Session 10 October 2015

goyacobol said:
While you may have a good point that MariuszJ does not always respond to every post (which I admit can be frustrating), I think he does deserve some "external consideration".

Just suggesting he take his posts to another topic isn't much help the way I see it.

But one's view of external consideration can be very clouded when 'being "nice" to people' and pity come into it – pity those who pity. External consideration isn't always about doing what is 'nice' or easy, and there is always the specific context to remember. If someone is asleep to their own behaviors in ways which are potentially harmful, not only to themselves, but to others, then 'being nice' isn't externally considerate or helpful at all, or so it seems to me.

I'm with bjorn on this one.
[quote author=goyacobol]I am not sure what topic you meant there.[/quote]

Its his own topic:,39751.0.html

[quote author=goyacobol]Just suggesting he take his posts to another topic isn't much help the way I see it.[/quote]

I think it is since MariuszJ has a lot to share.

[quote author=goyacobol]When someone tells you they "have been attacked since my childhood." I think you might be interested enough to listen or ask a question.[/quote]

Yes, and I think I do but why continue if no constructive conversation takes place? In order to offer help one should be able to try to listen. And if MariuszJ already does so I think it would be advisable to respond first before starting something anew.

If I came over insensitive I regret that. Sorry.
I think this article may be of interest to you. Wanderers have often great difficulties to adapt to this environment.

By the way, I remember being born and being carried from the hospital to my home when I was a couple of weeks old.
This may be accidental, but I was born next day after JFK was assassinated.
My mother was ironing my shirt ON ME when I was 8 but I remained unmoved, which astounded my brother. What I have gone through is similar to living in a concentration camp but I do need any pity.
One time something made me stop in the street in Winter without any reason at all. I stood there for one minute. When I was about to walk on, at that moment A HUGE block of ice dropped down on the pavement just one meter ahead of me.

And I do not understand why most of you lose your temper so often while answering my questions. I do not understand why anybody can have negative emotions at all. Negative emotions are strange to me. "If anyone slaps me on the right cheek, I turn to them the other cheek also."

Alada said:
goyacobol said:
While you may have a good point that MariuszJ does not always respond to every post (which I admit can be frustrating), I think he does deserve some "external consideration".

Just suggesting he take his posts to another topic isn't much help the way I see it.

But one's view of external consideration can be very clouded when 'being "nice" to people' and pity come into it – pity those who pity. External consideration isn't always about doing what is 'nice' or easy, and there is always the specific context to remember. If someone is asleep to their own behaviors in ways which are potentially harmful, not only to themselves, but to others, then 'being nice' isn't externally considerate or helpful at all, or so it seems to me.

I'm with bjorn on this one.


Thanks for the assistance. I'll turn off the program immediately. Seriously, I know a mirror when I see it sometimes. I've seen this guy (me) before.
bjorn said:
[quote author=goyacobol]I am not sure what topic you meant there.

Its his own topic:,39751.0.html

[quote author=goyacobol]Just suggesting he take his posts to another topic isn't much help the way I see it.[/quote]

I think it is since MariuszJ has a lot to share.

[quote author=goyacobol]When someone tells you they "have been attacked since my childhood." I think you might be interested enough to listen or ask a question.[/quote]

Yes, and I think I do but why continue if no constructive conversation takes place? In order to offer help one should be able to try to listen. And if MariuszJ already does so I think it would be advisable to respond first before starting something anew.

If I came over insensitive I regret that. Sorry.


I see the topic you are talking about and it brings back a lot of memories. Thanks, I wasn't sure what you meant. And yes, that would be the best place for this discussion I agree.

Alada has pointed out my "over" sensitivity and reminded me about "pity those who pity" so don't worry I think you are on the right track. I'll just see how this turns out and try to learn something in the process if I haven't already.
Yes, ironically. This Being ‘nice’ program can prevents us from acting accordingly. Whenever I try to be of help. I remind myself of the following verbs, which are:

[quote author=Russian saying I believe?]Better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie[/quote]


[quote author= Esoteric saying]When we talk about compassion we talk in terms of being kind. But compassion is not so much being kind; it is being creative [enough] to wake a person up.[/quote]

Sometimes a certain amount of honesty is required. Otherwise we would not be really helping.
MariuszJ said:
Taking into account also my aura colour I was curious to find out if my origin was 5D or 6D.

You are 3D here and now. That's all that really matters. Does it make you feel more special to be 5D or 6D? Is it important somehow? And how would that change how you live and interact with others in this very real 3D world?

MariuszJ said:
I think this article may be of interest to you. Wanderers have often great difficulties to adapt to this environment.

IF that is the case, I think it just means that they have more work to do, and more responsibility to do so. In other words, get over their "I'm so special" or "I'm just too spiritual and sensitive" self-image, get real, and start DOing.

This may be accidental, but I was born next day after JFK was assassinated.

Most likely.

My mother was ironing my shirt ON ME when I was 8 but I remained unmoved, which astounded my brother. What I have gone through is similar to living in a concentration camp but I do need any pity.

