever is inside an individual? And if that were the case and they were full of a lot of unpleasant, painful, miserable feelings, repressed and suppressed thoughts and so forth, and something that was hyperkinetic sensate amplified all of that, what would it do to that individual? I mean, can you imagine any of us in our worst state of feeling yucky and then having that amplified a bazillion times? If it was bad stuff inside you, you would implode!

A: Soul smashing!

Q: (L) So it is really important for people to go through this process of cleansing to prepare themselves for that?

A: Yes, then they will "rise up with wings as eagles"!

Q: (L) So even people who - or maybe particularly people who - engage in a great deal of what Lobaczewski called "selection and substitution", there is some part of their rational mind that knows what the truth is, but because it's not acceptable to their peer group, or their social milieu, or their background and upbringing to accept that truth, they repress and suppress it and explain things to themselves in other ways. But they still know the truth. What would it be like if you have all of this suppressed, twisted truth locked up inside you that you never allowed yourself to look at and acknowledge?

(Ark) But you see this is not a separate phenomenon because when there is this amplification, there are these fears that you said, they will also explode. So the individual will be able to... the little devil will become the big devil, so it will be easier to choose, because, you know, choices will be amplified. It's not just little dark here, little this there - it's hard to choose - but they will have to decide this time where to go, and the decision will be...

(L) Extremely painful.

(Ark) It will be painful, but on the other hand, it will be clear.

(herondancer) But what if you're so overwhelmed it isn't clear?

(L) What if your fear is so big that...

(herondancer) You're blinded?

(Ark) Well, then you are lost.

(L) I mean, people that believe lies against all evidence are the ones that really baffle me. I mean, they don't baffle me in the sense that I don't understand why they do it, because I understand the psychological and brain mechanism, and I understand that's it been thousands of years, little by little, gradually, pathologically encroaching until now we live in this world where it's just literally -everything is dirty - it's just really horrible. And I can't imagine what... I mean, what about a psychopath? What about a psychopath who doesn't have emotions? How is a hyperkinetic sensate {wave} going to affect a psychopath?

A: They do have a sort of "emotion". Hunger for darkness.

Q: (L) So what it is an amplified hunger for darkness?

(Bubbles) More darkness.

(L) But what would it do if it were amplified in that way?

(Burma Jones) Ravenous!

(L) They'd devour themselves, wouldn't they?

A: More or less. What do you do when at your center there is a big empty hole?

Q: (Ark) But I can see how it's gonna happen. You see separately, there are these psychopaths. At the same time, there are a lot of people who are becoming very unstable. There are a lot of people who go completely crazy, that psychopaths can see something is happening - new opportunity, right? So, new victims. "They're mine!" "No, they're MINE!" And so psychopaths will start to fight with each other.

(L) Because they're more and more hungry. And then their masks will fall away, and people will see them for what they are.

A: Yes

Q: (L) It's gonna be ugly. But, we are embarked upon a new world.

Thank you Laura and team for this session. The above about Soul Smashing and it being an individual choice based on how the individual is wired is interesting. Over the years I have read the term on here and did not quite understand but now it is making sense. The above portion in the quoted session about psychopaths reminds me of the articles of late about the police doing crazy things and all the different incidents like children shooting up schools could possibly be related to whats inside being amplified.

Thanks again.
A: Taking the bull by the horns is always fearful in the imagination, but when you approach the beast, he usually lays down and submits.

Thank you for another great session.

The message above is so true. The mind always use fear & deception to prevent us from doing what's need to be done objectively. Once we stay calm, do a focus on it, the imagination always starts to fizzle. :)
I must say I echo a lot of the thoughts of others who have replied to this thread. The little exchange with ankhepiphan at the end spoke right to me, since I'm dealing with a lot of the same issues. I've been on the fence regarding FOTCM for a couple of years waiting to see where it went. I think it's time to get off the fence and see what I can do.

Thank you Laura for this very important session.
Mr. Premise said:
MT, it's going to be pretty difficult to help people up the ladder outside the forum because most of them are not on the ladder at all and many don't even want to be. So why not focus on doing it on the forum?

Another venue in which I have had some success is facebook. I have a fairly large friends list there, a great number of them are Cass friends, but the bulk of them are people from my hometown who relate to me through my work in the music business there in the 60s through the 80s. They have no idea of my current interests and still remember me as the person I was 40 years ago, i.e., musician and owner of a very popular live music venue. I have not seen most of these people in decades but they found me on facebook.

Through posting lots of sott stories and a few of the more esoteric works from this forum, those who were ready to get on the ladder, but didn't know where one was, have found a first step. I received this email this morning, from a past neighbor and current facebook friend. This fellow is a recently retired, successful executive in the telecommunications field, now living in Florida. Here is the last sentence in our exchange that has been dealing with diet and sources for healthy pastured meat/saturated fats:

I have been reading a lot of the books that you keep mentioning and catching up on Laura’s latest talks with the C’s!

I consider this a personal mini-triumph :clap:

I sometimes worry that time spent on facebook is time that might be better spent here, until I receive messages like the above. Here is an intelligent man who has been hungry for truths, but peer issues have kept his focus in the mainstream until now. Hopefully he will join us here one day soon. He is not the only one who is now referring to sott articles and comments in their posts.

Work on the forum is certainly beneficial and necessary, but also showing the way to the forum, to those who have no clue that such a place and way of thinking exists, is critical in my opinion. This is done without proselytizing, but by simply making the material available to those who might never otherwise find it. The spiritually and intellectually curious will be drawn to the work of their own free will once they discover an interesting path.

Ailes de papillon.
Thank you all for the effort that went into this session and thread. I've been so focused on protecting myself and neglected growth and expansion. I too have found myself in a rut, asking how to get out. This session hit the nail on the head. The comments in this thread encouraged me to write this. And as I peck my index finger over my cellphone keyboard, my procrastination to acquire a functioning CPU tower is disappearing.

When I feel empty, ignorant, lost or lonely, SOTT reminds me to get over myself. Thanks again!
I am very new to the forum, but I would like to share my experience with balance.

While ago when I meditated the very first time,I left my physical body and started moving up and up, into the Universe.
Driffting through Cosmos I sudenly sew a pure white Light, emanating an incredible Energy of unconditional Love.
While I was experiencing this Pure Light, I felt that an invisible curtains at front of my eyes has been lifted , and at that peticular moment I understood that Universe is about " balance"
From that moment I knew , that whatever I recive from others, I need to balance ( to give something in return), and have been doing it for over two decades.

I would like to contribute by translating Cs session into Polish,

With gratitude
I had "forgotten" the transcripts, maybe based on the small number of sessions that took place in 2013. I see it has in some way "picked up speed". Maybe 2014 is "the year".
Thanks for sharing this extraordinary material. :thup:
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