Session 10 October 2015

Mrs. Tigersoap said:
c.a. said:
Paris is traitorous for pushing the general population (subliminal thoughts ?) that this activity (below) has merits. You see ordinary people attempting to emulate this idea on a world wide agenda.
Never really understood it. :huh:

If one must find a culprit, I'm not sure Paris designers would be it. Designers are of their own accord usually 'inspired' by people in the street. Cool kids from Tokyo, New York, London are often cited.

Many young folks today are inspired by celebrities first and foremost. Think Rihanna, Beyoncé, etc. Sometimes bloggers or Instagram stars, too. If we're talking about goths, etc., my guess would be that they are inspired by Gothic rock/metal bands, fairy tales, even anime, etc.

I've never seen anyone emulating the hairdos of a Chanel fashion show. I've lost count of how many Rihanna haircuts (the half mohawk) I've seen in the streets, however.

If anyone is interested, this hr long documentary titled "Merchants of Cool" explores how "cool" is marketed. It is slightly dated, late 90's, early 2000's


....They are the merchants of cool: creators and sellers of popular culture who have made teenagers the hottest consumer demographic in America. But are they simply reflecting teen desires or have they begun to manufacture those desires in a bid to secure this lucrative market? And have they gone too far in their attempts to reach the hearts--and wallets--of America's youth?...

I think people form cliques to differentiate themselves in a western engineered world where everyone wants to be an 'individual' yet somehow all end up being the same. I assume the phenomena doesn't hold as strong the further you get from western culture e.g. the deep countryside of china I presume they present/self represent differently. People emulate those they identify with the most, for kids it can be their peers. People also identify with ideas, e.g. anarchism which has a certain look to it. Music plays a huge role, from beyonce, rihanna, to those with multiple piercings, darkened hairs and clothing who I'm guessing are metal/hard rock fans... you've got the indie types, the folk music singer songwriter summer festivals loving types, the dance & electronic music pill popping types etc etc... All images branded and marketed back to the masses. Where do celebrities get the looks they market from? Celebrities are commodities owned and branded by multinationals, carefully sculptured and presented to the public.

Another list of documentaries that may be of interest looks at advertising and how it portrays women and therefore the whole ideal of what a woman is in modern society is shaped by the constant projections of these images. I can't seem to find it on youtube now but it's interesting. It's known as "Killing us softly" and there is 4 of them done by a woman called Jean Kilbourne. She's been at it since the 60's. Her website _

Anyways, if anyone knows of any interesting videos, articles etc of social engineering in terms of the masks and behaviours people exhibit, please share! They are so hard to come by but I'm sure there are many interesting/insightful ones out there. It's interesting to get under the hood of this phenomena of mass social engineering that is deployed on society especially in today's age when things are moving at pace and the envelope is getting pushed even further.
As to how one should present oneself in public, careful consideration should be made as to whether one is purposely provoking lust.

It should be quite obvious to most that our culture has been deliberately turned away from aspiring to obtain romantic love/a marital union to lustful pursuits/casual sex - this being accomplished via TV, movies, music, music videos, fashion, celebrities. Aren't we all familiar w/ the controversy of saggy pants along w/ younger & younger girls being encouraged to not only to look like adults, but like sluts!

I think it's only natural for young people to want to look as attractive as possible even to the point of wearing clothing that many might consider too revealing. Raging hormones and/or a natural biological drive to 'sow wild oats' probably contributes to this. For most young people, societal mores and/or religious upbringing will determine how they choose to dress/behave - although that natural inclination to rebel certainly comes into play.

Personally, I feel that anyone who desires to dress scantily has every right to do so. Contrast a California beach w/ an assortment of lovely young females in their colorful bikinis w/ equally beautiful Afghan females that aren't allowed to show any part of themselves in public - forced to walk around completely covered head to toe & to peer through a piece of fabric w/ small viewing holes only! [One has to wonder how much this enforced banishment of female physique is contributing to the abhorrent practice of 'boy play'.]

Who can't appreciate an above average specimen of human beauty whether male or female? Why have artists continued to paint depictions of beautiful men/women w/ or w/o clothing? Because the human form IS beautiful and those fortunate enough to possess a fine example of such are doing us all a favor to observe in a manner that is respectful and an act of appreciation to what God has given/created.