Wow. That's horrible, MariuszJ! You may not need any pity, but that must have been very traumatic. And the fact that you were unmoved says a lot too. More stuff that would be really good to talk about with a therapist. If you haven't read Peter Levin's work (In An Unspoken Voice), you may really appreciate it. In fact, somatic experiencing, the type of therapy Levine developed, sounds like it might be right up your alley.

And I do not understand why most of you lose your temper so often while answering my questions.

Can you give examples? I haven't seen anyone lose their temper yet.

I do not understand why anybody can have negative emotions at all. Negative emotions are strange to me. "If anyone slaps me on the right cheek, I turn to them the other cheek also."

You might also want to read When the Body Says No by Gabor Mate. Negative emotions are vital to human experience, survival and growth. And repressing them can be very unhealthy.
MariuszJ said:
I think this article may be of interest to you. Wanderers have often great difficulties to adapt to this environment.

By the way, I remember being born and being carried from the hospital to my home when I was a couple of weeks old.
This may be accidental, but I was born next day after JFK was assassinated.
My mother was ironing my shirt ON ME when I was 8 but I remained unmoved, which astounded my brother. What I have gone through is similar to living in a concentration camp but I do need any pity.
One time something made me stop in the street in Winter without any reason at all. I stood there for one minute. When I was about to walk on, at that moment A HUGE block of ice dropped down on the pavement just one meter ahead of me.

And I do not understand why most of you lose your temper so often while answering my questions. I do not understand why anybody can have negative emotions at all. Negative emotions are strange to me. "If anyone slaps me on the right cheek, I turn to them the other cheek also."


The rules are the same for all, Nature doesn't make exceptions just because you're a wanderer. The alienation and interpersonal problems stems from not correctly formed psychophysical and interpersonal parts.

Do you remember the vagus nerve and its importance for proper relations with the environment? The best way when we feel alienated is to search for contacts, and not what most people do, breaks the contacts because he/she has to "stay alone for awhile".

The problem is THIS life. And if you will be more open and objective to that what your emotions are while your interpersonal contacts take place and how others react to you, then you will start changing and grow.

Those stories and rumination of your stories is part of dissociation to your daily life which wait for your real steps.

I live in Poland too and not everybody here are overworked and poor, and bored etc. If somebody think that he must be endowed because he had two legs and hands, walking and eating and do not want to go to work. Sorry, what kind of attitude it is?
I have never suggested anyone to see a therapist since it is insulting. Tell your significant other to see a therapist. She will leave you as you tell her that. I try to understand them and give them some advice first. Anybody suggesting someone else seeing a therapist, himself requires seeing a therapist. If you do not see your negative emotions, it means you are so much accustomed to them you do not perceive them as negative. I've seen that hundreds of times before.
Your imagination is so confined that you cannot imagine worlds without negative emotions. Negative emotions are normal to you and you find it a good idea to take it out on a stranger or even a member of your family once and again. It is good for digestion.
MariuszJ said:
I have never suggested anyone to see a therapist since it is insulting. I try to understand them and give them some advice first. Anybody suggesting someone else seeing a therapist, himself requires seeing a therapist.

You are wrong. It's always good to have some support from other one and the best if is professional. Nobody want to insult you.

MariuszJ said:
If you do not see your negative emotions, it means you are so much accustomed to them you do not perceive them as negative. I've seen that hundreds of times before.
Your imagination is so confined that you cannot imagine worlds without negative emotions. Negative emotions are normal to you and you find it a good idea to take it out on a stranger or even a member of your family once and again. It is good for digestion.

I don't see emotions, I feel them. And I think it's clear when somebody feel bad or feel good. Relative is this how one handle with those emotions.

Further of your post I can't fully comprehend.
MariuszJ said:
If I am a warrior, I am not surprised that I have been attacked since my childhood. I consciously remember on case of being abducted in the night by a light beam. Taking into account also my aura colour I was curious to find out if my origin was 5D or 6D.

I've found that every time I go to those 'mind body spirit' festivals and get my aura photo'd. The colour is often quite different! My latest one had a lot of orange around the body and yellow at the top. Back in the early 2000s there was much more blue and green. Now, it's nowhere to be seen. I don't think this is indicative of what origin a 'soul' is from.

What if a 'wanderer' is lost? It must be a bit difficult without a map? Not that a person could even 'recognise' one if he or she had one. And, it must be individually tailored, I suppose too. No, being a 'wanderer' can't be all that easy, I think. Very easy to get lost in the maze.
MariuszJ said:
I have never suggested anyone to see a therapist since it is insulting. Tell your significant other to see a therapist. She will leave you as you tell her that. I try to understand them and give them some advice first. Anybody suggesting someone else seeing a therapist, himself requires seeing a therapist. If you do not see your negative emotions, it means you are so much accustomed to them you do not perceive them as negative. I've seen that hundreds of times before.
Your imagination is so confined that you cannot imagine worlds without negative emotions. Negative emotions are normal to you and you find it a good idea to take it out on a stranger or even a member of your family once and again. It is good for digestion.