That being said, one has to realize that not everyone is capable of observing a highly attractive person in a completely wholesome manner - feelings of lust can & do get aroused. Therefore, a considerate person has to give some thought as to their outward appearance & whether a line is being crossed from attractive/appealing to 'I'm too sexy' as in the song of the same name > (yeah, I think this vid more than adequately conveys my meaning - and I'm still laughing! Sooo outrageous!).

I will always remember an appearance by Karen Valentine on the Tonight Show in which she was described as being 'sweet sexy' - sexually attractive but in a wholesome way. Now that is a model that may hit the right balance between modest/prude or sleazy/skank, IMO.

A deeper/darker look into all this can certainly be explored at - their symbolic pics of the month are especially telling/disturbing.
Speaking of fashion, we should all be alerted to the fact that Kayne West has evolved into a 'designer'. And here's what he's serving up (from Vigilant Citizen Symbolic Pics of the Month 10/15):


Photo caption:
Kanye West is fashion designer now. His fashion show featued miserable-looking people, wearing miserable looking clothes.. Instead of marching to music, they were marching to militaristic orders, as if inside a concentration camp. Is this post NWO fashion?

Wonder how soon these 'fashions' will be available at my local Walmart . . . or perhaps they'll be too expensive for such a venue?

Hmm - well, it IS getting close to Halloween!
Thanks for this session all of you... very insightful. It looks like these small decisions (hair, music, clothes etc) can give weight to aligning oneself with the contrived popular culture and way of thinking/being. :thdown:
Btw, regarding Kisito, I don't think english is his first language going by how he writes so I don't know if some of the words he chooses are a representation of his thinking or are merely used because he doesn't have alternatives in his vocabulary. Both cases are possibilities, OSIT.

By 'attack' I think he means 'blinding of the light' i.e. to much truth through the mirror effect that is relentless from multiple sides i.e. many people, which reading his post, he says that this can become uncomfortable to the person receiving it but that the uncomfortableness of it is not necessarily the problem but rather, beyond a certain threshold, the person shuts down i.e. the person becomes 'blind' or loses 'discernment'. So he fears prometeo will turn away from the truth which I assume is Kisito's trigger as he says

I was afraid Prometeo become blind forever.

With the whole sheep/shepherd thing, going by what he said, I think he was aiming at rules vs compromise and the difficulties in the balance work that must be maintained for the health of the whole system (body of the forum) by those who oversea it. Is Prometeo given a free pass because he is angry and can't help but let it out uncontrollably when 'reprimanding' him has the potential to overheat him and drive him over the edge 'blind forever'.. or something along those lines I think. So does the shepherd rush off after the 1 sheep (disobedience to rules) and risks the 99 (obedience to rules)... Is Prometeo given the right to uncontrollably dump all he is saying with the risk that this can be bad for the system i.e. not externally considerate which is a fundamental pillar of the system... Something along those lines!! In there, I think Kisito thought Prometeo could be saved (the shepherd going after the runaway sheep) but this thought could be fundamentally wrong as no one is here to save anyone else I guess or that this may not even be possible even if other people wanted to as Prometeo is a functional human being capable of making independent choices.

By reprimand, and I could be wrong, I think he uses the word as the emotional feeling of the mirror, especially one that is brought about due to the person acting naughty (being inconsiderate) which is similar to that you would experience if you were reprimanded - lets say for being naughty and your parents told you off and made you go to your room to think about what you did... or something along those lines. You know, the emotional feeling of being 'reprimanded' rather than the 'mirror' is a 'reprimand'.

Anyways, just how I have been reading what he has said thus far which could be wrong.

In case anyone is wondering why I care so much to put this effort, it's because I was sad to see Prometeo angry & regarding Kisito, because he has an interesting way of using language which throws up interesting ways of seeing things - as per how I read his posts here.
Kisito said:
Maybe it against attack is better. It is a beautiful metaphor that of the mirror, and I adhere. My resistance could be that all judgments of the members are not necessarily accurate. And my fear was in the exponential nature of the reflection of the mirror. For if the light is good, it can be harmful if people want to watch long eyes open. Wanting to open the eyes of people (helping people) is a good thing, but the prolonged light can blind those who want to face this light. I was afraid Prometeo become blind forever.

Yet it seems to be so that most people choose only to look away, or see mirrors only as interesting objects to collect for fun, but don't seem to see the value or point of looking into them. Or, most often, they fail to notice that they are still 'wearing dirty eye glasses', where the light received is dimmed, distorted. In each case nothing at all will happen so no need to worry. If one chooses truly to look into a mirror, it is best to clean our eye glasses first though, then more can become possible.

Perhaps you forget also, it is the false Ego which struggles under the light of a mirror. The better part of us can always withstand the light if we are truly seeking the Truth.
[quote author= C]A: Changing the mode of self-presentation and self-representation is the most basic.[/quote]

Practicing ‘self-remembering’ in every situation is I think essential to achieve this. Defining yourself and taking pride in what you wear, how you talk or what kind of music you listen to, ETC is a perversion of self-expression. In order to BE. We should try to be a medium that spreads awareness.

[quote author= C]A: Global politics and cosmic yet to fully descend. Most of the political changes transpire behind the scenes.[/quote]

I can only imagine. The lies of the Empire can only stand while it holds absolute domination and their vassals sing along. With its power waning and its coalition falling apart 9/11 truth may after all still happen. Like Neil said, the harder they push. The more they force Russia and others who try to gain true sovereignty to push back.

[quote author=JEEP]Wonder how soon these 'fashions' will be available at my local Walmart . . . or perhaps they'll be too expensive for such a venue?[/quote]

More like clothes you expect to wear in a death-camp. He even looks intrigued by his own creation. Maybe a good example of someone who is 'disintegrating'

[quote author=Alada]It is the false Ego which struggles under the light of a mirror[/quote]

Exactly and if I may add, If the mirror is applied correctly shocks and ‘conscious suffering’ follows with it.
bjorn said:
[quote author=Alada]It is the false Ego which struggles under the light of a mirror
Exactly and if I may add, If the mirror is applied correctly shocks and ‘conscious suffering’ follows with it.

Indeed, but those without a conscious Aim in life, and a desire to develop the Will necessary to bring it to fruition, never seem to understand this.
bjorn said:
[quote author= C]A: Changing the mode of self-presentation and self-representation is the most basic.


[quote author= C]A: Global politics and cosmic yet to fully descend. Most of the political changes transpire behind the scenes.[/quote]

I can only imagine. The lies of the Empire can only stand while it holds absolute domination and their vassals sing along. With its power waning and its coalition falling apart 9/11 truth may after all still happen. Like Neil said, the harder they push. The more they force Russia and others who try to gain true sovereignty to push back.[/quote]

Yeah and in the process, Russia and others will make it very difficult for the world not to see the lies, and what ridiculously hypocritical blather that's been spewing from the Empire and its vassals. It just occurred to me that, by chance, the two quotes you made from the session, though the first one is taken out of context of what the C's were saying to practice to attract the better future we would like to be part of, highlighted the huge contrast between what the Empire has been claiming/self presenting/representing and the truth. Not only the outrageously criminal actions of the Empire, but their self presentation/self representation of "exceptional" and "holier than thou" has taken a major hit now that Russia has called the Emperor naked and more and more people see that they are just full of it with their constant giving themselves the airs of holding the moral high ground. Just a strange juxtaposition of the two short excerpts jumped out at me - it seems what's happening on the global stage is a good example of giving the lie what it's asking for: the truth. And Russia's stance has really shown the false image of the Empire. Any half-way aware people might begin to question their identification with the official narratives (and that does seem to be happening with the failure of the Putin demonization propaganda in the West to a certain extent).
Kisito said:
Maybe it against attack is better. It is a beautiful metaphor that of the mirror, and I adhere. My resistance could be that all judgments of the members are not necessarily accurate. And my fear was in the exponential nature of the reflection of the mirror. For if the light is good, it can be harmful if people want to watch long eyes open. Wanting to open the eyes of people (helping people) is a good thing, but the prolonged light can blind those who want to face this light. I was afraid Prometeo become blind forever.

I'm not sure that you're analogy of looking into the light and becoming blind works here. Usually we only can see glimpses of light, and even then it can take a lot of effort. If we can get a glimpse though, we can use that to see some of the ways we've buffered ourselves from the truth of things. Then there's the work of removing those buffers, which usually involves a bit of suffering as the pain of what we've done/ where we've been is allowed to be felt. Gurdjieff did say that if all our buffers were removed at once we would go mad, and I think that is because there would be little awareness or Being underneath. The process of removing buffers via feedback and conscious effort is an exercise that builds awareness, and that's the dynamic that is being sought here. There remains a safe choice as to whether a person wants to engage in that or not, and if not there are other forums a person can go where they'd probably be more happy.