Well, that looks like the pot calling the kettle black as they say.

MariuszJ, it's always worth remembering that we selectively filter and interpret the world according to how were made up, plus our assumptions and a situation which can often be way off what is actually there in reality.

I often used to have a problem receiving feedback here on the forum and elsewhere, and still do sometimes, because my ability to interpret what was being said would always be coloured by imagining that someone were angry with me, or strongly disapproving of me in some way. It completely changes the way a message is received, completely.

By way of example: There were two members on the forum that I looked/look up to here, one of which I always used to automatically read their messages with a 'angry' voice in my head, and took virtually everything they tried to explain through that lens. The second person, I always used to read their messages with a friendly, caring tone, and filter there intent accordingly. (Interestingly, one was male, the other female).

Now, one day it happened that I had two messages open in tabs to read, one from each person (one 'always angry, the other 'always helpful'), and I unconsciously, without paying attention to who was writing, got the order the wrong way around in my head. I read the 'always angry' post with the 'always friendly/caring' voice, and vice versa. Now that, was an interesting lesson I can tell you! The 'angry' voice suddenly became 'helpful', and the 'helpful' voice became 'angry'. I found it was possible to switch between the two, which completely changed the way the message came across.

Interestingly, of the two members in question, one was male, the other female. Go figure!

It brought home to me that fact, without a shadow of a doubt, that my reading instrument, can be seriously distorted and I can easily misinterpret whatever the original intent of a message was.

Its something you can play with. If a message seems cross, angry, negative, try re-reading it with a warm and caring tone of voice, as if from a favorite loving grandparent or close friend. It really can change the way we are able to receive what was originally intended.

So, when it is suggested that someone see a therapist, sometimes it is the case that people do indeed need some serious help that only a professional can help, and through the behavior of the member such suggestions are aimed at, other forum members are rightly allowed/required to show that person the door for the benefit and protection of all. Other times, most often in fact, the suggestion to see a therapist is not meant in that way at all.

It would be highly irresponsible to try and suggest that the forum is equipped to help people that clearly could benefit more from a professional therapeutic method, than to suggestion them that they can find it all here. many members here have befitted greatly from therapy, why should it be seen as a negative? Filtering perhaps?
Well, if your significant other tells you they have a problem, you should listen to them and give some advice even though you are not sure if you are on the right track. That way you show your respect and that you care. If you avoid looking into the problem that means you do not give a damn about what they say.
Besides, I do not know if this is also typical of other countries. In Poland EVERYBODY having any SLIGHTEST psychological problem is treated by society as a dangerous maniac (I mean that!!). So people here do not suggest such things as seeing a specialist since otherwise such a person would be discriminated in many ways starting from not getting any sort of a job. Moreover, I have seen some people in my job, mentally unbalanced. Nobody took any care of their behaviour if they do not talk about that, whereas if you tell someone that you might have a psychological problem, your line manager immediately starts to interrogate you about that to find a reason to fire you if she thinks I might me unfit for the job. This attitude is widespread in Poland.
MariuszJ said:
I think this article may be of interest to you. Wanderers have often great difficulties to adapt to this environment.

MariuszJ, have you read Laura's Wave series? It's available online here: If not, you really need to. It covers topics like 'wanderers' and aura photography (plus a ton of others) in a LOT of detail. Since you're interested in these topics, and have brought them up repeatedly, it's kind of counterproductive for other forum members to have to try to bring you up to speed on the topics.
MariuszJ said:
Well, if your significant other tells you they have a problem, you should listen to them and give some advice even though you are not sure if you are on the right track. That way you show your respect and that you care. If you avoid looking into the problem that means you do not give a damn about what they say.

A couple is one thing; a public forum is another. We can give some advice (e.g., making observations, suggesting books, etc.), but we are not qualified to help deal with what appear to be more serious and sensitive issues. Those are best left to qualified professionals.

Besides, I do not know if this is also typical of other countries. In Poland EVERYBODY having any SLIGHTEST psychological problem is treated by society as a dangerous maniac (I mean that!!). So people here do not suggest such things as seeing a specialist since otherwise such a person would be discriminated in many ways starting from not getting any sort of a job. Moreover, I have seen some people in my job, mentally unbalanced. Nobody took any care of their behaviour if they do not talk about that, whereas if you tell someone that you might have a psychological problem, your line manager immediately starts to interrogate you about that to find a reason to fire you if she thinks I might me unfit for the job. This attitude is widespread in Poland.

If that is the attitude in Poland (which is totally backwards, BTW), perhaps it would be better to just read the books I suggested previously, and consider deeply how the concepts there might apply to you personally. The books are discussed on the forum elsewhere, in addition to countless others. If you have any interest in esoteric stuff, it's pretty much a given that you need to understand your own mind. That's why we focus so much on psychology, and read a lot. The books we bring up here for discussion are just the good ones!
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