Kisito said:
I remember reading in "System 1 & 2", Daniel Kahneman, explained to the leaders of the Israeli army, which reprimanded the soldiers do not make progress, but regress. Encouragers and made them grow. I really thought about that. And I always wonder.

Pathology can come out in any number of ways and can be expressed through both reprimanding and encouragement. In your example, I think it's fair to come to the conclusion that encouragement can be used successfully to mold the false personality and deepen authoritarian behavior. Soldiers can become more deeply aligned with greater pathology because it is of their free choice to do so; they are not being forced or beat down - they go willingly. Growth and progress measured within the IDF is quite different than what is sought here. There are plenty of instances where members are encouraged in a normal and healthy way here, but it is less likely when someone is making choices that keep them within their own bubble, in an authoritarian structure or using black and white thinking, etc.. It's a matter of what parts of the self you feed. On the other hand if sincere feedback feels like a reprimand, then I think that usually comes from the strength of the false personality.
Thank you for this session!

As always, I am inspired to keep on fighting for
life and objective truths no matter how bleak the
present seems to get! I pray to the DCM for relief
from pain and suffering!

I have been going through `Over Active Bladder'
since June and suffering badly. I hope I will be
able to be around for the fireworks show. I wish
you well Laura, Ark, the team and the network for
the shining lighthouse of truths!

Thank you very much for another eyeopening session! Glad to hear that the POB don't anticipate Putin, so have a hope!

The phases below have strongly resonated with me. They look like a plan:

Laura said:
A: For those who find themselves in a life situation that is less than desirable or optimal, small daily acts that declare their affinity for another reality will accumulate and trigger a phase transition.

Q: (L) Well, okay... You've said steps, daily steps. You don't like the reality that you're in so you look around yourself and you see things about your reality that you don't like... I mean, what kind of first daily steps can you take? If you're in a reality that's freaking controlling you and everything around you, how can you take steps? So many people are in situations where they can't even do that sort of thing. What kind of steps can people take at the most basic level?

A: Changing the mode of self-presentation and self-representation is the most basic.
Something very peculiar happened to me yesterday. I virtually lost interest in talking to anyone or having a friend. I have never felt like this for a couple of years now. I used to feel lonely but was cheerful. Now I feel nothing as if I could live on a desert island and it is not caused by the situation with my girlfriend. She is likely to come back to me. She keeps in touch with me. I just do not feel any joy about that or anything else. I feel as though I was becoming autistic. It is not depression. If you are depressed you feel sorrow since you need something and do not get it. I feel nothing and do not need anything.

Are the events speeding up, or what?

I thought it might be instructive to you if I told you that.

MariuszJ said:
Something very peculiar happened to me yesterday. I virtually lost interest in talking to anyone or having a friend. I have never felt like this for a couple of years now. I used to feel lonely but was cheerful. Now I feel nothing as if I could live on a desert island and it is not caused by the situation with my girlfriend. She is likely to come back to me. She keeps in touch with me. I just do not feel any joy about that or anything else. I feel as though I was becoming autistic. It is not depression. If you are depressed you feel sorrow since you need something and do not get it. I feel nothing and do not need anything.

That doesn't sound healthy. It sounds like you've swung from one kind of unhealthy (needy and lonely) to another (asocial and emotionless). I hope you have a therapist you can talk about this with!

Are the events speeding up, or what?

Perhaps, but I don't see how that necessarily connects to what you shared about yourself.

I thought it might be instructive to you if I told you that.

Instructive in what sense?
No, you have misinterpreted my description of the situation. I feel rather like I were a scientist taking an experimental drug and then describing my feelings. Will you tell him to go to a specialist about that?

I strongly believe my feelings are related to changes in the environment and it is not only me who feels like that. I can see everyday people around me totally deprived of emotions. Only some young students laugh from time to time. Almost all people in our city feel like a war was about to break out. I see that from their faces. They express nothing and even if I talk to some of the cheerful ones, they can barely tell me a couple of words. This may be partly related to the low standard of living in Poland where I live. People are overworked and earn very little here. Graduates cannot get jobs for years. Our economic situation is on the verge of a total collapse, and there is more to that.
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